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Fitting In
Date of Scene: 09 March 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's school
Synopsis: Andrea, James and Samuel discuss the New Mutants, Andrea's education, and Samuel's club
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Rage, Cannonball

Warpath has posed:
It's only been a short time since word went out of James Proudstar joining in some of the college classes. But word got around the school fast enough of Erika's disappearance, and that James was responsible even if all of the details were not known.

He attended class that first day, mostly listening quietly. The immense Native American's passage down hallways largely resulted in the chatter of conversation going quiet as the younger students watched him pass, only to pick back up conversations in his wake. Sometimes with a change of topic.

He hasn't spoken much, just letting the students get used to his presence. Avoiding eating at the same time as everyone else, James slips down into the kitchen once the noon rush is ended. He looks around, still familiarizing himself with what is here. A fresh pot of coffee is started brewing and then he makes himself a sandwich. The kitchen chairs are a little small for his frame, but he makes do as he takes a seat at the table, waiting for the coffee to be ready.

Rage has posed:
Heading into the kitchen is Andrea, who doesn't keep a normal schedule as most of the students. She's enrolled in a few honors classes and has a study break in the middle of her day to catch up with 'work' in the form of contract talks and conference calls with her management. So, the scent of coffee has caught her nose and she could use some.

As she spies the large man, Andrea slows to a step, then brushes her hair back behind her ear. "Hey there jailbird. I heard you earned your freedom." She says as she makes her way to the fridge and opens it, taking out a couple of cheese sticks and some to nibble on and to refill her stomach until dinner time.

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar glances up as Andrea comes in. He isn't familiar with people's strides and scents yet. Having to see them to know who it is he hears approaching through the hallways. "Granted at least," the Apache's bass-filled voice says quietly. "Feel like I have a ways to go on 'earned'," he comments ruefully, the emotions around the comment directed inward, seemingly.

He rises and goes over to pour a cup of the coffee, offering it to Andrea silently. If she accepts, he pours another for himself and then returns to his chair. He picks up his sandwich, taking a first bite, eyes going back to Andrea.

Rage has posed:
Taking the coffee from him, Andrea shrugs her shoulders upwards. "Well, it's something at least. They trust you to walk around amongst us and to not be a danger. We're pretty big on second chances here." Taking a sip from the cup, she hums to herself in thought. "So, you're now apart of my team, huh?" She asks as she gives him a measuring look. "We could use someone like you, honestly. We didn't have a 'tank' role outside of me and I'm not really built to be a meat shield. I'm more of a flank and spank kinda girl. When are you going to start training with us?"

Warpath has posed:
James takes another bite of his sandwich as he listens to Andrea. He wipes the corner of his lips with a napkin before responding, "I had not heard anything specific. But if that is where I can help, I will do so." James sets the sandwich down and takes a sip of his coffee. "I would probably be suitable in that role, yes," James tells her. "I have... developed... more, since Sam and Rahne knew me best," he comments.

Which if she got any detailed mission reports, would stand up. It took a combo of full power blasts from Scott and Cannonball and Jubilee before he went down fully. And even then he was only down for a few moments before getting back up to continue the fight. His full capabilities are probably not known amongst the team right now, though.

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea says, "Well, we aren't your old New Mutants team either, you gotta realize. We have a Wolverine, an Apocalypse, a Werewolf, two walking nukes, a geokinetic, a Doogie, and .. Erika. Every team needs a Cypher, right? She's our Cypher. But we aren't the kids next door New Mutants that you may be familiar with. We work really hard to ensure that we have a good 'flow' amongst each other, but we're also kinda rough at times, you know? You can probably supply some insight that we could be lacking at times."

Taking another sip of her coffee, she offers, "I go jogging at five a.m. every day and you're welcome to come. Doogie tags along with me at times, so does Erika, Laura, whoever happens to be awake. It's just to wake the body and mind up. Team bonding thing if you wanna come. We try and hit a few miles before the showers and first classes."

Warpath has posed:
The 23-year-old Apache definitely has age as a difference that stands out from the rest of Andrea's team. He'd probably be in the older half of the X-men by age, even. But if that bothers him James makes no mention of it. "I will join you," he says with a nod, voice quiet and deep.

There's a pause as he tilts his head as if listening to something. The sound of flames elsewhere in the school. A mutant working on their powers. After there's any lack of other sounds to indicate it is a problem, James refocuses on the conversation. "I need to speak with Erika. To apologize. Summers as well. I tried to find both, but have not managed to yet," he says.

Rage has posed:
"I wouldn't put a rush on either. Mister Summers falls into that bucket of bro code where he won't stress out about it. Just focus on you for a bit for now." Andrea drains the coffee, then puts it back down on the counter. "So, you have enhanced hearing like me, huh? You ever use it yet to determine if someone is lying?"

Warpath has posed:
"I went to Summers' room already. Left a note when he was not there," James says before giving a little shake of his head. "These need doing for them, not for me," the immense Apache intones quietly. "Erika, I asked a student to see if she would speak with me. I did not wish to show up at her door. She was not there either, so again, a note of my intentions," James finishes.

At the question about his hearing, the Native American nods, his long straight hair swaying a bit down his back with the motion. "All of my senses. I think John's abilities never reached their peak. I am not sure if mine have or not," James says quietly. He looks down at his fingers. "I can read newsprint by touch," he comments. "The first time I realized it... that was bizarre."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, that would be bizarre. As a wolf, I can sense everything around me, like it was a movie or something." Andrea says as she gives a few sniffs. "Not as strong in this form though, just enough for me to catch something here and there." She folds her arms over her chest, leaning back against the counter.

"I'm pretty sure if you keep focusing on yourself, you'll probably peak even more. I see powers much like any other type of exercise. The more you dedicate to them and train, the better you'll become. You may find something new about yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you'll shoot lasers outta your eyes too."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar moves a hand to his chest as if in memory. "Those hurt. I think just a few years ago he'd have killed me," James comments softly. There are notes of guilt in his voice, as if for a moment he was considering whether that would have been a more just outcome. The man seems to leave those thoughts behind though, picking his sandwich back up. "Do you think the members of your team are ready to have me train with them?" he asks. He waves the hand with the sandwich about a little motioning towards the hall. "The other students are still a little rattled. Some less, some more."

Rage has posed:
"I don't think my team would care. We're The Breakfast Club. Laura is a clone of Wolverine, literally. She was locked up in a facility and experimented on until she survived. She's still learning the social thing. She's the one you gotta worry about because if she senses that you're an enemy, she may gut you. Evan is a clone of Apocalypse, literally. Even looks like a young teen version. He's the nicest guy in the world and just wants to know his place in it. Then you got me, and I'm not tripping. Then you got my boyfriend Mason Steele who is more concerned with his music than he is about most things in life. Um.. Doogie, who everyone is calling Horror Show because he has tentacles that come out of his chest. It's crazy. He won't care I don't think. Maybe a bit skittish but he won't freak out. Then you got Ellie who goes by Negasonic. She won't be rattled by you at all. She'll nuke punch you in the jaw and cuss you out. Only one who will be rattled is Erika and let's be honest, you kidnapped the one person if you want to have a soap opera. She'll hang on this for the next six months and write a blog or something about it." Andrea ticks off one by one. "Our team is designed to work together, to train, learn combat situations and to be PR for the students. We aren't gonna be rattled by you." She says as she watches him. "We're a family, and family trusts each other. So, big cousin, soon as you earn our trust, you'll be welcomed into the pack."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar runs a hand over his shoulder and arm. "Doogie?" he says as if making sure he's got the name right. "I doubt he'll be an issue. He's already shot me with my own machine gun," James says, and finally breaking out into a soft chuckle. The first smile he's given since Andrea came into the kitchen.

It passes though as he takes another bite of his sandwich. "However you think would be best. I can meet each separately. Or, training together," James says, giving a small shrug. He lets out a sigh. "I need to get back home soon and take care of some things. I figured, classes might help the adjustment go smoother. Though I'm not a student, have a job and a life out there still," he says. "Had a job. Will probably need to quit or find something else."

Rage has posed:
"I'm pretty sure you can still have a job and go to college." Andrea says as she pushes off the counter, then unwraps one of her cheese sticks to take a bite off it. "The less you think about what will go wrong, the less will actually go wrong. Smiling increases face value. Just don't walk around here moping and you'll be fine, and if anyone starts gossip, or if you hear anything, just tell me and I'll resolve it. Cool?"

Warpath has posed:
James takes a bite of the sandwich. Roast beef and cheddar, with some spicy chipotle mayo, anyone with a great nose might notice. And the bun, sourdough, was toasted. Also, a few strips of bacon. "I don't mope. I'm just not very animated most of the time," James contends quietly. "Well. Maybe small amounts. Right now. But, I will clear up any gossip that needs it," he says, taking another bite.

"Depends on the job. On when and where you need to be. I have a dual degree from Columbia. But, I think participating in some classes for a little while, will help. After... what I did," he says softly.

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, you are totally moping and you're walking around like a child who was sent to their room and now they're afraid to get in trouble again. It's not real hot." Andrea grins at him. "People will probably gossip less if you walk around with some confidence. Just smile. Make small talk and don't bring it up. If anyone asks, just shrug and say you're here for college and leave it at that. No one needs to know about your business."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar looks over at Andrea, an eyebrow going up. He proves he's not moping by not responding to that. His sandwich has another bite taken out of it, not much of it left now. "How often are you gone, with your singing career?" he asks, wiping his mouth with a napkin and then leaning back in his chair as he takes a sip of his coffee. Topic of conversation: changed.

Rage has posed:
Shrugging her shoulders, Andrea says "Usually I go for a week in the spring and a few weeks in the summer for tour, but I'm hoping to wind down a bit as I go into my senior year of school. I want to be able to really work on /me/ and focus on classes so that I can do the college thing without a ton of question marks about my ability to dedicate to studies."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar rises from his chair and goes over to pour himself another cup of coffee. The massively tall man gives a little shake of the pot towards Andrea to see if she needs a refill before it would be replaced on the heater. "Do you intend to go to college here? Or off to a university somewhere?" he inquires as he adds a little cream to his coffee.

Rage has posed:
"I don't know to be honest. I'm going to apply to a few colleges, but seeing how I came out to the entire world as a mutant depends on who is willing to take on that risk. I could go to college here, but I sorta want to see the world. Maybe go to New York University, Paris.. USC. Depends. I want to study performing arts and then one day perhaps teach. Maybe go to Julliard with Mason if I can get accepted." Andrea waves off the pot of coffee, seeming to be a one cup girl herself.

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar takes a sip from his cup. It might be debatable how much he is affected by caffeine. Or at the least, at his size, he probably needs a lot of it to feel much. "It is a good experience. Being there, on campus. Though I wasn't known as a mutant, and times were not as... fraught... as they are now," James shares. He sighs and shakes his head and turns to look out towards the hallway, as if thinking about the school. "I was checking on the news. These Sentinels that the government is using now," James says, shaking his head.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking in from the garage. He is drying his hands on a papertowel, and has a bit of grease on his sleeve, looks like he has been working on his car again. He looks over and nods to the two.

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, if it's not crazy religious nuts, it's robots." Andrea says, then tugs down the front of her shirt a bit to show a nasty scar over her heart just above her hidden chest. "I got ran through with a sword by Donald Pierce and pretty much killed when he and a bunch of cyborgs called The Reavers decided they wanted to take me out for being an outspoken celebrity mutant. They attacked me two more times until the X-Men finally resolved it."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar picks up the plate that held his sandwich, taking it over to wash it. There's a pot of coffee that still has another cup left in it. When James sees Sam come in, he motions over towards the coffee pot. "Want a cup, Sam?" he asks. James looks over to Andrea then as she shows him the scar. "That looks like a lucky one to survive," he agrees at the wound. "Well, with you being out in public? I'm sure it will be something you'll have to consider again," he comments to Andrea. James dries the dish and puts it away as he turns back to them.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head and says "Thanks, but I prefer my caffine a bit tastier." He says and heads to the cabniet, getting a glass, and some iced tea. "So what you two up to today?

Rage has posed:
'Not much, just hanging out between classes. Parked my two hour study time in the middle of the day to get homework and business done." Andrea says to Sam. "When is the next team meeting by the way? I've got some ideas for close quarter combat situations involving tight choke points. I got bored and was studying some of Negasonic's playbacks and I think we can be more effective while causing less damage."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar nods to Sam and picks his own cup back up, taking a sip as he listens to the other two. "Maybe you have some time later Sam, we could head out to somewhere isolated. Want to stretch my legs, work on my leaps." He glances over at the two. "Or does the Danger Room let you travel further than how large it is?" he asks curiously. He hasn't seen it yet, doesn't know its capabilities.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well considering Ah can fly in it, Ah think it could handle your leaps. " He looks over to Andrea, and says "I am thinking this wensday, see how you all do. Also, how much you charge for a one night show at a club?"

Rage has posed:
"I wouldn't charge for your club, but I'm also a seventeen year old popstar. I don't know if I'm the type of act that your customers will want to come see. I wouldn't play any of my pop stuff though. I'd probably put out some new material that's more darker and dirty." Andrea says as she hops up on the counter.

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar nods to Samuel thoughtfully. "Hmm. I wonder how that works," he comments, but more thinking aloud than seeming to be asking for the technical details. The immense Native American tops off his cup of coffee, and then starts another pot brewing for anyone else who comes in. He returns to lean against the counter where he was before then. "You have a club?" he asks Samuel quietly. "Night club, or what exactly?" he inquires as he sips from his cup.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and looks over to James. "Club Evolution in Mutant town, Berto bought the club, and Ah am running it. All age music place." he looks over to Andrea, and says "Can play what ever you want, Ah am hoping to alternate styles occasionally.

Rage has posed:
"Wanna know a tip, club newbie? You run it as all ages, and it won't last very long." Andrea says as she sways her legs back and forth. "Adults don't want squeakers around and squeakers don't want to hang out at a spot where their parents kick it at. If you're going to do something like that you should pick 'one' night and I would make that a Friday, for a protected age bracket, like let's say fifteen to twenty. No booze. Pick a local DJ that the kids like and spin the records on that night. Make the other six days of the week twenty-one and over. That way you will turn more profits on the alcohol sales and won't need to charge as much for the DJ or talent, you know what I mean?"

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar leans back against the counter quietly, just listening to the club advice. He could perhaps give advice about running a small bar. But night clubs? Far from his realm of experience. The large Native American crosses his arms as he listens. Andrea's advice sounds sensible enough to him, the large man giving a little nod of agreement. "I imagine a famous name will help draw a few new customers, especially if it is an age-appropriate night?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Have to consider that, Ah was goingwith the club's theme mostly as it was doing pretty good, but I will consider it." He looks over to James "Want to be a bouncer?"

Rage has posed:
" I'd only perform on a night for peers of my age. I won't perform for a twenty-one and over crowd. Just for my safety." Andrea says as she swings her legs back and forth. "At least in a club situation. I've been attacked three times at concerts and I'd rather have a bit more control of my situation if I'm doing a friend a favor."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar considers the question from Samuel. "If you are short and need a hand some night. Or something special. Like a concert with a mutant need protection? Sure. Not as a regular job though," James says, shaking his head. "Though I appreciate the offer." He sips his coffee and says, "I have been working as a personal assistant while I... well. I have been waiting to see if Emma has need of me," he says. "I had been working for her, earlier."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Well, will think about it, and let ya know for sure when we are looking for a date and if your still ok with it. Might ask you to back up the security that night, or if Ah get Lila, or Dazzler ot play.

Rage has posed:
"I don't mind playing. I just don't want to get shot at. If you bring Dazz, she has just the same amount of risk after her record label publicly dumped her for being a mutant." Andrea says with a frown. "I'll have my security team in place for that night we perform, and I'm sure we'll have our own. I'm not worried about being around kids you know? I'd rather play for young kids and mutants because that is who I'm speaking to in my music."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar finishes his cup of coffee, going to clean the mug and put it away before turning back to the others. "The training room... Danger Room. Is it available all of the time? Or do I need to be accompanied there?" he asks as he crosses his arms again. "I could really stand a workout." He's been sitting, meditating, for a straight week. He could -really- stand a workout.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and sas "Need someone to run it, Ah am able to if you two want to have a bit of a run in it." He will offer.

Rage has posed:
"Sure, I'm down. Wanna see if this guy can keep up with me." Andrea says with a competitive glance to James, her grin widening. "I'd be interested in seeing what you got under the hood, seeing how I wasn't there for the big party last time."

Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar nods his head in agreement and says, "That would be perfect. Let me go and grab my things and I will meet you for the trip there," he says. Apparently feeling better accompanying them, than walking the hallways he knows are restricted on his own at this point. His costume and weapons were presumably returned to him, and probably up in his room. John's room. James departs to go retrieve them.