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A Snowy Scenario
Date of Scene: 10 March 2019
Location: Danger Room - X-men Base
Synopsis: Kitty does physical training, and then Nate boosts Negasonic's power as she does a Sentinel simulation under Rogue's watchful eye
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, X-Man

Shadowcat has posed:
The Danger Room is currently running, should anyone go into the control room. The doors are also unlocked, so someone could go right in. The safety settings are on max, making it extremely unlikely anyone could be hurt inside. This is not a combat scenario from the looks of it.

The room appears to be a mountainous area. Winter blankets the landscape with heavy snows. A trail leads around an outcrop of rock, a solid hundred feet up in the air above a river that is flowing too fast to form ice.

Two figures come around a bend on the path. One of them is Shadowcat. Or maybe better to call her Kitty Pryde. She's wearing winter clothing rather than her costume, and appears to be following Logan. Though anyone in the control room will see that it is a holographic Logan, not a real one.

Kitty walks over to the edge to look down at the water. "You know, pushing me in was a real asshole move," she comments over her shoulder. Holographic Logan walks up behind her and says, "But it was the one you needed, kid."

He shoves her and Kitty falls off the path, turning in the air to go feet first into the freezing river. Holographic Logan is not long in following her, diving in. They both surface and he immediately begins swimming against the current. It's moving pretty fast. Kitty begins swimming hard to try to keep up with him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue appears in the control room, wearing a brown leather trench coat overtop of her green and gold bodysuit. Her hands are stuffed into the coat's pockets and her eyes are forward, toward the monitors in the control room.

She remains standing behind the control room seats, watching whats going on inside the danger room itself. "Hmmm..." At first she thinks that that is in fact the real Logan, and she winches at what Logan does with the shove to the Shadowcat.

"Classic." She mutters in her husky voice, releasing a sign. A second or so later she sees the display in the room that is tracking the fake Logqan and she catches on. "I really hope nobody has a fake version'a me they do stuff with in this thing..." This is said in a low mutter.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie comes in behind Rogue, pulling on her leather fingerless gloves that go with her New Mutant X-Men in Training uniform. Man these things are tight but hers does look pretty badass, especially with the metal knuckles on those gloves.

"I am hoping we get to really blow some shit up..." Negasonic notes and then peeks around Rogue (what she is short as all hell) and stares at the wintery scene and the fake Logan and Kitty. "Winter swimming... what is Kitkat up to... and Snickters" squint "Fake Snickters... oh man does he even know there are holograms of him in stuff like this.." she pauses and heads to one of the terminals and settles in filtering through character options. "There better not be a me either.. or someone dies." she notes agreably to Rogue.

X-Man has posed:
Having been ripped into this dimension and still trying to get his bearings, Nate Grey was supposed to come to the Danger Room to get a scan of his powers and give Jean a baseline to work off of for her future records. The doors part and the winter's chill washes over the misplaced X-Man and he closes his eyes. It only lasts a moment before a natural telekenetic shield snaps into place to shield him as he steps through. The doors close behind him as he comes in behind Negasonic and Rogue.

"I think she's doing some extreme training." he points out. "Or reliving a memory of a pleasant time with him?" he asks, reaching up with his hand to push it through his jostled front locks and get them back into place. The blues of his leather armor fit snuggly into place as he carries a disk with him. "I didn't realize that the place would be already packed and occupied. I can come back later?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Within the Danger Room, Kitty and Logan make it to a spot on shore finally. "Bet you're wishing you hadn't turned up the speed of the current, eh kiddo?" Holographic Logan tells her. Kitty drags herself out of the water on hands and knees. "Ok... reality... way worse than memory," she says. She quickly drags herself to her feet, knowing Logan isn't going to wait for her. Sure enough, he's off running through the snow, which comes up to their knees in many places.

"Never did.... find out..." Kitty says, breathing hard as she struggles to keep up, "What... this... winter stuff... and Thor... was all about," she calls ahead to Logan. He looks back to her and says, "Guess you can ask him when you go meet the Avengers." Logan doesn't seem to be breathing hard.

The rest of the simulation involves a long run through the snow, back towards a housing complex that is clearly Japanese. Most of it is not fleshed out in the Danger Room. Just one room, a dojo that has a number of weapons hanging on the walls or on stands. Before they reach it, there is a spot that Kitty stops, hands on her knees to catch her breath. Logan stops too to look at her. "Going to face plant again, kiddo?" Kitty shakes her head and takes a deep breath, starting up again, following him until they reach the house. "I'll save the sword... for another day," she says, eyeing the dojo. She goes over to hit the simulation stop button on the wall, then bends over, catching her breath. It was a VERY hard work out.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over to Ellie as she sits down, she smirks at her. "I imagine this thing has a scan'a everyone who's ever participated in any exercise within it, its that kinda creepy. Its just gonna be up t'the user to actually make a 'thing' where that scan is actually put t'use."

Rogue leans forward then over a console and she reaches toward a comm button while Kitty and Fakeverine continue their adventure. "Kitty." Rogue says over an intercom. "Sorry t'interrupt. I brought Negasonic down here to get her some smashin' time. Ya got room for a firecracker in there?" She asks then.

When Nate steps into the room, Rogue looks back from where she's leaned forward and she stares at the man as he runs his hand through similarly colored hair to her own. "Nice look, Charlie." She says to him. She knows 'of' him, but doesn't know him. Charlie's her new name for him though.

Rogue then straightens up again and she puts her hands on her hips as she watches the goings-on inside the 'Room'. "Don't figure there's any need t'run off yet."

X-Man has posed:
"If you two were next to use the room, I can wait. There's no rush on what I needed to do - and my services could be better suited in Mutant Town." Nate responds. Though when Rogue calls him Charlie, there's a moment of confusion as he looks behind himself, and then around him.

Then it dawns on him and he smirks. "I don't recall you having the same sense of humor." he replies dryly to Rogue, though he glances to the young mutant with her. "And I don't recall seeing you at all." Where he's from - something very bad probably happened to NTW. Apocalypse probably used her to destroy Cleveland or something.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie peers at the monitor "UGGGN it does... Rogue that is .. that is just asking for trouble... we need child locks or permission slips on this thing.. like consent settings. No I do not positively affirmitively consent to let Kentucky use a sim of me in a training mission. Or Speedy.. for fucks sake." she spins the chair around to look at Nate "Who the hell is Charlie." she squints. "He doesn't look like a Charlie...."

Then like she has ADHD Ellie is spinning back around to the microphone. "I'm thinking Zombie Nazis like that old Project Overlord movie.. or maybe a Sentinel. I really want to blow the shit out of one of those."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a thumbs-up towards the control room at first, because she's still breathing hard. "All yours, Rogue," Kitty calls up there. She begins climbing through the air, walking like the air contained an invisible set of steps that lead up to the observation window.

Kitty steps through the clear window and into the control room. She puts her hands behind her head, sucking in big gulps of air, but not needing to bend over anymore at least. "Just... getting back in shape. Fish and chips... and pints in English pubs... don't require the same level of shape... as being an X-man does," she manages to say between breaths.

Kitty gives Ellie a nod. And then looks over to Nate. "Hey... you must be... Nate, right?" she says. Having seen the news of a new arrival to the school, if not having met him yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks at Nate's response. "Nate, I know." She says then before her eyes go forward and she replies to Kitty. "Don't mean t'cut ya short on your trainin'." She says further through the intercom as she sees Shadowcat making her way toward them now.

Her eyes drift over to Negasonic. "Well this thing has a record of everything that goes on inside'a it too. So there's no... like creepy shit, I promise." She's not 100% sure of that, but she's pretty sure it has security measures like that. "Lets see then..."

When Kitty strides into the control room, Rogue swaps the scenarios and where Kitty was is now replaced by a city street in Manhattan where two Sentinels are marching down the center of the street and are blasting at a band of simulated mutant resistance fighters.

Rogue then motions to Negasonic. "Have at it, Els. This is... 'No fucks given' mode. World's on the brink'a end. Your job is to decimate their asses. Full power."

X-Man has posed:
There's a nod of his head. "Yeah, Nate." He doesn't use his last name - because there's already enough going around of Fifty Summers of Grey with the whole arrival of his 'sister'. Instead, as Rogue brings up the new scenario, he glances to Negasonic. "By all means, ladies first." His hand clutches quietly to his side, his left eye glowing briefly as he folds his arms over his chest.

To Kitty, he lifts a brow. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Since you know, total disadvantage at the moment." he offers to her, as he settles back to watch Negasonic start her run.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie checks her gloves again, folding one hand over the other and then vice versa. "No shit Rogue, no fucks given mode ... full power?" which well is a whole hell of a lot really. She figures Jean's restrictions on her actual Full Power are still rightly in effect even with Rogue saying full power though.

Ellie then shoots grin to Kitty. "I'm sure the fancy food in Gotham Charity Events is helping you get in shape too. Tea and Crumpets?" she is just giving Kitkat a hard time, like always and everyone.

Then she looks to Nate "Uh sure... like I need your chivalry.. where did we find you white knight?" still she steps up and through the window onto a roof top as the new scene plays out, already running across the rooftop as she powers up, the force bubble snapping into effect to protect her from her own blast.

Really Negasonic is only charging it for about ten seconds, the time to run across the roof. This should be an enormous blast really probably. Approximately 10 tons of explosive power based on previous training recordings. A bit short of a bunker buster bomb, which is pushing the limits of no shit no holds barred.

Something seems off the charts though and wrong as the air around her catches fire and her eyes start to glow fiery, much more than usual. Small explosions start to erupt as the air explodes around her even as she leaps off the roof and launches herself and the blast down at the two sentinels.

The explosion is .. well a lot more than 10 tons of explosion..... not nuclear or anything quite that scary but easily 20 tons and far more than a Massive Ordinance Penetrator .... the shockwave is .. not small... is the danger room rated for this?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty seems to be catching her breath finally. "You're good, Rogue, I was all done," she says. Kitty watches as the new scenario comes to life, then turns back to Nate to move over to him. "Kitty Pryde," she tells him, offering her hand. "Or, Katherine Pryde... I guess I go by Kate in the future. Some, future. Z," Kitty says, the last part making future into a plural. "I've only heard a little about you, we should sit down and chat sometime. I help out as guidance counselor around the school. Though I'm spending a lot of time working on the Sentinel situation too."

Kitty turns to flash a grin to Ellie before the teen goes into the Danger Room. "And, some time in Gotham too," she concedes with a laugh. "And I didn't really eat much," Kitty says, chuckling to Ellie.

Kitty looks back to Rogue. "The dress, was killer. Thank you so much," she tells the other woman. "Got plenty of compliments on it."

X-Man has posed:
"Your voice is more husky where I'm from. Probably the cigarettes." Now Nate recognizes Kitty's signature on his powers, and makes a note of it to change it from the one he knew. Then there comes the massive explosion from the Danger Room.

Turning his attention to it, Nate tilts his head. Considering something, then he speaks. "She's still holding back." he comments.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stays in the control room as Ellie goes in to do her thing, they'd set this up the previous night during the movie marathon of Kill Bills and Pulp Fictions. Admittedly Rogue had only ever heard of Ellie's mutation, she hadn't gotten to see it in full glory before so she was quite curious!

The southern belle looks over to Nate and then to Kitty, she just grins as she crosses her arms over her stomach and nods once. "I seen the pics, you looked amazin' Kitty. Keep the dress, you owned it now.

When Ellie gets into position and gets ready to set off her explosive personality, the Sentinels are in full stomping mode. The simulated mutant resistance fighters on the ground are already being wiped out, as they can't keep up with the programmed adaptive abilities of the mighty Sentinel robots...

But that explosion....

The control room lights up like it just passed by the surface of the sun, Rogue has to take a step back and raise a hand up over her face to cast a dark shadow across her eyes. "Holy hell." She says.

When the explosion fades, the buildings around the Sentinels are completely toasted... and the machines themselves? They're completely toasted, nothing but metal boots left on the street's burning surface.

Rogue leans forward again and keys the mic. "You okay, Fireball?" She asks to the New Mutant in the apocalyptic scenario chamber.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
To be fair the blast was loud in the simulation. She can hear Rogue though thanks to her force bubble keeping her intact.

"HOLY FUCK" is yelled back in response to Rogue's question. That response comes from Ellie standing in a crater of what was a Manhattan street, about ten foot down with melted sentinels and rubble of buildings around her. Smoke and debris still filling the air in a swirl up to the sky.

"I .. guh... that felt like I mainlined a case of monster energy drink.. what the fuck was that...." she still feels jittery really.

Off to the right a skyscrapper crashes over into two other ones crumbling into the ground with another shuddering roar.

Also yes, she was still massively holding back, it is the charge time really that was only a ten second charge.

"Wait shit... did I blow the people up!?" Negasonic runs up the side of the crater, a minor charge split second launching her out of it with a slight blast.

X-Man has posed:
"Only imaginary ones." Nate responds as he looks down to where the streets are cratered. "Why did you hold back? Rogue's instructions were to clearly use your full power." he points out to Ellie as he frowns slightly. And then he glances to the two women in the booth. "She could have done much much more."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde had reacted to the power of the explosion by phasing, it being an instinct she's taught herself at this point. Not that it would be obvious to anyone. Kitty goes over to look down out of the window. "Wow. Yes, that one was a bit too powerful," she says, seeing what it did to the buildings and the mutants that were being attacked.

Kitty looks back over towards Nate. "Cigarettes? Really!?" Kitty says, making a face. "Well, I think I'm already liking our timeline, though... well, you're a nice addition from it though surely," Kitty says. Not meaning to diss on the student's timeline. That should probably go in a handbook somewhere.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lifts her gloved hands up toward Kitty and Nate, but her eyes are still forward out the viewport into the Danger Room proper. "No its cool. Its cool. This is to test her powers and her yield... what she's able t'do and how it effects her. All'a this is being recorded."

Rogue then reaches into her leather trench coat's inner breast pocket and she fishes out a pack of cigarettes. She offers them to Kitty without looking at her.

With her other hand, Rogue reaches forward and keys the mic again. "Els!" She says. "They were gone already. Don't worry. You didn't do it. This is my program. Forge and I did it up earlier this past week. Its for me t'go hog wild inside'a a space where we can test my powers. Full strength for me... its a little different from full strength from you. A lot different. But don't worry. We're just seein' what you can do. Right? Just like we talked."

With a heavy sigh, Rogue leans back then and puts her hands on her hips, pushing her long leather jacket back off of her thighs. "She's somethin' else, really." She says softly then. "That kinda power is crazy."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Jesus Zombie Christ..." Ellie mutters now looking around at the collapsing buildings and then up to the control room. "That wasn't normal!" she starts to jog back towards where the steps/ramp up should be. "It was supercharged.. I should have had to take like.. twice that long to blow them up this much.. maybe three times longer... what the holy fuck...."

Negasonic didn't hear Nate chastising her for not holding back, Rogue is the one on the Mike and the toggling made her miss that.

"Still ..shit did you see that... I could go bigger if you want?" yeah she is absolutely incorrigible.

X-Man has posed:
"I can help her go bigger." Nate says simply. "I gave her a small boost to her powers. Would you like to see what she could do with a larger one?" he asks, before glancing over to Kitty and looking her over and gives a brief smirk. "You look nicer than her too. I may like this world better as well." he says dryly. "Even if you are.. younger."

He can return disses, just the same. Nate's attention returns to the simulation, and a glance towards Rogue to get her opinion.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a breath as she surveys the devastation. "I have no idea what the room's limits are," Kitty says. "Maybe it would be good to check with Forge or Hank on that? I know about the programming but less about the technology," she tells Rogue.

The offer of the cigarettes brings a laugh and Kitty reaches over to phase the cancer sticks out of Rogue's hand and toss them over on a table. "Rogue. Borrowing from Logan does not mean you should subject your body to those things," she scolds lovingly.

Kitty looks back to Nate, an eyebrow going up. "You can help her go bigger? Like... increase her powers?" Kitty asks. She gets a little bit of a worried look. "That's why it was...? Oh. Oh my. Nate, you really shouldn't do that, not without telling someone. I mean... if you did that to me... and I didn't know it? I don't even know what would happen. I could... phase myself to a point I couldn't come back from, without even knowing it."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches the cigarettes get dropped onto the table beside her and she grins. "Ah, nah... I just put'em between my lips. Guys like that, ya know? I rarely actually light one up." She leans back when she sees Ellie approaching the control room again and she looks right at the younger one as she strides back into it with the rest of them, visually making sure the kid is okay.

"That was somethin' else, Sparkplug." She tells Negasonic before she looks over to Nate and then winces... visibly, her right gloved hand goes up behind her neck and rubs at the back of her neck beneath her mane of brown and white locks.

"Shit. I don't know. Like Kitty says, I'm not sure what this damn room can even contain. Containing -that- was... was fuggin' amazin' really." She motions toward the doorway.

Rogue then unclips a silver X-shaped communicator from her belt and she keys it on with her thumb. "Cyclops." She says. "Cyclops. You there?" She glances over at the others. "That probably shook the whole school above us... people might be pissed."

X-Man has posed:
There's a shake of his head, and Nate blows out a breath in confusion. "You told her to show you what she could do. I was only assisting with that. She still held back, however. She is capable of far more. I could feel it." he responds. There's a nebulous shrug of his shoulders before he glances towards Kitty.

"Were this a real or pratical situation, I would warn you before I did a boost - or took away your powers. In this case, a simulation, I did not think it would be a bigger problem, and give her a chance to explore what her powers could really do."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic pulls herself through the window and into the control room. "We should maybe make sure I don't break the mansion.. I mean shit that would be like legendary and a great quote for the yearbook.... " she clears her throat. "That Damn Kid Broke The Mansion. Signed Dorkmeister Summers." for her sake that communicator button better still not be pressed.

Anyhow Ellie is peering at the destruction in the still running simulation down there, oh look another bulding falling. "I had no idea they behaved like giant dominos.." then she twists around and peers at Nate "Wait you boosted my powers... who are you again the Enegizer Bunny?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde does seem to have a little concern as she goes over to the control panel. "Actually, let me run a couple of quick diagnostics. Just to make sure everything handled it ok," Kitty says. "We have definitely had the Danger Room torn apart. When I fought the n'garai it did a number on the place," she comments.

The monitors show some self-diagnostics being done. Each is giving back a positive result. Kitty swivels in her chair as Ellie asks Nate about his powers. "Yes, I'm interested in hearing what all you can do, Nate, and how it works if you can explain it?" she asks him. The diagnostics will just take another minute or two.

X-Man has posed:
"The what?" comes Nate's response. Reality displaced Summers/Grey is reality displaced and never had the joy of the Energizer Bunny. "I'm sure that was supposed to be some kind of joke, right?" And then Kitty is asking him a similar question, and there's a pause in his thoughts. He considers something, and then speaks.

"I share the same genetic traits as my donors that I was crafted from. Without the drawbacks." Surely, that will explain everything. Of course, as he speaks, reaches up to rub at he bridge of his nose with a sigh. No nosebleed this time, at least.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks to everyone, then back to the simulation as that building falls down that Ellie speaks of. With a grin on her lips she looks back to them while Kitty goes to run some checks. "I think we're okay... I think. I mean, we wouldn't be here if that thing couldn't handle it, right?" She laughs softly and moves to grab the cigarettes up off of the counter to slip them back into her jacket for another time.

"Either way, that was cool as hell and... really. I didn't expect that. I didn't know it'd even be 'that' much. But before we push any further, we definitely gotta talk t'the boss." She clips that silver communication badge back to her leather belt and she moves toward the control room exit.

"Can close'er down, Kitty. I'm gonna be back here in the mornin' for my own stuff, but not tonight." As she steps back out of the control room, the 20 year old southerner starts to whistle a happy tune, with her hands going back into her long coat's pockets.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie gestures at Nate and then sort of gestures all over flailing her hands a bit. "Energizer bunny.. come on.. TV Ads..." then she squints a bit as he continues to talk about donors. "Okay no seriously now, who are you and exactly where you are from. Donors?" and now Nate really has Negasonics attention. "Because.. yeah who are yuor donors then because really that explains nothing to me but you say it like it should?"

She points at herself. "My name is Negasonic Teenage Warhead, or Ellie if I like you." which her tone implies he better stick with Negasonic or some such for the moment. "You are... who and from what where when?" yeah she includes when, it's been a wild spring semester.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Rogue a nod and says, "Nothing is showing up as damaged. Though I'll have it do the full set if no one else needs it now. Unless you had something to do, Nate," Kitty asks, looking over to him. "Though I'm interested in hearing more detail as well. If you're ok with sharing it."

Kitty glances over to Ellie, expression seeming to suggest it's his choice. She swivels back around in her chair to face them though to see what Nate has to say.

X-Man has posed:
Glancing aside to the others for a moment, Nate considers his options. Finally, he decides to speak what he knows. "My name is Nate Grey. I was created in the lab of Mister Sinister in the pens of Manhattan from the genetic material of the Prelate Scott Summers and the breeder Jean Grey before her escape with the assistance of Weapon X." he explains.

"I arrived in this world after driving a shard of the M'kann crystal into the spawn of Apocalypse, Holocaust and landed in what is known here as Switzerland, where this world's Jean Grey picked up on my scream and I was brought here to covalesce."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie blinks at Nate. She raises a hand opening her smartass mouth then closes her mouth and lowers her hand again. She ends up just staring at him speechless for a moment.

Honestly the recording should be happening in the control room right now because Negasonic is actually speechless.

Finally she just shakes her head very slowly and sighs. "Well of course you are." is what she finally says. Then she looks to Kitty. "Have I mentioned this week that our lives are really fucked up?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde seems to take it a lot more readily than Ellie does. Which probably should signal to Ellie, yes, this really is how messed up their lives are. "We're glad that you're here now," Kitty tells Nate. She smiles over to him softly and reassuringly. "I know it's a lot to adjust to. We have another student who came from a different timeline than our own. And different than yours too it sounds like," Kitty tells him.

"If you hit a spot you'd like to talk about what's going on? Or you just need someone to ask some questions of? About the differences you see or... anything really? That's one of my jobs here at the school. Just to be there to talk to and answer questions. Myself and Jubilee," Kitty tells him. "Are you finding our world a place that you are liking finding yourself?"

X-Man has posed:
"I should explore it more. For now, most of my time is spent in Mutant Town. I want to help others there. Those that cannot help themselves. Those that are confused, or in pain with their powers. I have been asked not to use my full abilities - so I am doing what I can." Nate shrugs his shoulders.

"For now, though, I should probably get back to the city so that I may help." And then he looks to Negasonic. "I am sorry for setting your powerlevels without asking you." he says in admission.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Consent is important Energizer." though Ellie doesn't seem too pissed, she acknowledges the apology in her own way. Snarky. Though mild for her.

"Also be careful.. lots of those.." vague gesture to the powered down danger room. "Out there in the skys... we are totally under a stupid curfew. But helping people... like good job." a nod.

X-Man has posed:
"If you mean the Sentinels? I have seen the most advanced models that humanity have to offer that.. brought nuclear armageddon, and were pushed aside. There is nothing good that can come from them. And I doubt that the current models of this world would stand much chance." Nate says in response as he turns to leave, apparently confident. "After all, I was not told I could not go full powered against them. And unlike you.. I will not hold back." With that, he leaves.