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So This Is Where Lorna Grew Up
Date of Scene: 12 March 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lorna returned home with Blink, drawing questions from X-23 and the Stepford Cuckoos about people's identities
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Blink, X-23, Stepford Cuckoos

Polaris has posed:
The trip from Mutant Town to the Mansion was a quick one, thanks in part to Blink's powers and also to Lorna's insistence that the other woman come along with her. The air was still crisp and cold, winter unwilling to relinquish its grip on the weather entirely outside. Yet as they stepped inside, salt and sand from the road sticking to the shoes of their soles, Lorna bit her lower lip, hesitant and unsure. //Technically// Blink was a mutant and they were a school for mutants.

But also, technically, Lorna didn't have full permission to bring around strangers either. She herself had only been back for a few short months and was adjusting to all the new faces of the younger students that drifted in and out of the classrooms. Plus.. that whole curfew for the students and security being extra tight made the green haired woman more than a little antsy about bringing Clarice around.

Still, if they stuck only to the public places.. it should be alright.. right?

At least that's what Lorna told herself as she stamped off her boots in the door way and took off her coat to hang it up and lead the magenta haired woman through to the entryway. "So here's where I went to school.." She waved her hand around, "At least high school. It was pretty nice all things considered."

Blink has posed:
Clarice opened the portal in a back alley where no one would be about to notice it. Two of them actually. First one way up in the air, looking down to assure the place she planned to open it on the outskirts of the grounds had no one in the area. Then the actual portal for them to travel through, the first going shut.

It's also entirely possible that some alarm went off somewhere in the school, notifying whatever New Mutant or X-man was on duty that someone was teleporting in their area.

Blink is looking about with a lot of interest. She'd spied on the school from afar a few times. Fingers brush through the purple and magenta-streaked hair as they approach the front doors. "Wow. It's not a school, it's a castle. I was right, what I told the little girl, without even knowing how much. Even where you went to school was fit for a princess!" Clarice tells her friend with a warm laugh and a hand reaching over to her back for a moment. "How many students does it have?" she asks curiously as they step inside.

X-23 has posed:
Laura doesn't need an alarm. She can smell scents that she doesn't know. That means it's worth looking into. So the short brunette makes her way to the top of the stairs, before considering the two strangers down below. A stranger with a person she knew, she wouldn't mind. Two new people...that's an issue. She lifts an eyebrow, and comes right to the point. "Who are you?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had been living at the Mansion for the better part of two or three months by now, she knew //of// X-23, but the school was in full swing for the Spring Semester. Kids came and went, and with the X-men and her father sweeping through like a whirl-wind.. and her time in the Infirmary, it wasn't a complete shock she'd never sat down and spoken to the young woman. Still, Lorna didn't fully expect to meet with someone she didn't know in the entry way.

Maybe Scott ready with a lecture.. but..

Whatever she had planned to say to Clarice regarding her 'royal' status or not was lost as the green haired woman glanced up at Laura with a hitch in her eyebrow. "Lorna Dane? Polaris.. Hi?" She tilted her head to the side.

"I went to school here? I uhh live here right now?" She glanced toward Clarice and back.

Blink has posed:
Blink and Lorna are standing just inside the front door, while X-23 is up on the top of the stairs. The two women down below are a colorful mix, green hair for one and purple and magenta hair for the other, but both are regarding X-23 as they look up.

Blink raises a hand to wave up to the young woman at the top of the stairs. "My name is Clarice. I don't go to school. Just accompanying Lorna," Clarice offers. Her eyes are a vivid green, as if accessorizing Lorna's hair.

Clarice glances over to Lorna as X-23 doesn't seem to recognize her. She's relaxed, but Lorna probably knows Clarice is making ready to open a teleportal to get the princess out of there should anything bad happen. That's why she's there after all.

X-23 has posed:
"I've heard your name." Laura says, as she looks to Lorna. "Not her." And Clarice gets the nod at that. "Still, you do not seem to be hostile." She's making no move to stop them, only speaking to them from the top of the stairs so far.

Clarice, specifically, is addressed. "Why are you here?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna heaved a breath, shoving her hair back from her face. She wore a pair of thick winter boots, and her black woolen coat had just been hung up beside the many others that occupied the coat racks in the front entry way. The young woman was clearly dressed nicely considering she'd just been out and about in the city proper. A pair of well tailored jeans, and thickly knitted sweater that hung off her shoulders in a soft teal color. She barely repressed the urge to roll her eyes. Laura had every right to question who was in the front entry.

It was a good thing that someone was.

"This is CLarice, or Blink. She's a mutant from Genosha. My father asked her to check in on me after the incident in Gotham where I ended up in the infirmary. He's worried. Both him and Scott agreed that for the time being we're all on the same side and need to work together in regards to the Sentinels..." She paused, glancing back to Clarice and back briefly.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The five in one open the front door, Esme had been ushered to the lead of the pack briefly in order to open the door and stand aside while holding it for her sisters. Once the four are in, Esme takes her positon on the rear of the troupe without a though as Celeste stops short of bumping into the princess and her vibrant maiden.

    "Hmm." Says the five in unison in regards to Clarice, but then they look up to Laura, without words being spoken, the five undo their scarfs that had been wrapped around their mouths and noses but leave them dangling down their fronts with near high fashion like appearances, even in the school uniforms that are obviously for another school. They don't say anything just yet, and allow the Princess to have her words.

Blink has posed:
Blink gives a quick, affirmative nod to what Lorna said. "No plans to cause any disruptions or anything. Just sticking by Her Highness' side," Clarice tells X-23, and the Asian young woman flashes a friendly smile up towards the other woman.

As the door opens behind them, Clarice moves a little bit to make room. Her jaw hangs open for a moment as she sees five identical women come inside. A quick glance is given to Lorna, but barring any sort of worried reaction from Polaris, Clarice is content enough with just being a little surprised. She moves over to make way for them, otherwise falling silent again.

X-23 has posed:
Laura scowls a little, as the Cuckoos come in. Too many strangers. "Too many people that shouldn't be here." She says, as she looks to the non-Xavier uniforms the blondes are in. "You should go." Whether she means Clarice, the Cuckoos, or Lorna...that remains a mystery. She still hasn't left the top of the stairs.

Polaris has posed:
The green haired mutant glanced up at the door as the five in one entered, and she stepped further into the Mansion proper to give Clarice space as well in the now crowded entry way. She flashed the blondes a smile and a slight nod as her gaze swept back toward Laura, arching a green eyebrow upward. "I'll just go to my room then...?" She gestured to Blink and turned her gaze back toward the staircase. They'd have to go up the stairs to get to her room... Which might not be the best of plans at the moment.

"If you're worried about Clarice, I'll run her by Scott or Jean as soon as I can track them down. But I thought that whole 'work together thing' might have covered that. Apologies if I jumped the gun on that.." She pursed her lips, but only briefly.

"If you all will excuse me.. I'll go find them..."

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "We live here." Phoebe says before Irma notes barely a moment afterwards, "Have we not met?" They ask either the whole group, themselves, or Laura specifically. The clones all stare and turn their heads towards Lorna and nod softly, "Why don't you go do that, we will stay here with your guest to make sure nothing unsatisfactory occurs to her." "Or us."

Blink has posed:
Blink seems content to stay quiet and let Lorna decide what to do. As the woman indicates she'll go off and clear matters, Clarice nods her head. "Ok, I'll just stay here then," Clarice says to Lorna.

She looks up towards X-23. "Is that ok with you? I'll just take a seat here and wait?" she asks. There's a few chairs there and Clarice walks over towards one of them. Unless Laura reacts negatively, the purple-haired young woman ends up settling down into one. Her jacket is removed and folded over her lap. Her clothing is not quite warm enough for New York this time of year, come to think of it.

X-23 has posed:
Laura looks to the Cuckoos. She takes a deep breath, then replies "We have not met. But you do live here." She can pick up the Five's scent from inside the mansion. Clarice is the outlier. "If Lorna speaks for you, the responsibility is on her. Do nothing to be distrusted." she states, simply. With only one stranger, she's less worried.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The five clones watch Lorna go off with a stoic look on their petite faces, then they all turn towards Clarice as the teleporter sits down and the five girls fan out as though they were a flock of birds in flight. Esme's attention diverts to Laura and asks something for the Hive's sake. "We should get to know each other some time, but we do agree it is smart of you to take up guard at the front door." Though they could be wrong, they're doing their hardest to not pry into the minds of others as their teachings at Xavier's had taught them.

    Phoebe and the other four keep their eyes on Blink but ask, "Is it just your appearance or can you do more than just look like a tropical bird?"

Blink has posed:
"My only power. That and perch and ask for... ah... ok I live on a tropical island. I should probably know what tropical birds eat, shouldn't I?" Clarice says, murmuring the last part aloud. "Yes I have mutant powers. I'm called Blink. I can open portals. For teleporting," Clarice tells the five women.

The green eyes regard the Stepford's curiously. "What about you? Are you... one person who can produce copies of yourself?" she asks, head tilting to the side. "Though why does the one of you have that little difference compared to the rest?"

X-23 has posed:
"I was not guarding, directly. But when strangers entered..." Well, that explains that. Laura /finally/ starts down the stairs. "She has an obvious mutation. Here, of all places, that is not a place to comment on it." She looks to the others. "Teleporting is a useful power."

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "So it was random chance you happened to be there when she was here." One of the sisters says with a soft nod, "Fate it would seem." Another girl says before a third looks to Blink and responds to the foreigner, "We are each our own person, and we are telepaths, but we find it easier." The girl stops and all five turn their heads to the Genoshian, and their eyes go milk white, "To work as one." The quintuplets say in unison.

Blink has posed:
Blink glances up at Laura, her expression softening a little bit as Laura comments on the pointing out of her mutation. Clarice's eyes move back down to the Stepford sisters as they array themselves before her.

Telepaths. Well, then they might realize the difference comment was Clarice getting back at them. If they were reading her mind. Would people at Xavier's school do that? Clarice has no idea. She's heard so much, but isn't really sure what to believe about it. If not? How long will they stare at each other trying to spot the difference?

"Thank you," Clarice tells Laura as she comes down the stairs. "It's nice to feel useful," she says, glancing down as if she might not have always felt that way. "So, the school. What is it like here?" Clarice asks curiously, glancing down the hallway which is all she can see of it.

X-23 has posed:
"It is...unusual." Laura admits. "If you are hungry, we can go to the kitchen and get you something. There are some parts of the school you would not be permitted." She gives a little shiver at the Cuckoos. They weird her out a little.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    "Unusual is an apt descriptor." Celeste says before she holds up her hand towards Laura, "We told the mutantess that we would keep the girl here until she was approved." Explains Sophie with a frown before Irma whispers to Clarice, "We are sorry but Scott would be upset and this is a very dangerous time, you understand."

Blink has posed:
Blink gives a little shake of her head at the offer. "Thank you, but I should be good for awhile. We just had a couple of coffees with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles in Mutant Town a few minutes ago," Clarice tells Laura. Which seems to back up the whole teleporter thing.

"I don't want anyone being upset. I'm just here to keep the princess safe," Clarice says, nodding. "I know this is her home and people here care for her. I don't imagine she's at risk here. You all seem... ah.... nice so far," Clarice says, giving them a small smile.

X-23 has posed:
"That's fine. And I do not know how nice we are. But you do not seem to be an excessive threat." Laura states to Clarice. She looks back to the Cuckoos. "And certainly a telepath would know if you had hostile intentions." Much less five of them.

Blink has posed:
Blink sees the coat rack. She holds up her coat to indicate that's why she's getting up, and then rises to carry it over and hang it up, before returning to her seat. She's wear jeans and a sweater beneath the jacket. The green eyes swing back over to Laura while the telepath sisters seem to be... er... telepathing with each other quietly.

"Did you say how long you'd been going to school here?? Do you mind if I ask what your mutation is? If it's not considered rude, or something. It isn't on Genosha, but I haven't spent much time in the States. And, around other mutants, at that," Clarice admits. She bounces her leg just a little nervously as she talks, not used to situations like this.

X-23 has posed:
Laura looks back. "I did not say how long I had been here." Not one for giving out too much information, if she can help it. But she looks at Clarice's body language, and offers a token gesture, as it were...information. "Regeneration. Natural weaponry. Enhanced senses."

Blink has posed:
Blink's face lights up a little bit. "I always thought that enhanced senses would be nice to have. I mean like if you can tell who is coming before they get in the room. Maybe if it's someone you want to avoid so you can skip out quickly? And if someone wanted to whisper about you but you'd still her what they said?"

Clarice looks thoughtful. "Though I bet it has a downside too? Like, do you hate going in gyms where a bunch of people have been working out? And... sometimes there'll be something electrical in the house and it has a whine and you can't find it? Do you run into that kind of thing everywhere you go?" Clarice asks in a congenial, friendly manner.

X-23 has posed:
"I would think that being able to teleport would make for the ultimate in getting out quickly." But Laura groans at some of the rest. "ALL of that. The cacophony and the stench are both unpleasant. People do not realize how much so." Yeah. That's a thing.

Blink has posed:
The purple-haired mutant gets a sympathetic look. The odd eye coloring really does make for expressiveness, even though they may take some getting used to seeing. "I hope I'm not too bad. We were in New York, and... car exhaust and stuff," Clarice says, giving Laura a regretful look should she pick up any unpleasant scents from Clarice.

And Laura might, she was in Mutant Town as she said. But she'll also pick up plenty of other scents she might not recognize, as Blink was on a tropical island only about three hours ago.

"Teleporting is great. It can be tough to control though. It's a matter of placement," she says. "And I have to be careful so I don't hurt someone when I'm opening them. I try to be really careful about it," Clarice confides.

X-23 has posed:
"It's all right." Laura says. "I am used to it. And you at least think of it. Most don't." She seems to decide she likes Clarice some. "My name is Laura." She finally gives THAT out as well. "Would you like something to drink?" With that, she walks over to the purplette and offers a hand out to her.

Blink has posed:
Blink gives Laura friendly smile and shakes her hand. "Something to drink would be nice. I always worry about having coffee breath." Clarice covers up her mouth. "Oh, shoot, especially around you. Sorry," she says, breaking out in warm laughter as they hit yet another example. "Well, I still think it's a cool super power, but yeah, there's downsides to all of them." There's a moment that Clarice's eyes look like she's remembering one such downside. A flash of emotion, but she doesn't let it linger for too long. "It's nice that you guys have a place like this, especially for the younger mutants," Clarice says, rising to her feet to join Laura.

X-23 has posed:
Laura nods. She shakes Blink's hand, and then starts off towards the kitchen. "It's a large improvement over the last place I was at." She says simply, as she heads for the kitchen with Clarice.

Blink has posed:
Blink looks around at the beautiful building. "Yes. It's... you really don't want to know how much of an improvement for me, too," Clarice says. She moves through the hallway, doing one of those slowly spinning walks because she's looking about her at everything as she goes.

She turns back around though, facing forward as they head down the hallway. "Have you ever been to Genosha?" she asks curiously as she follows Laura.

X-23 has posed:
"I have not. I've done remarkably little traveling yet." Laura admits. "From Canada to here, and that's about all. I've heard of Genosha, but never been there."

Blink has posed:
Clarice continues walking along. Stopping to peek into a classroom through the windows. "Wow. Those look so... it's like from a good movie or something. The kind of school you'd love to go to but didn't think exist," Clarice says with a soft, warm laugh.

She hurries her step to catch up with Laura. "Well, if you'd like to go sometime, let me know. I'd be happy to show you around. Anytime Lorna doesn't need me, really, we can pop over for a few hours or the day or whatever," Clarice offers.