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Talking Frankly
Date of Scene: 13 March 2019
Location: Metropolis docks
Synopsis: Punisher contacts the X-men. Shadowcat and Negasonic meet to discuss the Sentinels.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Punisher

Shadowcat has posed:
It took a little back and forth for Kitty to feel comfortable that the other end of the communication was coming from who they said. But it wasn't Kitty's first rodeo setting up something like this, and after enough details were confirmed she felt confident enough she had Frank Castle, or at least an associate, on the other end. As confident as she could, anyway.

Kitty turned to Ellie as backup. "I should be pretty safe even if it should go sideways, but will feel good having you there too," Kitty tells Ellie. Kitty has them bring their uniforms, her own dressed up as Shadowcat. She picks a spot in Metropolis down near the water front, where there are enough deserted areas that a couple of costumed characters won't stand out too much. She moves over to the designated spot to meet, already phased though there's nothing to indicate it.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie has no issue bringing their uniforms. She likes her New Mutant uniform with the metal knuckled fingerless gloves and badass general nature of it. She does accent it on this excursion with one of her leather jackets over it now though.

Negasonic. "Shit if stuff goes sideways you can do your thing... I can do my thing... and it will no longer be any which ways." there is a sidelong cocky smile from Ellie over to Kitty there.

As Ellie follows Kitty her head is on a swivel, buzz cut and all. She may not be ex-military but she has had some good field training.

Punisher has posed:
Anyone familiar with the Punishers reputation knows he's not one to take lightly, no matter who you are... and it becomes clear that he's taking this meeting seriously when a heavily customized looking van rolls up to the edge of that waterfront... and out comes a black trenchcoat wearing man with a white skull on his bulletproof vest.

Anyone who's seen his wanted sheets will instantly recognize his face.

His hands are visibly empty... though with that trenchcoat, he could be hiding short-barreled shotguns under there. Still, he does take the approach casually, his steel blue eyes taking both in with a practiced eye. "You Shadowcat?" the Punisher grates as he comes within speaking distance, "my partner says we might have some common interests. Call me the Punisher."

Negasonic gets a glance... but he's staying silent about her for now.

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat reaches over and rests her hand on Negasonic, giving her a quick smile, as she phases the two of them as the van pulls up. No ghostly appearance, just looks like the two costumed women standing there. "That would be me. I recall we've been on the same side in two fights now," the young woman in the black and yellow costume with the mask says. "Shadowcat. This is Negasonic. I'd say from all of our actions it looks like we're aligned. I'm not quite sure what your interest in the situation is though. Though I was grad for the bullets you put into that thing," Shadowcat says to the Punisher.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic doesn't pull away or break contact with Kitty as she phases the two of the for this section of the expedition. It is probably a safe precaution after all. She watches the approach, he is actually pretty formidable and downright ominous seeming. It isn't all appearance either, really something about his whole demeanor and presence.

When Kitty introduces Negasonic she gives a curt nod to the Punisher, and despite her thoughts on his presence, her own demeanor is one of silent disregard and unimpressed teenage girl.

Punisher has posed:
"I get into all sort of things people would rather I not get involved in." Understatement of the century.

He continues his approach until he's about a dozen feet away, before he stops, and stands there. From this distance, the scars, the crags, and the lines of stress can be seen among his rugged features. It's easy to get the impression the Punisher is a veteran of many a battle, and so far, he's not making any aggressive movements... though an amused smirk comes to his face seeing Negasonic and her 'unimpressed' demeanor. "Lively one, eh?" Punisher grates it with a hint of amusement to his tone. Then, he shrugs, and looks back to Kitty, "The 'Friends of Humanity' assholes-" actual finger qoutes there, "-brought out a bunch of robots to what was supposed to be a peaceful protest, and Gothams PD sure as shit isn't bringing them to heel after they nearly killed a bunch of innocent mutants."

He gives a predatory grin, "I'm the one who punishes those who are a cancer on everyday people. I want these assholes who put killer robots in a city, and I want their source."

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat glances over to Negasonic after the Punisher's comment. "Lively in the very best of ways," the brown-haired, masked young woman says giving a bit of a soft smile toward Negasonic. She looks back to the Punisher to say, "We agree those are a problem. All of them are a problem though. Notice how they didn't obey their owners, turned on them? Government all over the world are buying these things up. Think they give them a force they can control so they don't have to resort to enhanced, or mutants for help."

Shadowcat pauses a moment. "These things have artificial intelligence built into them. And they aren't just programmed to follow orders, they have their own reason for existing. It's entirely possible they may reach a point they believe they know how to fulfill that programming better than those who bought them did. And this isn't just an unfounded fear. There's real reasons to believe this is a likely scenario we could face."

She doesn't mention the people from two alternate futures who have shared this. Because some things you just cannot expect any Tom, Dick or Frank to accept on faith.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic notes dryly. "Super lively." is that deadpan sort of tone that fits her stereotype with perfection. She takes in the rest of what he has to say though and can't herself. "It is in your name, I'm a big fan of descriptive names." in response to him saying he is the one who punishes, even if she doesn't sound anything like overjoyed.

When Kitty is done Ellie adds "Definitely safe to say we want those assholes and their source dealt with."

Punisher has posed:
"I was there, I heard it myself. It's why I want the source." Punisher notes with agreement, before he walks to the end of the waterfront pier, placing his hands in a set of trenchcoat pockets. "Nothing saying that they won't eventually decide that killing all humans to stop mutants from being born is where they'll go next, since this is AI we're talking about." Punisher adds.

Then, he continues in a matter of fact tone, "I was actually at that warehouse your people went after to take a robot for my partner to check out so we knew what we were dealing with. I had to settle for their leader." He glances to Kitty, "I'm hoping you can give me some help in that department."

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat gives Negasonic a small grin at her comment before focusing back on Punisher. In the distance a police siren can be heard, but it gets softer rather than louder, off to deal with someone not related to the Punisher or the X-men. The waves lap up against the shore, the only party to the conversation being shared besides the trio.

"Trask Industries is the company making them. And the ones handling the programming," Shadowcat says. "The ones in Gotham, both times, were Mk 1. Their earliest version. The ones flying over American cities are a newer version. We're still working on getting our own hands on those. But they are upgrading them, without a doubt. There's also some reason to suspect they may be working on the ability to force mutants to serve them somehow."

Shadowcat considers and says, "We have some ability to track them. If I can locate a couple that appear to be the newer model, I will contact you, the same way we got in touch this time, and give you a location. If you manage to get any components, we have some excellent people when it comes to their technology. Their mutant detection, and enhanced and mutant power nullifiers, I imagine have no effect on you. We have some capabilities of some of the other weapons on the Mk 1 I can pass along as well."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Yup, you guessed it, Negasonic looks nonplussed when Punisher actually nail the real long term problem with the Sentinels, them wiping out humanity to prevent Mutants from even being born. So sullen. Also pretty silent.

"I'd personally like to take down one of the new ones." Ellie notes and then she studies Punisher. "Are you feeling up for tackling one of the Mk 2s?" yeah he has a rep but these are big weapons of war. She is a bit curious about his answer.

Punisher has posed:
"You've got tech people, and so do I. I need guns that can do damage to these things. I have plenty of military grade hardware, but .50 caliber rifles didn't do much to them. Pretty sure I need something with more power to do a quick kill." Punisher reaches out with a hand to the water, and mimics firing a pistol, before he turns to regard Negasonic. "If I have the tools to take the war to an enemy, I take the war to an enemy... but I'm not an idiot. I'm no good to anyone dead, and I need a plan to handle these things."

He looks to Kitty, "If you've got answers for me, I'm all ears. So far, my answer is 'slap a Bushmaster on the van and hope for the best'." He shrugs, "You can imagine how well that'll work for keeping off the radar with something like that on the roof."

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat nods slowly, seeming to agree with the Punisher's statements about what weapons are doing to them. "The only weapons I've seen be truly effective, were the missiles fired from that jet I imagine belongs to Gotham's Batman," she says thoughtfully. "They do have weak spots, but getting to them is the difficult part."

She takes a minute to relate the inside of the Mk 1's head and where the processing units and memory core are at. Enough for Punisher to be able to try to aim for them should he be able to get through their armor.

"Though I do not know if the layout is the same on the newer models," she tells him. "We haven't faced a newer model myself either, let alone had a chance to examine one. I guess the other option is, try a Trask factory that is manufacturing them. Though I expect security is going to be heavy at them. Plenty more Sentinels at the least, plus everything else you'd expect."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well glad to hear you're not an idiot." she says it so casual and matter of fact. Though there may be a pinch of amusement in her eyes at that one. "I'm pretty sure I could take one down if that guy in a Bat Costume's missiles could prove effective." she definitely believes it as well, though she may be just a cocky teenager. She looks what 17 or so.

"I don't see why we don't just pick up people from the factory or Trask himself. They have to have to have all information we need. Schematics. Codes. Everything."

Punisher has posed:
"Going after schematics seems like a crapshoot, since there's no intel to indicate where they are. The factories at least have the products to do tests with." He frowns a bit at the eyes, "I could probably get inside one of those factories fairly easily. The real question is whether or not Microchip could handle security." Punisher looks to Negasonic, then, "So yeah, sounds like I'd need to do some convoy raiding for Bushmaster ammo if I want to go to war with the robots."

Then, he looks back to Kitty, "I do have another lead; I have the head of Gothams friends of humanity branch in my custody. He hasn't proven willing to cooperate yet. I'm hoping to get some information from him soon."

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat glances over to Negasonic and nods. "I don't have any doubts you can take one out. Just a question of how much of it is left. Or how much of the surrounding area takes a beating. Especially the newer models, we don't know if they are much more resilient," Shadowcat says.

How much of it is left? One might wonder just what the teenager's power is, after hearing that.

Shadowcat looks over to the Punisher. "We have telepaths who can get answers from people's heads. I can't speak for them, but if you'd be interested I can see if one would be willing to extract what they can?" she offers. "Though they also might ask that you release him after. I can't say for sure on that, really," she says, head tilting a little bit as if curious what the Punisher will say on that part.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well I meant getting the schematics directly from the scientists or the facilities. Not just random fishing like going hardcore into this problem and getting the details we need to deal with this. Once we know enough we can just scrub the facilities and capabilities to make more from the earth." yeah Negasonic is pretty direct on this problem, also if she is talking about wiping them from the earth, whole factories, what is her deal.

"Good meeting." she notes after Kitty proposes the telepaths work on helping here.

Punisher has posed:
So far, Punisher seems to be a fairly reasonable guy... but the idea of letting the head of the Friends of Humanity branch go immediately puts a sour frown on his face. "So he can collect more trash to his banner and make more problems for everyone? I'm not soft like the Bat is. I don't let problems fester like him, I cut the cancer out so it can't infect anyone else." Punisher grates out, before he brings up a hand to his forehead, tapping it, "I can get him to break. I just need leverage."

Then, he gouses out after another moment, "I can see him as a means to an end, if that's what it will take to make it quick. I'm working him over, but I need him alive to get answers. Tell your telepaths I'm willing to allow access and let him go if it means we find his source quick."

Shadowcat has posed:
Shadowcat lets out a breath that she didn't quite realize she was holding as she hears the Punisher's answer. It seems a little thing, her making the choice to urge this direction. Few would suspect how important it is. Or maybe only one.

"I think we'll be able to find an interested party to help them," Shadowcat agrees. "I'll let you know as quickly as I can. Also? The person in the suit of armor that fought the same Sentinel we both did? If you wish to reach out to her, here is her number," Shadowcat says, passing a card over. "I know she was looking for sources of weapons. I do not know if she has found any yet. But she is interested in fighting the same fight, and it has cost her her country and life there. So I'm putting my faith in her."

Shadowcat glances over to Negasonic, then back to the Punisher. "Anything else we should cover while we're here? We can meet again later if need be."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I don't know. I am pretty much on the Punisher's page about letting a hate group leader go completely unscathed. Maybe the telepaths can make it so he stops leading hate groups if we have to let the asshole go." and Ellie crosses her arms now staring at Kitty and Frank.

"Good luck with the quest for heavy ordinance." she tilts her head. "If I knew where you could find some I would give you a hand. Stupid fucking robots." Ellie is a mouthy teen.

Punisher has posed:
"Most of my stuff is from trash I've cleaned, and from military convoys." He's a known convict with enough firepower to start world war 3 a dozen times over, why wouldn't he go after military convoys for weapons? "Police issued weapons tend to be too soft to be worth raiding for, but I know my way around hit and runs." Punisher looks in Negasonics direction as he speaks.

Then, he turns to start to head back to the Battle Van, talking as he goes, "I know some arms dealers who toe the line. I can send her their way." He gives in a dismissive wave, the card in his hand as he goes. "I'll be in touch. Tell my partner when you have someone who can take a look at his brain."