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Arsenals, felines and paratroopers.
Date of Scene: 14 March 2019
Location: Red Hood's Cave, Gotham
Synopsis: Red Hood and Arsenal talk about a new Outlaws with Galina and Kitty in attendance. Kestrel makes a visit. Kitty and Galina talk Sentinels
Cast of Characters: Crimson Dynamo, Arsenal, Red Hood, Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Russian 80s pop bubbles out of the speakers, but it hardly seems a party mind. Granted theres the smell of alcohol and Cigarettes, because a certain Russian has been sleeping here but beyond that? The place is surprisingly still. Galina's built something of a nest really, right in the middle of the place. A perimeter of ammo boxes and weapon crates, with a little desk and a foam pad set right on the floor, which seems to be all she needs. Well beyond the twin hulks of her now two sets of power armor, the piles of Kalashnikovs, PKMs, a pile of grenades and loose ammo in an old helmet.

    No see Galina is manifesting her secret super power, "Super-chilling". A beat "Winter guard" hoody, Crimson Dynamo themed pajama pants. Theres a bottle of 99 bananas of all things she's working through steadily, and a nearly full ashtray. Sprawled out beside her desk, as she pages through some book with cyrillic on the cover.

    See, super chill Galina. She isn't always wrecking people and causing extrodinary property damage.

Arsenal has posed:
Roy is currently smoking a cigarette, but he's also tuning up his motorcycle. If anyone ewas noticing, Roy has had his hair somehow grow just a tad bit longer. Either way, trucker hat on his head, and a red jacket around his shoulders with a grey shirt, blue jeans, and nice boots. He does let out a puff of smoke as Galina continues her Russian 80's pop.

"Christ, if this is pop, I don't even want to know what Russian metallica is like..." not to mention, he can't even understand it all! a few sentences here and there, but otherwise?

Zilch, nada. He seems to be toying with the front wheel of his cycle.

Red Hood has posed:
"I just need to grab a couple of things, and we'll be on our way. Putt putt awaits!" Jason is coming in through the tunnel entrance, having just gotten off his motorcycle as he helps Kitty off. Then he hears the faint beat of Russian pop fills the void at the station platform.

"Seems we're not alone tonight. Have you spoken with Galina since you did her upgrades?" he asks, as he starts up the stairs with his girlfriend.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde climbs off of Jason's motorcycle. "So that's how you get in," she says to Jason as she looks back at the door that opens for the vehicle. "I came by once before to see her, and had to go find a hotel with valet parking so Anna-Marie's car would be safe. Is it ok to come park in here then?" Kitty asks him.

She's wearing a sweatshirt bearing the logo of some London pub, and a pair of jeans, and boots. A jacket is thrown overtop for extra warmth, and her hair looks a little wild after the motorcycle ride. She draws it back into a pony tail. There, better. "I left her a message, letting her know I tried to hook her up with someone for arms and supplies," Kitty tells Jason as she looks up, hearing the music.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Then, everyone shows the hell up. Galina casually tucks a Ruble into her tome, before tossing it on the table and rolling at least somewhat upright. She makes at least a cursory attempt to straighten that mess of brown hair, but well Galina doesn't seem like she has many fucks to give on her best day. "Hey thats 'Forum', and they're awesome."Galina corrects, casually lighting up another delicious American cigarette before casting a peer towards Arsenal. "What, did you break it?"She has tools, she's owned bikes. She's just not terribly motivated, yet.

    Then slowly she rolls to her feet, and snags her bottle in one hand and a Suchka in the other if only out of habit. Casually slinging the little carbine as she heads over to offer the bottle towards Arsenal, and offer that front wheel a cursory examination. "Hey, before I forget? Thanks for the other night, with the Winter Guard. It was nice to have a little overwatch."

Arsenal has posed:
"Break it? Nah, I'm tryin' to improve it. I noticed the front wheel is a little sloppy, and while I can ping the wings of a fly with an arrow, I'd hate to miss because my bike decided to give me a really bad day." he continues to screw, puffing out another breath of smoke.

Only for Galina to offer him a bottle. Standing up, he looks at Galina, accepting it. "Hey, don't mention it. I just don't like bullies ganging up on people." he teases, then of course, Jason and his girl arrive.

"There he is! Have a safe ride home Jason? glad you made it home for curfew. there's cake in the fridge."

Sarcastic bastard.

"Hey Kitty, good to see you."

Red Hood has posed:
"I haven't even gone out yet, Dad!" Jason shouts back, before he gives Kitty a grin. "Come on, I have someone I want you to meet." With that, he's taking Kitty's hand to lead her to where Roy and Galina are. Brotherly handshakes and fistbumps are shared, before Jason steps back. "Wait, did I already introduce you two?" he asks, before smirking. "Roy, Kitty. Kitty, this is my best friend and best marksman in the world, Roy Harper. Also, if he hits on you, I'll deck him. Unlike Dick." He gives Roy a wink.

"Anyway." With that, he goes to take a seat on the edge of the couch. "Kitty and I are getting ready to head out, but wanted to bring up something right quick." he suggests as he takes a seat. "As you already know.." he says to Roy, "But the others don't, Gotham's pretty much the bat and cowl club these days. I ain't going to go stepping on his toes." While Roy may know Jason's relations to the Batfamily, he's not let Galina or Kitty know yet. And he plans to keep the two seperate.

"But a while back, Roy and I ran together on some international operations. We called ourselves the Outlaws. I've given some thought to bringing them back. We usually run as a group of three. I don't know what your plans are though, Galina."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde moves over with Jason, giving Galina a warm smile and a wave. She hasn't met Roy yet so the introduction is handy. "Hello Roy, really nice to meet you," she tells him, offering the young man her hand. Jason's comment about hitting on brings a soft, warm chuckle from Kitty. She rests her hand on Jason's shoulder, saying, "So it's not just your brothers that you fight with then," she says in a gently teasing voice.

While Jason sits down and starts talking business, Kitty goes over and pours two cups of coffee. Then she starts up a fresh pot while she brings them over, giving one to Jason and keeping the other for herself as she takes a seat beside him on the couch, listening quietly otherwise.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
From the usual entrance comes another voice, feminine and faintly amused as a figure emerges from the shadows into the bright lights of 'the cave.' A single call of, "Jaybird, I need to borr--Oh."

Kestrel stops with weight shifting from one foot to the other as her had cocks to regard the rather full house here currently. The costume she wore was simple enough and almost resembled Nightwing's save for that awful bird emblem he wore. Hers though was brick red and black, with a hood that fit loose around her and a balklava draped around shoulders and neckline to add further disguise. The mask covering her eyes was as red as the rest of her outfit.

And her hair.

Lightly coughing a single time, she raises a hand to half-cover her mouth with a mutter of, "I really need to work on my timing I see."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Jason, Kitty."Theres a smile offered there, before filtering back towards her ammo crates. Leaning casually against the bulk of the Dynamo armor, because it's not like she's going to tip it over. "I'm happy to help, and will do so without reservation. I am not in good place to join a team though, I still need to get my citizenship situation handled."And a lean back to dig through an ammo crate, before lofting "Berry berry Kix" towards Kitty with just a wink.

"It will take perhaps another month to begin using my new armor to it's fullest, and then I expect a period of adjustment. The Dynamo will likewise just invite Russian cruise missiles, which is hardly desirable. Nevermind the difficulty in transporting it, or keeping the thirty millimeter cannon fed."Carrie gets a raised eyebrow, but hey she does offer a wave before tossing over a handle of cheap corner store vodka.

Arsenal has posed:
Roy looks at Galina and he just chuckles. "Yeesh, it's not like we're exactly following the law whenever we go places. we just help people. How about we put you on reserve until you get that handled. I know a guy who can help speed up the citizenship process." another puff of smoke. Though, Roy looks to Kitty now.

"Well, of course I know who you are. You're the only woman able to put up with Jason, and that impresses me." clearly he's teasing Red Hood, and not quite being serious. Though the dick grayson comment does make him flip Jason off.

Then he's called the best marksman in the world.

Rush-hour finger slowly retracts. "Well damn, Red, I aprpeciate that. The guy is basically my brother, and we might as well have come out of the womb together. I've always got his back, and I know sure as hell he has mine." Thick and thin, these two.

Then, he notices Carrie, a sigh. "Jason, what the hell did I tell you about leaving the door open?" either way, he shakes his head. either way, Roy knows the relation between Jason and the bat family on an extremely personal level. so he doesn't interject or tell anyone. Secrets are secrets.

"Well, three's a crowd anyway. Four's a party. God knows what five is. Either way, Red, if you're thinking of bringing back the Outlaws, you already know my answer."

Because so far, it's only officially Jason and Roy, and Galina and Kitty would certainly be welcome members.

Red Hood has posed:
"Well, the first thing I learned from Grand Theft Auto is that once you steal your vehicle, you take it to the Pay and Spray to get a new paint job. I'd suggest that, and making some cosmetic changes to your armor as well." he suggests to Galina as Jason moves to take a sip from his coffee. And that's when someone else shows up. Someone he'd forgotten he'd given access to. He nearly sputtering on his coffee.

"I really need to change the locks around here. Or maybe move. Everyone is using this place." There's a sigh over his coffee and he sets it down. He gives Cassie a look. Call ahead next time.

"Everyone, this is Kestrel. Kestrel, this is everyone. What can I do for you?" he asks. He's not going to sell Carrie out. She's on patrol. Something had to bring her here. "And why couldn't you use anyone else?" he asks half-teasingly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits quietly for the most part to let the others discuss matters. The lofting of the cereal her way by Galina results in a warm laugh, and Kitty catching it. "Aw, that was sweet of you," Kitty tells the Russian woman. Though the mention of Galina's legal state causes Kitty to say, "I'm meeting with some of the Avengers tomorrow. I'll see if they might be willing to take a hand, if they could speed things along. I don't really know most of them very well though. I don't really know if it'll do any good, but I'll see."

The arrival of the new person is a surprise. Or, maybe she's not new. Kitty really wouldn't know. She looks over, sees the outfit, and that no one seems alarmed at the woman's presence. Kitty raises a hand to wave in greeting, not showing any signs she's recognized Carrie through her costume at least.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
When Galina lobs the bottle of vodka in her direction, Kestrel's hand snaps out to snag it out of the air. It's tipped side to side judging how full the bottle was with a little chuckle that was more due to Jason's reaction. "Thanks," she offers toward Galina with an incline of her head in the woman's direction as she strolls closer toward everyone.

"I didn't think you were old enough to start forgetting things, Jay," she teases trying to keep her voice in a disguised sultry tone. Think vamp. Think seductress. Nevermind Jason didn't know her with that voice. The point was to hide a bit further given Kitty was here. Or try to at least.

"Sorry to interrupt. You were closest and I needed to ... Nevermind." The bottle is offered back to Galina with a simple, "Thanks but not really my preference. Good to see you around though." She may not have really been introduced before but she did try to help her out during Jason's rescue. Just a bit.

As for Roy, he gets a long stare. "Green Arrow's old tag along, right? Hope you're not as fuddy duddy as he is." Lightly clearing her throat she takes a deep breath catching the scent of that coffee with a wistful sigh before shaking her head firmly. No. Not now. "Nice to meet you all. Officially."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Over questions as to the Armor's appearance, Galina shrugs. Shrugging out of that hoody and into the ragged T-shirt beneath, before slipping over to the Air strike and popping it open. It takes a moment or two for the Venkos to crank over, before it comes to life and snaps shut. Casually turning to step out of the shadows with a casual roll of the shoulders. And well, yeah ok it's visually like an entirely new set of armor.

    Painted in a a fresh set of splintery almost dazzle camo, and left in greys and greens to blend into a decidedly urban environment. The faceplate ins't even asymetrical, with two "eyes" on the left and one on the right lit with a dull purple glow. Chest plate emblazoned with a chisel tip purple paint sharpie, cyrillic something or other. She pops open that face plate with a snap of the head, if only so she can snag another cigarette and bring it to light with the arc between her finger tips. "Dynamo will do for now, yes?"

    That armor doesn't even move like power armor, hell it moves like somone in plate mail which is to say smooth and organic. "I thought about making an applique for the face plate, something animalistic perhaps but I could not make it aerodynamic enough."Casually puffing after that cigarette before offering Kitty a thumbs up and a smirk. Carrie though, well she's the interloper most deserving of attention however. She shakes her head simply as the bottle is offered back to her "Keep it, and what is needed? If there is fighting to be done, perhaps we should be less concerned about our social niceties?"

Arsenal has posed:
Roy finally finishes smoking his cigarette, tossing it nicely into his own personal ash tray, before he gets back to work on the bike. "Nice to meet you Kestrel. Don't cause trouble." it's a legitimate warning. No fights in the Outlaw HQ unless it's on a sparring mat. Verbal banter is welcome. Though he does stand up straight after giving it a tune up. "Hey Galina, do me a solid and give the bike a rev. I wanna hear that engine. I tuned that up earlier too."

Then his attention is completely back on Kestrel. "So...I wonder if you look beautiful under all that gear." yes, because Roy has to flirt with the woman with the pretty voice.

"Or is that a secret?"

Red Hood has posed:
Rolling his eyes, for a moment Jason considers letting Kestrel swindg in the wind. "Will you come out with it already!" he calls to Carrie. "We don't have all night for your huge emergency!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Kestrel a smile after the introduction. One of her hands moves to rest on Jason's shoulder as Kitty looks to Galina as she comes out in her armor. "I've got a few more changes in mind when you have some downtime. And, when I have some downtime. Which is in short supply just now, but, I'll get it in when you have a chance," Kitty says to the Russian.

She glances back over, getting a faint smile as Roy begins making his move. The comment about him being the Green Arrow's sidekick gets a little bit of a surprised look from Kitty, but she doesn't say anything, letting the others who know each other better talk.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel's attention shifts to Galina and the donning of the suit with a bit of surprise. That was something she hadn't seen before. "Wow." It's all she can really say as she comes to a slow halt, one leg shifted in front of the other slightly on a precarious balance. "Oh, no it's nothing like a fight. Really it's not important at all," she urges to Galina with hands lifting open palmed as she flashes a toothy grin.

Then Roy starts flirting throwing her further off guard. "Ah? I... I'd like to think so but..." There's a shifty eyed glance that flits around the room. The tip of her tongue darts between her lips to wet them as she realizes she's the center of attention unintentionally as she'd been *trying* to make her way past the grouping toward her original destination.

Then Jason blurts out his demand. Throwing her head back with an exasperated sigh she stares toward the ceiling. "Fuck it. I have to *pee* okay I'm going to borrow your bathroom I've been out for hours and I can't just hide behind a building like you guys can!"

Throwing her hair over her shoulder she strides toward the appropriate doorway trying to retain as much of her pride as she can while walking really quick.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "There is no rush, armor is fine for now."She shrugs over towards Kitty, as she lifts her gauntlets up to give her chest plate a little tug to get it adjusted. "I do have something for you though, when we both have time."Theres a sage little nod there, before snapping her head foreward to swing that faceplate back down with a hiss of pressure.

    "No fight though, ugh."Galina offers, slumping visibly before taking a seat on one of the subway benches just as casual as can be armor or not. Hands lifted when the reasoning is finally announced, because yeah not even the Dynamo is going to give the girl much trouble for that one.

    Reaching finally across to give Roy's throttle a nudge, just a nudge mind you. "I still haven't electrocuted anyone with the new gear, it's kind of a drag. First time is always special."

Arsenal has posed:
"Oooooo that is sexay!" Roy seems to proclaim in victory at just how GOOD that engine sounds. could wake up a neighborhood with that bad boy. But, he doers give Galina a fist bump, before his eyes shift to Carrie. "And hey, I was no sidekick to that old geezer. I was his partner. That said, I'm on my own these days. But don't worry baby, I'll still buy you a drink." he winks at Carrie.

THen he hears her reason.

"THAT'S the emergency?!" he shakes his head and chuckles. "Woman after my own heart." he does look to Kitty and Galina though. Wingladies? eh? eh?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in small grins as Kestrel heads off to the bathroom. "I'm not throwing stones," Kitty says, shaking her head. She's been there. Kitty looks over to Roy and says, "So, if you don't mind me asking, is there a name that you go by? I'm not too familiar with the Green Arrow, or his partner," she says. "I mean, beyond... you know. Bow," Kitty says, giving him a warm smile.

Kitty looks to Galina and looks interested. "Oh, something for me? Sure, whenever is good for you. And you got my message? If you don't know much about that person, be extra careful. But you both might have interest in the same kind of weapons at least," Kitty offers the Russian.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Everyone in VDV knows this man, every spetsnaz knows him. They used to use him as example of American barbarism and lawlessness, they did not antiticpate most of us would identify with man like this."Gauntlets coming up to grab at her chest plate and hang comfortably. "I made aproximately two hundred fifty US dollars per month as a Senior Sargeant in Russian army. Jump certified, with the demolitions and EOD badge in addition to the Dynamo. When you are this poor, you must live in government houses. These places are most dangerous in Russia, drugs everywhere yes?"

    "So imagine you deploy for eight months, in the field your friends die. Command seems to not care about your life, they seem stupid. Your equipment is terrible, your food is horrific, and this is still a war. It is terrible, deployments are hell. Then you come home, and because you are not allowed letters or phone on deployment? You find your family was killed in break in, some drug addict beat them to death with a length of conduit to take what little money you have. Police, will do nothing because they are dealing the krokodil the drug addict who killed your family is addicted to."Theres a slow nod at this. "So how hard do you think it is for us to sympathize, to want to emulate Punisher?"

    "I never have family, but whilst defending moscow from big monster? Man broke into my apartment and stole my medals, heirlooms from grandparents, from my father. Police try to make me pay for them to find man, and want me to pay again to get my things back."Galina huffs, popping open that faceplate again for another smoke. "I motivated one of them, and made it so the other would never chew his own food again."And yeah, no remorse. "Punisher, is known to all of us."

Arsenal has posed:
Roy seems to roll his eyes as Carrie retreats to the bathroom, before he looks at Kitty. "Hm? Oh...yeah. I used to go by Speedy. Now I go by Arsenal. Call me whatever you want." speaking of bows, he pulls out his. It's a takedown bow, heavily modified with even a knuckleguard for bashing. red dot sight, a scope...bladed edges...all the good bits.

Then his eyes shift to Galina. "Huh...sounds like a great time. Never went into the military but...hey." he shrugs. "That punisher guy is...well, one scary motherfucker."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde listens to Galina, her eyes lit with sympathy. "The system's.... pretty bad here. And it sounds like it's even far worse there," Kitty agrees. "I can see how you might agree with him. But for me? I come from a bit of a different situation. There's people out there that... they have abilities far more than normal people. And... you guys may be their equal, whether with the equipment or your training. But... it's really important that those people not think of themselves as above the rest of the world. As above the laws of men and think they have the right to be judge, and jury." She leaves off the last option.

"I get it, that it's a different perspective," Kitty says. "I might feel more like you do, Galina, if I'd been through it. But I kind of... I need to stick to trying to do what I think is right, even when it's with people that maybe don't deserve the benefit."

Kitty falls silent. She might have said enough people might start to have a question or two about her. But she said it anyway.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Mutants."Galina offers. "In Russia we call these people "Tehn", or Shadows. Not to say they are sneaky, but that they have something hidden away."And a nod as she ashes that cigarette ever so casually. "My best friends in my life, were Tehn. Major Mikhail Ursus, and Laynia Petrovna. Better known as the eighteen foot tall talking bear, Ursa Major and The Dark Star of Petrograd." who later came back from the dead to kick her ass and capture her, so she could be tortured horribly by a terror from beyond the grave called...well we don't say the name. Anyway.

    "Everyone in this room has -very- strong moral compass, and our north might be different but what is important is that we try hard to do the right thing, even when it is hard and ugly. Punisher, not fixing anything. He is like broken machinery, no off switch."And a little shrug there as she reclines all the more "Me I admit it freely, I -like- the violence. I am bad cook, bad at love, but very good with violence. Honesty is key to happiness, they tell me."

Arsenal has posed:
Roy then looks to Kitty, raising a brow at her for a moment, and he hums. "Hm..." and he tests the string of his bow, cracking his neck. "Was the dark star chick the one who's ass I kicked? the lady with the dark shit?"

If so, he just smiles. The question was clearly for Galina, but he just remains quiet as Galina and Kitty talk about The Punisher.

"Red and I were talkin' about it a few days back. We're thinking he's involved in more than we even know he was involved in. The guy is extremely dangerous...that's the only fact that remains perfectly clear. Part of me wants to give him a spot in the Outlaws, but something tells me he's a work alone kind of guy...which just makes him that much more dangerous."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods just a little at what Galina is saying. "There... are lines I can't cross," Kitty says quietly, nodding, the words mostly meant for Galina it seems. "Or... see, I could cross them. And that's why it's important that I don't. I didn't give you details on why I was talking to him. But I was trying to save the life of the guy buying the Sentinels. Give him a way to get information without resorting to... well, he was already resorting to those measures. I just hope it works, he agreed to let him go if it does," Kitty says.

The way the young woman wraps her arms about herself suggests she doesn't necessarily feel great about the thought of the person she's speaking of going free. But she's doing that just the same.

Kitty looks up and over to Roy. "Yes, I think... look, even if he wanted to work with you? I don't know that he'd be good for any of you to have around that much. I think he'd be likely to call down heat on you that you don't want or need. And his methods..." Kitty gives a little shake of her head.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Dark Star did not fight properly, she seemed confused. I've seen her fold space on itself, she makes black holes and they obey her will. She is made of some sort of transdimensional energy, you cannot touch her unless she lets you. I watched her destroy an entire planet on the trans-dimensional plane, the home world of the dire wraiths. She turned it to atoms, took about ten seconds and she did not break sweat. Normally her biggest difficulty is using so little of her ability, so as not to destroy whole cities." Darkstar folks. "Blonde in black and gold suit yes, the man in red was her brother Nikolai the Red Guardian. He is also a mutant, he is six foot tall red suit full of pig assholes."See, creative cursing in english.

    "Man in Green and silver armor who fought me, was Titanium Man. I say was, because I turned much of his spine into gravel and believe he is dead now. Died like a pussy, in hospital."Dynamos and the Titanium man, they got history ya'see? "Destroyed by a thirty year old Mark four Dynamo,proof that Bukharin lacked the bravery to finish that mad dog."

    Fight recap taken care of, well she offers Kitty a bit of a look. "I do not plan to work with him, he would be liability to me and I to him. His violence though, not dissimilar from my own. "Theres a little nod there. "I have taken -many- lives in many countries, including this one. I am not a hero, nor have I claimed to be. I am just a soldier, but you are a flavor of hero. I can feel this in my heart."And another little nod before dipping her head to chain up another.

    "None of this is easy, or simple. All you can do, is the best you can do."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Galina softly at her comment about being a flavor of hero. "I try to be," she says softly. Her thoughts seem to dwell on something before clarifying, "I need to be." She gives a little nod and then opens up the box of cereal that Galina had got her. She eats a few bites of it as Roy excuses himself, and Jason is off doing whatever.

"You said there was something you had for me, when we had time?" Kitty asks curiously. She rises and walks over, offering Galina the cereal box in case she wants to snack on some of it as well.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Ah yes.."She offers, rising to the whirr of servos. The cereal however, is declined. She does though meander over to the Crimson dynamo, and fiddles for a moment before rolling a section of the chest armor foreward, only to get access to another and another before theres so..its a lot of armor basically. Still once it's all out of the way she snakes a gauntlet inside, before fishing out something about the size of a baseball wrapped in cloth. The cloth is tugged away, and well it's a rock.

    More specifically it's an iron meteorite, somewhat rusty for obvious reasons. It's pitted and strange in shape, untouched by the elements. "Caught this in Krasnoyarsk years ago, when the team was all together. A falling star if you will, but one that has never touched the ground. I kept it as good luck charm, but Russian superstition tells us we must gift such things to those in need when we find them or be visited with bad lack everlasting."She offers it over, carefully. "You seem a woman to surround yourself in dangerous situations, for the benefit of others. I believe you need this."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde bites her lip at the thoughtfulness of the gift. "Galina, that's... I mean... that's just amazing," Kitty says. A little overawed at the gesture. It's clear she wants to turn it down, to have Galina keep it. But then she'd be asking her to go against her culture's superstition. "I... are you sure? I have a lot of dangerous situations. Though I seem to keep making them through them," Kitty says.

But if Galina keeps offering it, Kitty reaches out to take it, holding it like a treasured item. "I'll make sure to keep it from touching the ground," Kitty says with a quick nod and a smile. "This really is... wow, I don't think I've ever heard of -anyone- getting something so amazing," Kitty says, beaming a smile at the Russian woman. If it doesn't seem unwelcome, Galina gets a huge hug from Kitty.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    You don't need to see her face to feel the smile, the gentleness in those armored gauntlets taking care to curl Kitty's grasp around the stone. "Well now you have, and next time you get anything from Jason feel free to remind him how shit it is in comparison."Theres a laugh there, and well armored or not she does return the hug. "Your good fortune is mine, we're some sort of friends and besides you helped fix my armor. You helped me a lot, it's well earned in my book."

    "Everyone needs a little luck, these days I have armor and some people to pick me up when I fall down. I don't need to sortie all by myself anymore, Gotham doesn't need me to save the city from some existential horror every other night."Theres a little shrug there, before nudging that armor shut with an audible clickity-clackity of things sealing shut oncemore.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde cradles the meteorite in both hands carefully. "If you do need help, I'll try to do what I can," Kitty says with a smile. "You aren't my first friend who has had to give up their home for something they thought was right. Maybe I can introduce you to another sometime, even," Kitty says.

Baby steps though. Galina gives her a meteorite she caught. Kitty eventually introduces her to an extra-terrestrial purple dragon. It's the natural evolution of most friendships, really.

"I admit when I first learned of this place, I figured it was just Jason, and the just Jason and you. But it seems like there's far more than I expected," she says with a soft chuckle. "I shouldn't be surprised though that he'd surround himself with good people," she says of the man.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Well misfits find misfits, it is the way of things."And finally, she steps aside to crack that armor before peeling herself back out. "Oif, anyway. Yeah I tend to fight better on my own because of the way the Dynamo works, electrical attacks are not very discriminatory."Has she ever discussed Venkos and the sort've juice even the Airstrike can throw down? Probably not.

    "It's hard to find somone who can fight with me, but give me the sort've space I need to really go. Also hard to find somone I do not need to worry over, I mean I was on Winter Guard. Finding Allies of similar caliber is, difficult."She does rescue her bottle of 99 bananas though, taking a pop before offering it towards Kitty. "You know if you ever need anything, you can just call and I'll come flying. Suit or no suit, I'll be there."That mechanical hand raising to offer Kitty a fist bump.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde turns down the bottle, but not the fistbump. She returns it, transferring the meteorite to the other hand. "I appreciate that. I'd say I hope to never need that help. But I've led a very complicated life. I don't imagine that will change for my wishing it," Kitty says with a soft smile.

"I do think you've found some good people here. Or, well, I mean, I only know one. Or, two. Another woman, with red hair? I don't know if you've met or not. She put together the computer systems here," Kitty says, motioning towards the ones she thought she was going to have an easy time upgrading. "She's good. Really darn good," Kitty says in a tone of respect for Barbara Gordon.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "So the Oracle has red hair, huh?"Galina Nemirovsky, trained in Counter-intelligence work. "She is very good, better than anyone in Russia I've met. As Mysterious as the real Koschei, but intelligence handlers are nothing new. I used to have a control board in my headset, before the team died."Literally, in Galina's case. "Can not say I do not find it comforting, even if she is not there in person."

    "In Russia it is not known that the Dynamo has ever been lost, but I am the ninth or tenth pilot. When one died, their replacement was sitting in a truck waiting for the word. THey would step foreward for the press conference, like nothing happened. It was my greatest fear, when Dark star and Red Guardian died they were also replacemed. With a clone and a cyborg respectively, so none knew what happened to them. It's why I broke rules, and had photos taken with my helmet off. Why I gave interviews outside of duty, to make it so if I died people would know."Theres a little shrug there. "I sought to be freed from the shadows, Oracle rushes too them. I will not pry, but I do not think it is healthy in long term."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde opens her mouth and then closes it. Realizing she shared something that apparently hadn't been shared with Galina yet. And, hearing something that hadn't been shared with herself either. Best to just move past it and she'd let Jason know if she'd goofed.

"It's disappointing when governments won't recognize the contributions that their people have made," Kitty says with a little nod. She reaches over to give Galina's shoulder a soft squeeze. "You deserve better. And so did the other pilots," she says softly. "I can relate to having some desire to be in the shadows though. At least here, there's some safety in it. For ourselves. For the people that we love who could become targets otherwise."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
t"And if you killed some of these repeat offenders, this would not be an issue."That shoulder is, well entirely Flesh and bone but the knots of scar tissue are plainly detectable beneath that shirt. "I am not talking about muggers, or bank robbers. I'm talking about men who seek to destroy the world on several seperate occasions, or attempting genocide or whatever else atrocity. Like there is a line that you do not cross, and expect prison time."

    "This Trask man, Oh well actually I completely forgot. Now we're talking Sentinel nonsense, how good are you with arts and crafts..explosives?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"If I had to kill someone to stop them from doing harm... I would. If I couldn't find another way. But someone like... a prisoner who is helpless..." Kitty says, shaking her head. The question about explosives causes her to pause. "I do not really deal with them very much. Except, well there are a number of times I've had to disable them, which I'm pretty good at disabling electronics. When I've had to plant them I tend to leave it to others to put them together," Kitty says.

She's had to plant them?

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    So has Galina, and well she lets it go with the familarity of buying eggs. Rising to dig through some of the crates, before laying things out. Pipe, floor flanges, end caps, a model rocket engine, a simple switch..She lays them out on the floor, before producing an assembled device, which she offers over. "Based on our previous conversation, and this one I feel I should teach you how to build these things. So you may take it back to your, community?"She hasn't said the word, but well she's not stupid.

    It's a length of metal tube, which holds a much larger diameter pipe on one side. Wires taped down neatly, and the switch soldered to the handle. It's a shaped charge on a stick, not unlike what they used against the Germans when they invaded Russia. "This is a shaped charge, capable of defeating aproximately eight inches of hardened ballistic armor steel. If placed up against the hull it will penetrate and disable a main battle tank such as the M1 if used above the road wheels on the side of the hull. It will also greatly damage, or potentially destroy a Sentinel. The device here cost aproximately thirty two dollars in parts, including hand tools and it took me about fourty minutes to assemble."

    Not unlike the device that took her arm off and got her shot in the head, but well no reason to bring that up. "The pole design is the most surefire variant, but the main warhead can be constructed as a landmine or even a large thrown grenade with a magnetic base. Everything here is over the counter with no identification necessary to purchase it, including the explosive medium we're using for these."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde motions to the explosive ordnance. "That, is probably what you should talk to the Punisher about. If he's going to keep fighting them, he needs some weapons that might harm them better," Kitty says.

She pauses in thought. "Let me snap a picture. I've... got a guy. Will just have to show him the idea and... well this sort of stuff is his thing. Sort of in the way that computers are mine," she says.

Kitty says, "While I'm at it..." she pulls up something on her phone, and sends it to Galina's. "This is the inside of the Mk 1's head. The critical systems, processors, memory, are marked for you so you know where to target if you're going for a kill. The newer models, I don't know if they are the same. Also? Their sensors on the Mk 1 are in their hands. So blowing those off may potentially blind them. Again, I can't say for sure with the newer models."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Black powder and old film, nitrocellulose? Black powder will need an oxidizer. Also I need a piece of one, so I can test them for current insulation. THe Dynamo creates electrical attacks at close range well in excess of a lightning strike, it turns hardened steel into plasma. The arc flash from a punch, on a twenty year old mothballed Dynamo armor was enough to blow the primary threat panel of the second most heavily armored powered armor in the world, almost through the back of the armor."Who's the -most- armored, well that'd be the Dynamo of course.

    "If he can not figure this out, he does not deserve my help. This from before the second world war, and is the basis for every anti-tank weapon made."Theres a little nod there. "I am making guesses on the exact parameters necessary to defeat the Sentinels, but anti-tank tactics do largely apply. Amongst your people you must have some who were in armored divisions, cavalry or paratroopers."

    "I believe, I can -melt- them on contact with the Crimson Dynamo."And a reach back to tug at something under the air strike's left arm. Tugging free, a magnetic grapple on a sturdy metallic wire. "I want to fight more of them -very- badly, they might be my new favorite enemy. Also a device to make my armor appear as a mutant to their sensors, would be hugely desirable."

Shadowcat has posed:
"So would a piece of the armor from a head and a hand and... a butt... be enough? You're mainly concerned about whether you can get through the outside, right?" Kitty asks. "I should be able to get you some samples. Again, this is the Mk 1 only. The newer ones that are the real threat? I don't have any pieces of those. Though... I can track them. Tell where they are at in real time," Kitty says quietly.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Then I would like to go hunting, no use getting up to speed on out of date equipment."The Dynamo offers immediately, not so much as a blink of hesitation. "I want to find one, and I want to break it. I want to destroy it utterly, and derive from it's remains the weaknesses in their shared design philosophy. I want to read it's entrails like a shaman."Dynamo, as serious as a god damned shaped charge.