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THe Huntress Stalks
Date of Scene: 01 August 2017
Location: Westchester, NY
Synopsis: Okhotnik follows the trail of Tendril to the grounds of the X-Mansion, and she waits and watches. When Lex tries to run away back to the City intending to involve herself with the coming gang war in Mutant Town, Diya stops her. Sort of.
Cast of Characters: Okhotnik, Tendril

Okhotnik has posed:
Perhaps half a day or so since the handling of the threat of Pietro himself, Diya finally decides that she should track down Lex. The young woman has already gone rather out of her way, trying to arrange a 'safe' place for Diya to stay, and is likely more than a bit distressed to realize that Diya has avoided any such thing. She never showed up at any of the places Lex showed her in the tunnels beneath the city, and walked away from the site offered by Yana. She wasn't impolite about it, but she was quite firm.

Now, however, the Russian veteran has decided to go hunting for the girl. She is clearly the most vulnerable of them in the wake of the budding gang war, and the Hunter wants to make sure the vulnerable young woman is safe. Protecting those she has decided are 'hers' is something as engrained in her as her apparently altered DNA. It was a bit part of what compelled her into the military in the first place, and that compulsion has only grown stranger with the strain faced with her own change in status and circumstances.

Of course, Lex went quite a ways out of the City. It has taken Diya quite a few hours to track her down. She has realized that she can track someone by scent, though she doesn't (yet) know how or why that works. Still, it does, and she has always been a natural huntress; hence her nickname. So Okhotnik - that is what her teammates called her, once upon a time - has made her way all the way out of New York City, into upstate New York and Westchester County, following Lex's footsteps, her trail of scent.

With her exceptionally keen senses, Diya is aware that the property she has reached is watched and guarded, and with technologies the like of which she has only seen very rarely if at all. She is a professional at infiltration and secrecy, but even she is likely to fail penetrating that perimeter unnoticed. And if they are that careful, they are almost sure - in her opinion - to respond with dangerous levels of aggression to anyone caught penetrating that perimeter who is unknown.

Diya is most certainly 'unknown'.

As such, Diya has instead slunk off into the woodlands outside the gated perimeter, and settled down to watch and wait. She isn't trying to hide herself completely, though she is not out in the open by any means. But she is guessing at least some of those fancy widgets will have seen her approach, seen her circle the property twice - the whole long way - and then seen her slink off to watch and wait. And there she waits, in the dark, eyes glowing in reflected starlight.

Tendril has posed:
    It's taken a bit for Alexia to be able to make plans to start heading back to Mutant Town. There's a new roommate who she would rather avoid getting pulled into this, there are teachers who are looking to make sure she's fitting in, there's the fact she's being fostered and there's been talk of a curfew...many problems!

    Still, she wasn't a second story girl for nothing, and scaling down a building and leaving via the front gate somewhat defeats the defenses, which are mostly aimed at people who are not supposed to be there trying to get in. She's actually disguised herself a bit, something she doesn't usually bother with, wearing a black hoodie with a kitten o it dressed as Indiana aJones, completely with whip and fedora and fighting German shepherds with little crossed dogbones, and a pair of cut off shorts. The only thing that's really a concession to having to walk a good ways is that she's in actual hiking shoes with treads, which are a bit warm in this weather, but she figures it'll cool down soon enough.

    She's certainly visible to your watchful eyes as she slinks up to the door, then snaps out a pair of whips to flip herself up and over, landing in a crouch on the other side to the right of the cameras, waiting until they turn to the other side then sprinting quickly into the wood so she's out of sight by the time it looks back.

    She whews, adjusting her messenger bag. "...safe!" she murmurs cheerfuly to herself, before starting to make her way along the woods parallel to the main road.

Okhotnik has posed:
As soon as those watchful eyes pick up the figure ambling down the main drive and scent confirms the hooded figure is Lex, Diya readies herself for action. She cannot imagine what the girl is doing leaving that protected perimeter, but if she is going to do so then Diya will be there to watch over her.

As soon as Lex has jumped the fence the stalker in the woods comes to her feet with noiseless grace, her senses attuned to the woodlands now, picking out any sounds that do not belong, any scents that could represent a threat. Then she waits for the girl to move and slinks after her, stalking from tree bole to tree bole, watching, waiting, keenly observant.

Only after Lex has proceeded far enough that she is likely to be out of the sensor perimeters of the Mansion grounds does Okhotnik slink out of the woods, still noiselessly, and lean against a tree as she watches the girl walk closer, eyes visibly glowing in the dark as she watches Lex approach.

"What do you think you are doing?" Diya questions, no longer bothering with the mush-mouthed attempt to disguise her sharp Russian accent. "You were home, and safe, inside a shielded perimeter. And now you run away, leave them behind, and trudge on foot, unprotected, unarmored, unguarded, back towards the City." She hisses. "Reckless girl. I should go rattle their gate and wake up your guardians."

Tendril has posed:
    See, this assumes Alexia approaches when she suddenly sees the glowy eyes in the dark ahead of hers. To some extend hers are reflexive, but not nearly as luminescent about it. But she's enough of a city girl that she more freezes, watching warily, until you speak, which makes her jump a bit.

    "D-diya? What...w.hat are you...I was coming to look for ya!" she protests, going on the defensive at the scolding reflexively. "They aren't even gonna notice I'm gone, prob'ly."

    She puts her hands on her hips. "And I'm not gonna hide somewhere just cuz it's safe when there's stuff that needs doin'."

Okhotnik has posed:
"Foolish girl." Okhotnik growls, stalking towards Lex, her full 'predator aura' on display in palpable sense. The only thing she's not actually doing is growling, but her tone of voice sure sounds like she is.

"You said you weren't comfortable killing. We respect that. You shouldn't have to do that. But that makes you a target. Better you stay here, let these people take care of you, keep you safe, until it is over." Diya isn't used to talking this much; she honestly feels worn out, and falls silent more because she just can't work up to using more words than anything else.

The unkempt homeless woman stands in the middle of the road, blocking Alexia's path, looking calmly livid, if such a thing were possible.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi's eyes get a bit wide at the tone, though to her credit she doesn't back away or look afraid, so much as a little startled. Predictably, this makes her all the more defensive.

    "I'm not! But that doesn't mean it's the only way ta get ridda those guys! I got ideas!" she says, frowning as she folds her arms under her chest. "An' it's my fault you got pulled into this, and...I'm not gonna leave you to take this without helpin'. I'm NOT gonna hide and wait for someone else to make it go away." she says, dismissing the idea. "So what if I'm not as tough as ya? I can still help!"

    So very not backing down, even as the taller woman glares down at her.

Okhotnik has posed:
Frustrated, upset, and not very talkative, Diya glares at the girl, her unspoken message quite clear. She has no intention of relenting and allowing this girl to go back to the city and put herself in danger. The soldier has decided that the civilian needs to be kept safe, and that right here is safe.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi gets a stubborn look on her face. "I'm not gonna hide in the mansion while ya gotta fight these guys by yourself!" she insists. "Look, if I'm with you, I'm plenty safe too, right? You're, like, super bad ass and stuff. So's Yana!" There may be a slight teen whine entering her voice now at the unfairness of even suggesting this omg.

    She mmphs as you look like you're not budging. "...at least let me show you some safe spots ya can hide out in if ya need 'em?" she says hopefully.

Okhotnik has posed:
"You showed me safe places." Diya offers, a tiny bit of the glare leeching out of her eyes. Damn this girl.

"But I cannot put all of the people in those places. There's not enough room. And any that are not in there are even //more// vulnerable, with limits to their numbers. And if I hide, they have no protection at all." Diya offers, letting her frustration and pain - and her dedication to the protection of the others on the street - show. It's a lot more emotion than she usually allows herself.

Tendril has posed:
    The girl frowns a bit, sensing that frustration and pain in your voice. "...hey. I didn't mean ya had to hide alla time, just...if ya needed to lie or or sleepin' or stuff. " She looks down, kicking the ground a little. "...cuz I don't know if I can always be there ta watch your back for stuff like that, and someone needs to. The other types hiding with ya probably would too, but..."

    She sighs, then hesistantly reaches out to rest her hand on your arm. "I'm not tryin' to make it harder for ya...I wanna protect those people too."

Okhotnik has posed:
"I watch my own back." Diya asserts. She is a soldier without a unit, a woman without a country. Could it be any other way? "And I watch them, too."

In the end, though she would never say it, that is a big part of why she attacked so swiftly. She wanted to protect Lex because she was nice, true enough. But even more than that, she would not allow - was incapable of allowing - violence to be done near the others of the street kin; once that kind of thing starts, they invariably find themselves as secondary targets of opportunity. It had to be ended, swiftly and decisively.

"They are like me." Diya asserts. "They cannot be caged, cannot fit in. The streets are what are right for them." And protecting them requires being on those self-same streets. "You have those who care about you. You should go back, and be with them. Be safe. It is not right to worry them. Leave the streets and the people to me. It is where I belong."

Tendril has posed:
    She's positively pugnacious now, her lower lip protruding slightly. "And so do ya, and that is why I should helping, 'cuz I'm just gonna be worryin' 'bout Yana and you, Hotty." Okay, perhaps not the best shortening of the name she was given, but goes for what pops into her head.

    "...besides, if you care 'bout me, an' I care 'bout ya, then...that's not how it works. Ya watch your tunnels, ya watch your friends." she says, sounding like she's quoting someone else.

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya just //stares// at Lex. Hotty? Really?

"That is what I am doing." Diya grouches at the girl. Substituting streets for tunnels, at least.

"Please. Go back."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi furrows her brow. "And that's what I want to be doing, an' I can't watch ya from in there alla time." she says stubbornly. "Who's gonna make sure you an' the others get food an' stuff, and keeps an ear to the ground so I can tell ya what's the news is on the street about what Pietro's gang is doin'? We don't even know who took it over yet, or if theres' fightin' between his old lieutenants or stuff! I can be HELPFUL, Hotty." Yes, she's going to stick with that for the moment.

Okhotnik has posed:
A very pained expression. "Don't call me that."

"When you get hurt, they are going to suffer." Diya offers, turning her head as if she is preparing to turn away and walk back towards the city. "They are going to doubt themselves. Blame themselves. But it will be //your// fault. //Your// choice to leave, not telling them, and put yourself in harm's way." And if they find Diya, they will blame her. Blame her, and likely try to take their pound of flesh out of her hide. She won't even blame them. She'll deserve it, in her view, because she didn't stop Lex.

That said, defeated, the Russian soldier just stalks off down the road in the dark, headed back towards the city. Damned arrogant kids.

Tendril has posed:
    VICTORY! She thinks. Maybe. Why does she suddenly feel terrible? "They...why would they...but..." She frowns, then trots after you. "Oh, come ON, that's not fair!" she protests. "I wouldn't pull them inta this!" She frowns as she catches up, looking over at you, hands in her pockets. "And how d'ya think I'd feel, if Yana or ya got hurt while I'm all safe and cozy somewhere?" she says, adopting a more reasonable tone. Almost concilatory now.

Okhotnik has posed:
"Nothing to do with fair. Just is." Diya offers, as she keeps walking. She doesn't turn and face the girl, she just delivers her pronouncement. She cannot possibly be the first to ever tell this girl that life is not fair. Can she?

"Happens, you'll feel bad." Diya admits. It's true, after all. "But you would be safe. Feel bad heals. Dead doesn't."

Tendril has posed:
    The girl frowns, getting quiet for a moment. She's well aware of unfairness in life...see: her previous life. So the implied rebuke does strike home as she feels faintly sheepish in addition to other stuff. It's just....argh. She doesn't know how to put it into words. It bothers her, having people she could let down. IT's been a long time since she had...friends like that. That she cared about.

    She moves a bit closer to you as you stalk along then hesistantly reaches up again, her hand resting on your arm. "...look. I...I know. And I don't wanna be dead or somethin', or...or get in th' way. But...that's kinda it. If you or Yana got killed an' I coulda done somethin' to stop it..."

    She's quiet as you walk along, her fingers gently holding your sleeve. "...I...I wasn't there. When they came for us in the tunnels." she says softly. "I didn't even know that they were killin' us. If I'd been there, maybe...I coulda....I coulda helped people hide, or found a way past them. Beat them up, or..." She swallows a bit, her eyes down now as they start to shimmer, before she wipes at them with her other sleeve.

Okhotnik has posed:
Unable to help herself, Diya tugs her arm out from under that hand; she does not like to be touched, and can't handle it for very long. She doesn't strike at Lex, but she can't maintain physical contact like that for long without getting the shakes. Or worse.

"You lost yours." she comments, with an empty tone to her voice. Diya nods. "I lost mine. I get it." And she does. Indeed, because she gets it is why she feels so strongly about this. And why she won't stop Lex, as much as she feels she should. "But not telling them ... you condemn them to the same. Not knowing. And then finding out after it's all wrong."

Tendril has posed:
    As you pull away, Lexi's hand lowers back to her side, just walking with you in silence for a little bit. "...they...they don't know. What I did before. Not at th' school. If I tell them, I don't know what they'll do." It's a rare moment of honesty for her, after hiding her past. She's...liked being at the school. Being normal. Feeling safe. Having normal things like a roommate she wont' be afraid will try and knife her to steal some cash for her next fix, or..worse.

    "...I...I could tell my roommate, maybe." she offers after a moment.

Okhotnik has posed:
"You do what you have to do." Okhotnik answers. She gets it. But she can't really put herself out there emotionally more than she already has. As it is she's beyond all of her reasonable limits. "Tell them your truth, don't. Tell them you go, don't. But choice is yours. Consequence yours. Know it. Accept it." And live with it.

Or don't.

"You go back in, I wait, out there, for you. I watch." Diya finishes. Too many words. So many words. Enough talk. Actions, now.

Tendril has posed:
    More silent walking, though it's a bit less pouting and more thoughful now. Companionable, almost. "...really?" the girl says finally, looking up at you. "For me?" Her voice is soft, a little uncertain. Not knowing how to respond to that simple....surety in the way you say it.

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya keeps walking. But she nods. Twice. Yes, really. Yes, for Lex.