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Sundae fun-day
Date of Scene: 17 March 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: An ice cream social with unusual flavors
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, Archangel, Shadowcat, Cronenberg

Jubilee has posed:
With the weekend almost over and the children starting to go stir-crazy due to the limitations of the curfew, Jubilee has decided to do the guidance counselor thing and go shopping for a ton of ice cream. She may have swiped the 'business card' and who will really notice four hundred dollars worth of desserts and toppings? There are several tubs of ice cream lined up on a table, with students formed in a single line and giving themselves scoops. There is a sign set up that says: Take one scoop only! (No one is actually following that direction).

That would also include Jubilee who is holding a small bowl with two scoops of strawberry cheesecakes with some extra strawberry toppings. She is watching the students with some amusement, popping a spoon into her mouth to take a quick slurp off it. She hasn't enforced the one scoop rule, but she is taking notes to who is and who isn't.

Archangel has posed:
It's no secret that Worthington Industries is one of the premier aircraft part makers and experimental fuel developers - but there's a smaller, but significant part that Worthington handles that is often brought to the school. So, when he arrives in the kitchen to see that Jubilee is setting up the ultimate ice cream social, there's a lift of a brow. "It seems that I have been bamboozled." he says with a small chuckle.

In his arms, he's carrying a large box that's marked 'Experimental'.

"This year's sample pack for the Frohyurt stores." he says with a smirk as he pulls his wings behind him and sets the box on the table. And he starts taking out small pints. "This year, they're trying Black Sesame, Taro, Siracha, and Pineapple Upside Down cake."

Jubilee has posed:
"Uh.. only one of those ... sound appealing." Jubilee says as she takes another bite from her cherished flavor. ".. that would be the last one in case you needed a spoiler alert." Pushing herself up, she heads over towards him, dangling the spoon from one side of her mouth as she curiously peers at the pints.

"Who came up with those flavors? Emo-Hipsters or something?" She pops in another mouthful of ice cream, stepping out of the way of a certain student she has become all too familiar with. "Yo, Boogs, you put gloves on before you go scooping. I'm serious dude!' She calls over at the kid who gives her a thumbs up and one of those smirks on his face she wishes she could zap off.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde floats down through the ceiling, coming head first to make sure she doesn't end up going through anyone's cell phone by accident. She alights on the ground and her eyes widen at seeing who else is there. "Warren! You're back!" Kitty says, laughing and running over to launch at herself at him and give the winged socialite a tremendous flying hug.

Warren. He gives new meaning to the words 'upwardly mobile'.

Archangel has posed:
"The Siracha's actually been doing pretty well in the Pacific Northwest." Warren says with a small laugh as he starts to unbox the pints to put them in the freezer, along with a little vote pad. He actually wants the students to vote on the flavor they want best. And even if he's dressed casual, he's wearing Dolce and Gabban jeans matched with a Chanel t-shirt that's been modified to fit his wings, along with a finely made and modified leather jacket. "You saw me last night, Kitty." he responds with a laugh at Kitty's excitement.

Though last night he was a bit busy with training to properly greet her. The hug is returned, before he releases the woman and looks at her. "You're positively grown! And looking every bit of it. Bet you already have broken a few hearts." A wink is tossed towards the phasing mutant before he's turning his attention back to the ice cream. "Looks like you all are trying to beat the curfew blues."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker wanders into the room with a La Croix in one hand and a tablet in the other. He's currently dressed in an Xavier's tank top, a pair of sweats, and a garish lime green headband. From how wobbly he looks on his feet the overweight teen has obviously finished with a jog. His thumb idly taps over a few things on the webpage on the tablet. Once he looks up he notices all of the people and tables. "Oh, Hi. Uh, is something going on?"

Jubilee has posed:
"I'm sure it is. Those crazy Californians." Jubilee says with an amused tone in her voice as she puts her empty bowl into the rec room's sink for a quick rinse off and a wipe down with a napkin before putting it to the side. She watches Kitty float through the ceiling and goes about manhandling the man, raising her brows upwards. "Hey Doogie, it's Sunday so I bought sundaes for everyone. Go snag yourself a bowl and give yourself two scoops." But, the /sign/ says to only take one!

"So, Wings, when did you get into the yogurt business? Got bored of trying to compete with Stark on who can blow up a city the fastest with their technology and you needed to one-up him on something in a new market?" She takes a bowl and hands it to Doogie, then pats him on the shoulder.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Warren with a grin, "Yes, but I still owed you the greeting. Waving down from the control room was no real welcome back." She lets go of him and then moves over to give Jubilee's shoulder a squeeze in greeting. "Hey Doogie. Did you get in a workout?' she asks in a bright tone.

She goes over to look at the vote pad, "Those are some interesting flavors," she agrees. "I'm surprised no one has come up with Crunch Berries ice cream yet. I mean, the flavor, not that it has to have Crunch Berries in the ice cream itself. I imagine they would get soggy."

Archangel has posed:
There's a lift of blonde brows at Jubilee's comment. "Do you even know anything about Worthington Enterprises?" comes the question from Warren with a little snort of disapproval. "While Wayne, Stark, and MARS may be into the military tech among many others, Worthington Enterprises has always concentrated on flight and aviation." There's an annoyed flick of his wings towards the firecracker before his attention turns to the ice cream and the others.

"The secondary market was on experimental fuels to replace fossil fuels. The frozen yogurt has been a minor subsidiary in the last decade and I'd like to grow it." he comments dryly. "But if you'd rather not participate, I will not force you, of course." he mutters, before he chuckles at Kitty. "Maybe. But - have you tried dragon's breath yet?" he asks curiously. "They take these pieces of cereal, like giant crunchberries - and infuse it with liquid nitrogen before eating it. It gives you the appearance of breathing steam. Pretty neat, actually. Though it's hard to put that in a container and sell it." he admits with a laugh, before Doogie is nodded to with a smile from the blonde flier. "Hello. I'm Warren Worthington, or Archangel. What year are you in?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker smiles to Jubilee, "Well I uh, well I think I will take only one scoop." He places it tablet down on the table and pats his broad stomach with one hand. "I'm trying to watch the calories in vs. calories out. Which reminds me." He swipes away the page that was up on his tablet which showed images that someone took of some Sentinels with a shakey camera phone, and switches over to a nutrition app. He records his recent workout as well as the scoop of ice cream.

  He looks back up when Warren introduces himself. "Oh, it's nice to meet you Mr Worthington. I'm Donald Decker, but everyone calls me Doogie. Well some people also call me Horrowshow sometimes also. I'm a junior. I just transfered in a few weeks ago."

Jubilee has posed:
"I honestly have no clue what you guys do over there." Jubilee says honestly to Warren as she starts clearing away empty bowls and wiping them down. "It was just a joke though, didn't know you'd take it hard. My B." She raises her brows up a bit at Kitty, then flops down on to a couch.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker looks over to Kitty and smiles when she asks about his workout., "Yeah I did. I'd like to say that they're getting easier, but they're pretty much not." He laughs awkwardly and shrugs.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles back to Doogie and says, "They will eventually. You'll start getting this exercise high from doing them. And then you'll want to do tougher workouts to keep feeling that." She smiles and gives Doogie a pat on the shoulder. "Keep it up though. I neglected my fitness for far too long when I first joined the school," she admits.

Kitty moves over to get a bowl. "Really? I haven't heard of that. Where can I try some?" Kitty asks Warren of the high tech ice cream. "Seriously, just put the word Crunch Berries on a label and I'll probably try it," she admits with a self-conscious grin. "Are you going to be around for long?"

Archangel has posed:
"It's better to ask than assume if you don't know something." Warren responds cooly to Jubilee. Yes, her question may have struck a small nerve, especially as he noticed the image of the Sentinel that Doogie had on his pad. "I'm annoyed that I have to alter my flight path from those things. Believe me, if my company /did/ make military hardware, it would be to bring those monstrosities down." His whole attitude has considerably cooled in a few minutes, before he turns his attention away from the ice cream, his wings giving an annoying 'flick'. Though at least with them being techno-organic, there is no shedding from the very natural looking wings that can reach out to sixteen feet across.

"With the rise of these Sentinels, I had a few talks with the staff, and they thought it best that I help with training where I can. Though I will not be taking children out to show them how to fly the blackbird." there's a roll of his blue eyes at that as he moves to settle on an opposing couch, and his wings wrap around him comfortably. "And to defend the school, if it is needed."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods to Kitty and says, "That's what I've been told, and what my research has told me also." He takes a seat on a chair and grunts audibly as he does so from stiffness and exhaustion. He picks small bites out of his scoop of ice cream and looks over his tablet which he has set on the arm of the chair.

Jubilee has posed:
Brushing her fingers along her brow, Jubilee pushes herself up and heads for the door. Plucking her coat up along the way, she slides her arms through it and gives it a tug so that it settles in place. It seems that her happy-good-times-put-on-an-event-for-the-students just dimmed. The ice cream is self serve after all.

Archangel has posed:
As Jubilee makes to leave, Warren gives a sigh and a roll of his eyes. "Kitty, I'll let you and Jubilee go back to student bonding. I'm going to go take a flight." he says as he moves to his feet. There's a glance towards Jubilation before he's heading towards the door on the other side to get to the rooftop access and take flight.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gets a tiny scoop of ice cream. She's been working out hard too. "Everyone wants to jump straight to the sweet plane," Kitty agrees after making sure there isn't anyone about who can't hear mention of the Blackbird. "I was that way too. And I'm one of the few, the proud, who have destroyed it and the hangar."

She adds a few sprinkles to her ice cream. "Doogie, I have a training program I'll run with you. Extreme training in the mountains. If you're up for it, just let me know."

Kitty glances up to Warren and Jubilee, seeing them departing. "Ok. I'm about if anyone needs," she offers with a wave to them both.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker considers that. "Mountain training? That sounds like it could be an interesting change of scenery. But what about the air, is it thin? I huff and puff at sea level." He scoops up another spoonful of ice cream as he considers the offer.