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The Speedster Prince
Date of Scene: 19 March 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Blink visits Pietro at Avengers Manor
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Blink

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro Maximoff was in Avengers Mansion. Though...imagine his surprise when a young woman named Blink had texted him, and asked permission to visit him where he is. Because he was in his room in Avengers Mansion, he didn't seem to mind, and sends a confirmation text.

Though, that does not mean the speedster is idle. He zooms across the entirty of the mansion, grabbing things like coffee and some snacks, and ending back into that same room in just a few seconds.

When Blink arrives, she'll see Pietro drinking mountain dew. But for now? He's just waiting....and waiting. and waiting.


Blink has posed:
The familiarity that Blink had with the Avengers Mansion made it easy for her teleport to the sidewalk outside. Not that she'd ever been in it. But she'd watched it on a few occasions with curiosity. Sitting on the wall of one of the surrounding buildings, hoping to catch sight of a quinjet landing or taking off. Knowing that two members of the Genoshan royal family lived within.

Clarice knew Lorna much better than the Maximoff twins. Clarice had looked up to the entire royal family headed by Magneto, but Lorna being only a few years older than the purple-haired teleporter has given her more exposure while Clarice was raised within the Brotherhood.

The young woman's steps into the mansion were taken with excitement, both to see the building, and that the prince was good with her visit. Everything about the place was a new experience for Clarice as she moved through the halls, following the drone or servant who guided her up to Pietro's room.

She knocks on the door jam of the open doorway, seeing Pietro there with his beverage. "Prince Maximoff," she says, lowering her gaze before him briefly. "Thank you for seeing me," she says. "I hope I'm not interrupting your day too much?" she asks as she passes further inside the room.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Blink as she officially arrives at the open doorway, led by a very helpful drone that often helps with directions in the massive mansion. But, Pietro looks to the woman who calls him 'Prince', and for the briefest of moments, he forgot that he was one, and is a legitimate heir to Magneto. "Hi." is all he says in greeting.

"Not really, much of it is too slow to keep up with me anyway, but you're an interesting addition." He grins, and seems to actually 'walk' to her, hands in his pockets.

"So what brings you here to see me? I take it it's not without purpose, no?" his Romanian accent peaks out extraordinarily.

Blink has posed:
Despite having purple hair, Clarice's irises are a vivid green color. She gives a soft, somewhat shy smile as Pietro walks over to her. "Not entirely without purpose," she says, looking down and giving that small smile. "I'm in upstate New York, with Princess Lorna. As security for her, and to help her travel about as she needs," Clarice tells Pietro.

She looks back up to him and says, "I realize... you're not really in need of my help getting around anywhere you want to go. Your abilities are really quite amazing. But if there was every a time you might wish my help, I just wished you to know you have only to ask. If, say, you needed to get to Europe right away, or back to Genosha. Or perhaps if some of your friends here had need of quick transportation," Clarice tells him, giving a small shrug as if she feels it's but a small thing she has to offer the prince.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Clarice as she seems to look down and still smile. "You don't have to keep lowering your head, you know." He chuckles, somewhat amusedly. "Lorna? How's she doing. She hasn't met a boy that is likely gonna break her heart already, has she?" Pietro gets on her about that often, apparently.

"So you're offering to be a mode of transportation?" He hums. "Well, I can run to Genosha in about 20 minutes, but...hey, I guess it's faster to do it your way, huh? Well, if I need to go somewhere fast and in a hurry, I'll be sure to summon you, Clarice."

He seems approving of her! He doesn't approve of a lot of people.

"And tell me, how is my father?"

Blink has posed:
The girl does look up as Pietro says that to her. She was like that all of the time when the Brotherhood first found her, breaking down the door of a slave pen and finding the purple-haired girl, barely old enough to be called a teenager. It took a long time before she would lift her head much at all. Though she got better, the reverence the girl shows for the royal family sometimes brings that back out in her.

But she does lift her head for Pietro this time. "I don't know that she has, no. Not that I've seen so far. Though Princess Lorna is well-liked here from what I've seen. Both at the school, and around the city. When she walks through Mutant Town? People hold their heads a little higher. Look a little more hopeful," Clarice says, not trying to hold back the smile that sharing that brings.

Clarice makes a small gesture at the question of Magneto as if she isn't sure. "I've only seem him a little. Lorna and he met with some people to try to enlist aid opposing the creation of the Sentinels," she says. "I know it worries him. Enough that he is willing to have Genosha go to war if need be. Though I think he hopes it does not come to that."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks upon Clarice and seems to smile as soon as she does lift her head. "See, much nicer on the neck." though he does keep his hands in his pockets, he hums. "I see. She's a friendly person, if a bit dramatic at times. Wanda's been staying with me here at the mansion as well, but I think she's been doing so good." A shrug, though he does nod as soon as he hears about his father.

"I see. He's been fighting against that hard, as have I. I've brought up the situation to the Avengers. Best to have allies on multiple fronts than foes. That said, tell my father that if he is looking to go to war, he'll have me fighting with him."

Genosha is his home, after all.

Blink has posed:
The twenty-year-old has spent a fair amount of time in the royal palace. Privy to the strain of the relationship between Pietro and Magneto, there's little surprise when Clarice shines a soft, pretty smile to Pietro as he gives that expression of support for his father. Though something else in Clarice's face suggests she'd have been surprised of anything different from Pietro when moments matter as they do now. "I'll pass it on to him when I see him. I imagine he'll be glad to hear that," Clarice tells him.

"I hope to catch Princess Maximoff during a few free moments as well," Clarice says. "Though if you'd like to relay my offer of assistance if you see her first, please feel free to do so."

Clarice looks around the room, though it's less looking at the room and more thinking about the location it seems, as she says, "I'm glad the Avengers recognize your talents and worth," she says. "It's nice to know that you and the Princes are out here looking out for us with the type of problems that the Avengers deal with," she tells him.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks upon Clarice with a bit of a smile at her surprise. Either way, he shrugs. "I doubt it. He'll probably just look like-" then Pietro makes the most deadpan expression he could possibly make. Yep. Pretty spot on.

Last time daddy dearest smiled at him was the last time Pietro arrived in Genosha. Pietro STILL bets money it was a forced smile.

"Well, she's pretty much right next door. And if I rely on you too much, I'll get fat from laziness." It's impossible for Pietro to gain weight. Seriously. His metabolism is the definition of insanity.

"Me too. Well, is there anything else? I don't want to keep you, especially if dad ends up having need of you."

Blink has posed:
Blink breaks out in soft laughter, the young woman's warm smile brought out by the imitation of Magneto. "Possibly," she says in reluctant agreement, the smile still shining. "That was all, Your Highness," Clarice tells Pietro. "I just wanted to make the offer. And also, it had been a long time since I'd seen you. I figured while I was in New York, I should stop and pay my respects, sir," she tells him.

She motions towards the door. "I can go ahead and go. I know it's a bit of a chore for you to talk with people. Having to wait for us to get through speaking and all," Clarice tells him. "Thank you for taking the time for me, sir," she says.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro does experience just about everything in slow motion. Though at many times, it's comical. At others? Just boring. But Clarice is a nice young lady. "Very well, I don't want to keep you. But, thanks for at least coming down to say hello. I appreciate it."

He gives her a wave. "So long. I have a feeling I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later, Clarice. Or should I call you blink?"

Blink has posed:
Blink turns back in the doorway to flash a soft smile over to Pietro. "Whichever you prefer, Your Highness. I get called both about equally," she tells him. "Most of the Brotherhood use Blink, but if you'd like to use Clarice, I'd like that too," she tells him with a soft smile. She brushes back some purple-tinted hair, tucking it behind an ear that is noticeably pointed when seen, though normally they are hidden in her hair. "Thank you again for seeing me," she says, and waving.