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Revision as of 18:02, 20 March 2019

Black Adam (Scenesys ID: 1168)
"Send soldiers. Send armies. Send them all."
"You have one hour to leave this site. To leave my homeland. That hour starts now."
Full Name: Teth-Adam
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: King of Kahndaq
Citizenship: Kahndaq
Residence: Shiruta, Kahndaq
Education: Privately Tutored
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth 3 March 1293 BC Actor: Dwayne Johnson
Height: 198 cm Weight: 120.202 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: "I'm So Humble" by The Lonely Island


King of Kahndaq and a former prince of Ancient Egypt, Teth-Adam was gifted with a fraction of the powers of his gods and became a mighty figure in his father's Empire. As time wore on, the power corrupted him, and he began to see himself as a god as well. Eventually he was sealed away by a powerful sorcerer only to be released from his mystical prison 3000 years later. In only a few weeks he claimed the nation of Kahndaq as his own and broke away from Egypt.

Since then he has taken it upon himself to uplift the people of Kahndaq and deliver unto them a utopia. His heavy-handed policies and brutal style of governing and justice, however, has made him enemies abroad, though his people see him as a prophet.



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Standing face-to-face with Black Adam, it's easy to see why such a man would fashion himself a god. With skin the color of bronze and a six and a half foot frame, it's hard to argue, at least as far as appearances go. Further, his ears taper to points, and during moments of extreme emotion, it's not uncommon to see bluish-white lightning arcing from his eyes, fingers, and chest.

Almost exclusively he wears a black, skin tight uniform of uncertain material, summoned from the realm of the gods by the same source that grants him his power. On his chest, a white lightning bolt descends from his neckline. Gold is an oft-repeated element of his outfit as well, the color outlining the bolt on his chest and accenting the edges of his uniform, with the metal forming a broad, angled belt around his waist and matching bracers on his wrists.


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In Ancient Egypt, during the height of the empire, Pharaoh Ramses II ruled. Beside him, his son Prince Teth-Adam of Kahndaq served loyally and capably and was regarded as a man of integrity and purity. Impressed by his character, the sorcerer Jebediah of Canaan bestowed upon Teth-Adam the power of the Egyptian Pantheon. From them he gained the Stamina of Shu, the Swiftness of Heru, the Strength of Amon, the Wisdom of Zehuti, the Power of Aton, and the Courage of Mehen, and for a while Teth-Adam continued to serve faithfully and honorably. However, soon after the death of Ramses II, it became clear to Jebediah of Canaan, now styling himself Shazam, that Teth-Adam had been corrupted by the power given him. When Teth-Adam attempted to usurp the throne of Egypt, Shazam stopped him and, unable to revoke the powers rightfully given by the Egyptian gods, he sealed Adam within a jeweled scarab and locked it within Abu Simbel, the tomb of his father.

For over three thousand years, Teth-Adam, now dubbed Khem-Adam, or Black Adam, remained imprisoned until accidentally freed by the scientist Reed Richards. Within a week, Black Adam had conquered his home of Kahndaq and announced its independence from Egypt. From his throne in Shiruta, the capital, he rules with an iron, but surprisingly benevolent fist. His people see him as a prophet, while he himself fashions himself a god. Either way, he is fiercely protective of what he sees as his rightful kingdom.


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Teth-Adam AKA Black Adam, was, by all accounts, once a pure and righteous man of Ancient Egypt. What precipitated his fall is largely up to interpretation, as he himself is unwilling to offer any sort of explanation. Many attribute his gradual darkening of spirit to the powers given him, or even their source, the Egyptian gods. Many others simply believe he was always capable of the brutality he now displays, and only needed a push. Either way, what isn't up for debate is the fact that Black Adam is a ruthlessly pragmatic individual burdened with overactive ego. He believes fully that it is the destiny of the strong to rule and the weak to serve. However there still remains some sense of his old self, for he further believes that it is the duty of the strong to rule over the weak, and to seek a better world for their charges.


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Though Teth-Adam the mortal is already possessed of commendable amounts of fortitude and willpower, these features are only further enhanced by the influence of the god Mehen. His will in his Black Adam form is such that some of the most powerful psychics and telepaths have had some issues battling him within his own mind.

By stating the name of the wizard Shazam, Teth-Adam is capable of transforming from his mortal form, into the immortal Khem-Adam Aka Black Adam. This is caused by enchanted lightning striking from the sky to transform the man. By moving quickly, and interposing other beings between him and the lightning, this transformation can be short circuited, the enchanted lightning striking with considerable force the person in the way the bolts much more potent than regular lightning.

The god Aton's addition to Black Adam's power-set is less straightforward than his brethren. Aton supplies the mystical lightning that powers Teth-Adam's transformation to and from his enhanced form. On many occasions, Black Adam has used this bolt of lightning as a weapon by dodging or channeling the strike into an opponent. Further, it is Aton's power that enables Black Adam's flight and it bleeds through into many of his other powers to help enhance them to their current levels. Finally, combined with Thoth's arcane knowledge, Black Adam has shown some magical ability, capable of transporting himself and others to the Rock of Eternity and manipulating the magical lightning that empowers him to some limited degree, though it is usually much more powerful for him to simply call the lightning from the sky.

The Egyptian god Horus gifted Adam with his speed, enabling him to fly, move, and react at incredible speeds, at least once being clocked around Mach 500 in atmosphere and potentially even faster in the vacuum of space.

Black Adam possesses the stamina of the Egyptian god Shu, making him virtually invulnerable to all manner of conventional attack, and highly resistant to the strikes and powers of even other super beings. He can survive without sleep, food, or even air. He's shown a high resistance to magical attacks in particular, and is effectively tireless, the upper limits of his stamina still untested.

From the god Amon, Black Adam was given immense physical strength. Capable of lifting well in excess of several hundred thousand tons of weight, Black Adam's strength is on par with some of the strongest beings known to Earth.


Though never a simple man, when Teth-Adam was blessed with the wisdom of Thoth, he gained access to an immense repository of knowledge, particularly of an arcane nature, as Thoth was renowned for his knowledge of magic. Further, this link renders him capable of speaking and understanding any earthly language with fluidity, and learning those of other worlds and planes with exceptional speed. So long as he is willing to listen, Black Adam can also instantly consult with the god of knowledge for advice on any given situation. However, it should be noted that though Thoth is willing to help Black Adam, and though Thoth is a god, neither are omniscient and are more than capable of being tricked, lied to, and misled.


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Black Adam has a particular talent for turning brutal violence into a spectacle and a statement. His reputation for slaughter in the most gruesome and painful ways possible lends powerful weight to his words of intimidation or persuasion, and when that alone fails, a demonstration is usually enough to break most of his enemies.

Before he was Black Adam, Teth-Adam was the son of a Pharaoh. Though he wasn't intended to take the throne, he still enjoyed a strong position of leadership and as such was trained and groomed to make use of it. He possesses an interesting sort of charisma that, while perhaps not endearing him to many, is still adept at attracting followers who are drawn by his strength and fortitude.


Even before accepting the mantle of Black Adam from the wizard Jebediah, Teth-Adam was a potent and capable warrior. His skill was renowned and he was even made the bodyguard of Prince Khufu, the true successor to Ramses II. It was in part this skill that drew Shazam's attention and ultimately lead to his gaining a portion of the Egyptian Pantheon's strength. Before he was imprisoned by Shazam, he had 53 years to build experience with his powers and modify his combat style to suit them.


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Perhaps the strongest evidence that Black Adam's iron fisted rule is simply a product of his time is the fact that the Egyptian gods that lend him their strength are usually quite pleased with their champion's actions. Still, it's rare that they would intercede on his behalf. Almost unheard of, in fact, but simultaneously they've proven stalwart allies and have steadfastly refused to abandon Black Adam and depower him. Teth-Adam is usually apprehensive of their council, but they've been known to give it quite freely to their champion in times of need.


Kahndaq isn't the richest or largest country on the planet, nor is it the most technologically advanced. Its people are simple human mortals, with simple human mortal weaknesses and needs. Still, its one of the most prosperous and peaceful nations in the Middle East, sporting a very low crime rate and high quality of life even by the standards of many Western democracies. Sitting at its head is Black Adam, serving as its absolute monarch and praised by its people as a prophet. He enjoys all the benefits of having complete control over an entire nation.


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Many wouldn't expect it, but Black Adam is possessed of a large amount of honor. It's a form of honor from a much more brutal time in Earth's distant past, but it's still honor of a kind. He'll exploit his enemies' weaknesses, ambush them when he has the upper hand, and crush his foes with savage intensity to render their allies compliant, but his word once given is ironclad, his respect for a skilled warrior has lead him to mercy, and his sense of justice, though brutal and swift by modern standards, is immense. Unfortunately, there are many who would exploit these facets of his personality and have done so to great effect in the past.

Almost contradictory is Black Adam's weakness to magic. Against mundane spells and even many advanced ones, Black Adam is more than resistant enough to shrug off their effects. However, when enough magical power is hurled in his direction, especially if it is designed to somehow interfere with the link between him and the gods that grant him his power, or more likely, his ability to summon their strength, it can perhaps bring about the swiftest end to any fight with Teth-Adam.

Black Adam is known for many things, but controlling his temper is not very high on that list. Though the courage of Mehen and his own natural willpower can make him hard to influence, he's always been vulnerable to those who are adept at praying on and shaping anger, perhaps directing him at a shared enemy or inciting a group of other supers to try and take him down for his actions done in anger.


Despite all his strength, speed, and endurance, Black Adam can be defeated with a single word. Uttering the name of the wizard who granted him his powers in the first place, Shazam, transforms Teth-Adam into and out of his Black Adam form. Though he is admittedly a difficult opponent to trick thanks to the Wisdom of Thoth, it can and has been done. Further, considering he often calls down the transformative lightning as a direct attack, if he can instead be forced to take the bolt himself, he will be reverted to his mortal form just as quickly.


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Title Date Scene Summary
The League of Assassins March 30th, 2019 Black Adam meets the new (to him) Head of The Demon
The Light: Lord Thunder March 28th, 2019 Lex Luthor and Doctor Doom visit with Black Adam and invite him to the Light.
Peacekeepers: Final Testing March 21st, 2019 Project Peacekeeper is put up against serious competition in final testing. Lex finds a number of design issues to iron out.
The Kahndaqi Magneto Crisis July 27th, 2017 Summary needed
An Ambushing July 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 17th, 2017 Summary needed


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