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Out of Time
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: New Troy, Metropolis
Synopsis: Another Legionnaire makes an appearance
Cast of Characters: 360, Brainiac 5, Sister Reinhardt, Invisible Kid

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    So evidence collected in the future pointed to a strong possibility that Tinya Wazzo was on Kairn in the early 21st century.  Sussa hated that she would be giving up Jo, but frag it, it is the right thing to send him back to the woman he really loves.
    Of course, Sussa decided to sneak along, hiding on one of the lower levels of the time bubble… most people do not even know those levels are there, Jo would not realize she was there unless needed.  Well, that was the plan anyway.  There was a funny twist and the time bubble vanished from around Sussa.  Good thing she was wearing her flight belt because she looks to be about a mile up over a fair sized city.  Not one familiar to her, the world looks fairly primitive.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    It kind of went haywire for everyone, in the chaos of those final moments, Mordru's demons storming the headquarters, the fight with Glorith, and the Time Trapper's sudden, devastating appearance.  Querl is, at the moment, on top of a skyscraper, his fingers skipping along that ever-present holographic console.  He adjusts something, and then says, to the empty air, "Wormhole drive, hyperdrive, or slipstream?"  Then something at the corner of the console chimes, and he furrows his brow.  "That's odd…."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Sitting down in a small café in the middle of Metropolis, Suzanne was just enjoying a latte at lunch and picking through her phone when a strange voice says 'anomaly detected!'  This makes Suzanne jump out of her seat and fall out of her chair.  "UGH!  I'm never going to get used to you," she says towards the blue ring on her left hand.  She sighs as she looks up and… finds someone in the sky… and it's not anyone she recognizes… not that she COULD recognize anyone at that distance, let alone that little of a speck in the sky.
    She sighs.  "Well… might as well see if this meditation stuff Brother Shon taught me will work," she says as she finishes her latte and tosses the cup into the refuse bin.  She slides into an alleyway, briefly as she wills her costume into being, and takes to the sky in the form of a blue aura'd comet… perhaps flying right by where Querl is set up and towards Sussa in the air and 'not flying'.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    The empty air replies, "I don't know," and flickers back into view, although well back from the edge of the roof.  Lyle taps his Omnicom, and frowns at it.  "I swear, all I get anymore are anomalous readings.  Remind me when we get back to the lab that I want to field strip this thing, just to be on the safe side."
    He frowns again, and holds it where Brainy can see it.  "Does this at all correlate with what you're getting?"

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa should be flying… but something seems to be interfering with her flight belt.  Well, time to show what she can do.  People dismiss her powers, but there is a LOT she can do with her hair.  She spreads her hair out as far as it can go and uses it like dogwood fluff to act as a parachute.  Of course, this makes her more noticeable as an area of red hair spreads out for about forty feet in all directions.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl tilts his head, studying Lyle's readings, and then he says, "It could just be the air pollutants running rampant in this era interfering with our instruments.  We're both registering a sudden energy spike—"  And then something glowing and blue takes to the sky.  "…I see."  He narrows the console down to a single scanner lens, and lets his arms drop to his sides, before he begins to rise into the air.  "I have no idea what that energy source is. …Is that Wave?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    And noticed she is as Suzanne notices the gigantic amount of red hair.  "Well then… that's certainly… innovative," she says as she floats closer to the 'generator' of said hair-parachute.  "Hi there," she says softly as her ring produces a platform under Sussa… if she chooses to use it.  "You certainly came out of nowhere… didn't you?"
    If anyone in the Legion knows about Lanterns, especially green ones, this one looks a LOT like a lantern, except the coloring of her uniform is white, black… and blue.  Even the symbol upon her chest is not the same as a green's.  "Need any help? I mean, other than a bit of help towards the ground."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "How should I know?  I'm not the one with the sum total knowledge of the known universe," Lyle shoots back, but teasingly.  "The energy trace is broadly consistent with… well, a Lantern of all things.  But not quite, see?  Weird."
    He peers upward, but while skyscraper is tall, it's nowhere near a mile high.  "Two entities up there, I think.  Want me to vanish and get a closer look, chief?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl gives Lyle a side-eye, but then his ascent escalates, slightly.  "You're right.  The energy output's similar to a Green Lantern, but there's more off about it than just the color," he says, before he says, "Go check it out up close, but if it looks dangerous, don't get clever.  Dermal regenerators don't exist on Earth in this era."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa has no trouble with remembering what a Lantern is, she has met Rond Vidar before, "Greetings Lantern, I seem to be a bit lost."  Since she is talking interlac, it is pretty obvious she is not from around here.  Mind, she seems to have some telepathic device letting her communicate… even if Suzanne did not have a ring.  She adds, "My flight device seems to be malfunctioning as well, I will have to figure out why once I am safely landed."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne seems to be reading a display as Sussa talks… even as she speaks into her mind, "We seem to be getting a few of those lately.  I even ran into one before," she says before her closes her hand and points her ring at Sussa.  "I hope you're not claustrophobic," she says just before she encases Sussa in a blue energy bubble and starts to fly towards the ground… or more specifically, a building.  She doesn't seem to know she may be followed.  "If your flight devices is malfunctioning, then it'd make a lot of sense to get you on the ground and in a place where it's away from everyone else, so you can attempt repairs."
    She's not fast, but she does land on top of a building with a good little bit of room… perhaps within sight of Querl's building, and she sets the energy bubble down to let Sussa walk onto the roof.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle flicks out of view and hops into the air, tracking the action as best he can—blue bubble surrounds fuzzy thing, and heads for a building.  He trails, not close enough to make out details until they touch down and….
    Well, from Suzanne and Sussa's viewpoint, thin air just said, "What the—!"  And then thin air takes the shape of Invisible Kid, not invisible, waving frantically at a different building.  "You were right!"  Facepalm, then quietly: "Ugh, I can't believe I said that.  Please don't let him have heard!" as he comes in for a landing.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Brainy leisurely floats over to the building, and as he gets closer, his smirk becomes evident.  "THANK you, Lyle," He says, as he floats past Invisible Kid.  He heard.  Oh my, yes.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Once in the bubble, Sussa retracts her Hair-achute and stand with hair that is only knee length, "Brainy and Lyle… not sure WHICH Brainy, but presumably the SW6 Lyle, the one who escaped the Dominion storage facility after Triple Strike?" she says. "Brainy, I could probably get it eventually, but can you figure out what went wrong with my Flight Belt?  Somehow, when I got ejected here… where IS here anyway?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I wonder if you're talking about Brainiac Five?  I ran into someone like that a few days ago and… he looked like he wasn't all that right.  Like a skipping DVD player," Suzanne says as she looks at Sussa's flight belt.  "I don't even know how a flight belt works."  She then hears yelling when someone appears out of nowhere… and the very person she was talking about floats his way over.  "Brainiac Five… you certainly look a lot better than when I saw you last.  Certainly not using thrown together computers and a direct TV dish."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Oh, no," Lyle says directly to Sussa.  "If you want it fixed right, I'll take care of that."  He flashes Brainy a completely disingenuous grin, then turns more serious.  "That would explain why your flight ring detector wasn't picking her up, at least."  And here endeth the seriousness: "I guess we can't blame the engineer for that one."  He got caught admitting Querl was right.  He has a lot of recovery work to do.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl has his omnicom out now and is scanning Sussa.  Bip bip bippy-bip-bip!  "This is Earth, in the Gregorian calendar year 2025.  And you must have wound up with the rest of us…."  Querl quirks his mouth and then says, "She's perfectly healthy, which is good."  He turns to Suzanne, and says, "Thank you for your assistance, ma'am.  I'm Brainiac 5, interim leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes.  And this is Invisible Kid, my curse."  His cheeks have taken on a slight deeper green flush.  "Ah.  Yes.  The botched time jump had an interesting side-effect with my cybernetic implants.  I'm much better now.  Thank you."  Glad Lyle didn't see that mess… or smell him after a week of not bathing.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa thinks out loud, "So I got ejected when the Time Bubble switched over from time travel to space travel to get Jo to Kairn.  I am still in the same place, just a different time."  Well, at least she is not TOTALLY lost.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "So you guys really are from a different time, hmm?" Suzanne says as she stands back from them to let them socialize and conduct repairs.  "You are in New Troy, Metropolis.  As a matter of fact," she says pointing towards the north. "…the Daily Planet is that way."  They might be able to see the spinning globe from where they are….

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Hard to believe this is the same place some times," Lyle says, not looking in the indicated direction.  "It's so…" He spends a moment looking for the right word, then finishes a little lamely, "…different."  Well, he's a science guy, not a word guy.
    He turns suddenly to Querl.  "I am not your curse!  I'm your bane!  There's a difference!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "It's much smaller," Querl agrees, looking out over the enormous city.  "In our era, Metropolis runs down much of the east coast of North America."  He looks to Lyle, and the corner of his mouth curves up in a smirk.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa says, "Good thing my power is versatile.  Most people would have been in a lot of trouble appearing in mid-air with no flight mechanism.  The gene therapists picked something good to give me."  Granted, there were better powers thay could have given her, but the 'no duplication' rule made a lot of them problematic for her assignment of trying to join the Legion.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne simply stands back and smiles as the group chatters and repair the girl's flight belt.  It only takes a few minutes before Suzanne says. "Well… at least she landed safely and has friends to work with," she says as she looks at the ring she has… then she begins to rise up into the air… as if preparing to leave.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Repairs?  No.  Field adjustment at best.  Repairs will take the lab facilities, which Lyle would rather di… er, would rather not admit that Brainy did a pretty darn good job on despite the primitive technology available in this temporal zone.  "I think that should hold until we can get the serious equipment on it," he says, tucking a tool back into his belt.  "I haven't seen a flight belt in ages…."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Brainy gives Lyle a cool look.  "May I?"  He unclips the flight belt from around Sussa's waist, and opens it, and then he tilts his head, and takes out a battery-operated soldering gun from his belt.  He sticks his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, and twiddles a bit, before he closes it, and then tests the belt, activating it on auto-mode—it floats in the air between the three of them.  "Fixed it," he says to Lyle, smug as a snake.  Then he turns to Suzanne, and takes something else out of his belt.  "This is a Legion standard issue telepathic earplug.  If you need help, activate the distress beacon on it and if we are in the same planetary system, we will come to assist."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa says, "I have the one the Workforce provided me when I was with them, but I can switch it out for the Legion one."  Sussa has a checkered past.  The Workforce was one of the points when she was on the side of law and order.  She dons the flight belt and tries it out.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    She stops in her flight and looks to Querl, taking the earplug and smiling a bit.  "I'll try to keep myself out of trouble though.  I'm just glad you were able to find some of your friends, B5.  I'm Sister Reinhardt… if you need my help… let me know.  I should be around.  And I'm glad you're all right, ma'am," she says to Sussa before flying off."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Well, of course you could fix it," Lyle says tartly to Querl, but with the hint of a smile.  "It's simpler technology."
    He nods to Suzanne.  "Thank you for helping our teammate.  If you ever need anything, let me know."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl rolls his eyes, and then smirks at Lyle when his back is turned.  "Sussa, we're staying at the penthouse at Rand Metropolis.  Once we get the habitation deck and life support on the cruiser finished, we'll be relocating there.  I'll be coming up with a slipgate device to allow us to move back and forth from the ship quickly."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa frowns.  "So, by implication, we are staying here and now, meaning you have no current way back to here and then?"  That could be inconvenient.  None of the Legionnaires present can time travel independently.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    And with that, Suzanne makes her way back to where she was… this time going to eat a bit of lunch….

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Unfortunately," Lyle says with a twist of the lips, "that's pretty accurate.  We don't have a way back to our time.  But I'm working on it!"  He shoots Querl a really evil grin.  "And Brainy here is helping me!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Unfortunately, all the tests I've run confirm that there's something keeping us from returning to the 31st Century," Brainy says, feeling tired.  "I suspect it has something to do with Mordru, Glorith, and the Time Trapper.  Everything was so chaotic… I don't know what they did.  We WILL find a way home," Brainy says.  "But… being realistic… it may take several years.  I'm sorry, Sussa."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa shakes her head.  "I never understood how one can travel a thousand years in time easily, but try travel to last year and it does not work.  I mean, if you fixed the time machine ten years from now, you should be able to travel to now and come get us…."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle makes a noise rather like 'nnngh!' "Way to be a buzzkill, Brainy," he mutters to the Green One, sotto voce.  Never mind that Brainy is completely right, we're temporally hosed for the foreseeable future.
    "Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work like that," he explains to Sussa.  "That's still in our future.  If it takes ten years for us to create a time machine to come back and get us, at some point we still have to go through that ten years.  And meeting your past or future self is never a good idea anyway."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Brainy shakes his head.  And then says, "I'm choosing to be optimistic, that we will fix the machine and that we'll all be together to go back and retake our future.  Or perhaps prevent the whole thing from happening at all.  Time fractals are complicated."  He looks up at Sussa, and says, "But it's good to see you here.  We… haven't seen any sign of Jo, though.  I'm sorry.  We're looking."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
    Sussa says, "He is supposed to be going to Kairn, the Drug World… according to some records that turned up shortly before we left there is a good chance Tinya is there."