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Latest revision as of 20:39, 30 August 2017

Why Don't People Understand (My Intentions)
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: Legion Cruiser: Lab
Synopsis: Brainiac 5 taps Invisible Kid to be his deputy.
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Invisible Kid

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    After the hectic events of the past few days, Brainy has done what he always does—he's sequestered himself in his lab.  To work.  And think.  And not feel responsible for anybody.  Worky-thinky, worky-thinky.  And what he's working on, is a little robotic drone that looks an awful lot like a Monkey.
    "Brainiac 5's video log, Gregorian date June 09 2025.  Beginning a test of the ship's Artificial Intelligence support network.  I don't yet have a proper name for it, but as a preliminary, I'm calling it 'Koko'."
    A moment later, he's activating a small computer core connected to his cobbled-together computer network.  "When wired into the ship's computer network, Koko will be able to function as autopilot and emergency astrogation, and operate the ship's systems, in addition to this autonomous drone.  Wired into this primitive computer network, Koko has the processing power to operate this drone, but will retain the instructions I give it.  This imprintation stage is important in nascent artificial intelligences, much as it is in any infant, based on my experience.  Hello, Koko—"  He kneels down next to the drone, "I am your creator."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Wow," nothing at all says, then flickers into view—Lyle, predictably, with a 'slap-me-hard' grin.  "When you commit to a god complex, you don't mess around, do you?"
    He does, however, stay back a little way.  If Brainy is initiating a potential AI, better not to confuse the poor thing on its first day.  He can always confuse it later, when it's stable.  "Uhh… robot monkey?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl tests the drone's reflexes, waving a hand at it, and it reaches out at him, tilting its head.  "The shape has some sentimental value to me, that's all," he says.  He picks the drone up, straightens up, and puts it on his shoulder, and when it reaches out to grab his hair, he… seems comforted.  He lets out a pleased little sigh.  "Feels like my arm is complete again."
    Then he gets back to work, and says, "Koko's going to be our shipboard AI.  I haven't yet come up with a proper name for it."  Then he says, "In this era, the Earth is having dramatic global warming problems, and the first rudimentary weather control networks are still several centuries away."  He adds, "But without them, the planet's climate is going to shift dramatically, which is having an effect on everything else.  I am wondering if it would be an impropriety to… fix it.  Probably.  I wish I had a planet that wasn't inhabited to test my theories on."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle smiles, but doesn't actually laugh.  Anything that relaxes Brainy is a good thing, especially these days.  "Koko, huh?  How about 'Kybernetic Omni-Kognitive Operator', and you can blame it on your spellchecker being broken?"
    He saunters over, arms folded behind his back.  "I'd say fix it anyway so they can survive those extra couple centuries until they figure out weather control… but I'd bet a bent credit they'd just think the climate was swinging back the other way and do nothing.  And for uninhabited planets, there's Venus.  If you can fix that, fixing Earth won't even break a sweat."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    The corner of his mouth turns up in a smirk.  "I suppose K.O.K.O will do until I can think of something better."  Then he adds, "Venus doesn't need 'fixing', that's the planet's natural climate due to uninterfered-with planetary phenomena.  But I may run some simulations on ways that I could adjust its climate, yes."
    Querl pauses, and as the monkey-drone clings to the back of his head, he says, "I don't usually ask and you're not usually forthcoming, Lyle—and that state of affairs has always been how we both prefer it.  But now, I find myself in the awkward position of needing to manage morale."  He snorts.  Then his expression softens.  "So… how are you doing?"  Then he adds, "I'm glad that you're not dead."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Me? I'm great," Lyle says, and sounds like he genuinely means it.  "We've got a unique opportunity to study Earth before it's unified as one whole world—the writeup on that alone should be worth a doctorate in history—and even the chance to influence events just a little and maybe remove a lot of suffering from her future."  He grins broadly.  "And I bet I'm gladder than you are that I'm not dead."
    His expression doesn't change much, but he does become just a bit more serious.  "How about you?  You don't seem to be enjoying running the show… ironic considering how many times you tried to be elected.  And if I can say two things before you answer: first, you're doing a great job, and second, considering how much is going on right now, you're probably the only one who could keep all of it straight without psychotropic medication."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl pauses, and then strokes his chin.  "I can plan, Lyle.  I can organize.  Those things, I'm great at.  But leading?"  He puts his hands behind his back, and says, "A leader needs to do so much.  He needs to keep a pulse on the morale of the Legion.  He needs to make sure everyone is getting what they need, that everyone feels—IS appreciated."
    "Cosmic Boy is a leader.  Saturn Girl is a leader.  Mon-El is a leader.  Me?  I may be the smartest Legionnaire—and I am—but that doesn't necessarily make me the best leader.  I'm doing the best job that I can, but the time's going to come when I need to rally the Legion, make the grand speech."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Right now, morale isn't our problem.  Numbers and resources are," Lyle says flatly.  "We don't know how many more of our people are stuck in this temproal wilderness, or where they might be.  We don't have our base.  We've only got what equipment we happened to have at the time we shifted here.  So we don't need an orator right now, we need an organizer and planner.  That's you.  Cos and Imra and Mon, they did great in their turn, but it's your turn now.  No one can pull all the threads together into one whole tapestry like you can."
    He delivers himself of a grin that wants a two-by-four across it.  "And besides, anything you can't figure out, you can just ask me."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "Your vote of confidence is appreciated." Brainy finds himself… tickling the drone, which seems puzzled, and responds by pushing against his hand.  Its eyes flicker.  "Which… actually leads me to a question.  I need a deputy, an Executive Officer.  Until we can hold a proper election."  He puts his hands behind his back again and turns away.
    "You are the most qualified for the job."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Well, that shut Lyle up.
    After a moment or two of opening his mouth, closing it again, and repeating the process until a word like "buh-wha?" is not the first disyllable waiting to jump out, he finally says, "I.  Uh."  Not a bad start, but it doesn't contribute much to the conversation.
    As is his way, he hedges.  "Are there enough of us you really need a deputy?  I mean, you, me, Drake, Sussa…."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "And then what, one or two more?  Three, four?" Querl asks.  "I can't be everywhere at once."  He adds, "You don't have to say yes.  It may very well be that Cosmic Boy or Mon-El or Saturn Girl will turn up and you'll find yourself off the hook.  But you are highly qualified.  You've proven that time and again.  While your talents as a scientist may be limited," he says, with only the tiniest smirk, "your ability as a Legionnaire is beyond question."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I.  Uh."  Lyle knows three things.  First, the insult wasn't meant genuinely, same as his never are—it's just a game they play.
    Second, the compliment was—again, same as his.
    And third, Brainy passing out compliments means he's serious.  "I… suppose you've got an awful lot on your plate already," he says, not sure if he's trying to talk himself into or out of this.  "I suppose giving it to Koko and letting me be the power behind the deputy throne won't work, will it?" he offers with a weak chuckle.
    Then he sighs.  "I'm not a front and center guy.  I'm a vanish into the shadows guy.  But if you need me to be front and center for a while, I can manage."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl is quiet for a moment, and then he says, "If this isn't a role you'd be comfortable in, you only have to say so.  I'm simply… offering the opportunity, and expressing my confidence in you.  Believe me, I understand being caught out in a position where in a lot of ways you feel distinctly uncomfortable."  He tilts his chin up, and says, "So let's table the issue for now."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    A bit of smart-aleck Lyle returns.  "What, me miss the opportunity to dog your every step?  Besides, you're too late, I already talked myself into it."  He grins, and adds, "Quick, take it while my bravado holds out."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "That is part of it," Querl says.  "I need someone to keep me grounded, as it were.  You are… good at that."  Then he pauses, and says, "I believe this is where Cosmic Boy would shake your hand."  So he offers a handshake.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle takes it in both his.  "There, see?  You've got this leader thing down already!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl Dox tilts his head, and then says, "I suppose I do, don't I?  I'll just delegate the things that are a waste of my time to you."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Now this is the working relationship Lyle's used to, and he promptly shoots back, "You mean the stuff you can't figure out."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Querl scoffs, "Well THAT would mean you'd have no work to do at all except cleaning up the relationship messes half the Legion leaves behind it."  He smirks, loftily.  "Which is already on your list."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Oh, no!"  Lyle backs off a step, putting his hands up in a 'stop!' gesture.  "You need a morale officer for that, I'm going to be far too busy sneaking corrections into all your plans so you can go on thinking you got it right in the first place!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    That makes Brainy's smirk harden—just a tick.  "You really are my curse, Lyle.  But I do admit…" he says, "you have some skill as a proofreader.  Maybe that's your real super-power."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Your bane.  There's a difference."  Lyle snickers.  "Now, my comments are only ever written in invisible ink, of course."  That ought to keep Brainy busy for a while, looking for writing that's not actually there….

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "I thought 'Nemesis' was too strong a word," Querl murmurs.  Then he looks up.  "A primitive era, a scattered Legion—who's lost, who's dead, who never came with us, who knows?  And an uncertain tomorrow."  He puffs out his cheeks, and says, "It's a good thing we're so damn smart, otherwise this would be a problem."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle raises an eyebrow at the 'we' and smiles slightly.  "So, we need to find everyone who came with us even though the tracking systems in the flight rings aren't working right," he says, counting off on his fingers, "build a cruiser with technology that's a millennium too old, figure out a way to support ourselves, and do it all without messing up the future."  He claps an arm around Brainy's shoulder.  "You're right, we got this."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "You know, I know your tastes usually run to running around spreading misery with Reep," Brainy murmurs, "but sometimes, when I have a moment to reflect, I realize you may be the best friend I have in the world."  Then he says, "And then I reflect on the unfairness of life."  But he's smirking.