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Andrew Bennett (Scenesys ID: 7745)
"Cept, y'see, Cain, I'm something new.' Something more powerful than I thought possible. And I've played by the rules laid out for me for far too long. So, how's about we write a whole new rulebook?"
Full Name: Andrew Bennett
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire Full-Blood
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Vampire Hunter...sort of
Citizenship: Defunct UK / Fake USA
Residence: Gotham City
Education: 15th Century Tutor / Night Classes
Status: Active
Groups: Dark Universe-OOC, Gotham-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth 15th Century Actor: Ian Somerhalder
Height: 191 cm (6'3") Weight: 82 kg
Hair Color: Black / White Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Bennett was a Lord in the Court of Queen Elizabeth...before being transformed by none other then the original Vampire, Cain. He, in turn, transformed his commoner lover, Mary. He spent centuries fighting his darker urges, while also honing his abilities. Mary, sadly, fell to her temptations, and became a true monster. Bennett is much, much more powerful then the average Vampire, thanks to his unique siring. On top of that, many of the Vampire (Though certainly not all) in the world are descended from him, and in turn, Mary. These nights he works hard to battle his former lover and her 'Nation of Vampires', who work secretly to take over the world. He is a handsome, brooding, dangerous mess of a man.



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This man stands a tightly built 6'3". He is handsome, if intense and a bit odd. He has smooth skin and unbelievably pale skin...which somehow doesn't make him look sickly. He's too robust for that. His hair is a bit shaggy, but it suits him. It is dark black, with a single streak of white, and it falls about his handsome face. His eyes have whites as per normal, but the center is a deep, dark black. When anger or power sparks within him, they also glow a deep red.

He has a strong body, with tight muscles in the manner that many models wish they had. He tends towards tight, dark jeans and boots that match. When he is wearing a shirt, it is often a simple white shirt under a dark coat. Half of the time, however, he is shirtless, and that chiseled, but alabaster form is on display.


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Andrew Bennett was once a young lord in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. His family had money, and he should have wanted for nothing. However, he did want for love. While his family wished him betrothed to a somewhat plain noble girl, he fell in love with the demure, but stunning Mary Seward...a serving girl. They fell in love with each other, and his parents attempted to keep them apart. He was almost 22 when he was done waiting, and he fled his parents in a carriage to go and be secretly wed to his lover.

However, his carriage was attacked by Cain. Cain is complicated. He is the first Vampire, for one thing. He is not the Cain from the bible, but in fact is older then the world. He is a primordial evil that existed in the darkness before light was spawned. He was cursed by the Creator, however, that he would find a pure hearted man to be his ultimate weakness. He pushed at Andrew for fun, and ended up trying to eat him. However, his pure soul instead banished Cain, and Andrew was transformed into an immensely powerful Vampire. Cain, meanwhile, was sealed away (With Andrew having no idea), and he would wait there until Andrew's death...when he would return to destroy the world.

Andrew found his love and turned her into his first childe. They dwelled together for a long time, though he managed to survive off of animal blood, and she struggled to do so. They clashed many times over the centuries, with her wanting power, and him wanting a simple life. They each made many Vampires over the years, who also made vampires, who made vampires. By modern nights, MANY of the vampires out there are descended from Mary, and thus Andrew. Most have no semblance of their power, however. Andrew, however, began putting down the vampires that went too far, and by the 19th century he was spending most of his time killing the truly monstrous vampires, and trying to guide those who had hope. He has worked with other heroes over the years, and has been at many important points of history. In the early 21st century he discovered that Mary had been secreting her descendants into the police force, politics, and every other aspect of society...and is working to blot out the sun and take over the world. They have separated, and since he has worked to try and stop her...and other monsters.


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Andrew is so, so complicated. He is a pure soul, to a point. Pure enough as a mortal that he banished Cain with his own blood when he was transformed, at least. He has been a Vampire Pure-Blood for centuries, and it has gnawed at him, surely. He has done bad things over the centuries, and people have died. Still, he has tried to do more good then bad. He is brave and a bit of a martyr, certainly. He looks out for the underdog, and has an intense loneliness gnawing at him since his eternal love turned on him. He will give up his life to save the world if he needs to, but until then he is happy to work with others to stay the tide. He broods at a truly Gotham level on top of all of that, as well. He regrets past decisions, but constantly pushes forward.


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Andrew has incredibly enhanced senses in his normal form. He can hear far away sounds, pick up distinct smells and flavors, and can read the page of a book by touch. His animal forms increase some of these, granting further enhanced smell and hearing.

He is able to take over the minds of mortals with ease. Even strong-willed people can often be swayed by his power. Some folks, however, are able to force his commands aside (AKA, PCs tend to be those people who are able to control themselves, unless they OOCly consent). His control over a person is paramount. He can convince them of absurd things, and even make them harm themselves or others. Normally, he can only sway one person at a time, or perhaps a crowd of weaker-willed individuals.

Andrew will be 22 for all time. He will not age, no matter what. He does not need to eat or drink, and he does not need to breathe. He could survive in vacuum, if he had to for some insane reason.

Andrew is able to transform into mist as a reflexive instinct. He is so skilled at this that he is able to vanish into mist while a fast foe is swinging at him, and reform nearby in the same breath. He can even turn only parts of his body into mist, allowing him to get up to quite a few shenanigans. While in mist form he travels at roughly a skilled humans sprinting speed, and can flow into the air as if he were flying. This allows him to get into anywhere, as long as it is not air tight, as well.

As an extension of his Hypnosis abilities, Andrew has exceptional psychic abilities, stemming from his nature. He can read the minds of others, as well as rewrite and adjust memories. He can touch objects that have strong impressions, and read them. He can cloud the minds of others to hide his presence. These are not his most powerful abilities, but they are still extremely useful.

Andrew can heal at an exceptional rate. He can heal scratches and cuts and bruises in an instant, and really bad damage can take moments. Fully severed limbs will regrow, though it takes more blood, and a bit more time. He has regenerated from almost complete physical destruction in the past.

When Andrew is in his human form, he is still capable of inhuman feats. He is capable of lifting several tons, and he tends to be unphased by bullets, blades or fists. He can fall extreme distances without trouble. He can run so fast that he can barely be seen, and his reflexes are capable of dodging bullets. He has not fully tested his abilities, but he has been able to take punches from some of the strongest metahumans out there and getting back up.

Andrew can take a number of extreme forms with ease:

Wolf: Andrew can turn into several different types of wolves. He can become a wolf of normal size, which carries his usual strength and speed. He can also become an ENORMOUS wolf that is about the size of a very big truck. Finally, he can transform into a monstrous, 10 foot tall half-form.

Bats: He can turn into a singular bat, or (More often) he turns into a swarm of bats. He is also able to simply grow bat wings, lifting himself aloft.

When he really leans into his powers he can take on a truly monstrous form, but it doesn't manifest when he isn't pushing himself too hard.

These forms increase his usual abilities. For instance, a wolf is a bit faster, and a huge wolf monster is even stronger.


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Andrew is very well educated. He's passed many years reading, and he can quote authors from Shakespeare to Keats to Kerouac, and even more modern authors. On top of that, he understands archaeology, sociology, psychology, and various other academic pursuits. He is especially good with history, and not just because he has lived much of it.

He is an amazingly dangerous combatant. He knows many forms of martial arts and other styles of combat, and he knows exactly how to use his strength and speed to the best effect. He can take out large groups of foes fairly easily, and can go toe-to-toe with some of the stronger individuals out there.

Whether terrifying somebody, or charming them, Andrew has charisma. He knows how to choose his words and put passion into them, and he knows when to go hard or pull back. He is a master of getting what he wants out of people, and turning people into dedicated people, or inspiring them.

While he is no master sorcerer, Andrew is WELL versed in the occult. He knows about secret societies and various cults and all sorts of supernatural beasties. He also understands magic in its various forms, even if he doesn't personally practice it. He isn't Constantine or the Sorcerer Supreme, but for a non-practitioner he knows quite a bit.


Andrew is a world class swordsman. While he is also skilled in other forms of combat, this is his specialty. Put a blade in his hand and he can dispatch an army. He's trained in numerous styles over the centuries, and while he has his preferences, he is equally deadly with any sword.


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He has a basement apartment in a rough neighborhood of Gotham. It isn't much, but most people leave him alone, and it lets him avoid the sunlight.

Andrew has been around. He is hundreds of years old, and he has seen a lot. He has hidey-holds scattered across the world from those times, as well as hidden caches of money or goods. On top of that, there is a good chance he knows someone or something from places in the past. He has possibly encountered other ancient characters, for instance. Also, he has invested here or there, gaining surprising influences in places you wouldn't expect, such as various businesses.

He is associated with various monster hunting groups, and can often call on favors to get artifacts, advice or help.

While he tends to wile away the nights with simple night jobs, he has some money squirreled away. If he had abused his power over the centuries, he would have much, much more money. However, if push comes to shove he has enough to get many of the things he needs, as well as to pay his rent.


Andrew is not like many Vampires. He was embraced by Cain, the original Vampire. Because of this he is somewhat 'nobility', at least in his power level, which far exceeds the average. On top of that, many of the vampires in the world are descended from him, even if he has never met them. Vampires tend to know who he is. While they often hate him as a traitor...most are also utterly terrified of him, as well.


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He no longer finds himself starving all the time, and he has incredible control over his hunger. However, he still needs blood. He does not, however, feed off of humans like most vampires. He always feeds off of either animals, or (More commonly) blood packs supplied by various contacts. Still, it is something he needs to fuel his powers.

Most humans have never heard his name...but most vampires have. He kills them. Not ALL Vampires, of course. He knows that some are able to control their hunger and live normal lives. However, those who serve Mary, or who do evil, are destroyed by him. They fear him, and are more likely to flee his presence. Some, though, would consider it quite the coup to kill him.

Mary Seward was the love of his life, and his first childe. She is also his worst enemy, and the Queen of Blood. She rules over a hidden nation of vampires, who have infiltrated all strata of society, from the GCPD to politicians to gang members. She works to blot out the sun and take over the world, and Andrew constantly finds himself working at cross purposes with her.

He is dead, but not in the way most would imagine. He's pale, sure, and he has no heartbeat. However, he still feels emotions and thinks like a person, more or less. On top of that, he is capable of intimate relations (As the comics proved numerous times), and feels sensation, both good and bad, like a human. Still, head sensors will note him, and thinks that effect the undead will tag him.


Sunlight burns him badly, though he is more resistant to it then most. He can survive a few minutes in daylight if he must, but it will take him time to restore himself. Holy symbols hurt him if the people holding them have faith. He does not need permission to enter a home, however. He is not some lesser form of Vampire. He tends to slumber during the day. He has a reflection, and none of the other 'standard' flaws tend to apply, really.


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