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Revision as of 23:18, 29 March 2019

Turtle (Scenesys ID: 7881)
"Never quit your dayjob, kid."
Full Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: Criminal Mastermind
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Central City
Education: Iron Heights Penitentiary Library
Status: Active
Groups: Gem Cities-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 48 Actual Age: 48
Date of Birth 13 January 1979 Actor: Marlon Brando
Height: 155 cm Weight: 130 kg
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Gun in Your Mouth" by La Coka Nostra


The Turtle got his start in crime in Central City, an armored car hijack expert of some repute before the Flash's appearance when he was quite young. Ever the careful criminal, he immediately went under, and watched from the sidelines to observe the superhero. Newspaper clippings, eye witness testimony, tales from other criminals, even stalking the Flash by manner of private investigators, the Turtle slowly sized up his foe, seeking to repay Flash for the insult of making crime, a thin man's game. The Turtle's only reason for this, was the only reason a man of humble means but great bravery has: his pride. The Turtle was not a coward, merely a man with little charisma and a lonely life suited to crime. Flash, had the papers on his side, he had women and cheering fans and even the world stage. The Turtle came up with a three-stage method: the pond, the fish, and the mire. A distraction, a goal, and a contingency. If Flash could be quick, Turtle could be slow, and he could take advantage of the superheroic fault of relying on their abilities as a tool, instead of the abilities of their rival.



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Large, slow, and dull, Turtle's methodical movements, bulky build, and humble appearance belies an intricate mind and a clever wit. Stooped forward and possessing a sturdy, stocky build, his broad skull is bald, with long grey hair around his scalp falling down around his neck. A grim jaw is beneath a wide, churlish grimace, and a curved nose. His eyes are long and greedy, and his face is broad and animalistic. He's quite intimidating to be with in private, with no charisma to speak of.

The Turtle wears a suit of green armor of his own design, a carapace with a shelled back and interlocking armored segments. Muscular and obese at the same time, the armor covering him adds to this effect, with his man-handling grip bare for him to throttle or punch people with, and a pair of metal boots on his feet.


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The son of a homicide detective in Central City, Turtle was no good young. As the youngest of two brothers, he was born in a poor neighborhood, kicked around for being a cop's kid, and bullied by his older brother for being a natural criminal that excelled at police work. His older brother became a cop in the family tradition, his mother scolded him every night, and his father kicked him out of the house when he was sixteen, and cleared the record of his name from the ledgers, forcing the large, stocky bruiser into a life of crime.

Nicknamed 'Turtle' for his build, and his tendency to get enraged when someone would call him that, he was a swift bruiser that escalated up the ranks of Central City's minor rackets, excelling at smash and grabs, chop shop operations, and finally graduating to armored cars. In and out of prison in his twenties, he made sure to hit the books on his own in Iron Heights, the prison system offering him an excellent place to educate himself with a doctorate level education on behavioral science and the criminal justice system, as well as academic topics like physics and literature, both excellent places to construct criminal plans from.

An avid library junkie out of prison, he was taken into the confidence of the thieving rings of Missouri, operating big rig jacks, smuggling contraband through river watersheds, and performing retaliations on behalf of the criminal underworld with simple, effective bullying.

When Flash first started stopping crime, Turtle fell back on his bankrolled savings and shacked up in a trailer in the suburbs of Central City, in swamp country. He monitored the Flash by newspaper clippings, television tapes, radio recordings, he tailed him with private investigators and eyewitness accounts, he panhandled through criminals and beggars to hear first hand accounts of him. He knew, that Flash threatened his entire way of life, and the Turtle also knew, that he was the perfect person to face him, along with the small handful of opponents gathering as his nemeses.

The Turtle was a mastermind, educated outside of formal circles, with connections inside Central City's criminal underworld to gather intelligence on the Flash. The Turtle was slow, methodical, and careful, and the Flash relied on his superhuman abilities. The reliance on being superhuman was a weakness, Turtle realized, one that Turtle never suffered from. Turtle had a deficit in terms of his ability to fight the Flash, or others, his only real skill being the standard bruiser's weight that many people had.

The Turtle would rely on slow, methodical planning, to take advantage of metahumanity's crutch: a gift that typified each and every one of them, known to everyone on reputation alone. To this extent, he developed his system.

Phase One: The street game. A distraction, a diversion, a shield, a cover, a screen. Something to be held in clear sight, a manipulation of the location or the elements visible. Phase Two: The quarry. The prey, the target, the thrust. The actual truth of the job, lowered beneath the street game, held in private as the goal. Phase Three: The contingency. The fallback plan. The method of escaping and laying low, should the job go south. All three stages, interlocked and placed into position at the outset of the system, carefully scouted and planned with the understanding of everyone's role, with all sacrifices held equally and all shares proportionate to risk, not skill or seniority.

Purchasing a set of custom-built armor to augment himself, with interlocking ceramic weave to guard against blunt objects and heat, with shock insulation in case of heavy assault from a superpowered foe, he went into business for himself as the Turtle, foe of the Flash and member of the Central City Rogues Gallery.


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The Turtle is a humble man of pride and poor means. He is any salt of the earth type you'd meet in a city, a career cabbie or a dockworker raising a family. He values wisdom from the people, he's eloquent in a practical way, he's educated but not close-minded, and he's tactically careful with ideas that he has yet to hear. The Turtle rejects the aspersions of liberal ideas like tolerance of a rival ideology simply because of tolerance, but is nonetheless polite, and enjoys that particular liberal idea at its ethos, seeking tolerance from open conversation, not acceptance of a potential foe. He is any bonaventure of a warehouse you might meet, an ex-convict that will tell you his open mind, while still possessing all the genteel manner commonly attributed to a Robin Hood, but actually possessed by the average joe.

The Turtle is a careful planner, and operates in a tripartite system. He has his front, his goal, and his contingency, as his general method of thought. All three are laid down in an interlocking pattern at the beginning of any implementation, whether it be his hideout, his jobs, his revenge, his network, or particularly his bankroll for a fallback position to lay low. Although he is not swift of body, he is exceptionally swift of mind, planning a screen to bungle his foe in the swamp, a careful approach of the most direct way to capture his prey, and a fallback into the mire should he be hunted by a superior force. For him to engage, all three must be present, or else he will allow the opportunity to slip away from him.


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The Turtle has schooled himself on high school and college level academics, from study in the Iron Heights library and from Central City libraries. He is a self-educated man, with the four basics of high school curriculum (math, science, English, history) under his belt, a language proficiency in French and Creole, college equivalency in sociology and law enforcement, and a doctorate equivalent in behavioral science, namely the study of human behavior related to morality.

Turtle has been a street fighter for decades, knowing how to use his weight and muscle as a bruiser. Nicknamed 'Turtle' young from his closed posture and his ability to weather damage, he prefers to charge, grapple, and make swings when he has someone pinned. He has no elegance or form to him, merely the rage of a childhood bullied for his weight, even by other criminals. As an adult, the bullying is gone, but the power of his combat stance remains.

The Turtle is aware of how to conduct himself as a criminal, specializing in bank robberies, hijacking of armored cars and big rigs, intimidation enforcement, extortion of information, and stalking to garner intelligence. He is an able scout, planner, and mastermind, often preferring exceptional amounts of planning before he commits to a venture.


The Turtle researches everything extensively, whether a foe, planning a job, or bankrolling his money for a rainy day. He understands intuitively that being slow is how you win in a game against superpowered foes, not necessarily slow to act, but slow to commit. He would prefer to miss an opportunity he doesn't understand, rather than take a risk that he might win big on. He uses private investigators, word of mouth, and the news to stalk his enemies, building up a large body of research and information that he stockpiles for later planning.


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The Turtle maintains an armored suit, capable of absorbing shock from physical blows, sharp objects, bullets, fire, and electricity. It is a carapace and it is heavy, however Turtle is quite strong and stocky of build, allowing him to employ it easily as an extension of himself, in a fight.

The Turtle has contacts in the crime rings of America and elsewhere, for recruiting manpower and gathering intelligence, in exchange for his function to them of providing expertise on various superheroes and the ways to defeat them.

The Turtle has a mild-mannered fortune (for a criminal) built up over his decades in crime, a little over two million dollars cash, all of it in hidden assets stored in criminal exchanges with Central City mobsters. Most of his cash is in holding funds held by the Mafia's legitimate concerns, in exchange for Turtle's expertise as an information gatherer and a planner. The range of investments is businesses, rackets, and slush money reserves. The Turtle finds these convenient, since there is no direct link to him and his money, and he can make himself essential to the crime rings of Missouri by virtue of his fortune alone.

The Turtle has an exceptional amount of information related to superheroes, academics, techniques, criminal contacts, criminal enterprise, various organized crime units, different police techniques, and potential targets to hit, collecting all the information in written, audio, and visual form, with a complex set of microfilm, computer, and tape records.

The Turtle has a comfortable lair in the sewers and subways of Central City, using a condemned portion of the ancient sewer to stockpile his weaponry, liquid monetary supply, and upkeep supplies. It is dry, insulated, and safe, with defensive measures in the form of hidden access panels and escape shafts.


The Turtle is a member of the Flash's Rogues, a fellowship of Flash enemies whose mutual bond is their opposition to a jerk speedster that seems to be everywhere at once.


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The Turtle, despite having an alias in the system as the Turtle, has no real name or social security number, forcing him to rely on fake identities or confidence schemes. He can't use a bank, file a lawsuit, or register as a voter, because of his deleted name via his original family, long since dead or forgotten.

The Turtle is reliant on a tactical modus operandi to operate, and can't function without it due to his ornery, slow, methodical nature, and his superstition of his own brilliance from development of it. He's spent decades preferring to miss an opportunity rather than risk exposure, with the salt-of-the-earth closed mindedness of an aging draftsman facing new technology. In everything he does, he always has the three stage plan, the cover, the goal, and the fallback. He is completely dependent on this scheme, and if he can't find a way to implement it, with the proper simultaneous implementation of all three stages to work through, he will fail to act.

The Turtle is a bulky, short, ugly bald man, who rejects friendship and hit the streets and prisons young. He has very little charisma, and gets people to do what he wants with business temptation, not personality or inspiration.

The Turtle is short and overweight to the point of obesity, and is slow on foot, runs out of breath in a long term confrontation, and relies on defensive techniques in a direct confrontation.

The Turtle is well into his fifties, and isn't the young man he used to be. He is getting old, and despite being active at crime, is starting to slow down more than he would normally be, at his weight and size.


The Turtle refuses to give up his rivalry with the Flash and his friends, not out of madness or honest need, but rather the pride that comes from being an older style of criminal, threatened with obseletion by what he perceives as a superior product trying to drive men and women like him (actual masterminds, not cops that rely on detective work and criminals that rely on their wits) out of business.


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Title Date Scene Summary
A Rogues Family Christmas Special December 31st, 2019 Somebody gets a very special recipe
Shell-Shocked August 3rd, 2019 Turtle attacks a mob business meeting, which Damian is undercover guarding. Spoiler responds to the reports of gunfire. Hilarity ensues.
All Is Not Lost July 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Gotham City: The Florist Job June 16th, 2019 Summary needed
The Greasy Turtle and the Detective Squad Blast-o-Rama May 18th, 2019 Summary needed
The Rogues' Meeting. April 13th, 2019 Summary needed
A Turtle Wants For No Stone April 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Adaptation March 30th, 2019 A new player (Turtle) is brought into Starling to try and throw off Green Arrows investigation of the smuggling ring in his city. With Kids help, he grabs his first solid lead in months.


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