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Latest revision as of 06:22, 31 March 2019

Walk the Dog
Date of Scene: 30 March 2019
Location: Central Heights, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Red Robin ruins Stockholm's attempt to raise capital for other jobs by robbing a Jewelry Store with a team of mooks.
Cast of Characters: Stockholm, Red Robin

Stockholm has posed:
Gotham has a variety of neighborhoods. Some rich. Some poor. Almost all with moderate to high crime rates. Very few would ever actually be considered safe and quiet. Peaceful.

Central Heights in Old Gotham may be mostly commercial and residential, but like all of Gotham it is full of dark alleys, crime, and opportunity.

Tonight for instance a Jewelry store is being robbed. The silent alarms didn't go off when the thieves gained entrance, door alarms and motion detectors are easy enough to counter because by their nature they have to be visible.

The alarm went off when the jewelry safe in the back, where everything precious is stored when the store isn't open, started to be cracked. Trickier sure but it also means the police may not get there in time so it is a gamble as well.

"Tick Tock Guys .. Tick Tock..." which comes from Stockholm, sitting on the one non-glass counter where the money changes hands traditionally, back to the wall and keeping an eye on the doorway to the back room and the front of the shop.

Her encouragement actually makes the safe cracker speed up, and the three muscle bristle. No one back talks the nice lady out front not doing anything though.

Which isn't even fair. She is totally doing something, that being playing with a Yo-Yo. Well practicing really, she is very focused on doing a wild variety of tricks with it right now.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has gotten the alarm, and gotten there a bit before the cops. HE will drop a drone to come into the room barely lower than the doorr frame. He is the smart one and wants a look at the room.

Stockholm has posed:
The drone will capture Stockholm, a known quantity not to be taken too lightly, doing tricks with a surprisingly normal looking Yo-Yo. "Hustle it up or I'm going to bounce this off your skulls." not noticing the small thumb sized drone keeping low to the floor yet.

"Throw me down and I'll come right back up." she mutters to herself as the men in the back crack the vault finally pulling the drawers open. The safe cracker starts to pack up his equipment and two of the guys start loading jewelry into two bags.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will once gotten ian idea drop in trowing a smoke pellet onto the floor as he does, and comes in two robbing disks being thrown at the thugs, as he turns o deal with the real threat, the head of the heist

Stockholm has posed:
The Safe Cracker and One of the thugs takes a Robin Disk to the head and curse staggering. Also seriously what is so bad about classics like Bat-a-rangs. Everyone has to have branding. Kids today.

When the smoke pellet goes off though Stockholm doesn't even move, yet, just playing with her yo-yo like a lunatic. "Batgirl!?" hopeful, probably as too hopeful really. When she spots Red Robin she lets out a sigh "Damn.. bird not bat..."

"So sidekick, I walk, but have no legs." and Stockholm flings the yo-yo out at Red Robin, blades popping out of its frame and becoming a whirrrrring death toy now. Perhaps it's an old Toy man toy.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will bring his staff out to play with a button the small rod becoming a full sized bo staff. "Your using hand me down toys and you would expect the man himself? Heck your lucky we did not send the new kid, but figured keep you from getting to hurt.

Stockholm has posed:
There is a pffft from Stockholm as she looks Tim over now, still toying with her bladed yo-yo. "Well not everyone can have all the gadgetry you all seem to have. Some of us are working girls Robin." she kips up to her feet on the counter and then down from it now, watching him carefully. "Also I don't care about Batman... I was hoping it was Batgirl or one of her knockoffs."

The two remaining thugs keep shoving stuff into the bags as fast as they can.

The kind of dazed thug staggers out of the back holding a bleeding headwound with one hand from the disk and a gun in the other lining up a shot if a bit shakily.

Stockholm moves in now and flings the yo-yo at Robin with intent to harm, blades whirling. "I sleep, but never dream." she is an odd one, though these are riddles.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake wil see the man in the mirrow, and the bow spins, and with full extentention he will swing at the hand and then a poke at the man's forhead "It is not polite to interupt the growns ups." He will look to her, "Toy many and the riddler. I think you could do better, and if you want to wait, I mgiht be able to get spoiler to comeby."

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm frowns as Robin spins out of the way of her bladed Yo-Yo and staff butts one of her hired thugs in the forehead like that and he crumples. "God this is embarassing... Take what you have bagged and go out the back now!" she yells at the two loading the bags.

They straighten and then grab the bags not bothering to zip them yet and run for the back door.

As to Robin, Stockholm notes pleasantly "I'd rather like that actually, I haven't heard hide nor hair of Batgirl in what seems like ages... " the Yo-Yo was yanked back right away. "Also it is like you don't even understand me Robin... also didn't you get replaced by a much shorter Robin?"

With that she steps closer again flinging the blades out, this time where she thinks he will probably dodge to.

Also this time she isn't playing ... she is fast... which is why she is dangerous. Easily peak human deadly blade YO-YO incoming.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will see it coming a moment later than he should and takes a slice across his arm that opens him up. With a grunt he will spin the bo again, trying to catch the string of said yo-yo. He does send the drone to attach to the loot bags for trackign later.

Stockholm has posed:
And Robin manages to catch the Yo-Yo string with the length of his bo staff.

Stockholm is already angling towards the door to the bag now, and she gives the string a quick three succession tug, pulling the slack from the string and pulling that bladed toy up snug with the staff before letting go of the string. "Be sure to tell Spoiler I am totes looking forward to our date will you Robin." pulling a gun with her other hand and opening fire.

That though is more a distraction, the real problem is the fact the face of the yo-yo is blinking and there is a faint beeping that is speeding up.

Like an explosive device is about to go off on the bo staff, near Robin, and perhaps not a small one either.

"Don't have time to go to Arkham today.. busy busy busy..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will use the staff like a spear, and chuck it out the door, seems the young man must have been watching captain america videos or something as it bounces off the wall, and into a large trash bin to contain the explosion. He will have to pick up his spare staff soon. Again one of the bullets grazes him, but not enough to keep him down. He flings three pellets at the places his blood should be and moves to chae after the villian, but looks like he will have to use the tracer.

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm most certainly went one way and the thugs with the bags seem to have gone another way.

There are two unconcious thugs, one safe cracker and one armed mook still in the jewelry store.

also the approaching faint sound of sirens.

Robin is able to cut off the last two thugs with the bag and the tracker though. They are rubbing down an alley trying to keep off the main streets.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will do a swing down from one of the fire escapes giving the two running thungs a upside down clothesline, to bring them to a stop, and will move to drop a pellet f putton on the two frowning a bit as he does not see stockholm.

Stockholm has posed:
No Stockholm anywhere to be seeen. She definitely choose not to go with her thugs or the path they were likely to take, not with the previous Boy Wonder on her case out here tonight.

When Red Robin slams them down with the clothesline move and stop them the bags spills out. Never having had a chance to be zipped up. Jewelry scattering out and about in the alley now.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will wait for the cops, and hands the thugs and gems back over to them, sighing as he tells them that Stockholm got away but he will be on the job to add her to the catch for the month.