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Two Sides of a Coin
Date of Scene: 31 March 2019
Location: Al
Synopsis: What is it with Gotham. Kestral half foils Stockholms second attempt to get capital for her new projects. At least it was only half way, like the flip of a coin.
Cast of Characters: Stockholm, Carrie Kelley

Stockholm has posed:
Middle sized Bird Brat ruined Stockholms push for some additional capital last night so tonight is take two.

A good samaritan has called in some suspicious activity in a collectible coin shop ~Al's Antique Coins~ in West Chelsaa Hill, Old Gotham. Movement in the store at a late hour of night and a suspicious van.

No Alarm though so GCPD has not lept to investigate with blinding speed, assuring the caller a patrol car will swing by it check it out.

Which is why a mook is successfully carrying a heavy bad out of the store to the van and tossing it in already.

Stockholm is supervising inside, leaning against one of the display cases and flipping a coin, several by her have one side defaced with the knife by them.

"Why is it you think Batman has so many bird themed boys and bat themed girls... I think it is a little odd actually. Also why does he keep training new ones.. it is like a bird brained army. BroodyBlack Bird. Annoying Red Bird, and Angry Bird..." flipping the coin, catching it, and flipping it again while the mooks continue to load bags, three of them inside with her. "Also hurry it up."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Given the situation that had been going on lately with the Bats, Kestrel had been spending far more of her time patrolling in Gotham as opposed to Bludhaven with Nightwing. There just had to be enough coverage while personal issues were dealt with by those with more experience in the field.

The alert about the robbery doesn't fall on deaf ears even if GCPD might not immediately respond. Kestrel swings over from the section of the city she'd been patrolling to investigate, and lands nimbly atop a building. The fellow that was filling the van is regarded with a small, quiet sigh to herself. At the very least she'd dealt with enough grab-and-stash in vans lately that she had an idea of how to go about dealing with it.

Ignoring the man, for now, she hauls back to lob some batarangs at the wheels of the truck intending to deflate them along with their hopes to have a clean getaway. Only then does she move into action to deal with the actual criminals, and those inside.

A few small, pebble sized pellets ricochet off the floor inside, bouncing and rolling deeper, until they burst in a hiss of tear gas meant to fill the area where Stockholm and the mooks were.

Stockholm has posed:
Inside the coin shop the hiss of the tear gas pellets does not go unnoticed. "Ooh please be Batgirl and not that Red Bird with the little discs this time..." is muttered by Stockholm even as the mooks panic a bit, shouldering their backpacks and bursting out to the street.

Their eyes are watering and they are coughing as they make their way to the van, not knowing it had it's tires popped.

The mook outside spun when the tires made popping sounds, then spun to the noise from inside. "Guys Not Alone!" which makes him Captain Obvious Mook. though CO Mook does draw an uzi and scans up onto rooftops, van tops, fire escapes.

This is Gotham. Everyone looks up.

Stockholm meanwhile fishes into her jacket, she is debuting a high contrast suit tonight, almost a chessboard theme of black and white square sections. Out of it she pulls a slender gas mask, with goggles and fits it over her perfect platinum blonde hair.

The lady works with the Joker, she always has a gas mask on her, never know when that luntatic will drop Joker gas for shits and giggles.

A few more coins are gathered up into her own pockets at this point, letting the crew outside get a warm up or maybe a wear down for the moment.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
They always look up in Gotham. In Bludhaven, too, which is why it was easier to work at street level when you could. Even as the guy spins around to start scanning the rooftops, Kestrel makes her move. The brick red of her outfit helped her blend in with the sides of many building in Bludhaven, and Gotham, even if it wasn't a true camoflauge. That along with the shadows was enough to gain a bit of a lead time at least.

Moving out forward with a quick darting kick Kestrel aims to catch the gun weilding mook beneath his gun-holding arm to crack the entire thing up into his chin. May as well attempt to take him out in one go after all. Her own mask is pulled up over her face now to ensure she doesn't get any of the lingering tear gas that was filtering out of the shop and hanging heavy around the sidewalk around them.

While she may be small she does attempt to be pretty efficient with dealing in the issue of the gun toter. As soon as she's sure he's out she's dipping back into the shadows of the building again.

Stockholm has posed:
Okay that is like, totally unfair. Train the bad guys to look up for the capes and then bum rush them on the sidewalk. Not fair Kestral. Not fair at all.

Captain Obvious Mook takes his own gun to his chin, not a glass jaw, but definitely enough to break his jaw and send him down into the pooling tear gas where he starts to cough and make pained noises as the coughs cause jaw movement.

The other three thugs whirl around now, downed friend, red eyes. Two of them pull their own guns even as the third exclaims "The tires are blown!" and takes off running down the street with his backpack arms flailing and still coughing.

Stockholm hummms to herself, muffled by the gas mask, as she snags some of the little collectible Gotham Mint gold bars putting those in her inner suit pocket now. Once she is done with that she strolls out of the building peeling the mask off and letting it hang around the back of her neck. Just in case she needs it again.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
When you're a newb vigilante, you take the advantages you can get. Kestrel hadn't been out on the streets for years. She'd had maybe half a year of intense training and then tutelage under some of Gotham and Bludhaven's finest. She was green... but getting better by the night.

As the two mooks pull their guns, and the third runs, the smoke begins to clear. There's an almost audible whirring noise like the blades of some distant helicopter. The smoke plumes up, circles, and then from the sworl of misty tear gas a bolo whips out to latch and tangle around the pair. They weren't used much but bat-bolos were pretty handy for multiple targets.

Still. These were mooks. They weren't running the show by far. Even the still green Kestrel could see that. Which meant that either someone was ordering from afar, or there was still someone inside. Her suspicion is confirmed when Stockholm comes out to the simple greeting of, "I'm pretty sure this place doesn't have a late-night takeout window."

Stockholm has posed:
The runner, well he keeps running like his life depends on it.

The two mooks bolo'd together.. well get nailed hard by the bat bolos because they are still tearing up and coughing from the tear gas. They are certainly struggling there trying to get out of the predicament.. for the moment they are stuck as an odd couple.

Stockholm fishes out the coin and flips it in her hand, yes one of the faces is definitely marred. Her other hand goes to her chest over her heart. "As I live and breath... a Red suited Batgirl... the quips... the gadgets... " coin flip. "This is wonderful!" yeah okay the wierd lady is awfully enthused for being confronted by a vigilante foiling her plans.

"Okay.. should I retreat or kill her?" the coin is flipped up and it spins in the air.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Coin? Harvey Dent. Two-Face. That had been drilled into Carrie early on. The Big Names in Gotham that she ought to *avoid* until she was skilled enough to... No, just avoid. They were Batmans to deal with, typically. Not meant for the likes of her. Yet she was pretty sure that this woman wasn't Two-Face. The harlequin costume was a bit confusing as well causing her head to tip to the side with a look of actual confusion as she regards the woman.

Nevermind. Back to work.

"So what happens if it lands on it's side? I always wondered that. And I'm not a bat, I'm a bird, but for whatever reason the two are kind of the same here so... Take it as you will."

Stockholm has posed:
The coin lands in one of her hands and she slaps it onto the back of the other but does not reveal it yet.

It is a fancy suit, the black and white checker pattern could be a two face homage with a twist, or perhaps it could be another twist. One might imagine Harlequin.

"You know, I do not know.. I will have to ask Two Face next time I see him." it is a thoughtful tone and then Stockholm looks Kestral over once more. "Well.. close enough.. I mean.. you obviously have some sanction or you wouldn't have one of those.. and as long as your not like Girl Robin or some drek I consider this a win you being here and not one of those idiot boys...." there is a crook of a smile now and she pulls her hand back flicking her gaze down. "And.. I don't kill you today, lucky for you." she fingerguns at Kestral and pulls a gun, quickdraw style, and shoots the bolo tangling up her mooks, the ball on one end shattering it now and freeing them. "Kill her since I can't."

They start to raise guns once more as Julia turns to flee.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Point. And hell no I'm not a Robin," Kestrel assures with a small shudder. If she even attempted that she'd likely end up in more trouble than she wanted to deal with. Before she can react to the whole coin flip scenario however, Stockholm has freed the mooks.

Pay attention, Kelley!

"Oh snap... Literally!"

Kestrel dives forward, ducking down to lower her center of gravity as she simply hauls back to punch one of the still woozy mooks in the kidneys. It was meant to stun, hurt, take his breath away, and leave her free to grab the top of his shirt with her other hand. Twisting her back in toward him she hauls the poor punched guy up and over to flip right ontop of his newly freed buddy. Better to try to take them both down and quick than to let gas weakened thugs shoot randomly, right?

"Hey get back here you... Whoever!" This night was not going well.