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Eureka, I've Got It!
Date of Scene: 02 April 2019
Location: Science Labs - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: T'Challa informs Steve of a way to tell Janet from clone-Janet (Jocasta). Plans are made to tag the real Janet for easy ID.
Cast of Characters: Black Panther, Captain America

Black Panther has posed:
There hasn't been a lot of sightings of T'Challa of late that don't involve the lab. He's disappeared in there for several days, leaving to get food and coffee and for occasional sleep. Queries as to what he's doing have been met with, "Janet situation" or something similar before he waves on his way past to head back to the lab.

So it might stand out tonight when Steve's phone gets a message. "Steve, come by the lab alone when you have time." A straightforward message from the straightforward Wakandan. Whenever Steve might have time to make it there, T'Challa will be sitting at a microscope looking at some samples of something or another. Occasionally pulling away from it and picking up a petri dish, though one that is lacking any of the normal substance for growing bacteria. He waves his fingers above it as if bringing the scent to himself, then goes back to looking at the microscope.

Captain America has posed:
T'Challa's timing is opportune. Having just put away his dishers in the washer, Steve glances down at his coat pocket. The phone is retrieved and he frowns down at it. With a small sigh, he nods to himself and then makes his way towards the laboratories. His pace speaks to intent and slows only when he gets close. No doubt the shift in cadence is heard -- combat boots mute sound only to an extent.

Nothing like sneakers.

"You rang?" By the droll delivery, the Captain's making a pop culture reference and enjoying it. Maybe it's his way of combatting the fine worry-lines about the corners of his eyes. He makes his way over to the pristine lab station occupied by Wakandan man and his microscope. Hands are kept in Steve's coat pockets as he looks from petri dish to T'Challa. "Found something?"

Black Panther has posed:
The entrance by the super soldier into the room does not pull T'Challa away from the microscope. He adjusts it slightly, eyeing it for a few more moments and then sits upright again. He slides his rolling stool down from the microscope and over to a keyboard and monitor. Far enough that Steve could get a look into the microscope if he wanted while T'Challa is holding up one finger to indicate he needs a moment. He pulls up something that looks like a graph with various spikes at several... whatever that is along the X-axis.

Finally T'Challa swivels around on the stool slowly to look over at Steve. "I have indeed found something," T'Challa says as he crosses his arms and leans back against the table behind him. He studies Steve for a few moments, almost as if there was a director off-camera telling to let the moment build before revealing, "I have a way to tell our Janet from the other one."

Captain America has posed:
Tucking his chin briefly with eyes downcast, Steve then looks up at the back of the man reviewing information at the monitor. His amusement is fleeting and found in the ghosting of dimples that appear and disappear just as fast as they grace his lips. He does take a moment to lean into the dualed viewing ports of the microscope itself. His brows furrow. Pulling back, he finds himself with no clear answer as to what he observed in the petri dish.

Once T'Challa spins around, he'll find Steve leaning against the lab countertop, arms loosely folded. Those mobile brows flick high at his announcement and linger there as the second or two...or three...passes.

The news causes Steve's heart to skip. The Wakandan might even catch this. "You do?"

Black Panther has posed:
The microscope seems to just show some cells, as if from a living being. Whether Steve can tell they are no longer still living, or what amount of chemical change they have gone through, might be up in the air. But they are cells, he probably knows that much.

T'Challa gives a slow nod of his head. "I noticed a difference in scent the night Wade drew their ire. One smelled more like Janet to me than the other. Though it was very subtle. It took me some time to find the cause and investigate it. I wished to be certain, first," T'Challa says.

He opens up a drawer and removes some of Janet's perfume from it. Or at least the same brand she uses. "Janet's skin reacts different with her perfume than does... the one who is not our Janet. I could tell the faint difference in the odor. But it takes over a half-dozen hours for the reaction to reach the point I could smell it."

Captain America has posed:
The appearance of the perfume bottle has Steve giving the man a more pointed look of surprise, but it fade into simple astonishment after a second. He nods before glancing over at the petri dish. "So...the...oils -- in the perfume -- they're reacting to her skin's pH levels...?" he hazards by way of scientific logic.

A pause and then the Captain laughs softly to himself. "God, if your nose is that sensitive, I am very sorry that I did not shower before I came in. Latest recruits needed a reminder in self-defense training." Still, he grins in an apology should one be truly necessary.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther motions towards Steve's explanation. "It's a little more complicated of a reaction. But, you very much have the basics of it, yes," T'Challa tells Steve. The African gives a soft chuckle and says, "As keen a nose as a blood hound. Or a panther, to be more exact. But do not worry, it is something I have long grown used to," he shares with Steve.

He motions towards the computer, "I am attempting to try to deduce more about not-Janet then. Is there something significant about the difference. It is a rather complicated chemical reaction though. I think there may be something about the energy stored in the cell that is contributing to it. Perhaps she has less, so is not fueling the reaction. Or not enough for the additional scent to become noticeable. I did not notice this scent difference earlier though. So perhaps not-Janet is going through subtle changes where now, it became noticeable to me."

Captain America has posed:
"The changes I've seen in the two of them are about as subtle as a change of clothing -- and sometimes that exactly." Steve spans his eyes with a hand and rubs at his temples briefly, his other arm still hugged across the width of his lower chest. "It's a nightmare..." he grouses, ever so briefly. An inhale and he then lifts his chin, the epitome of dignified patience once more.

"So there's a change in the skin's cell energy. The clone has a different amount of energy." The Captain reaches out to snag up the perfume bottle. Lifting it to his nose, he sniffs at the white spritzing nozzle. It might be amusing, how he seems to slump a noticeable amount. The funniest little smile crosses his lips as he turns the bottle and watches the liquid move about. "She does smell good," he admits quietly with an uncharacteristically winsome note in his tone.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther smiles softly as he watches scent the perfume. "She does. And that comes from an expert in the area," T'Challa says in a somewhat joking tone as he taps his nose. "Tony may be able to do more with the information. Or Dr. Banner. He is probably the best on the team at biology. I am still at a loss how Janet's power has been transferred, though. I did suggest something to them that I believe both Janets intended to contact someone involved with the technological side. I never heard if there was anything promising that turned up," T'Challa says.

He gets up and goes over to a coffee pot, pouring himself a cup, and motioning towards it to see if Steve wants one. "We should probably be ready. If the clone intends something harmful, discovery might e what provokes it. Also why I kept this to myself until I had done the science to confirm it. I did not wish to make you have to act the same to the clone in deception, as you do to Janet."

Captain America has posed:
T'Challa's sly tap of nose earns him a snort-laugh from the Captain. The man rubs at the back of his neck after setting aside the perfume bottle. It's part of regathering composure and banishing the faint pink at his ears. The latter is likely brought on by the lingering scent of the essential oil blend he's connected so seamlessly to the fashionista. How significant is scent in regards to memory!

The offer of coffee is taken. Rising from his lean against the lab counter, he meanders over to retrieve the offered mug from the Wakandan. "I appreciate that, T'Challa. All of it," Steve's sure to quietly emphasize. "It's been...it's been hellacious fielding them." The admission comes in a rare showing of weariness. "I've been staying at the apartment until everything settles down." His eyes rise from the surface of his drink and to T'Challa's face. "You think I'd be able to smell the difference...? Can you describe it?"

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa passes the coffee over, pouring another mug for himself and then moving back to settle in his stool. "Unless your super soldier serum enhanced your senses to tremendous levels? You would not be able to detect it," T'Challa tells Steve. "My sense of smell... taste and smell are linked. I can tell you each ingredient in food that I eat. And can tell you who has been in a room but is gone now. And it was such a faint difference, I could only tell from up close. And, I suspect, after the perfume had been worn all day for their bodies to react differently."

T'Challa draws a breath. "So, we can decide how to handle this going forward. Tony should probably be consulted. I will keep it quiet for now. But I thought I would tell you. If you wish, I can tag the real Janet with something so we can tell her apart. But if you would rather not have to be deceptive around them, perhaps for now it would be best if not know?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve falls quiet. His gaze slides aside as he sips at his coffee. The gears are visibly turning behind the half-fall of his pale lashes. "Good coffee," he asides vaguely with a lift of the mug. Finally, he releases a sigh from the depths of his broad chest.

"Tag her." The decision is said softly. "While it's her clone and her responsibility, 'm not about to make things worse by confusing the two of them. Janet and I decided upon honesty at the start of things. At the start of us. Can't go breaking that promise to her, not over a robot." His tone gains an iron underbelly and he nods curtly once. Decision made, and the Captain will not redact it. His phone buzzes, a high-pitched chime, and he pulls it out to look at it. "...mmmmph. I gotta take this." He slides away the device with a shrug.

"Thanks again," he's sure to reiterate, reaching out to clap the man's shoulder twice in a firm and friendly swat. "Dunno where we'd be without you. Tony'll get in touch with me about your findings, I'm sure...man can't keep his fingers out of any pie." His tease is friendly even as he makes to depart, lifting his mug at T'Challa. "Thanks for the coffee too. Guess you know I'm the real Steve by it?"

And on that cheeky note, the Captain departs. SHIELD's a-calling.