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Mirror Mirror On The Wall
Date of Scene: 04 April 2019
Location: Guest Room - Sanctum Santorum, New York City
Synopsis: Kitty and Rogue set up a magic mirror to the Sanctum Santorum. Jason has a surprise waiting, while Doctor Strange gets dragged to tea by Black Cat.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red Hood, Rogue, Doctor Strange, Black Cat

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty stopped by Rogue's room, with a couple of bottles of apple cider, to tell the Southern belle some good news. The pair had then carefully unpacked the magic mirror from where Rogue had stored it, and moved it over into Kitty's room at the school.

Placed in the back of her closet where it would be unlikely to have anyone accidentally trigger it, Kitty had grabbed her cider and grinned over to Rogue. "So you know, as Ellie puts it, our lives are weird. I've done a lot of things before. But I don't think I've ever walked through a magic mirror before," she says. After Rogue has shown her how to activate it, Kitty tries it and then looks over to Rogue to confirm that she's done it successfully.

Assuming she gets that nod, Kitty draws a deep breath, reaching out a hand towards the mirrored surface. She finds her hand passing through much like she were phasing. Though not coming out the other side. She slowly steps the rest of the way through then, stepping out of the mirror in the guest room down at the Sanctum Santorum in New York.

Red Hood has posed:
The smell of a warm wood fire fills the room as Kitty and Rogue step through. A romantic quartet is playing somewhere in the ether, it's tones soft and sensual. Rose petals had been spread out across the floor - because Jason had expected Kitty to come through the door, and not through the mirror. The location is somewhere in the deep woods - but here, there is a area set up. A natural spring that has been convereted into a hot tub.

Chocolates and champagne have been set out, and the rose petals lead right up to where the hot tub is. Coming out of the bathroom, Jason's wearing /only/ a towel, his bare chest on display, the build of a brawler obvious, complete with all the scars he's taken in the past that he took. "Kitty, you're earlier..." he starts to say, reaching for the towel to show her that there's absolutely nothing beneath.

That is until he makes note that Kitty is /not/ alone, and the young man dives into the hot spring tub, disappearing beneath the surface - only bubbling water protecting his modesty as the towel floats up to the surface. "...uh. Hi!" he manages, a brief moment of utter embarassement in his voice.

Rogue has posed:
After helping move the mirror from the back of one closet, to the back of a new closet, Rogue to opens her bottle of cider and just grins at Kitty. "Ya know, the strangest part'a Strange's mirror is that its no stranger than simply walkin' through a door. Ya watch movies'n such and it makes ya think you're gonna feel like some kinda magnetic pull and go through some weird psychedelic light show of a tunnel, but nope, just step on through, to the oooothah side."

A big grin is flashed, a sip of the cider is taken and the southern belle watches her favorite x-room mate walk through said magic mirror. "See, ain't no thang." And then with a sway in her step, Rogue to sashays through the mirror gateway to Greenwich Village and the mysterious manor that is the Sanctum Santorum.

Not but a second later though and Rogue is stopping to look around at the rather unabashedly sexy and romantic setting she just stepped into. But the splash of water draws her eyes to the hot tub about the time that jason's face peaks up out of the displaced and sloshing water.

Rogue then raises her non-cider-holding-gloved-hand and just wiggles her fingers at him and grins all big and bright. "Well hey there, Hot Buns." She says to Mister Todd. "Ya went t'all this trouble for lil' ol me? Why... I think I'm feelin' all a flutter here." And her hand now takes hold of her tshirt beneath her hoodie and she has to sway it about to let some cool air in beneath her collar! She's teasing, of course.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyes widen and she grins as she sees the trouble that Jason has gone to with the room. "Jason! Oh, I probably should have warned you-" she says, turning to look back as Rogue steps out of the mirror too. Kitty looks back, laughing as she sees a flash of towel-clad man diving into the water.

And she laughs. And she laughs. Kitty is trying not to laugh but she cannot help it. And when Rogue begins fanning herself, the brunette just laughs even harder. She looks over to Jason, her eyes lit with warmth. "I love you," she tells him, managing to get the words out amidst soft peals of laughter.

Kitty flashes him a beautiful smile and then looks back to Rogue. "I have the best boyfriend ever," she tells her friend with a grin. Kitty walks over to the edge of the hot springs turned hot tub. "Oh, this is so wonderful," she tells him. "I was planning to surprise you as well. Magic mirror that will let me move between my room in Salem and here, just stepping through it," she tells him.

Kitty motions to Rogue. "You remember Anna-Marie of course?" she asks with a grin. Kitty looks back to Rogue, still smiling at what transpired. "He met Ellie the other day too. She told him she's a mutant. Also threatened that if he hurts me she'd... explode him. A little."

Red Hood has posed:
"I didn't know that you'd get the mirror working /today/." Jason is very much soaked cat in the tub. And with Kitty laughing at him, he gives her a face. "Mmhmm." he manages at the young man looms beneath the surface. Anna Marie gets a look. "Yes, well. If I'd known, I'd made sure to warn Kitty first to wear less." he says with a snort and playful roll of his eyes.

"And yes, I have had the pleasure of meeting Miss Plosion." he says, waiting for Kitty to get a little closer.. and a little closer. And then he lunges out of the water, attempting to grab Kitty and pull her in.

Of course, if she phases, this is all moot.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just looks between the two of them while sipping her cider and then recapping it without twisting the cap closed. She softly nods her head at them. "Well. we all need a little esplosion in our lives after all." She says in that same teasing and flirty way that seems to be quite standard for this gal. Her eyes drift over to the tub again and she just sighs over dramatically. "You're right Kitty, he's a good one." She acknowledges her fellow X-Member's state with regard to the quality of her boyfriend.

Rogue then casts her eyes about the area. "I sure did miss this room though, its a hellava way to escape reality for a bit. Clear your head'n'all."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    All within the actual Sanctum itself, Stephen gets a blip of magic from the house itself being used and the wizard looks up from the dangerously complex spell craft he has been working on these past two months. Stephen frowns at himself and lowers his hands from above the spell matrix with a clap against his thighs. "What is that girl doing." Stephen asks himself knowing full well it probably has to do with Rogue being thoughtless about the ways of magic. Again.

    Stephen motions for the cloak to join his stride once more and he finds his way down to the mutant's old room that she gave away to a friend of hers, without consulting the master of the mystic arts and Stephen begins to decend the three stairways to get to the bottom floor before he barges into the magic room.

Black Cat has posed:
There was tea to be had! Or at least, a vague inkling of an idea that tea //should// be had. The arrival at the Sanctum's front door is wearing her platinum-blonde hair up in a braided bun today in honor of the warmer weather teasing at New York City. Her coral-pink sweater-dress sports a hem down to mid-thigh and a scooped neck that leaves...little to the imagination. Her leggings are sheer black today and she sports ballet-flats in cream. About her waist, a...suspiciously furry belt in ivory. BELT -- not a tail! Who's asking?! In her hand, another little brown bag containing two new boxes of tea she hasn't tried yet. The challenge is seeing if she can stump the good Doctor, after all.

Her first knock on the door actually sets it to swinging inwards. Felicia stares at it, nonplussed to see no human at the handle, and then steps in after regaining her aplomb. "Copperfield...?" Her voice rings out in the foyer. As she reaches its center, a glance over catches the tail end of what //MUST// be the crimson cloak disappearing into a door just down the hallway. "Oh, Copperfield!"

Lightly and nearly skipping her way over to the door, she then comes into the room on the hem of his cloak -- and almost bounces off his back in sheer shock.

"Oh -- my god," she babbles, staring at the room and its contents.

"...I'm over-dressed for this," the blonde then muses as a coy smile begins curling her lips. Her jade-green eyes flash, ovaloid pupils and all.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty slips her phone out of her pocket, having already anticipated what might result after the unexpected entrance she and Rogue made upon Jason's very thoughtful plans for her.

A dunking is quite likely in her future, and she's a good girlfriend and doesn't try to phase away as Jason grabs her.

Kitty goes flying into the water of the hot spring with a Sploosh! She comes back up, spluttering in a good natured way. She slides over to Jason in the water, giving him a hug as she laughs. "If Rogue has enough of the cider, I'm going to suss out of her some of the other ideas she's had for the room when she lived here," Kitty teases. She leans back then, getting her wet hair to lie flat as she undoes her ponytail.

As the door begins to open, Kitty glances over. "Uh oh, forgot ice cream for Wong," Kitty comments to Rogue with a grin. She glances to Jason, giving him an up and down look though his body is covered by the water. "Should probably get you some clothes," she tells him. "And for me, too," she comments as she starts to climb out of the water, her jeans and sweatshirt soaked and either stuck, or hanging to her depending on the garment.

Red Hood has posed:
"DOES NOONE KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!" Jason stands up in the spring, grabbing the soaked towel to pull around himself. Of course, he also has a Kitty shield now, protecting him from Roguish eyes and the Prowling eyes of a female. "Did I miss a house warming party invitation or something??" he manages, as the young man mutters, pulling himself out of the tub after Kitty.

"I mean, I would have brought Tupperwear. Or a blender. Or something." Just something besides the absolute nothing he has at the moment as he pulls himself up to his full height. "Yes. Well, I get it. Everyone's special here. Let's gawk at the normal boy. I'll call you sometime, Kitty!"

Date night is ruined, and Jason is storming towards the door. And of course, the gorgeous blonde that just came in. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!"

New Jersey attitude. Only thing worse than a New Yorker.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks over his shoulder as he marches towards the guest claimed room and gives a soft smile to Felicia and a motion for her to stay close. Then as he's opening the door there is a scene he wasn't quite expecting to see. "This is what you've done with the ancient and potent mystical energies in this house? Conjure yourself a hot bath?!" Stephen says, his voice deep and a certain power is laced into his words.

    Stephen stands in the doorframe, not premitting anyone to pass though he does look at Felicia and raises his eyebrow before turning to Jason and the x-girls. "You. Naked man, how did you get into my house?" Stephen asks with a finger pointed at Jason.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs softly when she sees Kitty get submerged in the water, she listens to her talk of ideas about the room and this makes her look down to the cider in her hand. "Is this alcoholic?" She asks then... but she doesn't ahve time to get a response because Strange enters, and then... whoever that is behind him...

"Oh, hey." Rogue says to the Doctor. She motions with her free gloved hand toward the hot tub and Kitty, and Jason of course too. Can't forget Hot Buns. "I set her up with that magic mirror that ya made me. Ya know the one that would let me go back'n forth between Xavier's? Seems t'still work just fine." Yeah, Rogue is likely being rude about her kind of doing things, without asking Strange.

A wave is offered to Felicia then, her gloved fingers wiggling at the Black Cat. "Love your outfit." She says to her. "Wish I could pull somethin' like that of--"

Jason breezes past her then and she looks over at him, her eyes going wider as he looks angry? She looks back to Kitty, then back to Jason. "I wasn't gonna stick around, I woulda left ya'll alone." She offers at him.

Black Cat has posed:
There's a little flinch from Felicia at the sonorous volume of the man's voice as she stands next to him. Her finger rises to the ear closest to him and she mimes wiggling a finger in it in her usual flare of dramaticism. However, there's now a blossoming of it beyond her own!

"My memory's juuuuusssst fine," she singsongs at the young man with no hint of compunction whatsoever. Nothing but trouble, this one. Her jade-green eyes appear to take effort to pull away from Jason and his wet-toweled state.

They do flick over to Rogue and she gives the redhead a winning grin. "Thank you, you're so sweet," she replies to Rogue. "I saw it on sale at Macy's and couldn't resist it. Care if I borrow him? We're supposed to have tea."

Daringly, she makes to loop her arm through Strange's elbow and to snuggle herself against his side. "Copperfield, let 'em have their fun," she simpers at him with a flutter of dark lashes. "It's not like they're breaking anything...?"

Red Hood has posed:
Sure, ask the kid that's been dead - revived, dunked in a Lazarus Pit and went to a place between worlds to get mystical marks and training to balance his soul how he got into the Sanctum. "You left the front door unlocked!" Same way Felicia did, clearly. "And Kitty said that the room could be used for anything, and what business is it of yours... Copperfield??"

Oh, now Kitty gets to see that understated Jason Todd anger come boiling to the surface.

He's huffy. He's trapped in a room. He expects R. Kelly or Allen Funt to come out at /any/ second, and the young man is now not in the tub, it's cold and his skins prickling. There's a stir of something of old magic within him. Something that could be something else, but it's not come out to the surface. It's nestled deep in the boy, as he goes sardonic. "So giving this whole experience a 1 star on Yelp."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sees Jason's expression change. "Jason," she says, trying to move over in front of him to keep him from leaving. "Please don't be upset, yes, Anna-Marie wasn't going to stick around," she tells him. "Just she was showing me how the mirror-" Kitty manages to get out and then Doctor Strange is there in the doorway.

Kitty will, if allowed, reach out to touch Jason's chest gently, trying to get him to stop, even as she turns towards Doctor Strange. "I'm sorry if the disturbance caught you off guard, sir," she tells him. Her tone is quite a bit more conciliatory than Rogue's, without a doubt. "We were setting the mirror back up," she confirms, "And I was going to come talk to you about it, but we just got back. This is my boyfriend, Jason Todd," she says, introducing Jason. "He's a really good guy, came out to give me a nice surprise as he knows I've been burning the candle at both ends. But I kind of ruined it for him," she says, looking to Jason regretfully. "Jason, this is Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth that I told you about," she says.

Kitty looks to Doctor Strange and says, "We weren't trying to... misuse the room or anything. Just, have a quiet moment together. It was kind of romantic and thoughtful, I thought, but we..." she winces and reaches over to squeeze Jason's hand as he gets his comment out. "It's ok," she tells Jason. "Just a misunderstanding and all."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's pointed finger is pulled away from aiming at Jason as a smaller but much stronger arm wraps around his elbow and pulls him away. "Hey, no. Wait." Stephen fumbles against Felicia but is easily dragged away by the burglar. "But they're using-" Stephen is pulled away without being literally dragged as he keeps his pace with the surprisingly strong Felicia. "I don't know who he is and he's just walking into my house! Felicia." Stephen complains with what composure he can muster.

Rogue has posed:

Takes another sip of her cider and then smiles at everyone, and everything, she loves this. Its all great. She loves it all. Her head even nods approvingly at it. "Family." She says then as she looks over at Kitty. "Am I right?" She sighs heavily then and walks over toward the hot tub, she peers into it. "I dig the rose petals the most... really. But now I wanna soak in a tub."

Her stare sweeps back over to Felicia and the Doctor going after Jason. "Hey." She calls after the Cat. "Tea his brains out. He needs t'unwind a bit. The hair around his forehead is like, four times as gray as I remembah it bein' last time I was here." She was here like a week ago.

Black Cat has posed:
"See? Nothing bad will come of it, Copperfield. Now, come along and leave the lovebirds to their ruffled feathers." Felicia then begins to escort the man out of the delightful room with the promise to herself that she //MUST// check it out in the future.

"I like you!" She waves merrily at Rogue in particular with a twiddling of fingers from Strange's side. "Call me," she then mouths at the redhead with a brilliant wink of one jade-green eye. To the rest of the room: "He'll get back to you later! Enjooooyyyy," the cat-burglar calls over her shoulder as she walks out into the hallway with her discomfited stutter-fest of Sorcerer. Checking off that weekly list of stolen items: ding!

"The redhead's right, Copperfield. You're too wound up. Come on, I brought a very nice Chai-blend that'll settle your nerves," says she to Strange as she leads the way towards the kitchen with the taller, more dignified man on her arm. Or her on his arm. Who knows at this point!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances over to Rogue with a grateful look for her help in the matter. "I'll... come talk to you later, Doctor Strange. Made progress on the digitizing," she says, trying to smooth it over. Felicia is given a smile a friendly wave for her help as well.

Kitty turns towards Jason then. "Come on, let's get you something warm?" she suggests. "This is really all so sweet. I'm sorry if I ruined the surprised. I wanted to surprise you with the mirror, I just didn't think ahead to how you'd have had something in mind already," she tells him.

Kitty goes over to the closet, the entrance cunning disguised in a tree trunk in the room that looks like a forest. "Here," she says, pulling out a sweatshirt with the logo of the Gotham baseball team on it, and a pair of dry shorts. She brings them over to Jason and says, "Just hang out for a little bit and then we'll get back to date night?"

Red Hood has posed:
"It's fine." Jason mutters. "I have some clothes.. somewhere. I'll get out of your hair. Have things to attend to." he glances down. "Hope you didn't get in trouble with your boss." With that, hes gathering his clothes to head out. Maybe back the way he came in. Because he's got some skill in B&E. While not at Felicia level. "Thanks again." he offers behind him as he departs.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just sips her cider and turns back toward the mirror. "Yep." She says then. "Well, magic mirror works. Guess I'll get back t'my room and back t'my solitary and lonely life." She says with a heavy and overly dramatic sigh as she walks over the flower petals on the ground. She grumbles something about cajuns and 'weird ass clones' as she goes. Her eyes glance to the others and she waves at them. "Happy trails, humans." She says, entirely intending on being ironical in that statement before she HOPS through the mirror again and back into Kitty's closet at Xavier's, where she definitely doesn't snoop around for a bit.