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Latest revision as of 06:04, 9 April 2019

A Stranger at the gates.
Date of Scene: 08 April 2019
Location: Greymalkin Lane, Westchester, NY
Synopsis: Carrie meets Remy and Rogue outside the school, and they are joined by Kitty
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Gambit, Rogue, Shadowcat

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A beat up red Toyota pulls up the lane only to drift to a stop as Carrie leans her head out the rolled down window to squint at the place. "Huh. Heck of a place for a school," she mutters, even as she looks to her phone again to see if Kitty responded to her texts or not. It had been a few days since she'd heard from her, or Jason, so she'd gone searching. The usual places SHE knew to check weren't pulling up results so... that left the school. Parking to the side, she steps out to approach the gates with hands stuffing into her pockets.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau when last seen had been dressed in a $5000 silk Armani suit at a $10,000 a plate charity event, loosing a $200,000 bet to Kitty's boyfriend. Now he is wearing jeans with holes in them, a Saints t-shirt and a tan duster that looks like it belongs on the set of El Dorado. He grins slightly as the girl pulls up, tilting his head slightly. "Hey dare chere, c'n Ah 'elp yah?" he asks in that rich accent.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley wasn't too hard to recognize herself. Though her own attire at the time was a very nice dress that *seemed* expensive, but to the trained eye... Wasn't. Upon seeing Remy she tips her head to the side flashing him a friendly grin. "Hey. Sorry to drop by unnanounced, but I was hoping Kitty might be around? I haven't heard from her in a few days." There's a pause as she looks down to her phone again just to check that... Nope, no texts. Glancing back up to the Cajun she approaches further not seeming as if she were trouble of any sort. "I'm her friend, Carrie."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been out jogging, the weather was getting nicer so she was eager to get out and exercise, not that she needed it, but it was a lingering part of Carol Danver's that made her crave it. She hated being indoors whne the weather was night, it felt truly unnatural to her.

So she'd suited up with jogging pants, a sporty top and a looser green tanktop over those otherwise black hued garments. With her hair tied back, Rogue is bounding back up Greymalkin Lane, in fact, Carrie probably passed her on the drive up. But now Rogue is catching up, running/jogging at a casual pace she's coming up on the driver's side of the car.

Rogue spots the Cajun greeting the driver and she jogs up toward them, staying a few steps back so as not to run right up beside someone's vehicle, she reaches her right (ungloved) hand up to pull her sunglasses up onto her forehead, both of her arms are fully exposed right now as well, due ot jogging clothing.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "Ah remember yah from Selena's party." He says leaning agienst the fense that separates the two of them and pulling out a cigarette. He then touches the end of it and the tobacco flares to life, with him inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs. "Hate ta be de bearer of bad news, but las' Ah 'ear Kitty was back yah way with dat boy from de party." As the jogger approaches though the Cajun's demeanor changes slightly. His posture before could easily be described as flirtatious and playful. But seeing the woman, it becomes down right twitterpated. "Hey dare chere, Yah ain't seen Kitty eit'er 'ave yah?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The response earns the slightest bit of a frown in response. There's no immediate remark otherwise, if anything, Rogue's appearance causes her head to snap over toward the other redhead to flash her a friendly grin. A half step is taken back so she can keep the pair in her vision--something she hopes was subtle at least. "Jason, yeah, I know. She's not out with him right now at least, and I checked that apartment she's renting in New York, too." Ah, apparently whoever this ginger was, she did indeed know Kitty to some extent.

"Sorry, I'm probably just being paranoid. They're probably out on a trip or something."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau inhales his cigarette, breathing the smoke out through his nose and shaking his head. "C'n yah imagine 'aving ta go t'rough life wit' de name Strange? Ah mean imagine, 'What's yah name. Strange. Well tell me anyway, Ah won' judge.." He shakes his head a bit clearing his mind. "DAt said, If Ah 'ear from 'er Ah promise ta let 'er know yah lookin' foh 'er." He doesn't seem too concerned personally, though he does glance to Rogue as if to be sure she's being straight with the girl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue needs a second to come down from her jogging, she'd been at it for an hour... and still hasn't broken a sweat, but she's panting, so there's some endurance loss there at least. A smirk is given to the Cajun as she then adjusts her gaze and looks to Carrie.

"Kitty?" She asks. "You know Kitty?" But she doesn't really wait for an answer. She laughs lightly then and glances to the south behind Carrie's vehicle, back the way she'd come, then she looks back to her. "Kitty's moved inta a guest room at a place in the city. Down in Greenwich Village. She took up a guest room in Doctor Strange's place." Rogue gives a glance toward Remy, assuming he'll know that name if nothing else.

She looks back to Carrie then. "She's been hangin' out down there quite a bit with a new job, and a new boyfriend, but he's a Gothamite, I do believe."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley flashes a grin at the jogger taking a moment to look her over. Redhead, Southern accent. Her own smile broadens as mention of Strange and the living arrangement just helps to confirm her guess. "You must be Anna-Marie! She talks about you all the time," she remarks with a nod indicating she does indeed know Kitty. "Yeah, Jason. He's a friend of mine too. He's off on one of his temper tantrums at the moment so I wanted to catch up with her, but... I didn't realize she was fully moved in to the apartment in Greenwich yet. I guess I should have checked that first."

Carrie is standing just outside the gates to the school, her car parked a bit further down the drive as she wasn't sure if she COULD drive all the way up or not. Currently she's talking to Rogue, who had been out jogging, and Remy who was trying to do the playboy lean against the fence and failing horribly given his staring at Rogue in jogging gear.

Shadowcat has posed:
Meanwhile, elsewhere....

Kitty steps out of a mirror and into the closet of her room at the school. She has a few items of clothing in hand meant for the laundry which she sets in a hamper. "Where is it," she says, stepping out of the closet to look about her room. "Ah, phone!" she says, picking up her phone from where she'd left it last on her desk. "Forget my head if it wasn't attached," she tells herself as she checks it. "Shoot, messages from Carrie, she's going to be worried by now," Kitty comments, heading out the door of her room. Wong had mentioned a pretty red-haired girl stopping by looking for her.

Before Kitty can call Carrie back, one of the students jogs down the staff hallway. "No running," Kitty reminds him. "Hey Kitty. There's a car stopped down by the gate, some girl asking about you with Rogue and Remy," he says. Kitty says, "Oh? Thanks. Though remember it's still not polite to eavesdrop with that awesome hearing of yours," the last part delivered in a more joking manner.

Kitty heads outside and down the lane, eventually emerging out the gate. She gives a wave as she spots the familiar car and faces there, walking over.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins at Rogue, nodding slightly at her. "Ta be hones' Ah can' say dat Ah blame 'er dat much. Bein' in young love about de most...well anyt'ing experience Ah c'n recall. De most fun, de most frustrating, de most passionate, de most frustrating... pretty sure it bettah an' worse den any drug yah c'n name." His eyes of course firmly on the figure of his own love. Poor Cajun's got it /real/ bad.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just places her hands onto her hips and the hem waistline of her jogging pants. She grins at Carrie. "Last I saw'a Jason was his bare backside as he flew out of a hot tub and well... summarily ran away." She sighs with no small amount of enjoyment on her breath, then slightly shakes her head. "Oh, it ain't no apartment neither. Its a big ol' gothic mansion in the middle'a the sandwich shops and nail salons. Right down the street from that Big Gay Ice Cream shop." Real place. "You're gonna definitely wanna get aholda her before you go snoopin' around there too, its... unique."

Rogue's eyes look then over to Remy and she just smirks at him. "Someone's in a mood t'day." She says at the Cajun. "Spoutin' all the romances like that makes me think you're up t'somethin', Nah'lins." She's teasing the guy, he's fun to tease after all.

As she's looking in that direction though, she spies Kitty coming out of the school over Remy's shoulder. "Oop... Look'it." She says then and points toward her. "Our loveliest lovely doth appears." Of course the front gate and the school's front door are a pretty fair distance from each other, to be fair.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances over to Remy just listening to him with a bemused expression. "I'll have to take your word for it. Last guy that hit on me ended up dating Kitty," she points out with a warm laugh of amusement. No hard feelings there apparently. She does lean in a bit closer to Rogue though to ask, in a half whisper, "Is he okay? Like is he having a stroke or something?" Remy *was* kind of repeating himself a lot. And she was half certain his eyes were glazed over.

Before any response can come though, she nods at the mention of Strange's place. "Yeah, I actually was shown her room there, it's amazing. I just asked at the door though..." Oh, there's Kitty. Her hand shoots up to wave with grin broadening and a mild look of relief at the fact that she was okay. Yeah, she had been worried. "Kitty!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins as she walks over to join the trio. "Hey Red," she says, moving over to give Carrie a tight hug that will confirm for Rogue, and reconfirm for Remy, that she does indeed know Carrie. "Sorry, left my phone here," she says. "Just got your messages and was about to call you when someone said you were out front. What brings you out this way?" Kitty asks.

The brunette flashes smiles over to Rogue and to Remy. "Hey guys. Anna-Marie, you've met Carrie yet? She's a friend of Jason's. Does theater at Gotham U. She had the mask I wore with your dress," Kitty says. She looks back to Carrie to motion to Rogue and say, "This is my bestie who let me borrow her awesome dress. -And- who loaned me her awesome car to be able to get back and forth to Gotham before I could afford my own. Or... before Mr. Wayne beat me to buying my own with the Avalon," she say.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit at Kitty, "DAre she is." He says with approval, stepping away to give the younger woman plenty of room. He flicks his now burned up cigarette away, the but vanishing with a slight "POP" before it can strike the lawn. Jean might kill him for smoking in the mansion, what she'd do if he left butts in the grass isn't worth mentioning. He smiles at Rogue and offers her a wicked smile. "Oh Ah'm always up ta somet'ing chere. Yah of all people should know /dat/ by now.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's got jogging clothes on, so she's definitely not safe for touches, she has some gloves, but they're tucked into the back of her waistline on the back of her left hip. She frowns when Carrie speaks of that awkward flirtation interaction, but with Kitty arriving she lets it lay there. "So you already seen the magic mansion? Well thats good, means the worst part is hopefully already behind ya with that place."

Course, Rogue has had some strange stories from there, pun completely intended. When Kitty arrives, Rogue just grins at her friend. "Your dress now, Sugah." The southern belle says. "Ya owned it at that party, them social media pics'n all."

The flash of the cigarette draws Marie's gaze over to where it popped off and then over to the smooth and savyy Cajun who gets a slight grin. "You're gonna set all'a Breakstone forest on fire if ya keep that up, ya know?"

She looks to Kitty then. "You just get here? I knocked on your door earlier, not a peep came back."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a rather warm laugh of relief when Kitty comes up, and she readily greets her friend with a hug. "That's a relief! I was beginning to worry, what with Jason on one of his tantrums. I wasn't sure if it was just him being him or if something had happened." Because, let's face it, he didn't really need much to set him off. The little pop of cigarette exploding causes her to jump with a sudden stiffness, and she glances in his direction with an eyebrow raising rather high. Her mouth opens, and shuts, and she just shakes her head deciding not to say what she was about to say.

"Yeah I dealt with the Strange place of Strange's already. It was kind of cool in a 'this place could probably jinx us' way." More relaxed now that Kitty was her she just rocks her weight back on her heels listening to the banter between Marie and Remy with a sidelong glance at Kitty. "Yeah, Mr. Wayne is good at surprising people when they least expect it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Rogue, "Ah, sorry about that. I wasn't in then, just got back and came right out after being back for all of a few seconds. Michael mentioned he heard you guys talking out here," she says of the mutant student with the phenomenal hearing. "Yes, I showed Carrie the room the other day. She'd been going around to some of the places in New York helping me try to find a place before Doctor Strange's turned up," Kitty says.

Kitty looks back to Carrie and says, "Oh, yeah, Jason had some stuff to go work on I think," she says with a shrug and then moving the subject on without going into details. "Wong said a pretty redhead had stopped in. He lives there as well," Kitty tells Carrie.

Kitty looks back to Remy then and says, "Remy, you remember Carrie from the ball I think?" she asks.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives Carrie that wicked look and says "In all mah years chere, Ah 'ave nevah fohgot de face of a beautiful woman." his eyes twinkleing with playful mischief for just a second before nodding to Rogue, "Dat's why Ah blow dem up /'fore/ dey 'it de ground. Safty first right." He shakes his head, adding to the Southern Belle, "Stop by my place later? Got de next season in. If yah not dare can' promise Ah won' start it wit' out yah."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins at Carrie's talk of Strange, its a familiar understanding sort of thing. Her eyes look to Kitty then and she shakes her head. "Don't fret on it, Hotness." She says to the Prydeful one. "You got more on your plate these days than Hambone does." Which is another student at the school, and a shot at how much that kid puts down come dinner time, or lunch time, or breakfast time.

Remy's words get a look to her left and a slight grin. "I bet you have it already watched before a hint'a me even graces your doorstep, Remington LeBeau." She says back at him, adding a little extra flare to his first name for the hell of it.

Rogue then turns toward the school herself and starts on toward it. "Ya'll gonna sit out here in the Greyzone and chat? Or ya goin' inside?" She asks. 'Greyzone' being a X-Men team term for the area around Greymalkin Lane, off property and such. "I'm headed in t'get me a nice hot shower!" She almost shouts the last word, because she's excited for it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks a time or two at the flirting. Was it flirting? It was kind of hard to tell with those two though she had a feeling maaaybe it was to some extent. Surely on Remy's. A glance is given to Kitty again when Rogue calls out about going inside or not, and she shrugs at Kitty indifferently. "Up to you. This is your side of life that I haven't really pried into much," she admits with a chuckle. "Sounds like you were intending to be elsewhere as it is. I can give you a ride somewhere if you need." Though it sounded as if she were using other methods of transport.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles over to Rogue and says, "Yes, think we'll hang out here for a bit. Go enjoy a hot one. I'll try to stop by later if you're about then." Kitty waves to Remy as well. "Easier to just not smoke them in the first place," she teases him with. "Take care Remy, good seeing you."

She turns back to Carrie and says, "I'd ask you in, but the school doesn't normally allow visitors to drop in. You know how it is, everyone's conscious about security when responsible for someone else's kid," she says with a smile and a shrug. "We could head into town if you want? I haven't had a chance to introduce you to Ernesto. He's my dealer. At Baskin Robbins," Kitty says with a little wiggle of her eyebrows.