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A Fantastic Visit
Date of Scene: 11 April 2019
Location: Front Yard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Reed Richards offers his services to the school, meeting with Scott and Kitty
Cast of Characters: Mister Fantastic, Shadowcat, Cyclops

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed smiled to himself as he felt the wind blow past him for the first time in a long time as he rode the motorcycle down the road. It wasn't his as he had borrowed it from Johnny for a bit to finally get out to see where the world had got up to since he had locked himself away in his lab. He didn't wear his Fantastic Four outfit... Well he did, but under his current suit, and tie outfit he currently had on making him look like a buisness man or professional of some field. Reed didn't like ties, but Sue had insisted that he wear it, and he just couldn't say no to her so here he was. It hadn't taken him long to get through the town to the outside where the large houses were, and the one he was specificly looking for. That man had told him they were out here as they had become friends in their Illuminati meetings both hoping to do what they could for humankind, and Reed wanted to see if there was anything he could do for them now that he was back.

He drives all the way up to the gate and stops looking at it for a moment thinking if he should let himself in, or ask for entrance. As he thinks he pulls the helmet off his head holding it to his side, and that is enough for the gate scanner to read his features. As the gate opens Reed chuckles to himself, "That sly devil snuck in some face reconition scanners into the gate" then putting his helmet on, as it was the law even in small rides like this, he rode through towards the house. In his mind he tried to remember when Charles scanned him, and was just glad he was in the okay list while inside of the school notifications would be going up to those who get them. He was let in because he was a known Fantastic Four member, but that didn't mean he wasn't there under 'guest status' or whatever it was that they had for times people who didn't know fully about the school were heading toward the front door. Obviously he knew about mutants, and about how this school was for 'gifted kids', but for now he thought of this place as just a normal place that had maybe at one time trained the X-men. He wasn't really looking for more then that as his goal was only to see how he could help them.

Shadowcat has posed:
Visitors are a rarity at the school, and usually there's advance notice even then. The identity of this unexpected one both got Reed in the gate, and set off a bit of a flurry of activity at the school. Teachers had students activate Image Inducers were needed. Indeed, some of the teachers had to turn them on as well. Just to be safe.

With the administrators unavailable, and most of the teachers busy with their classes, the alert ended up going to the guidance counselors. Kitty Pryde's eyes widened when she saw who the computer recognized the visitor as being. She pulled on a light jacket and hurried through the hallways to the front foyer, before passing outside to greet the famous superhero outside.

Kitty waits until Reed has parked the motorcycle in the lot beside the school, before walking over to join him. "Dr. Richards. What an unexpected pleasure," she offers him. "I'm Kitty Pryde, one of the guidance counselors here," she tells Reed, offering him her hand. She's glad she happened to be here for this, having just got back from work in New York.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
As Reed parks he see's someone already waiting for him as he pulled his helmet off, and has a small smile on his face. As he stands off the bike straightening up his suit he walks over with a wave though as he gets closer he holds out a hand, "Please... Just call me Reed I am sorry if I am interupting, but it was beyond time for me to stop by." He looks up at the school and nods, "Xavier was underseling it. Miss Pryde I am ranting" and gives a light chuckle.. "I am here to talk with Xavier, or whoever is in charge?"

As he had thought before he was here to help, but he was here to help he puts a hand to his chin and from the outside it might look like he is starting to question this place, but inside he is just observing her to learn more about her from her general apperance. "I do appologize if you are the one in charge, though it seems for a school they would have someone in administration. Believe me there is an unbelievable amount of paperwork that goes with running a place like this." and smiles at her.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes Reed's hand and says, "Unfortunately you caught us with the administrator's not available. And I'm afraid Professor Xavier isn't available either. He is on an extended leave at the moment, actually. He's been gone for some time now." Kitty looks to be about twenty, very fit and toned as if she is working out regularly. There's a ring on her left hand that has diamonds and a ruby. Expensive, but old, and not looking likely to be an engagement or wedding ring from the style. Around her neck is a necklace with a Star of David emblem hanging from it.

Kitty motions towards the school. "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? I can try to help with whatever you needed to speak to him about," she offers. "Or I have have Jean Grey or one of the other administrators get back to you when they are available?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Richards looks at her, and nods quietly listening to her talk until she is done though he does mentally mark down a few things about her he too would have a wedding band on his hand from his marrage to sue. He would have no signs of any religious objects, or really jewlery other then that single thing though. "That is too bad, I do hope he is alright!" he quickly interjects about hearing about Charles, but then continues, "Though it is interesting it seems he doesn't run the school anymore?" poking for a bit more information just out of curiousity.

He does nod though, and look a bit inside behind her as she offers, "I would love some tea as long as I am not interfering. I was told this is for" he does the hand quotes "Gifted childred, and I really don't want to startle them with a new face." and gives a bit of a shrug. Sure he was known by just bout anyone who watched TV, but he was still an unknown and with kids of his own he knew how they could be around strangers. He chuckles a bit, "Maybe we were destined to run into each other Miss Pryde as it seems you are just the one to answer that or not."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles and motions for Reed to walk with her as she leads him inside and down the hallways. "The students are in classes for a few more minutes, not too much of a distraction," she assures him with a friendly smile. The young woman seems comfortable enough speaking with the esteemed hero and researcher as they head for her office. "The Professor still owns the school, but Jean sees to the day-to-day administration while he's gone," she explains.

As they walk along, Kitty says, "I'm actually not here at the school as much anymore. I recently got a job at Stark Industries. But I am an alumni of the school, and put in some time here as I'm able," Kitty says. She'll lead Reed to her office and start some tea going as she motions for him to make himself comfortable.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed looks around as they walk, but listens to her keeping his elongating to himself for now as there is no need to show off for no reason. "That is good usually with new people they want either a signature or a selfe.. I think that is what they are called?" and shakes his head at that as they walk falling to silence listening to the lady talk. "The Professor has a good head on his shoulders Miss Pryde, if there is anyone I would worry about it is whoever decides to get in his way." and smiles a bit hoping to reassure.

As they come to the office he looks around a bit walking in. "Oh so you got a job with Stark huh? What is your field, Physics, Engineering, mechanics?" he asks just kind of looking around a bit taking in the office as a whole. He would wait for any response before adding, "I have heard good things about Mr. Stark, though I do wish Johnny would stop calling him Mr. Stank... I don't know where he picked that up from."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty fills cups with hot water and adds teabags, not having a proper teapot in her office. While the tea steeps, she moves over to sit on the edge of her desk rather than behind it. "Yes, Computer Engineering and Programming. Though I was working on another degree in Astrophysics before I decided to halt that to pursue the job here," Kitty gives in answer to Reed's question about her job at Stark Industries.

"Very interesting, the things going on there," Kitty says with a smile. "It's a great opportunity for me. First job out of the university. Or, well I did some contract work for Janet van Dyne, first," Kitty says. She rests her hands on her leg, fingers laced. "Was there anything in particular you were looking for the Professor on that I could help with? Or, if you needed him specifically I understand," Kitty says knowingly.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed watches her pour the tea and leans back steepling his fingers as he listens to her explain what she does with interest. "Oh that is great I love computer engineering maybe we can trade notes sometime." of course his research into the topic, as well as the design for his own computer back at the tower, but he loves talking to people about these things so makes the offer without thinking about it. "Though I would suggest finishing up your Astrophysics degree at some point there is a lot out there in space that helps explain things at home."

He shrugs a bit, and continuing though he does realize he is ranting a bit again though he does that now and then. "Don't get me wrong Stark is an excelent employeer I have heard so I don't mean to talk bad about him." he just looks around. "And none of this explains why I am here does it." he chuckles, and reaches for the tea streaching for the first time to reach it it is just a smooth process like someone reaching further out when their arm stopped. "Miss Pryde, I am here to help.. I don't know how, and I am not sure if ya need it, but I am here to offer my services to the school." he holds up a hand, "Keep in mind I am still going to be out there doing what needs to be done, but well... The Professor explained what he was doing here, and it impressed me well.. To put it better it inspired me, so here I am."

"Silly I know, Sue told me I was crazy to just walk over here, and offer.. But." he reaches into his jacket, and pulls out what looks to be several papers laid ontop of each other. "It is a prototype for a new invention.." he pulls the papers appart and it sounds like velcro. "I adjusted the paper to have the hooks, and hoops of velcro so it will attach to each other" he explains handing over the stack with the top laid back on it. "It is my resume as I figured if I am offering you best know what it is you would be getting." and chuckles again.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the papers, peering at them with interest as he explains the velcro properties they possess. "I am hoping to finish the degree later. But there were just a few opportunities now that I couldn't pass up. I might see if I can transfer my progress from Oxford over to somewhere nearby," Kitty says as she glances at the resume. "Well, I don't think there's any doubt about your qualifications," she says with a chuckle as she knows what an understatement that is.

"Really need to get you to talk to Jean. Or Scott, he's another of the administrators," Kitty says. "So you're looking to teach then?" Kitty asks. "I just... wow, I mean, I have some idea of what all you're capable of. Your paper on using quantum coherence to improve the cycle rate and throughput in a CPU was just brilliant," Kitty says of one of Reed's past academic accomplishments. "Plus, you know, that whole saving the Earth again and again, thing," she tells him. "There's so many things going on out there. Seeing all those Sentinels flying over the cities, for instance. Really disturbing," Kitty says.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed chuckles, and hand waves the qualifications, "You are young still you have you whole life infront of you so please take the rantings of this old man with a grain of salt." and smiles with a light chuckle. "I am just a information addict I like to know how everything works in this world around us you know? I get others might not have that same drive towards learning, so as long as you do what you love that is important right?" and leans back to think about the next part

"Well yes teach, but there are other things.. For example your scanner at the gate is a bit outdated if you supplied me with the tools I can fix that, or any tech you may need." he shrugs, "I can't offer too much of my own things of course as technically the Fantastic Four aren't helping you I am.." he sighs and shakes his head on that one. "We have goverment contracts, and with how things are out there I was told any help I offer is my own."

He shakes his head again, "I am sorry for bringing it up like that I can only imagine how tough it is, but I have to think about my own family as well just incase." it was obvious he knew there were mutants involved here, and the world right now hated mutants so while he may not care if they are what they are those others would quickly put his family into danger if they knew the Fantastic Four helped out mutants at all. He sighs again not able to explain it any better he decides to change the subject he smiles as he talks about his papers, "Oh that is nothing anymore old news compaired to some of the things Stark is coming out with." he doesn't mention the anti-sentinel gun he gave him as that was kinda hush hush for now, and he wasn't sure if she knew about it.

He looks around a bit, and leans forward he speaks quietly.. "I am currently making a device to possibly observe alternative realities." and smiles with a wink. "If I can get it to work I can use it to maybe make a bridge to other realities though it is still in theory right now as the power to run something like that..." he waves a hand.. "I would say maybe twenty arc reactors might do it." and chuckles at the idea. He cought himself talking show and grins at Kitty with a head shake.. "You get me talking shop we will be here all day Miss Pryde!" and chuckles a bit.

"I will sumerize, I still want to save the world now and then, and maybe your.. let just say group.. itself, but if we don't think about the future even in these dark times we doom ourselves. That is one thing the Professor taught even this old man. So that is why I am here, so that my kids when they grow up will be able to live in a better world."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Wow, well, it's a really amazing offer," Kitty says. "I'm sure Jean or Scott, or both, will want to talk to you," Kitty agrees. "We're always looking to keep the school up to the highest standards we can. Gives the kids a lot to work on that helps them realize the real world applications of things, too," she explains.

Kitty removes the teabags and brings the cups over to give one to Reed. "Wow," Kitty says of the experiment into crossing dimensions. "Would you be able to have any control over the time in the other dimension that you're looking into?" she asks him. She'd so like to bring up the Sentinel prisoner and his being from the future. But the young woman sticks to her guns for now on not revealing things before she knows it is ok.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed smiles, and shakes his head, "I am just a guy trying to teach some kids while I have had some success I still want you to know I don't think I am better then anyone else at it." he says this honestly like he doesn't enjoy being put up on any pedistal. " Listen, I would be more then happy to talk to either of them, but I am just looking for teacher, maybe professor Richards, or handyman Richards, not Mr. Fantastic here as I am not here to boost my Ego." he tries to explain hoping it didn't make him sound worse.

He takes the tea, and smiles taking a sip.. "So warm... Thank you it taste nice!" falling silent before he answers the last question. "Well as you most likely know space and time are relative, so while yes there might be some kind of Cronological side effects it is not a time machine." he takes another sip "Sue has made me promise not to make another Time Machine..." he adds quickly almost like a joke as he grins a little bit, but was it?

After another break he continues, "We classify dimesnsion by three rules, Exists alongside the other dimensions but is independent of them, the rules of physics stay the same, and finally imposes some kind of locality." he lets that sink in for a bit, "I get you might want to see how your life was different if you went to school other then went to work for Stark, but that would be several different Dimensions put on each other in a way differnt then ours... So I guess yes in a way, yes but it is complicated." he stops looking at her for the words to better explain without going into formula's for proof that he would have to write down.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Reed Richards. Handy man. Has a certain ring to it." Scott Summers says, the leader of the X-men making an appearance in Kitty's office after he slips into the cracked door and holds up a sheet of loose leaf papers. He lifts them up to show that he did have a purpose to walking into the room other than just eavesdropping.

    The man wears his trademark ruby lens glasses and a simple button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and tucked into a nice pair of ironed and pressed slacks. "Nice to finally meet you Doctor Richards." Scott says, extending his tanned arm towards the scientist and then he turns his attention to Kitty and drops the stack of papers. "I was hoping to ask you to grade these papers for me if you can find the time. Jean and I were supposed to have a date night tonight." He whispers.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I think there's probably a -little- bit more that could be worked on than just handy man," Kitty says with a laugh. But then Logan is custodian. Or is it groundskeeper? In any event. Kitty smiles as Scott comes in, standing up to offer him a quick hug that will confirm they are friends first and colleagues at the school second.

Kitty takes the papers from Scott. "Sure, I can help out," she tells him. She gives him a big smile as Scott whispers that to her. "Best of luck," she tells him before she turns back to Reed. "Dimensional physics was not really a speciality of mine. More of a computer person. But I admit there's some areas about it that interest me. In particular... I'm curious if you could lock in another dimension to view happenings in it? Like if you had a sample from it, could you connect back to it."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Hearing his name he did what he always did, he stood up carefull not to bumb into Kitty of course as he didn't want to spill the tea. Reaching out a hand he nods, "Oh you have me at a disadvantage" he adds with a small smile. He is wearing a suit, and tie looking all dressed up for this encounter. He hated ties of course, but Sue insisted he ware it so here he was, "I was just talking with Miss Pryde here, one smart cookie you have here I look forward to her discoveries." he turns and smiles at Kitty noding as he ment every word. In his short discussion with her she had impressed her knowledge on him, and he was sure she could become a heck of a scientiest if she wanted to go into that field of course. As the papers pass him he chuckles, "One thing I did not miss." he holds up his hands, "Immune to paper cuts.. my best power yet!" and chuckles a bit.

Reed turns to face Kitty again and shakes his head holding up a hand. "While I do find it interesting on where these questions are coming from.. This is one of those Fantastic Four things that we talked about." he warns lightly, "If the goverment knew I worked with you guys to spy into alternative dimensions even if it were possible right now." he takes a deep breath thinking on that one. "I am sorry, but it would only make things worse for all of you." and puts his hand down.

Finally he turns back to Scott, "So I am going to assume your the person she was saying I needed to talk to.. Since you don't look like a Jean.. I am going to assume Scott?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott lets the two's conversation be between them. Plus that science stuff generally goes over his head, just tell him what the goal is, and he'll figure out who to send to get that done, but beyond that, he's not the deepest mind in the school. By far. "Yes, a good guess, I'm Scott, I didn't know someone needed me to talk to them." Scott mentions but shrugs and takes his hand back, looking to Kitty and then to Reed, "Should I clear my afternoon?" Meaning delay his date with Jean.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks like she doesn't want Scott to break his date. Knowing how long it is taking for that to happen, so she proceeds to explain why Reed is there. "Doctor Richards is interested in working with the school," she says, passing Scott a small stack of paper which contains his resume. As if that were needed. "Ah, the paper is like, velcro paper that he designed, just pull the pages apart," she explains.

"I was saying he'd definitely need to talk to you or Jean. He's familiar with the Professor, though of course he's out of touch right now," Kitty says, revealing she shared that part as well.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed looks at Kitty, and then back at Scott.. "I am sorry I did kind of just drop in." he smiles and backs up more towards the door. "Listen I am coming to help here I don't mean to intrude if ya have other plans." he smiles understanding that these are people too they have their own lives, and he didn't have any authority to tell them differently. He fell silent as Kitty explained what he was doing her, and what he had already given her. He smiles at the resume as it was packed full of all kinds of things from the multiple experiences he has had.

He glances at Scott, "What she said was exactly right, the Professor and I had a few long talks about the future, and I decided I would come here to help out as much as I could." he glances at Kitty with a nervious smile, "Though I do need to give you the same warning I did her. While I can help I can't bring my own inventions into this. I need to keep my work here seperate from at home or the goverment that helps us would turn on us for helping... well lets say this school... and it could put my family into danger." he shakes his head at that. "I can't put them in danger so that just means whatever I do at home stays at home, and same for here."

Cyclops has posed:
    "That's fair Doctor, I wouldn't expect you to do anything to get yourself in trouble, but do stay, continue your interview, I trust Kitty with the school and my life on a few occassions. I trust her to bring in good people to our school. Thanks for coming by." Scott then looks towards Kitty before he actually does move towards the door, "I will expect a couple of follow ups as soon as you can Kitty." Scott says with a kindly kind of smile before he slips back out of the door and takes care to actually shut it with a couple of clicks.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes a smile over to Scott at his words of confidence for her. "Sure thing," Kitty agrees towards Scott as he speaks of the follow ups. "Best of luck tonight," she tells the departing man with a warm grin.

Kitty turns back towards Reed and says, "Well, there's so many areas that you would be a boon to have on staff." Kitty digs in her desk and pulls out a school schedule, showing Reed the difference classes that are offered. "The science and math departments I imagine would be the ones of the most interest for you?" Kitty asks.

They continue to talk about what kind of role he might be interested in, before finally parting, with plans made for a follow up, when hopefully Jean can be there as well to meet him.