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Latest revision as of 23:23, 15 April 2019

Green Reunions
Date of Scene: 06 April 2019
Location: A coffee house - New York City
Synopsis: Richard looks for Jennifer after one of her cases
Cast of Characters: She-Hulk, Dragon

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters spends much of her time as She-Hulk these days. Though she still rarely uses the form in the courtroom. Sometimes it has been useful to do so, but other times it sends the wrong message, draws attention away from where she wants it, or might run afoul of the prejudices of jurors or judges.

Today was one of those days she attended to matters as her original self. A number of motions and juror selection on a new case. Not particularly exciting events, nothing like TV shows court cases to be. But they needed to be done, and have important impacts on the outcome of the cases.

Her time at the courthouse through, Jennifer stops in at a Starbucks to grab herself something to drink. She glances over the menu, and the pastries on display. "Large mocha frappuccino, and one of those... whatever the thing is with chocolate on it," she tells the man. Thankfully with She-Hulk's metabolism, she can eat most whatever she wants even when not in the form of the green giantess.

Dragon has posed:
Richard was walking down the street, the Grandmaster of the Martial Arts for once wearing somewhat average clothing. Some nice blue jeans, a street jacket, and a decent shirt. Though he had watched the news to show that Jennifer had returned to the city hard at work, Richard remembered all the good times...before that falling out.

What was the argument even about? He couldn't quite remember. But the only thing that he absolutely knew? He needed to see her again. He wanted to, at the very least, re-establish contact, even if it went against the philosophy of wisdom that he tended to preach to students of his.

Finding her in Starbucks, perhaps her favorite coffee shop, he stands there for a moment, and the usually unshakeable Sensei finds his hands shaking from nervousness. Eventually, he is the one who is behind her in line, and he speaks her name softly. "Jenn?" He does't touch. doesn't even make the attempt. He doesn't know..where they stand anymore. But he waits for her reaction, or if she would even remember him.

She-Hulk has posed:
Hearing her names spoken, Jennifer Walters turns around. The brunette woman was always beautiful, the very pleasing appearance of her larger alter-ego an outgrowth from that of the original woman. And she looks as if she's been working out since he saw her last, body even more toned than before. The pretty eyes lift to the taller man and as she sees Richard Dragon, Jennifer's eyes light up with delight.

She exclaims, "Richard!" and throws her arms around him to give the man a tight hug if allowed. "Oh, it's so good to see you," she tells him, squeezing tight and pressing her face against his chest for a moment as she hugs him. "I was thinking I should come by, but I've only been back in town for a little while," she tells him, pulling her head back then to be able to see his face.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles to Jennifer beautifully, embracing her as she throws herself at him. The hug is tight, and as always, Richard is the portable heater that he's always been. Jennifer's physique might be drastically different from her She-Hulk and original forms, but her appearance has never been the basis for why Richard held this woman so close to his heart. It was her personality, her vast intelligence, and her love of doing what was right that always charmed him every day in every way.

"It's so good to see you too, Jennifer." His head briefly rests on her own, before she pulls away to look into his eyes as he looks into hers. "I saw you doing work in the courts on the news. As always, you did fantastic...so I figure I'd try to find you at Starbucks, something I surprisingly succeeded in." he chuckles. "How are you?" he says softer.

She-Hulk has posed:
As she hears that Richard's appearance was not just happy happenstance, Jennifer looks a little touched. She reaches up to brush her hand over his arm softly as she lets him go. "Thank you," she says, looking down and giving a soft smile at the compliment about her work. "Couple of kids who really shouldn't be facing charges as adults, but for the news coverage it's bringing this particular prosecutor," she says with a sigh and an exasperated shake of her head. One of her pro bono cases then.

"Do you have time to sit and talk?" she asks. She glances past him to the other people in line, giving them an apologetic smile and then stepping aside so Richard can place his order. "I have a little bit before I have to be back to the office if you have time to join me?" she asks.

Dragon has posed:
Richard allows the brush of her hand over his arm. She could tell he still kept himself in very good shape. Martial Arts does something for you, clearly! But as she delves a bit more into the situation of the case itself, Richard nods. "There's always some kind of craftiness going on, but I have no doubt that you can do it."

The invitation is one that is not taken lightly, but Richard seems to smile all the same. "I have all the time in the world." okay, not really, he does need to tend to one of his students later that day. "I would be happy to. Corner booth?" he asks, wondering if her seating preferences have changed at all.

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer flashes him a grin as Richard remembered. "Corner booth," she agrees with a nod. She smiles and then goes to pick up her beverage and pastry as they call her name for them. She tears off the end of the covering of a straw, adding it to the blended beverage and taking a little sip before heading over to find the aforementioned seat.

She's wearing the skirt suit one would expect from a lawyer. Smartly dressed, and carrying a bag large enough to hold files and a tablet amongst other thing. Jennifer slides into the booth, taking a sip of her beverage and glancing over towards Richard thoughtfully as he places his own order.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles to her. "Corner booth it is." since she ordered first, no doubt she'd be the one walking over to claim it for them. He orders himself a simple black coffee. Nice and bitter, and needed to make sure he stays awake. For some reason, his sleeping schedule has been...'off'. But, as soon as he has his coffee, he turns around to go and join Jennifer at the table.

"You look great, by the way." He compliments her appearance as he sets his cup onto the table and slides into the booth so he can look at her. "You've been out of town for a while Jen. How was the trip?"

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer's eyes track Richard as he moves across the coffee shop to join her. Thoughts cast back when she left. Their schedules not working together, the amount of time together unsatisfactory to both of them, but neither willing to make the changes necessary, then. A faint smile comes to her face which she covers with her beverage container to help hide it as she remembers other things of that time.

She smiles as he sits down with her. "Thank you. Being away from friends and family, figured it was a good time to hit the gym a bit harder," she tells him. "Fewer distractions and all." She breaks of a bite of the pastry, and slides it over a bit towards Richard as if offering for him to do the same. A light, flaky triangle with layers of chocolate filling between the leaves of crisp pastry. "Trip was good overall. Helped some people in National City whose neighborhoods were going through... I won't call it gentrification, but it was culture change at least. And they were kind of getting the shaft, so..." There was a probably a corporation involved. Such cases tend to draw Jennifer.

Dragon has posed:
Richard remembers. Vividly...the times not working together, the tension rising because they were both unhappy that they couldn't spend time together. But..all the beautiful times they spent together made all of that worth it. Richard smiles to her as he sips his coffee.

"I do remember that you enjoy doing tough cases....and I noticed, I can see how happy you are. You seem...less stressed than you used to be. It's a good thing to see." he smiles so beautifully at her that it's hard to miss.

"I've missed you, you know." he takes a breath. "I'm glad you've had a good trip and that you made the most of it."

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters sips slowly on her frozen drink, whether from focusing on Richard, or an attempt to avoid brain freeze. Perhaps equal amounts? She smiles across the table to him softly and says, "I am in a pretty good place right now," she tells him. "Hopefully the stress of being back won't close in too tightly this time," she agrees.

Jennifer's eyes take a moment to glance over Richard, up and down before finding his eyes again. "And how about you? What have you been occupying your time with? Are you still spending a lot of time teaching? And... have you been involved in any... happenings?" she asks, using a very generic way of asking if he's been living the superhero life.

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks at Jennifer as he sips on his coffee. "Agreed. I would..maybe advise to take it just a little slow?" of course, he knew that Jennifer was someone who got out of the gate in a fast sprint. But hopefully she'd listen to him this time around. Not that he's one to accept his own advise but...

Though the Grandmaster shrugs his shoulders. "I'm doing rather well, thank you. I do spend a good deal of time teaching whoever comes to my door...you would find some of them have interesting circumstances." his way of saying they are either superheroes or have powers of some kind. "Only a few happenings, but none major, I assure you." he tries to comfort if she was worried.

She-Hulk has posed:
"It seems the papers and evening news are full of all the different things going on. That whole Lex Corp thing with the alien?" Jennifer says, shaking her head as if not agreeing with some of the decisions that seem to have been made about Arella Despana. Not that she had anything to do with it. "I'm glad that you're well. I thought of calling you a few times," she says, looking down at the table and giving a small shrug of her shoulders. "I figured maybe it was better if I didn't, though. I wasn't quite sure how much you'd want to hear from me," she says.

Jennifer breaks off another corner of the pastry to nibble on. "I was hoping to catch up with Matt and see how things are going with he and friends," she tells him. "Saw my cousin. He's doing alright. Had a little bit of an adventure of his own as it turns out. One of those news stories, though I don't think anyone knows he was involved."

Dragon has posed:
Richard nods very softly. "I haven't heard much about that, so I couldn't really say. Though I've heard from Matthew about that some." Of course, Matt Murdock is one of Dragon's students and they tend to share an open master-student relationship. But, he does smile softly to her. "I would like to hear a lot from you. You know you can tell me anything."

"Matt would be happy to know that your back in town. He tends to stop by the dojo at least twice a week, so yo ucan usually catch him there. Or, since you know, you're both lawyers, you could stop by Nelson and Murdock." he smiles softly. "Your cousin has certainly been in interesting situations since you left."

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer listens with interest to the mention of Matt. "I figured I might run into him around the courthouse. But, I really need to start seeking people out again, now that I've settled back in," Jennifer tells Richard. She brushes a few strands of brown hair back as they try to settle across her cheek, a finger tucking them behind her ear to keep them out of the way.

"Yes, Bruce was one of the two people who boarded that alien craft in the Pacific, apparently," she says, Jennifer's tone turning somber. "He was rather shaken up by the death of the woman had accompanied him on board. I'm not sure if even SHIELD knows if he was involved," she tells him. Jennifer sighs. "He's had such a rough life. I keep hoping he'll catch a break, you know?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems to smile as he looks at Jennifer. Her charm point was how her hair fell somehow SO PERFECTLY behind her ear. It was always extremely attractive, and Richard knows that many times its just an absent action of hers.

But, Richard listens carefully when Bruce is said to have suffered some kind of horror. "I'm sorry to hear that." Richard sighs. "I helped him cope in his adult years with his childhood trauma and...I fear he won't find peace." Richard takes a breath, but then he sips his drink.

"But, I always keep faith. because without faith, we're just empty shells." he smirks.

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer sips her frozen beverage, moving the straw to get some of the whipped cream. "I am hoping that being with the Avengers will be good for him. It was for me. There are still times I miss it, truth be told," she tells him. Though keeping up with it while being an active partner at her firm was just too much, he knows. Though it hasn't stopped her from helping them out from time to time.

Jennifer leans back in her chair and looks over at Richard for a few seconds. "You are looking good," she tells him, dropping her eyes away from his own as she smile softly. "I'm glad you came looking for me. I really should have done that, myself," she tells him.

Dragon has posed:
Richard just nods softly. "I believe they very much so may be. Tony Stark especially, someone who has suffered similar trauma." though Tony was admittedly older, the experiences are the same. Though Jennifer surprises Richard when she compliments him. He blushes faintly, but keeps his eyes on her. "Thank you. I.." He takes a moment to look away to hide his blush. He was still very attracted to She-Hulk.

"If I may be honest...I was about to go looking for you even when you were away. I just, I missed you. So when I saw that you were back in town well..I figure there was no more room for hesitation on my part."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk eyes the pastry, pushing the plate about a little bit as she listens to Richard. "I'm still not really sure what I want," she tells him. "I mean, if I'm completely honest. I still... I'm comfortable with She-Hulk. Sometimes I'm not quite as comfortable with myself. Or maybe with how the two relate to each other," Jennifer says.

She lets out a breath of air, blowing one of those stray wisps of hair to the side, her hand following up to tuck it back behind an ear. "As evidence by the fact sometimes I talk as if we're not the same person," she says. "Though we are. Just I feel so different sometimes," she says softly, and then sighs. "Tough to be what someone else needs when you're not sure what you yourself need, you know?" she says, looking up.

Dragon has posed:
"Then maybe I could help? What you want is for you and you alone to decide. But...I know once we tried, and..it didn't work out the best because both of us were stretched thin. Maybe...perhaps...we could walk together again?" that's a very long-winded way to ask if she was still interested in being together.

But Richard looks her in the eyes. "In many ways, your..transformation is a bit of a personality shift, and theres nothing wrong with that Jennifer. and I know that feeling more than most."

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer picks up her cup, sipping from the straw and setting it back down. A little ring of condensation is left on the table from where it was originally set. Jennifer's finger dabbles in it, drawing it across the table's surface. It might be a stretch even to note it is a human-like shape she's doodling on the table's surface, the water not a very good medium for it. Though given the topic, one can guess what large green figure is in her thoughts.

"I... I don't know. Maybe, Richard," Jennifer tells him, looking up from the task occupying her finger. "Maybe just take it slow. Start over rather than pick up. I mean, I don't know... let's just see if we end up back there maybe?" she asks him, hoping that is ok with him.

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks at her in the eyes, though as she draws on the tables surface, Dragon doesn't stop her,, instead he looks her in the eyes and he seems to smile. He knew they likely wouldn't be able to go back to where they were, at least not right away. But...to start? just starting over and just being at peace? That sounds good to him.

"We start slow..and we take our time." he looks her in the eyes. "It's okay with me, as long as it's okay with you."

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer stops her doodling and wipes the water from her finger onto a napkin. She breaks off another piece of the chocolatey pastry and pops it in her mouth as she looks up to listen to Richard. She smiles over to him and says, "I understand there's a revival of Hamilton starting up on Broadway. Haven't seen it since its original run. Perhaps a show and a walk along the river afterwards?" she suggests.

Jennifer smiles across the table at him, not even blushing as she's essentially asked him out. And not while she was big and green and more confident, even.

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks at Jennifer as she shamelessly asks him out on a date to see Hamilton AND have a walk on the river. He chuckles and he smiles at her. "I would like that. A lot, actually. Should we go there now or is it a later showing?" he asks her curiously.

"And is this a formal affair?" he asks quietly. He really hasn't worn a suit in...well, the last time he saw Jennifer.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk considers that and says, "Well, not necessarily fully formal. But looking nice wouldn't hurt your chances of a second date." She says it while trying to look coy, but mostly she just ends up smiling over at him and giving a soft chuckle after she realizes that coy look won't last.

Jennifer glances at her watch. "I should get back to the office though. Have some more work I need to check in on," she tells him. "I'm glad we saw each other. Call me and we can pick a night and time for the show, alright?" she tells him.