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Latest revision as of 23:39, 15 April 2019

Trying Again
Date of Scene: 15 April 2019
Location: NYU Skirball Theater - Manhattan
Synopsis: She-Hulk and Richard Dragon go see Hamilton and discuss their situation
Cast of Characters: Dragon, She-Hulk

Dragon has posed:
It was here. THE night. Date night.

Richard was so nervous he was almost sweating. Almost. He managed to get tickets to this high-quality theater for the show of Hamilton, remembering that Jen enjoyed the play and because well, its his favorite as well. However, he also makes it a point to dress nicely so he can make Jen A) look really good, and B) So he can show her that he's going to dress his best when they're on romantic outings. She's a queen. Treat her as such.

He arrives first, waiting just outside of the theater with his hands in his pockets, wearing a nice tuxedo with a dark green tie in case Jen showed up as She-Hulk. Green matches green!

So for now, he waits. and for the first time in a long time, the Grandmaster is so nervous his hands are shaking.

She-Hulk has posed:
A car pulls up and She-Hulk steps out. She looks like she made a trip to the salon today with how much are was put into make her hair spill in such a lush wave over her shoulders. She's wearing a red, low-cut strapless dress which clings to her upper body rather closely, with a hem that is down to just above her ankles, though a long slit runs up one side to give flashes of shapely green calf and thigh above her heeds. A strand of pearls gleam around her neck, and she has applied green lipstick that sets off her eyes and hair.

She walks over to Richard and smiles to him, eyeing him up and down briefly. "You're looking quite dapper," she tells him, the smile growing and looking appreciative. Though there's a sense of nervousness from her as well as the former lovers renew their acquaintanceship with this date. "I'm so looking forward to the show," she says, glancing over at the theater.

Dragon has posed:
Richard freezes when he sees She-Hulk, a smile on his face. Given, he would accept Jennifer in whatever form she wishes to present herself as, but as she walks over to him, he meets her half way, offering her his arm. "And you, my lady, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." he smiles wonderfully to her. It felt like his heart was beating again. It is a feeling he never thought he'd feel again.

"I believe the show will be good. I think they have a new lead, a celebrity, if I recall correctly. So I'm hoping that we'll both have a wonderful time." he seems to appreciate her lovely strand of pearls around her neck. But of course, he was wise enough to notice everything that she clearly intended for him to notice. "That all said...how are you?" he asks, wanting to know how her day has gone and what interesting things she's been up to.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk slips her hands around Richard's arm, smiling at him as he turns her towards the theater. "I was reading the reviews. Sounds like the critics think it is on par with the original run," She-Hulk comments of the famed historical musical. "I'm doing well. Work has been busy. Since I was off for a few months doing pro bono, I'm trying to be a good trooper and getting some paying work in. Give some of my colleagues a chance to take on something of their own," she says.

Jennifer lets out a soft sighs. "Lieber is still up to his old tricks," she says, commenting on the second named partner at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway. "Constant maneuvering to try to take the head partner position. I really did not miss it while I was away in California," she says with a sigh and a shake of her head. She is not a fan of office politics, Richard would likely remember.

"And how is your teaching going? And everything else. Have you been playing the hero lately? Rescuing any dazzling damsels in distress?" she asks with a sly smile over towards the handsome man.

Dragon has posed:
Arm in arm, Richard keeps his eyes on Jennifer as she comments on reading the reviews. "Oh? That good? I believe I might be more excited than I thought I was then." he is /smiling/ and if she allows? His fingers may yet touch the fingers of her own hand in perhaps a flirtatious attempt, and also to help comfort her as she speaks of the rather irritating situation of her firm.

"I'm sorry that they still frustrate you. Perhaps you could throw your hat in the ring? See if you can get the name of Walters in the partnership?" he looks amused, but it was a serious suggestion. She was smart, and she could do it. Of that, he had no doubt in his mind.

"My teaching goes well. I met some of my students the other day, and I'm glad they are doing well. Though I recently took on a young student and well...he has much to forge ahead of." he laughs a bit. "Not this time, no. But what of you? save any cowardly gentlemen?" he reverses the question!

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk lets out a warm laugh as the question is turned back upon her. "No, nothing in quite awhile actually. Not since I helped the Avengers with that collapsing building last winter up in Minneapolis," she shares. As she feels Richard's fingers on her hand, she deftly turns her own until they are holding hands unless he pulls back.

The tall green woman muses quietly about the question of her office politics. "I don't know that I'm driven enough for that. It would be nice, and the bump in pay would too that would come with it. Even the best of the upper level partners are a bit political though by now though," she says. "Not nearly as bad as things at Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz or some of the other firms in the city. Actually that's one of the reasons I chose Goodman," she comments, after mentioning Jeri Hogarth's firm by name. "I just don't know that I want to devote more time than I do to the firm." And she already does put in a LOT of time, as Richard would know.

Dragon has posed:
Why on earth would Richard want to pull his hand away? His hand rests in hers, fingers intertwining as he holds her hand warmly, looking her in the eyes with a soft smile. "Sometimes I forget how powerful you are. You can do anything you put your mind to."

Richard and Jen finally arrive in the main theater hall after Richard presents their tickets. He somehow managed to get them one of those private seating areas so if they felt like it, they could be romantic and they wouldn't disturb anyone. Plus, on the chance Jen came as She-Hulk? Well, he knew the seats would pinch her in a horrid fashion.

"How is this?"

Though her words on the partners does make him nod softly. "I understand." especially since time was the reason they broke up. But..perhaps having more time is the thing that will bring them back together again. "But..if there's anything I can do, let me know, okay?" because they're a team, and Richard will always be there for her.

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer's fingers lace with those of her old flame as they go into the theater together. She smiles as he thoughtfully got them seats where she would have an easier time getting in and out, plus fitting in the seat itself. "This is perfect. You always were great at taking care of me," she tells him with a smile.

The woman's shapely form takes her seat, one leg revealed by the slit as she demurely crosses it over the other. "So besides teaching, what else have you been up to? I caught a little bit of word about Matt and some of the others," she says, speaking about the Defenders. "Though I haven't had a chance to actually see them yet. Have you been caught up in that business with Elektra joining them?" she asks.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles warmlyto her as he takes his seat beside her, the chairs large and comfortable, like they were meant for royalty. "I try my best." he blushes lightly at the compliment, his fingers still teasing her knuckles.

He notices her perfect legs, but dares not put too much attention on her form, lest she feel as if hies only intention is to bed her. "I did get involved in Elektra's joining of the Defenders...after all, she is my student." he smiles. "She has been through much recently. She's not quite the Elektra you once knew, but perhaps that is a good thing. SHe has started a new life."

He looks then to the show that was going to begin in about ten minutes, before looking back to She-Hulk. "Matthew and Danny are doing well. They mis you, though, so I think it might be wise to see them soon."

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer looks thoughtful as she listens to Richard. The musical hasn't started yet, so fine to keep conversing as they are. Nor does she try to pull her hand back from where it rests, fingers laced with Richard's. "I've only heard bits and pieces, text messages and voice mails going back and forth, mainly," She-Hulk tells Richard.

"I definitely need to meet up with the rest. Do you think you can fill me in on what all has happened with Elektra. The whole Black Sky thing and how she came about being back with us?" She-Hulk asks.

Someone passing by their box spots her and waves, and She-Hulk gives a little finger wave back. "One of the judges. I'm pretty sure he's a breast man. Always tells me I should be She-Hulk when I'm in his court. Or maybe he just likes tall women," she says, looking over to Richard with a teasing smile. She wouldn't get involved with a judge, he realizes, so the comments are safe enough.

Dragon has posed:
Richard chuckles lightly to Jennifer. "Elektra was killed by one of my former, and most dangerous, students. Lady Shiva. You may have heard of her from Matthew or Danny or Stick, but the Hand revived Elektra, turning her into a weapon they named the Black Sky. Only by Elektra finding herself did we manage to retrieve her safely. Since then, she's been in my care. That's the short version of things." he chuckles.

Then he apparently realizes that one of the judges has been uh...checking out the groceries, as it were. But he seems immediately put at ease as he remembers that A) Jenn's not interested. and B) She would DEFINITELY never get involved with a lawyer. Perhaps the only kind of people that Richard isn't afraid of losing Jen to. "Goodness." he shakes his head and looks just a little jealous. "I think he might just be a pervert." he smiles teasingly. "But..at least you know how to use your womanly charms."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk turns on her side a bit to face Richard more as she listens. A slight frown is given at the mention of the woman's death, and how it happened. "And is she safe enough from relapsing now into what they did to her?" she asks Richard. She-Hulk's expression is concern more than anything, likely both for Elektra and for the rest of the team.

She glances out of the box and over towards the judge who has taken his seat and isn't looking anymore. "Oooo... do you think he might be?" she asks in a voice as if that makes the judge more interesting to her. Though when Richard looks back, he'll see Jennifer looking at him out of the corner of her eyes with a teasing grin. Obviously yanking his chain.

"He's married I'm pretty sure. And I'm sitting with the man I want to, already," Jennifer says though, making sure the teasing doesn't leave any hurt behind. Her fingers brush against his for a second before lacing again.

Dragon has posed:
Richard nods once. "She's safe from their influence. She was always under her own mind just...painfully misguided She received amnesia when she resurrected, but she has returned to us in good health, I assure you. I would not have permitted it otherwise." Richard gave a vote of confidence? Wow.

No small feat!

But then she's teasing Richard more, and he hangs his head, but her emphasizing that she's where she wants to be and with whom she wants to be with, Richard smiles to her, squeezing her hand as he lifts it to kiss her knuckles, if she allows. Richard was a romantic, true and true.

Then? the curtains raise as the play begins!

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk looks a little reassured by Richard's confidence. She knows little of the kind of things that the Hand would be doing that would influence one's mind so, but trusts that if anyone would, it would be Richard Dragon.

When the curtains rise, Jennifer falls silent, except for of course the occasional applause where warranted. She's enraptured by the performance, smiling as she watches, and at one or two poignant moments even moving a hand atop her heart as she's caught up with emotion. By the end of the show, she's leaning over to rest her head upon Richard's shoulder as she watches and listens.

Dragon has posed:
What a lovely show!

Richard stayes silent as he watches the play. He claps when its time to clap, and he smiles at all the emotional bits, but nothing brings this man to tears. Heart of IRON! that is, until She-Hulk is resting her head on his shoulder, and his head rests on hers, closing his eyes for that brief moment where he can just forget about all the problems of the world.

Though as the show ends officially and the curtains rise, Richard looks at She-Hulk. her hair smelled beautiful.

"Did you enjoy it?" he whispers, his free arm having already wrapped around her shoulders to hold her close.

She-Hulk has posed:
"I did," she confirms, smiling widely as she sits up, clapping as the cast come on stage to take their bow. After, she looks over to Richard and smiles to him with a bit of softness in her expression. "Thank you for this. It was a wonderful show," she tells him. "And I missed seeing you, as well," She-Hulk tells him.

The jade-eyed beauty looks down for a moment in thought. "Richard, if I was interesting in going out on occasion, but not being as serious as we were last time? Would that be something you'd consider? Or would it be upsetting to you?" she asks him. She rests her hand over on his leg while they talk, though not in a way that is unsuited for being in public.

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks her in the eyes with a smile. but then she puts her hand on his leg, and questions if they can date, but not be as serious as they were the last time. Richard tilts his head at her, perhaps looking a tad bit on the confused side. "What do you mean, Jen?" Richard doesn't appear hurt, but he seeks to understand her meaning. "Like...friends with benefits or..going slow? I don't want to misunderstand." He didn't want to make the mistake of losing her.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk's eyes drift away as the green giantess considers the right words. "I don't know if friends with benefits is the right term for it. As I think we're probably a little more than friends still. But, I don't think I want something serious either. At least not now. Saying we're taking it slow might be more appropriate. Or just saying, we'll spend some time together and not worry about where it's going?" she says as she looks back to him. "I won't be upset if you go out with other people, nor would I want you upset if I do. But I'd like to spend time with you, both as a friend and in a romantic way. If that's something you'd be ok with?" she asks, biting her lip.

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems to close his eyes and let out a small exhale. "I wouldn't be okay with that, Jen. I'd want to be all yours, and I'd want you to be all mine. Hence the very terms of a relationship. I...couldn't be in a free relationship. We both know it wouldn't work if we even tried it that way." Richard looks saddened that she doesn't want to try. "I'm okay with going slow but...I don't want to be in a free relationship, Jen. Not with anyone. I don't function that way."

She-Hulk has posed:
The disappointment is evident on She-Hulk's face. "I understand," she tells Richard," she says to him softly. "I don't know what I want right now. That statement is apt in a lot of ways for me at the moment. I don't think I should be committing to a relationship with one person, even a slow one, until I have more figured out for myself," she tells him.

Her smile comes back though, warm even if there's a hint of a sad component in it. "Doesn't mean I care about you any less though," she tells him. "I hope we won't be strangers because of this. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll understand. I really hope that's not the case though," she tells him.

Dragon has posed:
Richard's monogamy has apparently been the Grandmaster's curse. Though he looks disappointed that Jen seems resolute in her choice just as he is. He lowers his head, looking saddened. He knew he couldn't get her back..not so easily. "You've always had my heart, Jen. That much is known to me. To that end, you'll never be stranger." but the - pain - is evident in his eyes, even as they avoid locking with hers. He doesn't smile, but he does rise to his feet. "I should walk you back to your car. I'd hate for you to get stuck in the traffic." he says with a gentle smile to his features. He's a master at hiding his emotions, even though his fortress is in shambles.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk rises from her seat along with Richard. Her tongue touches her lips as she searches for words. But even the trial lawyer in her, used to finding words to express and sway those who listen, cannot really find words for the moment. They are both saddened by the outcome, though the glances she gives the man show she still cares for him as well. "Thank you for the play tonight," she tells him. "If you'd like to see another sometime..." she says, trailing off as they walk out to where she can get an Uber to pick her back up, not having brought her car tonight. On the sidewalk, if allowed she'll lean down to kiss his cheek goodbye.

Dragon has posed:
Richard walks with She-Hulk until they make it to her vehicle. He knows full well that the Uber wouldn't DARE mess with She-Hulk. His eyes look to her own as she kisses his cheek, and Richard closes his eyes, savoring the touch, before they open again. "I would like that very much." Richard admits, and he'll remain there, as he watches her be returned to her residence.