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Latest revision as of 06:01, 28 April 2019

Rendezvous on the Rooftop
Date of Scene: 26 April 2019
Location: A rooftop in Metropolis.
Synopsis: Kían makes some tentative moves back towards integrating into Earth culture. Koriand'r helps.
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Starfire

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    As much as he has been trying to avoid contact with Terrans, there's only so long a birdman can remain isolated.  Kían's kind don't like to gather in large numbers, but neither to they handle solitude long.  So it's probably not a surprise that Kían could not stay away from civilization forever.
    Besides, the winds between the buildings in Terran cities are amazing.  Even better than the cliffs and buttes and mesas near his cousin's home.
    So it's with a happy "Kya!" that the little birdman spirals up around the topmost floors of the tallest building he can find, touching down at last at the base of the roof spire with practiced grace.  He perches there, folding his wings neatly behind him, taking a moment to catch his breath... and leaning out to look down, without bothering to reach for a handhold.  After all, what does he care if he loses his balance?  That's what wings are for.

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r is walking along eating a hot dog on the streets when she hears a loud birdcry.  From the roofs.  One that sounds very... familiar.  She then finishes the dog, and rockets straight up, her hair leaving a contrail of fire behind her as she floats at the rooftop.  It sounded like... one of the Akiár race?  But here?  How is this possible?

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían is, it's fair to say, in his own little world.  He leans back, unclipping a water bottle from his belt and taking a long drink from it, then pouring out a little onto his forehead and rubbing the cold water into his hairline.
    He takes another swig, and re-clips it to his belt, and looks up, and "Kya!" again -- this time more startled than joyous, as he had not expected anyone else to be joining him atop a building, of course!
    He backs up against the base of the spire, spreading his wings a little.  "Nnh... kié?  I mean, hello?  I mean... nnh... you do speak English?"

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r nods.  "Yes, I do.  I am Koriand'r of Tamaran.  I thought I heard the song of an Akiár."  She smiles, extending her hand.  "But you are far from home... as am I.  But this place has a welcoming way to it... for the most part."  She smiles.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Just a little bit, Kían relaxes.  "You know of my people?" he asks, maybe a little too eagerly.  "I don't know about welcoming, but it does seem to draw the most interesting people."
    It takes him a moment to notice the offered hand.  He does not offer his, but he does bow in greeting.  "I... should not touch hands.  I am a contact telepath," he explains, his accent both sibilant and musical.  "I could not help entering your mind, nor allowing you into mine.  I have been told this is not customary on this world."

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r nods slowly.  "I know," she states softly.  She pulls her hand away.  "But I offered anyway.  Maybe in time, when you're ready."  She hmmmmmms softly.  "I do offer you this.  My kind has an ability on touch as well.  Perhaps it's telepathic too.  With one touch — I can immediately learn your language."  She smiles.  "So.  Where do you live right now?  Do you have a place?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian watches the hand withdraw.  "I... might like that.  I have missed hearing Akiár'shak.  English," and he pronounces it more like 'ing-liss', "still does not come easily to me."
    He looks off into the distance.  "I do not have a home as such, no.  I have been away for a long time, trying to come to grips with this mad little... sorry."  He winces at his own choice of words.  "With this world.  I seem to be stuck here, so I should not disparage it.  It is my home for now.  And I have not done well by the few friends I have made here.  I ran away.  I could not deal with all the things this planet threw at me, and I ran away."
    Slowly and shyly, he offers his hand.  "If you want.  I will try to keep my mind behind my own eyes.  Understand that I cannot promise that I will, but I will try."

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r nods as she quickly presses forward, lays a kiss on Kían's lips, and pulls back in one sudden motion.  She tilts her head, then in the language of your people, sings, «Hello there, friend Kían.»

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    The little birdman starts, not having expected that!  For the most part, he does manage to keep his mind behind his own eyes, although a wave of startlement can't be missed. "c'Rhys'yw!  Tath'h, táo!" is what he says aloud — it translates more or less as 'Gods!  Give me some warning, please!'  He doesn't look angry or even irritated, just surprised.

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r giggles softly.  «Oh, I know,» she chirps in Kían's tongue.  «But it's more fun to learn languages that way.  So... do you have a place to live?  I can offer you sanctuary if you need it.»

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    «I... uh,» Kian says, switching completely back to his own language.  «I don't have a place, no... but I guess I need one.  I've been thinking, and I think I can't stay separate from this world, especially if I can do something to help.  I'd feel guilty if I didn't use my abilities to help, even if I hate using my abilities.»

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r nods as she floats upwards, and points to the T-shaped tower on an island in the bay.  "Go to Titans Tower and tell them Starfire sent you. They will let you stay there until you find lodging.  You are an alien to this world as I was.  I wish to help."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían sees it in the distance, and nods.  «I wish to help, too.  Anything less would be a betrayal of my rha'thar.»  That last translates partly as 'powers', partly as 'gift of the Gods'.  «That's the only thing that's made any sense, the longer I've thought about it.  Is that your experience of this world, too?»

Starfire has posed:
    Koriand'r nods slowly.  "Well... maybe not," she states.  "Just know that I'm probably going to be the only one who can understand your song — you'll have to speak English for the others."  She then starts to fly in the dirction of the T-shaped tower.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían nods, and bows slightly as Koriand'r departs.
    And, slowly, after a moment, he follows.  Maybe it's time to integrate himself into this world, after all.