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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/01/24 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1258,1199 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1258|Samuel Guthrie (1...")
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Latest revision as of 23:35, 30 April 2019

Burger and Soda date
Date of Scene: 24 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Fathom

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will show up in a somewhat beat up station wagon looking vehicle to pick Aspen up and take her into town for their burger and fries."

Fathom has posed:
Aspen has changed into shorts and a tank top. Maggie walks out with her to the station wagon, smiling at Sam and giving him a wave. "Now you be a gentleman with her," Maggie calls to him as Aspen goes around to climb into the car. "Unless she doesn't want you to!" Maggie adds with a laugh and getting a look from Aspen though it turns grin as she climbs in the car. "Hey Sam," she says, smiling at the younger man who saved her on the run-away horse earlier.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is actually in jeans and a nice black button up shirt." He will wave to Maggie, blushing a bit at her words. He will look over and says "Hope Ah was on time Aspen." The car looks well kept for the most part but there is a pizza joints hot bag in the very back

Fathom has posed:
Aspen puts on her seat belt and says, "Yes you were," she tells him. She looks at the beautiful Kentucky landscape as he begins driving into town. "Where was it that you said you were going to school? New York state? How do you like it up there, compared to here," Aspen asks, turning away from the window to sit on her side and face the driver of the vehicle instead. The young woman's soft violet eyes watch him as he drives.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well this place is home, and when Ah come here, Ah find my soul lifting in a way, but Westchester is some pretty land as well. Ah have been up there long enough now, that is does have a special place in my heart too. Ah am considering teaching there when Ah graduate college.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen rests her head on her seat rest, the young woman's lush dark hair spilling over her shoulders. "And what area are you focusing your studies on?" she asks him. Aspen looks again at the passing land, the gorgeous views of Kentucky bluegrass country. "It's beautiful, though I think I'd miss having the ocean close. Or at the least, a nice lake that you can go swimming in from time to time." More like, every day, with her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well we do have a few ponds around that make pretty good swimming holes. I am looking at physics, teaching, but there are a few other things that interest me, astonomy and mythology as well.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen draws one of her legs up onto the seat, wrapping her arms around it as he takes her into town. "Teaching is a good area for a physicist. They end up in all sorts of other areas that aren't actually physics, otherwise," she comments. "So tell me about this pizza place. Pretty good? Any specialties?" she asks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie makes a so-so hand motion with his hand and says "They are decent the main draw to be honest is they are the closest one to the school. I only been woring there a month myself.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen nods to that and says, "Ah, it's where you're working at? So we get the employee discount and the extra toppings?" Aspen grins over at Samuel gently. She has a warm demeanor, especially towards the man who saved her earlier. "Well, I'm hungry, so I can't wait," she tells him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and it does not take to long before they are pulling up in front of what looks sorta like an older malt shop/diner that has tried to keep up with the times sorta. He will pask, and walk around to pen the door for her.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen smiles as the door is opened, the young woman's fit, slender legs preceding the rest of her as she takes Sam's offered hand and rises from the car. "I like it," she tells him. "Reminds me of a place we used to go to before the quake hit," Aspen tells him. Her hand holding his loosens its grip, either falling away if he stops holding, or still there if he chooses to hold on as they move into the pizza parlor.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk along with her, and again open the door for her to let her come inside the place.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen goes inside with Sam, letting him decide where he'd like to sit and then moving over to sit down with him. She'll look around the place at the decor and the people present.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie leads to a booth and has a seat opposite of her, and says "This is a bit of an afterschool hang outs till about five or six in the afternoon, but not to bad, and also, good burgers." He will offer as a smile. A few of the older men in the place will look over nodding in greeting to Sam, who will nod respectfully back to them

Fathom has posed:
Aspen moves over to take a seat with him. She notes the locals recognition of him. "I like it, seems like the kind of town where everyone knows each other. Or at least a lot of people do," she tells him. "Some sort of bbq bacon burger would be perfect. With cheddar," she decides. "So tell me about your family? What do they do? Is your place a stable, or a ranch or farm or just a homestead of sorts?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "More homestead farm. The Guthries have been on the land for generations, and Ma, and the little ones.." He pauses and says "Ma, and the others, hard to believe some of them aint so little any more. Take care of the place since Pa passed." As the waitress comes over he makes the orders bacon cheese burger for himself and bbg burger with baocn and cheese on it for her and a double order of french fries. he has a cola, and looks over "what would ya like to drink?""

Fathom has posed:
Aspen smiles as Samuel orders for her. "Huge glass of water would be perfect. I'm a little dehydrated after the ride," she tells him. The waitress is given a gentle smile before Aspen turns back to Sam, her expression growing sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear about your father. I'm sure it means a lot to our mom, having kids about her, that you have come home and all," Aspen says quietly. "So your siblings, how old are they? And are you the oldest then?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and starts ratteling off the names of his 10 siblings and their ages, "Yea, Ah am the oldest, Ah started helping out after pa passed, luckily Ah got the scholarship and was able to get part time jobs to help out still even when away.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen smiles as their drinks are brought by the waitress. She takes a big sip of the water as if she was indeed feeling a little dehydrated. "So what sort of things do you like to do besides school? Any hobbies? Are you an athlete?" she asks, stealing a peek down at the younger man, noting the physique that would lend itself well to athletics. "What's the big sport in Kentucky anyway? Basketball I guess?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, Ah am a bit of a sci fi nerd Ah will admit, but ah do try to stay active. Basketball is decent here, at school it is more baseball, and soccer. What about you, what do you do now?"

Fathom has posed:
"Well since I..." Aspen says, though switching words in mid-sentence rather than bringing up swimming, "... began to focus on my career, I'd been studying and working on graduate school. Was able to graduate with multiple Ph.Ds though it took most all of my time. Now, I'm primarily doing research projects. I have my own boat, outfitted for marine research. Not a lot of vessels as well-suited, so it keeps me as busy as I want to be."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit and says "Impressive, Ah am hopeing to get my higer degree, but that is a bit away with working and making sure the little ones get to go to college as well

Fathom has posed:
"I can only imagine what it would cost to send that many to school," Aspen says while nodding in agreement. "Hopefully they do like you and manage to land some good scholarships." She smiles as their food arrives. "oh, this looks good!" she says with a smile. She cuts her burger in half, making it easier to eat without being overly messy. "My best friend moved to New York. The city that is. Does TV news there. Tyler Kincaid, are you familiar with her?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Name sounds familiar, Ah don't watch the new alot personally but someone ussualy seems to have it on somewhere in the school. So, where are you and your boat based out of?

Fathom has posed:
Aspen picks one of her fries from the plate, dipping it in ketchup and nibbling it. "Well, I'm in one of the early groups to move back into what used to be San Diego. All I really need is a dock and a roof over my head, and both of those are fairly cheap to build, and take advantage of the coastline. The area is still recovering, and it may be decades before there is a city anything like what it used to be," she tells him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit and says "Well, Ah hope it goes well, Ah know lots of folks were displaced with that.

Fathom has posed:
"Yes, I was fortunate to have been out at sea when it happened. So many perished. I sometimes wish I'd been there. Would I have been able to save people on the Paradise Found, get them out safely to sea? Or maybe we'd just have been swamped by the tsunami," Aspen says, shaking her head sadly. "I hadn't realized it, but... I met an Atlantean not too long ago. A member of their royal guard, he said. His people had tried to stop the plates shifting, apparently. But it was beyond even their technology."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and puts his hand on hers in a reasureing manor "there are times when even though we want to help there is little we can do, it is a hard lesson to learn

Fathom has posed:
Aspen gently curls her fingers about Samuel's as he rests his hand there. "Seems like lately I'm a magnet for situations I wish I could do more. There was a ship that was going down during a storm not too long ago. I was just a couple of miles away and went to try to help. Iceman - one of the X-men? - he was out there saving them," she tells him. "It's amazing what's going on in the world. What do you think of all of it? The stuff with the mutants and the powered people and all?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well, Ah am a fan of folks helping people powers or not, but Ah will admit the hatred ah see for those who are diferent is a worrysome detail. Ah believe we all should be treated equally powers or none, no matter how we look

Fathom has posed:
Aspen smiles over at Samuel and says, "I'm glad you feel that way. Me too. I have to admit, when I met the Atlantean it was like... well I'm a marine biologist. You can guess. And he ended up just being this normal guy for the most part. I wish I'd had more time to talk with him, but I got the feeling that other than living underwater - and how cool is that!? - he probably isn't any different from you me in most other ways."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles as he snags a fry and says "Ah am not sure, if Ah would want to live underwater, Ah think I am a more space type, mind you probably living conditions would be about the same really.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen takes a bite of her burger, ending up with a little smear of bbq sauce at the corner of her lips without seeming to realize it's there. "Oh, I'd choose underwater. Being able to look down from space would probably be amazing. But there's so much to see down there. I wish I could stay down so much longer than we're able to," she says with a wistful sight. "Have you ever been diving on a reef?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take a napkin and reach up to gently dab at the sauce for her giving her a smile "Not on a reef, have done a little diving but not realy enough to say Ah am a diver f that makes sense.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen tilts her head a little as Sam reaches out with the napkin. She gives him a soft grin as he wipes the sauce clear, reaching over to brush her fingers over his hand gently before pulling her hand back. "Well, if you're ever out in California, let me know and I'll see if we can't take you somewhere that will take your breath away," she tells him, the lovely violet eyes shining at him across the table.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Ah will keep that in mind, ah might be heading out that way to meet a friend from school, Ah aint seen in a while, so it is diffently a possibility

Fathom has posed:
Aspen finishes up her meal, dusting her fingers off and then wiping them on the napkin before leaning back in her seat. "That was delicious," she tells him. "Thank you for, well, everything, Samuel. You've been quite the hero today," the brunette tells him with a smile.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "It was notihng anyone else would not have done if they had seen a lovely lady in distress." He will look to her, and says "Would you like Dessert?

Fathom has posed:
Aspen gives a pat to the flat midriff that is left bare by her top. "I think I'll pass. Too much of that will end up here, especially when I haven't been able to get in a swim since I've been out here," she tells him. "But feel free to have one if you like. If it makes you feel better I'll even steal a tiny taste or two so you can rationalize it that you got it for me," Aspen says, seeming to be lightly teasing on the last part.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and does order a slice of apple pie, and then looks to you and says "wel if you don;'t mind swiming in a pond, I know a place or two where you can get your swim on.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen sits up a little bit, obviously more interested in the mention of swimming than she is in the pie. Not that she's uninterested in the pie, mind you. She'll stay true to her word, just getting two small tastes of the pie, but not even big enough to be called bites. Assuming Sam is willing to share that is. "I could certainly go for a swim," she agrees.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does share, and says "When would you like to go?" He will ask her as he trys to offer her a bit more oc the pie.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen takes her fork and gets another small bite of Samuel's pie. Just a little taste really, nothing more. "Well, it's still pretty nice out," she tells him. Apparently the scene is a bit backdated and it is not January!

"Did you have something else in mind for tonight?" she asks him. "Or did swimming sound good to you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I just have to make a call, make sure things are ok at home and Josh and Jollee have everything undercontrol but other than that aint reall any plans myself."

Fathom has posed:
Aspen gives a nod to Samuel. "Alright then, it's a date," she tells him. "Or, I guess it actually is a date. Unless this was just, you know, friendly dinner with the neighbor's houseguest," Aspen tells the slightly younger man, her head tilting to the side as she puts him on the spot a little bit perhaps. But just slightly amusingly so, if she did. Well, for her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does blush and stammer just a moment, but gets out "Ah ah would be honored for it to be a date with a lady as lovely as you. Just hope your friend aint gonna tease ya to much for going out with the bumpkin next door."

Fathom has posed:
Aspen gives a soft smile and says, "Well, she had good things to say about you. So I doubt that she'd do that." Aspen sets down her fork, chatting companionably with Samuel while he finishes up the pie. "And I wouldn't call you a bumpkin at all. You've been quite the gentleman," she tells him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Do, you need to stop back by her place to grab a batihng suit and such?" He will ask her, as he gets out a tip on the table.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen grins across the table at Samuel and climbs to her feet. "That would be best. It takes more than a first dinner to get me down to my swimming in my bra and panties," she says, voice gently teasing. "Ok, that sounded bad. I mean... not that... I don't judge people by buying dinners. I was just being playful. Badly."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie blushes a bit but at her correcting herlf he will smile, and says "Well good thing I keep a pair of spare shorts in the car or would need to his both places." He grins back at her. He will walk with her to the ocunter paying the bill, and nodding to regular ones he knows.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen walks along with him, the long-legged young woman giving a smile here or there as the other regular's look her way as she accompanies Samuel. "It will be nice to get back in the water. You may laugh but I get a little gloomy or down if I haven't swam in awhile," she tells him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles wna dleads her out opening the car door for her, and say s"Ah believe ah might sorta know what it is like There are times when you do something and it feel just right like it is where your supposed to be."

Fathom has posed:
Aspen motions to Samuel as he says that. "Yes, just like that," she tells him. She climbs in the car, smiling softly at him for opening up the car door for her. "I've always been like that. Dad had to yell at me to get out of the pool, out of the ocean, wherever we were," she says. Aspen looks over to Samuel and asks, "Where is it that you feel like you're supposed to be?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles, a bit and says "Well to be honest flying, there is something about being in the sky, looking over the world as your zooming along." he does not add in that normally it is not in a plane.

Fathom has posed:
"Oh, really? I didn't know that you flew," Aspen tells him as he drives her along. "Wow, you must have started at a young age to be flying already," the young woman says. "What kind of planes do you get to fly? Do you know someone who has one, or are you able to get one for your use some other way?" Aspen asks.