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Latest revision as of 23:53, 30 April 2019

Never Trust Atoms. They Make up everything.
Date of Scene: 29 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beast, Cannonball, Souvenir

Beast has posed:
It is, perhaps, a typical late night in the sublevels of the X-Mansion, While the children above sleep (or should be sleeping) sound and secure in their beds, a furry blue scientist toils in his lab to ensure that security will be maintained.. Through /science/.

Perched on his favourite stool Doctor Henry 'Hank' McCoy, aka The Beast, looms over an electron microscope. His paws delicately maneuver two teeny-tiny joysticks which, in turn, manipulate two even TEENIER and TINIER waldos that are moving something unscene beneath the scopes digital lense. He moves with caaaaareful precision, his mane standing up a bit as he looks a wee bit frazzled.

"Almost there... Aaaaaaalmost there..."

Seems like this is VERY delicate work.. and considering he is wearing GLOVES and GOGGLES... probably a bit dangerous. Thankfully everyone else is asleep!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come to the door and knock gently but well enough to be heard. He was taught mannors after all. He will say softly "Dr. McCoy, are you avaliable to talk for a few moments there are some things Ah need to talk to you about if you have the time. He stands waiting to be granted permission to enter, but there is the smell of Pizza with the young man.

Beast has posed:
Correction, Everyone /SHOULD/ be asleep. The distraction is tiny, barely a nuisance, but thats all it takes when his concentration is so narrowly foccused. The Beasts paw jerks the joystick and the little waldo pushes a small metallic square the size and thickness of a postage stamp off the workbench.

"GET DOWN!" he cries and launches off the stool literally leaps off his stool, not even BOTHERING to try and catch whatever teh thing is, and clears the entire room in a single leap, tackling Sam to the floor inside the door frame and covering him protectively just as the lil teeny thing hits the floor and...

Nothing happens. Well, there was a spark and a fizzle but thats it. It's really sort of anticlimatic. The Beast slowly raises his head and looks over his shoulder back into the lab.. then frowns and looks at the young man beneath him.

"Well... I do not know whether to be relieved... or dissapointed." he admits as he slowly pushes himself up and off Sam.. and looks down at what he assumes is Pizza over his lab coat.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie had a box with pizza in it, so more likely grease than actual pizza, and Hank will find they are a bit more down the hall than expected. When Beast hit him, sam reacted out of instinct as well, and they were blasting for a moment rocking off the walls a little, and not for long just long enough his blastfield would have protected both men. Seems Sam has seen enough action he has developed the right reflexes. "Um Sorry sir, ah had hoped to talk to you and computer said you were down here. Ah brought you, your normal pizza order from work." He motons towards the crushed box.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir is up and about, having a spot of insomnia and raiding the kitchen. Or rather, she was. Now she's wandering with a paper container of very artfully crafted left-overs made into a nice stir fry.

Then someone yells a warning, and she goes running that way, hand dipping into her shoulder bag on the way worriedly and fingering a couple of the larger and more recognizable souvenirs within. She skids to a stop nearby, eyes wide. "is everybody okay?" her hand with the food is ready to yank her glove off.

Beast has posed:
Beast exhales loudly, running his claws through his wild mane, ignoring his greasy lab coat. He's a doctor after all. He's had much worse on him. "No no, Samuel. DO not apologize. It is my own fault. I should have locked down the lab fully. I just expected everyone to be in bed, is all." he realizes his halfmoon spectacles are askew and he repositions them on his leonine snout. "Luckily, we are all fine. I mean, It's not like we vaporized, after all. It seems the nano-scaled antiferromagnetic confinement bottle kept the sample of anti-matt....." he stops... Realizes he may have said a little too much... and then clears his trhoat and takes the offered (and bent) box.

"Hawaiian with no sauce, triple cheese, added bacon and onions, yes?" he asks, all innocently?

Nope. No antimatter here!

He looks over Sams shoulder as Erika arrives. "Uh, I just had a slight malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. I'm fine.." a beat. "We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow will raise at the mention of anti-matter, he is a bit of a sci fi geek himself. He will not his head and says "Ah looked through the records for orders from here under your name, and that was the most common. They have a few of the folks here who pretty much have pizza's named after them." He will brush himself off and sure enough he is in his delivery boy uniform. He will look owver and seeing Erika, will offer a wave and "Hi." He even blushes a little not remembering a time he ever saw the Prof, or Magneto looking like the gof he imagines himself just now. "Um, Ah just got off work, so Ah thought now would be on ok time to track ya down.

Souvenir has posed:
Inhale. Exhale. "Hi, Doc! I'm great! Do you need any help with anything? Figuring stuff out or rubber ducking or whatever? 'Cause like, that whole bit of technotalk sounded hella intimidating." She grins, and makes no mention of whatever temporary tangle might have resulted.

Erika Kristasdottir idly switches back to the fork and takes a bite, cheerfully leaning on the wall and watching you two. "I didn't think anybody was around, just, y'know. yelling."

Beast has posed:
Beast quickly shakes his head. "No no, Erika. I am fine, as I said. Just a minor mishap. Nothing to worry yourself over." hge says, completely convincing (suuuuure) and motions for the pair to follow him back into his lab, which is thankfully still intact and part of the sidereal univese, except for the teeny chip-like device on the floor. He sets the crumpled pizza box down and picks up a pair of tongs which he use stoo pick the thing up, carefully, and set it back on the workbench beneath the scope once more. Talking the entire time he does so.

Well I d thank you, Samuel. I was getting quite famished. But, as you said, you were trying to track me down? And I take it this pizza is some sort of bribe?" he asks, with a grin as he sets the tongs aside then leaps up to perch on his stool once more. "What do you require of me, Samuel?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir wanders in after the two, and immediately scans the place for loose trash and litter out of sheer habit. She listens quietly, munching leftovers idly and adjusting her shoulder bag for comfort.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man, as he finds a seat, and says "Well there are a few things actually, Ah was hoping Ah might be able to introduce you to someone. Ah met an interesting fellow named Jua Mandla, he is a Gorilla, and has a bit of distrust for scientists and genetists. We met one in the city the other morning he was ok with maybe you know of her Caitlyn Fairchild." He blushes just a bit as he mentioned her. "Ah am not sure if she has been published or not but Ah figure scientist and superstrength might run in some of the same circles. Anyways. Jua seems a god fellow, helped us out on a rescue mission recently. Ah just am hoping to introduce him to some good folks, and maybe help him find a bit more trust in folks."

Beast has posed:
Beast flips open the box and withdraws about a quarter of the pizza, folding it over like a sanwhich, and regards Sam as he spins his tale. The blue furry scientist raises a brow. "A.. gorilla. I would take it he is somewhat more intelligent than a standard Great Primate." he asks, taking a bite of his 'za and chewing thoughtfully.. and smirking as Sam blushes at the mentoning the name of a woman. The leonine sapien swallows. "I may have heard of her, yes."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I remember him, he helped me fight the vampires. telepath. He leeches people's brains, too. Not a bad guy, I guess. I'd probably get in trouble if I hung out with him wuch, though." She pauses and considers. "I don't know the girl. Should I look her up?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Ah don't know much about her to be honest, other than she lifted Jua up pretty easily." He tells Erika. "Ah met Jua at the comic book shop in town was seeing what was new while on my break at work. Seems he is like the other Gorilla's from a place called Gorilla City but he grew up here not knowing much if anything about them to recently. He is a bit skittish around some folks, and as ah said figured show him some good folks including scientists, and to be honest sir, thought he might be a bit more comfortable with you well, because of how you look, and also if he did react badly, know you could handle your self physically and have experience with telepaths as well. Ah have not brought this up fully with him, as wanted to talk to you about it.