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Latest revision as of 00:00, 1 May 2019

Just Another Tuesday at the Enchanted Grounds
Date of Scene: 30 January 2019
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Traci 13, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Traci 13 has posed:
    After the recent past events with the latest global crisis over, Traci's been looking to exercise some relaxation time. Unwind a little bit. Treat herself. And, one of the ways she does that best...is by shopping. Not necessarily for a cute outfit, though that appeals at times... Today, she's made her way to the Enchanted Grounds to see what kind of goodies she can find in the mystical variety. She steps in, her iguana familiar-- Leroy --riding on her shoulder with his tail hooked around the back of her neck. "If you're good," she tells him, "I'll get you some raspberries, if they have 'em."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Speaking of Familiars, there is a large Raven, It's on the top of one of those ooooold timey brass type cash registers.. Next to it is a tablet with some crazy rune work in the casing... Behind the counter? A rather tall, buxome Red Head.... She's currently chatting away at the Raven...

"Poe? I take it the latest delivery of reagents has arrived?" She says with a slight smirk.. Poe nods "Yes Miss." In a very prim, and propper English Accent, he is an English Raven after all... "So Miss, any progress on your current problem?" Kae then shrugs "Newp, Though I think I've gotten all the goodie bags and fixed most everyone affected.. When I'm sure that's all done, I'll really work toward fixing my self..."

Poe nods, then adds "You have a guest..." Kae now glances in Traci's way and offers a wave... She doesn't seem to move a whole lot, but there's a very very heavy thunk behind the counter and a slight wince from Kae...

The auburn girl behind the coffee counter snickers... Kae sticks out her tongue, then one of two blondes waves to Traci and calls out.. "Ida Shai Ma Sen..." Kae stares her way.. "Oh yeah, welcome!" Kae smirks again and shrugs "My assistants have been watching tons of Anime of late..."

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci steps up to the counter and politely ignores the conversation going on between familiar and magickal person. When she's addressed, however, she smiles and looks like she's about to say something...when someone calls out to her in Japanese. She swallows her comment -- Traci's half-Asian, yes, but she's not Japanese. She smiles tightly, shrugging a shoulder to the comment about anime, "We all have our faults. I was wondering if you could show me to some of your nicest wares, for the mystical crowd. I'm in a mood to spoil myself."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Well they're all mixed in here... Just depends on what you want. You want something with a technological feel?" She asks, then holds out her phone "That's mine, but you're welcome to examine it..." She says with a grin... "We make more, we also do more traditional enchanted items, and equipment to make eml, or potion making.. Pretty much 1 stop shopping here..." She says and then Another blond calls out "She's even got an invisibility cloak back here, like from that old Harry Potter series!" The person then wooshies gausy type fabric around her and dissapears... "See?!?!" Kae pauses and blinks... "Woooow... yeah, I made a couple of those the other day."

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci's brow lifts at the phone held out to her, taking it into her hand and studying it with interest. "I'm really kinda hoping to browse and find something that catches my fancy, like. I've never visited your shop, though I've heard about it, of course, through the grapevine, so to speak." If Kaelyn has much in the way of Occult Knowledge, she'll probably recognize Traci from others' descriptions of her. Her dark eyes shifting to look at the invisibility cloak, she considers it with a half-smile. She has her own invisibility spell that's almost like breathing air for her, so it's not really what she's after...but, it's cute. "Yeah, ol' J.K. really spun some yarns for us, didn't she? Muggles, indeed." Her comment might not be the most positive, but there's no real heat in her words. "Tell me a little more about the phone? I do Urban Magick, so I'm definitely interested to see what kinds of things you've got in the way of technomagic," she turns her gaze back to Kaelyn.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ooh's and nods. "The phone can store and translate spells. Also mine can store and call items on demand, much faster than say trying to dig through a bag... I usually use it for artifacts and stuff I need on the fly if things get hot, but sometimes for other things. Also the phone well, it works just like a phone and can call any regular cell phone like any other, and it can connect to the internet... Now here's the interesting bit.. I've managed to actually send spells dependant on lines circles and runes -through- the internet and texts..." She says with a slight smile... "In effect it's kind of like a pocket space, as well as a reprogrammible multi-programmible wand. You can also store contingencie spells in it too." She says with a slight smile.

Kae shrugs "It's very much a magical multi tool." She says then well she gets to her feet, all four of em, the woman having a full sized clydes dale for a lower body. "We make tablets that work like it and wtaches too, some have more capability than others."

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci listens with interest, her eyes tracing over the object and reading its physical appearance, but also its magickal one, as Kaelyn explains it. <<You could totally use something like that. You're always forgetting something. Like my romaine lettuce, that time,>> Leroy tells Traci, telepathically. Traci glares down at Leroy, while he smiles and closes his eyes in satisfaction at his long-running joke. "Would I need to buy a new phone, or could you do this sort of thing on a pre-owned phone? And, my laptop's been running a bit sluggish, lately. Anything in that department available?" she asks. "Also, do you happen to carry raspberries? My iguana..." she looks at him, perched on her shoulder. "He's guilt-tripping me."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ooohs and motions to the Cafe area "Probably." She says and walks out from around the counter, Kae's well,s he's huge right now... "And we'd actually construct the whole thing from the ground up here... IT's not a matter of enchanting an existing electronic device but artificing the device, otherwise it won't have that capability." She adds with a grin.

Kae then looks around "We can build a lap top or the liek for you too from the ground up if you prefer.. I can even make it so it will morph from a computer to a phone really, just a matter of getting the requisite layer of enchantments and runes in place."