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Latest revision as of 03:59, 4 May 2019

Weight Just a Minute
Date of Scene: 04 May 2019
Location: Gym - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Joseph Miller is put through an Avenger-sized workout by T'Challa
Cast of Characters: Black Panther, Overlord

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa had gotten in contact with Joseph Miller. Inviting him to come by the mansion for a workout on some special equipment that would probably allow him to test his limits as well.

At the arranged time, T'Challa had met the immense man at the door and led him over to the gym and training area. T'Challa himself is dressed for a workout. As they arrive in the gym, he gets a hand towel for them each, and also bottles of water out of a small fridge.

"So the machines over here are a -little- better than what you will find in 24 Hour Fitness," T'Challa says with a wry smile. "They are enough even for Thor," T'Challa says. "I do not know that I have ever seen The Hulk using them, but I imagine they would give him a workout as well." T'Challa leads the way over.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller hmms and nods as he looks over the machine. He is pretty much the same clothes as last time, no special gym clothes it seems. The big man will hmmm, and says "Sounds like it might be sometihng that can help. He will walk around the machine looking it over and asks "Magnetics?" He will ask about it, as he rubs his hand over it.

Black Panther has posed:
"For the most part. Some of the lower strength machines are hydraulic," T'Challa says. He'll suggest they warm up, leading Joseph in a few laps if he agrees, to get their hearts pumping and their muscles loosened. Then some stretching before finally moving over to one of the machines.

The first one is for doing squats. "If you want to give it a try, I'll start it light and just gradually increase it. Let me know when it's starting to take effort and I can slow down the increases at that point?" T'Challa suggests.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods his head a bit listening as they streatch and get their jog in. The big man seems to be able to keep pace with him without much effort. Once they get to the squat machine he will get into position start out with a couple tons?" He asks.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa goes over to the settings for the machine. "It does have safety features, so should something go wrong, it will stop itself," he says. He powers it up and uses the touchpad on it to control it. "Two tons to start with," T'Challa confirms. There is only a slight hum from the machine to indicate anything is going on, but that is barely audible.

T'Challa says by the control panel then waiting for Joseph to begin. He'll be ready to reduce the weight, even with the safety features. And should JOseph indicate to increase it, T'Challa will happily oblige by the desired amounts.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will move it relatively easily. He starts his squats and seems like this is not a big thing for him. He will thumb up to indicate that he is ready for more. "So, if I may ask, how did you get into the whole superhero thing?" The big man probably having not heard the story how the king became a hero.

Black Panther has posed:
T'CHalla increases the weight, turning back to observe Joseph. If he sees any form issues he would point them out now before the weight gets to be significant for Jospeh.

At the question, T'Challa says, "The Black Panther is the traditional protector of Wakanda. When my father reached an age he passed the mantel to me." T'Challa observes Joseph on the heavier weight, and when ready he'll increase it again for the man. "It is only more recently that I have begun working with the outside world, however. The dangers that we face these days? The entire world needs to cooperate for some of them."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods his head, and as the weight goes up Joe seems to be handeling it well. around 50 tons he will start showing that is is a bit of efort but not beyond his capabilities. Yea, gotta admit, I had never heard of Wakanda till you hit the hero scene, but I was never the best geography student. To be honest, I figured growing up only way I would see more than my home state was joining the army or something. Then was not sure if joining up was a good idea, I mean, do they even let people with powers in, and if so is there a secret branch or something, never heard of it happening.

Black Panther has posed:
"I am sure the US army has something of the sort, though they probably leave much of it to SHIELD and would keep that to themselves," T'Challa says quietly. "Wakanda is a small nation. Small nations rarely make news. Especially ones that are mostly rural," he says quietly. Not mentioning the mountain of vibranium beneath or the technology. Because those things are not well known.

"You are doing well, Joseph Miller," T'Challa says quietly as he watches Joseph handling the 50 tons. "Are you getting close to an appropriate work out?" he asks.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller hmmms and says "A few dozen reps of this would probably be an ok work out, but if going for max, I think I could still do a pretty good bit more. He will tell the man. He does not seem to be having much of an issue. He will look over and says "Pretty country out there at least?" He will ask.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa suggests, "Alright, why don't you take a quick break, you've done a good set by now I should think, even if it was lower weight." T'Challa hands over the water bottle for Joseph, should he take that advice. "And when you're ready I'll move it up to 55 tons," he says.

T'Challa leans against the machine and says, "You are, incidentally, far, far beyond what I could lift." The African gives a soft chuckle and takes a sip of his own water. "It is. Beautiful grass lands. Tall mountains. Rivers that flow from them, forming beautiful waterfalls. Of course, everyone loves their home, I find," T'Challa offers in reply.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller hmms and nosa his head a bit to this taking the water and a long sip of it. It seems folks either think their home was great or horrible. Wanting to see it again, or getting away as fast as possible. I liked my home, but aint been back in some time. A small farm in a small town." He will smile and says "Pretty sure your alot faster than me though to be honest.

Black Panther has posed:
"Hopefully, Joseph Miller," T'Challa replies of the being faster. "I find it is best if I can outrun those who are so much stronger," he says, letting just a slight bit of humor enter his tone. T'Challa looks like he is considering something. "If we were able to discern anything about the source of your strength? Is that an investigation that you might wish us to pursue?"

T'Challa crosses his arms and says, "Sometimes there may not be anything we can find. There are even times people might not like what they find out. So consider that before you decide an answer to the question," the Wakandan says. His expression doesn't let on what Jarvis's scans have already revealed of Joseph's non-human nature.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shrugs a bit to this and says "To be honest, always just figured I was a mutant, never put aot of thought into it. just sorta accepted this was me, if that makes sense. He will shrug again "If ya think it is important, could work on it, not sure what it would take to be honest.

Black Panther has posed:
The Wakandan monarch considers for a moment and finally seems to decide that was not an affirmative enough answer to start sharing what he knows. "I understand. Whatever you might find out, you are still you," he agrees with Joseph.

When it's time, T'CHalla continues running Joseph through that machine. And then continuing on to each of them. When done he's recorded the results to give to Joseph Miller. "Quite impressive, really," T'Challa says. "There are a few things I would be interested in seeing you try another time. Whether you can jump tremendous distances like Hulk, or Wonder Woman," he says. Of course he'll also be sharing the man's potential with the other Avengers.