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Revision as of 17:40, 4 May 2019

Belonwu Mazi (Scenesys ID: 8009)
"You have mistaken me for someone you can brush off."
Full Name: Belonwu Mazi
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Intelligence Officer
Citizenship: Nigeria / United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: MD (GP, Infectious Diseases), UCLA
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 35 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 8 March 1992 Actor: Hosea Chanchez
Height: 170 cm Weight: 72 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


While the cameras follow the every move of Superman, Batman and the Avengers, other fights rage in the streets. Lives are saved, lost or forever changed. His family tried to leave the injustice of superpowers used to exploit others in Nigeria, only to find the same creeping sickness in America. When his own powers manifested Ota was recruited from the Army Rangers into the CIA. The rules are different but the goal is always the same; Hold the line against those who exploit the weak.



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Ota is short, stocky and powerfully built, seeming almost as wide as he is tall, like some vision of a black dwarf only with a shaved head and no beard. His face has a serious cast and everything about his posture speaks to a military background. He is well but unremarkably dressed in jeans, a collared shirt and a blazer.


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Ota was born in Lagos to middle class Igbo parents. His parents emigrated to the United States when Ota eight years old. The emergence of mutants and superpowered people simply intensified the already unstable politics of Nigeria even worse and Ota's parents craved a more stable environment. The family settled in Los Angeles and adapted to their new home country quickly. Ota was a driven student and his parents enforced a keen sense of the opportunities he had in front of him. A golfer and swimmer in school, he graduated top of his class and went on to pre-medical and then medical school at UCLA.

Because his family could not afford to fund his schooling on their own, Ota joined the Army to have his medical training paid for. At the end of his training, Ota served in deployments in Afghanistan. He applied to the Army Rangers and served in the field with them in Iraq. In 2020 during a mission to capture an arms cache, an IED exploded under a Humvee carrying Ota and members of his team. His powers manifested reflexively, projecting a force field around himself and the others in the vehicle, saving all of their lives. That was when his unit started calling him Ota, Igbo for 'shield', and he was singled out for additional special training. Ota returned to the United States for training in infectious diseases and biological weaponry. He was then recruited into the CIA to work in anti-bioterror operations.

Ota was then deployed repeatedly in Iraq and around the world alongside other CIA, CDC investigators and special forces to investigate and destroy bioterror threats. As mutant and anti-mutant terrorism spread, the work became increasingly complicated and multi-faceted. Threats multiplied as biotechnology advanced at the highest rate in human history. Now as sources hint at a new threat emerging from within the United States, Ota has been sent to settle in New York and find out the truth behind the whispers.


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Ota is a quiet, driven and thoughtful man. He has a deep caring streak but it is often submerged under a burning outrage about attacks on the weak. Skilled and conscientious, he is an experienced warrior, battlefield medic and bioterror investigator. He lacks the professional sociopathy and talent for deception that marks so many excellent CIA field agents, but makes up for it with a tireless work ethic. Completely dedicated to his work, Ota's focus is external, almost never engaging in self-reflection. It leaves him at a disadvantage in purely social situations as he is disconnected from the lives and experiences of most people rarely says much about himself.


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Ota can consciously generate force fields to block physical attacks. He can create force fields with a diameter from skin tight to up to ten feet and absorb inertia up to the equivalent of a punch by a being that can lift 100 tons. Inertia beyond this limit is transferred to Ota's body with fatal consequences when he lands. The force fields cannot be used to cancel Ota's own inertia (i.e. safe falling) and are not airtight, so they cannot be used to trap air underwater, in space or to stop environmental radiation or pathogens. Blows approaching his limits or sustained attacks can overload Ota and leave him unconscious.


Unless he is unconscious, Ota's body will reactively generate a force field to counter physical attacks. Ota cannot suppress this ability. The reactive shield is usually a sphere centered on Ota and extending arms length around him. It can withstand attacks up to the equivalent of a blow from being that can lift 100 tons. Anything stronger than that and the excess inertial force is transferred to Ota's body, with lethal results. A speeding car will be stopped in its tracks at Ota's shield. A speeding train will send Ota flying, shield and all, and he will suffer the full impact of whatever landing awaits. Ota's force fields are not airtight, meaning they provide no protection against environmental radiation or pathogens. He also cannot use them to cancel his own inertia (i.e. safe falling). Attacks near his limits or large sustained attacks can overload Ota and leave him unconscious.


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Ota has advanced training in light infantry and special operations tactics, weaponry and equipment. This includes a range of unarmed, knife, small arms and explosives training, in addition to combat tactics and unit level leadership.

Ota is a medical doctor with experience and training in battlefield medicine. He is fully capable of functioning as an ER doctor or GP and is able to perform limited types of immediate surgeries in field conditions needed to sustain patients until shipment to a medical facility.

Ota has received advanced medical training in infectious diseases, both natural and man-made. He is able to diagnose and treat a wide range of pathogens, operate in class IV hot zones, perform lab work to isolate and identify pathogens and lead investigations into outbreaks and pathogen development.


Ota has trained as an intelligence officer in the CIA's Directorate of Operations. He has standard training in intelligence collection, analysis and operations. He has experience in investigative and special field operations, but less experience with long-term covert or source development missions.


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Ota is an active CIA agent with access to reasonable levels of equipment, personnel or assistance during a given mission. This access is dependent on his assignment and performance, but typically includes covertly sourced small arms, body armour, data on individuals or occasional specialist assistance. When dealing with high value targets such as bioterror labs, considerably more resources are available.

Over the years Ota has developed a range of acquaintances and contacts through his work. He has contacts in the Army, CIA and CDC to whom he owes or from whom he is owed a range of favours. These are not people Ota can simply demand things of or expect to do things that would put themselves at risk or compromise their duties and morals, but they are part of a give and take network of people who help each other.

For the duration of his assignment to New York, Ota receives additional monthly income to defray the higher than usual cost of housing. This allows him to maintain a small apartment in New York at a cost to him comparable with living in Washington, DC.


Ota has a government salary and accompanying benefits. He is able to live a reasonable middle-class lifestyle for as long as he maintains his employment, and has access to extensive medical care. He has a small amount of savings and no significant debt.


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Ota is deeply invested in his work and his mission to protect his country. Losing his employment and role would be a devastating blow for him and leave him in a desperate search for place, purpose and identity. The CIA may enjoy this kind of attachment from its employees, but employees are just assets and sometimes are expended. What life would hold for Ota after being expended is anybody's guess, but it would be a dark, dark time for him. He will go to great lengths to protect his role. Perhaps lengths he shouldn't go to.

Ota is an only child, but his mother and father are alive and living in Los Angeles. The couple are retired and comfortable and Ota's only personal weak point.

For years, Ota has had no time for a personal life or other diversions. He has lived a life of constant training, operations and more training, to the point that like so many Company People, he does little else. Ota feels the burden especially keenly because in addition to current events, the pace of biological advance is so rapid that it is difficult to keep abreast of the latest changes that could affect his work in bioterror. This has left Ota with no close personal friends or confidants, little connection with normal events and a certain social awkwardness. Who is Ota when he is not in his official role? He hardly knows.

Ota has been active in anti-bioterror and related counter-intelligence operations long enough that he is known within those circles. Experience and key players in the field in the black market and foreign governments know who he is and do not think kindly of him. Ota is considered 'in-play', a valid target for compromise or elimination. It is not easy to sleep lightly with that kind of threat to one's life.

Using his force field abilities is extremely draining for Ota. Maintaining them requires effort and can quickly drain his body's resources, leaving him exhausted. Lengthy use, attacks near his limits or sustained attacks can completely overwhelm Ota and leave him unconscious. If he is rendered unconscious from using his powers, it will take Ota's body at least 12 hours of rest before he is able to project any force fields again.


It is not paranoia when they are really out to get you... But it sure it looks the same. By experience and training, Ota is paranoid and suspicious of the motives and connections of the people around him who are not vigorously vetted. And even then. Being flirted with may be innocent, or the opening gambit in an attempt to compromise him. Someone being friendly may be a normal person, or a foreign agent trying to get information. A new colleague could be a fantastic new asset, or a double-agent sent by a foreign power. After a while, it is difficult to tell where reasonable professional hypervigilance ends and paranoia sets in.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Eff Bed Rest June 13th, 2019 In which Phil tries to Dad at Darcy, and Darcy teenage's back at him. Or, this is why SHIELD Medical hates most of its Agents.
SHIELD Alert June 11th, 2019 In which Darcy's alert is answered or Mazi was the real hero in this one, guys. No one cares what Darcy says about it.
Who's That Knocking June 8th, 2019 Belonwu is recruited, SHIELD style.
Bad Omen June 5th, 2019 Mon-El stops by to check on a CDC quarantine in New York. Belonwu fills him in about a possible bioweapon.
Hunting Wendigo June 5th, 2019 The FBI and CIA team up to investigate a weaponized flu. They don't find samples but they may just have found some clues.
Who Knows You May 8th, 2019 Magical Triad thugs try to take out Ota but did not count on April broadcasting them getting wrecked by The Punisher and Snake Eyes.


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