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Latest revision as of 03:50, 6 May 2019

Caught Napping
Date of Scene: 05 May 2019
Location: Xavier's Grounds
Synopsis: Wolfsbane comes across Evan asleep, leading to a brief chat about family in particular.
Cast of Characters: Genesis, Wolfsbane

Genesis has posed:
Well, it was one of those days, really.

It was basically summertime, and the school was let out for the season. Almost. still some studying to be done! but, Evan had already completed much of his studies, and only a few classes were left. So, the mutant in the tuxedo walked out onto the backyard, near Breakstone Lake, and decided to lie down.

One thing led to another, and Evan's eyes closed, effectively causing him to fall asleep. He's been caught sleeping before by the likes of Cannonball and X-23, but who knows who will find him this time. After all, few people decide to just let him sleep.

Wolfsbane has posed:
With some free time opening up, Wolfsbane's made her way outside so she might enjoy the weather. It's not too warm, not too cool, which makes things just about right for her.

The wolfen mutant's steps bring her away from the buildings and closer to the woods, but not before bare feet slow to a stop not too far away from a peculiar sight: Genesis, napping, in full attire. She squints at this, but for the moment she remains in place rather than leaving or raising her voice for any reason. She'll see just how far gone he is, first.

Genesis has posed:
This dude is out. Though he looks strangely...peaceful. He doesn't snore, which is a plus. But, nonetheless, he probably shouldn't be sleeping under a tree. Especially if kids try to climb it and...eeehhhh. Though truthfully, a solid nudge or a good voice would probably wake him up no problem. For the most part though?

Genesis has no idea she's there.

Wolfsbane has posed:
And so the silent standoff continues. Until, that is, Wolfsbane clears her throat quietly. "Evan?" she probes gently, just on the verbal side so far, lifting a hand in a slight wave although he might not be aware of it yet. "Ye fell asleep oot here," she adds, a hand settling at her side.

Genesis has posed:
Evan's eyes shift open like he was startled, and he sits up, taking a moment to look around to remember where he is, before his eyes settle on Rahne. "Oh, hello Rahne. How are you today?" he takes a moment as she tells him he fell asleep. "Oh, I see I did. I was quite tired, you see, from all the studying and the focusing and the test stressing." Evan takes a moment to straighten out his jacket. "But how are you? you look nice."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane grimaces, admitting, "I dinna miss those days, tae tell th' truth." And those days weren't all that long ago. "O' course I still have muh own training tae focus on, but nae more courses unless I decide tae go after a higher education," she further muses, and she lingers a few feet away as she watches him sitting up. "Ahh, thank ye. I was just thinking o' a walk in th' woods. I was wondering, do ye always go around in tha' coat?"

Genesis has posed:
Evan looks at Wolfsbane with a small smile, though he does pat the ground beside him in case she wanted to join him there. "Feel free to sit if you like. Else I feel the need to stand." Evan was always so polite. "the coat?" he looks at his attire. "Oh, yes. I like to look my best." probably in order to maybe soften the blow that he looks like one of the most dangerous mutants in history. But, what can ya do.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods, though she takes a seat more facing him for the moment, settling into a comfortable cross-legged position before settling a few folds of her outfit around her. "I suppose I can understand tha', but it's perfectly fine tae dress more casually if ye dinna want tae look all formal," she explains, though there is the possibility this is all he even has. "O' course it's up tae ye. I'm no' trying tae tell ye one way or th' other. I sort o' understand, in a way."

Genesis has posed:
Evan looks at Rahne and he seems to smile as he sits cross-legged, facing him. "Well, I can dress casually. I just...feel more natural like this, you know?" but then she tells him that she understands, so all is well! "Oh, you do? Lovely." Evan says with a kind smile. "But, what are you up to today?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I used tae dress much more conservatively," Wolfsbane points out. "A' least compared tae noo. It's just th' way I was raised, I guess." Clearly, she grew up and reached a point where she chose to make a change and make more of a personal statement. She continues, "I was going tae enjoy th' weather, like it seems ye already are." She reaches behind to adjust her ponytail, retie it.

Genesis has posed:
"You did? What changed?" but then she was being raised a certain way apparently, and so it would make sense if she was making a declaration with how she dressed. But, Evan bears no judgement in his eyes. "Oh? Like wander about through the great outdoors or what have you? Sounds like a fun time." he notices her messing with her lovely dark locks. "Do you ever let your hair down? or do you simply like it out of hte way?" it was an honest question. Honestly, Evan STILL doesn't know that much about the opposite sex, so hopefully Rahne doesn't get upset at him or something.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane rubs at a pointed ear of hers. "Mainly, I saw this back home an' just had tae see how it fit an' if I liked it, an'.." She gestures toward herself as if to suggest Evan can figure out the rest, since she's in it. "An' I learned I could still look decent in something like this an' no' feel inappropriate." Green eyes slide over toward the forest and she says, "Most every day I try tae spend some time oot there. I just like being among nature an' I like th' scents better than in th' city. It's quieter as well." A few seconds go by at the last question, then she admits, "I've always just kept it tied back. For a long time it never grew oot much a' all."

Genesis has posed:
"Well, I agree with you. Though of course, I can see how maybe your family would be protective on how you appeared, because you are a very beautiful young lady. Perhaps they feared that a possible indecency would attract the wrong kind of attention?" of course, Genesis is just trying to understand it all. "But, it does look very nice on you." how can Evan speak certain words and STILL have an innocence about them. "I have a habit of being out here as well. I don't always spend time with others, but...its nice and quiet."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's expression clouds over at the mention of family, an awkward look following. "It.." she begins, fiddling with her fingers and claws briefly, then shaking her head. "Something like tha'," she decides, leaving it at that with a shake of the head. It's probably not much like that at all. "But thank ye. I'm glad ye think so. An' I do prefer it peaceful compared tae other ways things could be." There's a hint of melancholy about her.

Genesis has posed:
Evan looks at Rahne as she seems to look melancholy, and she wears it expertly. Though Evan looks apologetic nonetheless. "I apologize if I am the cause of bad memories to be present." he frowns lightly. "But, you are welcome. Peace is greatly desired, but rarely achieved. I am glad you have found some measure of it." Evan takes a moment to look at a bird that lands on his head. "Oh, um...hello?" Evan tries greeting the bird. ugh.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane explains, if reluctantly at first, "I learned th' reverend I thought adopted me was muh actual father, an' he was verra abusive toward me for as long as I could remember. Muh mummy died when I was born, an' he took oot a lot o' things on me." It might not be hard now to understand why she used to dress so conservatively, or even why she might have shifted away from that not. "I've no' seen him since I found oot th' truth, an' I'm no' sure I'm ready for it yet." There is, at least, a thin smile that twitches at the corners of her mouth at his reaction to the bold bird.

Genesis has posed:
Evan doesn't want to startle it, but he lifts his hand up to the bird, who pecks at it. "ow. Why would you do that?" Evan seems to look at the bird, who chirps at him. "I don't chirp." then the bird just flies away. "What a weird bird." his eyes then return to Wolfsbane to return to the regularly scheduled programming. "But, I understand. That must've been extremely difficult for you to go through. But you are safe here." Evan smiles lightly. "I wish I could help make it right, but...I feel as if I would only make it more strange for you."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane remains quiet and otherwise still as the exchange is had with the bird, and once it's flown off again she takes on a mildly amused look, which is better than the prior one. "It's just a bird. It was probably curious about ye," she tells him, having watched it flown off with sharpened eyesight. "It was verra difficult, an' hurtful as well, but I'm away from him noo an' in a better place." Pausing long enough to think over his words, she wonders, "Why would ye make it more strange?"

Genesis has posed:
"Well, then birds are weird." Evan decides immediately, though his eyes do shift over to her. "Well, I'm still learning about social situations, and I...frankly don't know anything about the relationship between parents and their kids. I feel like I'd just be like...asking all the stupid questions."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods apparently slow agreement with his assessment of birds in general. "Watch oot for geese, in tha' case. They're mean, especially th' Canadian ones." Her own social graces may have never been that well-rounded, though. She says, "I was adopted by th' one who helped rescue me from muh father, an' she an' most o' th' people here are more o' muh real family anyway."

Genesis has posed:
Evan looks at Wolfsbane and he seems to sigh for a moment, shaking his head. "I never liked geese. they're mean birds." but then as she speaks, he nods lightly. and he seems touched by her words. Though he does lean over to try and offer her a hug. "Well, we think your family too."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Some might come up with something witty or philosophical here. Wolfsbane? Not so much. "Thank ye. I just feel better when I know I can go tae others if I need help wi' something," she says, and she allows the hug with a gentle return of it. "How much longer do ye think ye'll be staying oot here?"

Genesis has posed:
See? Hugs are nice. Though even still, after a few moments, Evan will pull away from her to avoid making her feel awkward. "I don't know. Maybe until I get hungry or until I figure I should do something else. Why?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I just wanted tae be sure," Wolfsbane replies, and the hug leaves her looking and feeling at least marginally better. "Because I still need some more o' tha' quiet time an' I think it's a good spot for it." Moving back to her feet afterward, she rolls her shoulders and neck, adding, "An' I think I also need a good run tae clear muh head. I'll see ye later, Evan. Thank ye for th' talk."