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Dinner Was The Bomb
Date of Scene: 05 May 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Jason, Kitty and Selina attend a new restaurant opening, which Harley makes sure is a real 'blast'.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Shadowcat, Catwoman, Harley Quinn

Red Hood has posed:
Kitty is always wanting an excuse to wear the Janet van Dyne original she was able to have made for her - and always wanting to show it off with Jason on her arm.

The name of the restaurant is simply called 'Trendy'.

It was opened in Gotham by a British chef that has had several other excellent restraurants, and was known for his rough mouth, excellent food, and lack of social graces.

It's the opening night and a hodge podge of who's who of Gotham and the surrounding areas had made resverations weeks in advance.

But playing the card of being Bruce Wayne's 'son' tends to open doors for you.

Arriving in one of his father's more exotic cars, Jason steps out, and then moves around the car before the valet can to open the door for Kitty. He's dressed in a suit that is custom fitted to him, and it doesn't take them long to be seated at a corner table in the avant-garde sitting room.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde rises out of the car once her hand is in Jason's. She favors the handsome young man with a beautiful smile as he assures he is the one to open the door for her. "Thank you," she tells him, sliding her hand that he's holding along his arm until it can take its place on his elbow.

Kitty looks over at the restaurant, the exterior a reflection of the taste and luxury to be found within. The pair pass through the doors and over to their table, where the young woman sits, a smile to Jason as he helps her with her chair.

"This place is wonderful," she says, sliding her hand across the table to find his once again. "Thank you for this," she tells him. Jason knows she has been stressed out lately. Things are turning worse with the Sentinels. Much, much worse. And a night out to relax and forget about them is exactly what the young woman needs.

Catwoman has posed:
New restaurant, famous chef with other high-class places, even called 'Trendy?' How could Selina Kyle /not/ be there for the opening of a place like this? She, too, has joined the social elite of Gotham and dressed to impress in a shimmering black evening gown, opera-length gloves, and pumps to match along with expensive-looking jewelry.

Whether she'd bought the jewelry herself or stolen it at some point is neither here nor there.

Exiting a town car that then pulls away around the corner, it gives her the chance to rub elbows with a few of the people who have come to see and be seen, especially the latter given the paparazzi around, and it wasn't too hard at all for her to secure a reservation. Now, she's catching up with people like they're long-lost friends, all smiles, her path bringing her closer to the pair of Kitty and Jason on her way to a table of her own.

"Oh, I remember you. From the masquerade!" she practically coos at Kitty, though she feigns a struggle with memory as she considers Jason. "Were you there, too? Forgive me, it's been a while."

Of course, she's left a little something in a nearby alley, just in case. One never knows when opportunity might knock.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The head chef runs multiple different establishments and after just a little bit of torture one of his sous chef's at another joint gave Harley the directions to this opening. Why? That's the thing. Harley waits for plenty of people to fill in. She's currently one of the staff, having hogtied the blonde waitress who was supposed to be serving, took her uniform and put it on. She's walking around and even serving drinks, waiting for the head Chef to make an appearance. "Oh, you wanted champagne, well go to France buddy. All I got on this tray is wine. Just like yer tone." A bit of a scoff from some uppity up when it comes to the service he's recieving from the blonde.

Putting two drinks down on Kitty and Jason's table, she offers a smile, "Compliments on the house. Welcome ta openin' night fella and lady." And then she's off again, sauntering through the crowd and delivering wines to people even rude people. With a quick stop off as Selina was headed toward a table or group of folks she offers her some wine as well, with a big smile on her face. Not that Harley recgonizes Selina, but that smile is fairly distinctive, "Have a great evenin' lady."

Harley heads into the back to refill her drinks, and once the double doors close, Harley speaks up to those in the kitchen, "Alright fellas. Let me know when the head honcho comes in, an' till then, everyone play nice. Or else." She drags the back of her thumb across her neck indicating something bad will happen. Every other person in the kitchen is one of her hooligans and boy have they got a beef mignon with this Chef.

Red Hood has posed:
Accepting Kitty's hand, Jason gives it a fond squeeze. "Hey, even cute genuses need to take a night off now and again." he comments idly to Kitty, a wink across to the young woman as they are finding themselves approached. There's a rise of a brow as he chuckles. "I don't tend to make as much of an impression as my girlfriend does, but I think she just won a bet with that one." he admits with a laugh.

"I was her date for the evening. Jason Wayne." It's the name he uses in public. It makes things easier, really. Everyone knows of the ward that Bruce took in - the troubled kid from the streets. Apparently the time in 'rehab' did him well, if it got him a looker like Kitty Pryde on his arm.

"And you're Selina Kyle. I think you may have been more impressed with my brother's appearance." As a real tiger. Or something. He totally cheated.

He starts to say more when Harley comes by with the drinks. "I'm sorry, do you know what vintage it is?" he asks Harley - but it's too late, she's already gone. "Well, at least the staff is ready to be as personable as this chef is, hmm?"

That's when the doors open from upstairs, and Ramses Gordon makes his appearance. He's been on television, radio, he's had specials, competitions, all of it. "Good evening, Gotham!" he announces, "And welcome to a new culinary experience, Trendy!" he gives a cocksure grin, that British accent is on display. "Now I'm sure you're wondering what's differengt about Trendy? For starters, you'll notice that our staff is exactly the kindest. It seems that the rich and powerful like to be reminded that they're human. So, that's what you're going to be treated to tonight - just like every other boring person out there. Except you're paying me, and I'm giving you very expensive meals for the experience! So, enjoy, bloodsucker of the American colony, this is for you!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's fingers linger there with Jason's as she she beams a soft smile across the table at him. The pair look up as Selina approaches them. "Oh, I don't know about that," Kitty says of Jason not making an impression, her eyes admiring him in the tailored suit, and she reaches over to smooth it over him as if to emphasize the point of how nicely he cleans up.

Kitty flashes the smile up to Selina. "Helo, yes, that was us. Kitty Pryde," she offers to Selina. "Very nice to meet you, Miss Kyle," Kitty says as Jason provides her name.

Kitty takes the offered wine glass from Harley, giving her a grateful look. She takes a sip from it as she turns back to Jason and Selina. "That was a wonderful event, Miss Kyle. Thank you so much for throwing it," Kitty says of the previous charity event.

She looks up as the owner arrives. She listens to his little speech, chuckling and shaking her head as she glances around at everyone else. The dresses and jewelry and the men's fine tailored suits definitely help the restaurant live up to the name that the flamboyant owner has chosen.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina dips her head in acknowledgment of Jason, feigning innocence and an apology. "Of course. There were a lot of names and faces to remember, but hers stood out." She gestures toward Kitty with an open hand, the glove looking like an expensive satin or silk given its sheen. Perhaps not the best to dine with, but when the gloves come off...

The Gothamite flashes both of them a grin, shaking her head at the memory of Damian the Tiger. "Wasn't that something? What a fancy trick that was! I think he almost sent the place into a panic!" Clearing her throat with a dainty cough into a hand, she adds to Kitty, "And thank you for attending. I had the chance to visit the place recently and they're already hard at work to put that money to good use. I'm sure you'll receive updates soon if you signed up for them."

But, before long it's time to find her own place, but not before she's had a moment with the woman with the wine. "Ah, thank you. And..you do the same," she answers, but while she was apparently not recognized, thankfully, the same can't be said when it comes to Harley Quinn. It's the accent more than anything else, but she's also on record as not trying too hard to hide who she is. In fact, Harley and Catwoman /just/ had a conversation along those lines. Taking a seat, setting the glass of wine aside without a sip, she can feel gooseflesh forming under those gloves as she takes a second look around the room, ignoring some small talk from those she's been seated with. Inside, she's asking herself why Harley is here, and what trouble it's going to lead to.

Not even Ramses Gordon's little speech distracts her enough to offer polite applause or a bit of laughter or anything else. No, at the moment Selina is already beginning to think about that bag she left in the alley, and whether it will be needed before the evening is over. Odds are skewed greatly in that direction all of a sudden.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Indeed. The question about vintage is certainly ignored, even if she heard it. Harley doesn't pay attention to those things unless it means moolah. In the back she hears the Chef, "Alright, ladies an' germs ya know yer parts ta play." And Harley grabs a few meals and would be a rather good waitress. If she cared. She's starting to deliver things that people have ordered, and they are in those plates with the silver lids on the top. Everything is smelling great. Though Harley is delivering what she's got kind of randomly, while other staff members are giving out to the people who ordered different things.

What might be a bit strange is that some of the waitstaff are staying in the main room, and standing pleasantly at some of the nearby exits. Perhaps there's going to be a show or something else where they will be helping with? Wouldn't be the first restaurant to do something super elaborate.

The food is real, it's there, smells delicious. A plate is placed on Jason's side of the table as Harley kind of whirls through, just in passing, "Yer order." And she's off again to drop off other things about the room. If the lid is pulled up it looks like some fancy roast, and a large piece of meat, some potatoes and other fancy seasonings. It's actually not what someone might expect here but it's Ramses Gordon it's gotta be good, right?

That's when there's a small scream off in the corner. "Oh my god, there's a bomb!" A small panic, and even the food that was placed down nearby Jason is seemingly making a small ticking sound. How many of them are there? Where are they? Hopefully no one's eaten one! And with that first scream, the doors are being barred shut, chained and locked. Staff still on the inside. Though panic is starting to form, there's not really 'much' else happening except that blonde waitress is making her way toward the stairs, doing a little pirouette at the base, and walking up the stairs in a back and forth, almost dancing kind of way. Like music is playing but she's the only one who can hear it.

Red Hood has posed:
"I hope you enjoy your meal, Miss Kyle. Thank you for stopping by." Jason offers with a small grin towards Selina, and a bow of his head. And he was just about to say more, when the service starts up. And even before he has a chance to pick up a menu, that same pushy waitress is dropping off a plate at his table. "I haven't even had a chance to..." and then she's gone /again/.

Jason's lips pull into a thin line as he smells the meal, "It at least smells nice." And he's getting out his knife and fork when the suden cry about the bomb gets his ears.

Startled, his eyes first turn to Ramses to try to read his face to see if this is his idea of a sick joke.

And then back to his own ticking meal. "And here I left my bomb disposal gear in my other pants." he remarks dryly to his date.

Using his fork and knife, he carefully starts to clear the plate to see if he can discover the source of the ticking within the meal itself, as he gives a meaningful glance to Kitty. Probably time for her to go to work.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a soft laugh as Jason is given the food without even placing an order. "Should have named the restaurant ESP. 'We know what you want and began preparing it while you were still walking in the door'," she quips as a possible advertising slogan for the place.

The shout causes Kitty's gaze to dart up and over towards the woman. She rises to her feet immediately, before the ticking from Jason's meal becomes obvious. "If needed I can push them underground. Hopefully there isn't a basement," she says. She ducks down behind her side of the table. Thankfully it's the corner. Unlikely to be seen as she disappears below the floor briefly to see what is beneath before coming back up.

"You check that one and I'll go work the other side of the room," Kitty suggests. If that works for Jason, she begins making her way across the room, picking her way through the rest of the crowd as they are getting more worried, rising to their feet many of them.

Catwoman has posed:
Predictably, as is often the case with any surprise of this nature - and Gotham has its fair share - the well-to-do go into an immediate panic. Some try to get to the doors that have been barred and blocked, finding escape all but impossible. Others shout and wave their arms. Many sob and huddle up together, fearing that their lifestyles of the rich and famous (or would-be famous) are about to come to an end.

Selina exhibits none of those things, at least inwardly. On the outside, she allows enough of a shocked expression that could pass for authentic (and maybe there is a bit of fear present - after all, she knows Harley), but after looking for Kitty and Jason and not coming up with a clear sight of them, she makes a decision to go with her own plans. They might just have to fend for themselves unless she can pull this off. Burglaries? Robbing the rich? That's her thing. Blowing people up? Not so much.

While others jostle and nudge their way toward the obvious exits, Selina's path is a different one as she weaves her way through the growing crowd, which includes some cameramen here to document the event. That could be good. "Excuse me. Need to go to the bathroom. Food's terrible," she says in short, rapid-fire bursts as she passes by, but rather than the bathroom she veers into the kitchen. Surely there's a side door there she can take.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Getting to the top of the stairs, Harley puts an arm around Ramses Gordon's shoulders and smiles over to him. "Really a bang of a party. I'm tellin' ya." And she laughs out loud as people are trying to find a place to go, and the staff pull out weapons after a few minutes of pure and utter discord. Turning back to the public, Harley calls out, "Everybody be QUIET already!" Shouts the woman waitstaff who was getting everything wrong.

With that there's one of those portable fog horn type devices. And Harley moves it over the crowd like she were spraying them down with something. At least it gets the minutes of commotion to come to an end and people start looking up at her. "Now I got me a deal fer ya all. First, ya gonna take out yer phone gadgets. Second, ya all are gonna start makin' Yelp reviews about this place. Third, they better be bad reviews else boom. Fifth, when we hit a hundred reviews them bombs some of ya ate, won't be causing no indigestion. L, this 'ere bomb will blow up."

Harley is wrapping a collar around Ramses Gordon's neck. "Ya get me!? Everyone understand? Taptaptap away... or else." She turns to look at Ramses and smiles at him, big, "Don't have such a worried look on yer face mistah. It'll get stuck tha' way..." And she points, "Way over there." At this point the staff members who were blocking the door pull up guns and point them at the crowd. Harley meanwhile still has her arm over Ramses's shoulder, despite the fact that puts her close to a bomb.

Red Hood has posed:
"What'd I do to you, you blonde bimbo?" Ramses is demanding, though as he hears the instructions, and the collar gets lashed on him, he pales. "This is some kinda joke, right? I mean, it's not very funny!" he starts respond, fear hitching into his voice.

As the patrons are starting to put in information, one person does stand up. While Kitty and Selina are going to work - not that he knows Selina is, Jason Todd stands up from his seat. "I left my phone at home. By the way, lady, don't they teach you how to count at super-criminal school? Or to even make basic demands?"

There's a smirk from him as he glances at his plate. "What, no demands for money? Jewelry? Did he just ditch you? Swiped left on your Tinder profile? /I know I would/."

There's a chuckle that comes up from the man as he looks around. "What's the play? You blow him up, and what? You don't even have a plan for what happens after, do you?"

Yes. He's looking to agitate the angry waitress. "I mean, you haven't even given us your name yet!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty crosses the room, thankful that Janet Van Dyne even factors movement into her dress design. As people get more and more panicked, weaving through them to the other side of the room grows more difficult.

Kitty gets to the opposite wall and as she makes her way to the table where the first scream came from, she pushes a couple of people through the wall to the outside when it seems like it's not likely to be noticed. Only a few are able to exit like that though.

Kitty reaches the tray of the woman who screamed about the time that Harley is pulling out the horn. "Just stay away from it," Kitty says to the few people too panicked to do the smart thing and move away from the bomb.

Jason starting to talk back to Harley is the distraction she's looking for. Kitty whisks the tray gently off the table and then ducks beneath the tablecloth with it. What good is that going to do, hiding it under the table?

In reality she disappears down through the floor. Heading down until she hits the building's foundation and then the dirt beneath it. The tray and its contents are left there, matter fused with the dirt. She makes her way back up to then emerge from beneath the table. One down.

Catwoman has posed:
Arriving in the kitchen, Selina finds the kitchen staff trying to keep their collective heads down, just working on food and attempting to avoid being focused on by the thugs Harley's brought with her. That leaves two or three of the toughs guarding the way outside. Selina knows she can handle them if it gets to it, but any chance to get out while avoiding that is preferable.

So, she begins by pretending to be lost. "Excuse me, which way to the bathroom? I think my stomach is upset and I might..mmphglh!" She covers her mouth once she's close to the thugs, acting like she's about to throw up, and it helps that her naturally pale skin tone could even make her look more queasy. "A-and the waitress out there. She..she said she needs some help with a few unruly guests.."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oooooooooooooh!" Harley starts to boil, her heckles are on the rise, her arms go straight down at her sides, as she hikes up her shoulders, and starts stomping down the stairs. When Ramses starts to move as if he's going to run away, Harley turns quickly with a kick, even though he's a few steps up at this point, and cracks hard with her shin against his knee, buckling it and there's a loud crunching snap sound as Ramses goes toppling over. "Sit down..." Then turning, her eyes are filled with agitation and hatred toward Jason as he speaks.

"I didn't go to no criminal school, ya dimwit fella. I got me a Ph.D. Cause I got brains an' clearly you ain't." A pause as she's letting out a little growl, "Yer gettin' on my nerves." Grabbing both of her shoes off of her feet, she tosses one... it's a quick hard toss, harder than should be really possible from the slender woman, and then another one right in the direction of Jason.

"Plan?! Who am I?! I'm Harley Quinn, Queen of Gotham! Ya blind or somethin' or jus' stupid?" And she gets to the bottom of the stairs, whether she hit Jason or not with the shoes... grabbing a person's phone nearby and yanking it from their grip. She starts walking it in the direction of Jason, holding it out, "Fill out yer review. NOW!" She screams in anger and leans forward, holding the phone by one edge, and letting it dangle half-way toward Jason. "Tell'em ya had a bang of a time, ya got explosive diarrhea, or ya lost yer head. Thems my favorite ones. But DO IT!" Breathing in and out hard, Harley is looking crazed and angry.

One of the guards in the kitchen immediately lurches forward to help the attractive wealthy woman, while the other two immediately rush toward the door to help with the 'unruly guests'. Disappearing into the main room. The Thug says, "Don't worry miss, I've got you. And maybe I'll keep you."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason moves /just/ enough so that the shoe hits him in the shoulder. It knocks him to the ground and he gives an ooof of pain as Harley is suddenly upon him, and the man is meeting the woman's blues eyes.

"You know.. you're /extremely/ sexy right now." he says to Harley, a grin touching on his lips. "I mean, if we were alone, I'd totally want to do some of our own.. explosive banging, you know?" he waggles his brows a bit at her even as he's taking the phone.

"I don't know the log in for this phone. It's locked. But you know.. a smart, beautiful woman like yourself.. you know, that knows how to be in charge." his voice takes on a coo as he reaches up to rub his shoulder. "And so /strong/ as well."

Yes, the rich kid is flirting with the Queen Lunatic of Gotham.

And it's to buy Kitty every second that they can get.

"Hey, is it true that you like it really rough?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is moving on to the next table, trying to keep her focus on the possible explosives and not on what might be happening to the man she loves while he deals with the psychopathic loony lady. Even so, the flirting makes her wince. How can it not!? She reaches another tray, listening but not hearing any ticking so she moves on to the next.

Kitty is heading for the next table along the wall, phasing and pushing outside a man who is curled up in a ball and blubbering like a baby, while his date is standing there looking mortified. The date follows him through the wall. Kitty reaches the table but sees one of the goons on a door looking her way. She stops, putting on a fearful look. Backing away from the crazy lady in the middle of the room, letting the steps bring her nearer to the table.

When the goon's attention focuses back on Harley, smirking and shaking his head as the customer starts flirting with her, Kitty grabs the second tray and disappears under the table. Bomb number two soon finds its electronic components merged with other matter to leave them inert.

This is taking time though. Kitty is starting to fear whether Jason can stall long enough for her to get them all.

Catwoman has posed:
Two down, one to go. Child's play for Selina Kyle.

"No, I don't think you will," she says once the other guards had vacated the area to go into the main room of the restaurant. Dropping all signs of nausea, she goes right for a nerve pinch by the man's neck, dropping him like a bad habit. So much for that potential relationship.

He's dragged over toward one side of the kitchen, out of sight, and she tells a few of the nearby workers, "If anyone asks, you didn't see that. If he starts to wake up, kick him a few times. But keep it down in here and try to stay calm. I'm getting some help. In the meantime, and just trust me on this, get out your phones, pull this place up on Yelp and give it bad reviews. That's what the crazy waitress seems to want."

Out she goes, fetching that bag before scaling a fire escape to the top of the building where she seeks a little extra cover. It's time to change, time for Catwoman to come out and play. How she's going to handle this with Harley, someone she considers herself friendly enough with, she's yet to figure out, but she doesn't really want to see anyone killed in there, including those she met at the ball a while back.

Besides, she saw a few people she might like to steal from some other time. Gotta keep them in one piece, nice and rich.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Knocking over Jason, with the shoe, Harley smiles a bit proud of that. Swaggering her way right up to him while holding that phone. And she is standing over him, when he responds to her with a bit of a... flirtatiousness. "Really? Ya got a thing fer angry waitstaff, now that's a kink I didn't have." A pause, before she adds, "Till now."

The conversation continues and she rips the phone back out of Jason's hands to toss it back at the person who she took it from. Or at least someone nearby, cracking their forehead open enough to bleed but not be dangerous. "Jeez, no body trusts no body no more." And back to the man flirting with her, "Like it rough? Is there any other kind fella? I know yer inta me an' all, but I already gots me a fella. My puddin'."

Distracted, the blonde looks off, smiling genuinely, happily, a bit of a swoon in her voice, "The way his green hair gets stained wit' blood. Those flowers that shoot acid at ya, giving 3rd degree burns..." A soft sigh, and then there's some kind of beeping that gets her patting herself down.

Reaching about her body, patting down her skirt, and her own backside, and then up to her fancy vest where she opens a pocket and pulls it out. "Looks like we got ourselves a winner. 100 yelp reviews... time ta go, thank ya fer ya service." And she turns to head out, "Be seein' ya Ramses. An' next time ya refuse my girl Marci a picture, maybe ya think ahead!" And she cackles at the joke, as the bomb around Ramses's neck starts to beep... and so do the remaining ones around the restaurant. Oh nooooes!

Red Hood has posed:
Whew. That didn't get too weird. Letting out a breath after Harley pulls away, he frowns as Harley reaches her goal though.

But he's out of position to get to Ramses - hopefully the other bombs won't be going off.

Shadowcat has posed:
The brunette continues to slip through the crowd. She can't risk pushing too many people outside, but two more make it outside by the time Kitty has made it to the next ticking tray. The JVD Fashion dress is holding up wonderfully. Janet may have to design her next costume with how easy it is to move in this. Maybe something with a lot of draping next time.

Kitty watches what unfolds with Jason and Harley as she moves to the next table. Another ticking tray is soon disposed of. This time Kitty adjusts her strategy, having noted where the next table with a tray was, she goes straight there while underground. Popping her head up through the floor to adjust her bearings, she emerges underneath the table and then looks out from beneath its cloth.

Kitty freezes as a goon looks over, seeing her head sticking out from beneath the tablecloth. Kitty pulls out her phone and holds it up, showing the goon as she puts on a fearful look, and then focuses on sending a bad Yelp review. Or that's what she feigns anyway, until Harley's henchman turns his attention elsewhere. Another tray is grabbed, Kitty disposing of it before re-emerging. She hears the remaining trays start beeping and she finally breaks into action, running forward. There's no time to bury them in the earth, She just sicks the next one into the floor, hoping the fusing with the floorboards is enough to kill the device before moving on to the rest!

Catwoman has posed:
Whether suffering a broken leg or not, Ramses Gordon is not getting up to run, it may be noticed. To be fair, many of the restaurant goers are more occupied with their reviews, their fear, their silent and not so silent praying for someone to rescue them.

While there is no Batman showing up to save the day, it only takes Catwoman a couple minutes to do a quick change into the costume, and while the buckle of her cat-eared cowl might be one notch looser than normal, the goggles help keep it all in place. Rather than making her way back down to the ground floor, as it's hard to tell just what's going on inside without seeing for herself - no explosions yet, at least - she finds a second floor window to access, unguarded. In she goes.

Ahead, she can see what's left behind of the commotion, most of the edges of the main dining area vacated as some people have grouped up more toward the center. She might have caught a glimpse of some blonde waitress taking her exit, but no obvious sign of Harley is evident to her. Good.

However, there is that famous chef ahead, and he's looking in pain with that collar around his neck, now beeping. That's not the only source of that sound, but he's the one closest to her. "Hold still," she whispers in his ear, Catwoman suddenly beside him, nimble, clawed fingers working at the bomb collar that could go off at any moment. No more than a second after the collar is off and flung behind her, away from anyone nearby, it explodes!

Fortunately, it's such a small bomb that the boom is localized, enough that it might have taken off Ramses Gordon's head or at least left him with a gaping neck wound, but nothing that will bring the place down. "That was too close for comfort," she realizes, her own heart having skipped a beat as she flinches and partially covers Gordon with her own body. "So, ah, nice to meet you. I'm Catwoman. Love your shows, and your food." Oh, there are people with cameras and phones down there. Lots of them.

Harley Quinn has posed:
And those bombs littered around the room start to beep, just like the one around Ramses's neck. Thought Harley said that if they hit the review limit there'd be only a boom on his neck? Why is everything going off? The beeping is getting faster, and faster, and faster. And then a long droning BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.

For the bombs that remain on the tables two little poles come out from the top of the bomb. In many instances sticking out from inside of the food, and then ... music?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxTdKnW-03Y (bang bang with Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj)

People are taking cover, ducking, hugging one another, and then... there doesn't seem to be anything that happens. Except on Ramses's neck, the collar grows its own small two little horns and isn't joining in on the music at all. And then it's being removd from his neck and tossed away from Catwoman and Ramses. There's a boom.

Outside, Harley hears the boom and she's giggling as she skips down the street of Gotham. "That's right. You decline a selfie wit' one of my goons... ya get a fork in the eye." And she is cackling, barefoot and skipping down the street much to the confused look of some onlookers.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hears the beeping and she's running through the restaurant now, sending trays down into tables, not even taking the time to get them into the floor. She hears that final loud beeping and there's no more time to get to the rest. Kitty turns, rushing to Jason and grabbing him, and anyone else she can reach to phase them all...

Just in time to hear the music starting up. And then the boom as Ramses' collar goes off outside. They all duck their heads but then finally start to rise as it appears the danger is passed.

Kitty lets out a sigh and catches her breath. She looks over at Jason and shakes her head. "So, can't even go out for a night without you flirting with the waitress?" she says, before breaking out in soft laughter and moving to hold him in the tightest hug she can, her adrenaline draining.

Catwoman has posed:
Regardless of Ramses Gordon's reaction - gratitude, obnoxiousness, or whatever - Catwoman isn't sticking around long. She steals something from him, mainly in the form of a peck at the cheek, then she eases back and looks out over those gathered below. Not a word, but while she's been seen it appears this time she acted...heroically? She isn't sticking around to take any questions or offer an explanation, though. Best to be gone before the police arrive, and surely 911 has been called by numerous people.