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A Visit To Bat Burger
Date of Scene: 11 May 2019
Location: Bat Burger restaurant - Gotham
Synopsis: Stockholm and Kitty Pryde befriend each other at a Bat Burger restaurant, not realizing the opposite sides they occupy
Cast of Characters: Stockholm, Shadowcat

Stockholm has posed:
Bat Burger, a new chain of fast food restaurants popping up in Gotham and Bludhaven.

It is a fascinating study of the corpratization of vigilantes and superheroes and in this case is not licensed or endorsed by said heroes.

This isn't Central City and Flash related, who is so friendly with the city that it is licensed and a cut of the proceeds probably go to Flash's favorite charities.

So Stockholm dressed mostly like a normal Gothamite (black stylish leather jacket, white t-shirt, ripped jeans) is peering up at the menu. "Okay so let me get this straight, you have Riddle-me-Fish, Killer Crocque Monsieur, Two Face Sandwich, and Poison Ivy Salads.. but no Harley.. or Joker" pause "Oh wait you can Jokerize your fries... man.. ok." she seems to be immune to the line forming behind her to try the new location.

"Wait a minute.. Night-Wings and Robin Nuggets.. which is hilarious.. where is the Batgirl item?"

God the poor teenager dressed up in a bad batman fastfood uniform looks like he wants to die right now.

Shadowcat has posed:
Behind Stockholm is a young woman in her twenties. Brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and with a necklace about her neck with a Star of David hanging from it. She's wearing a dark, long-sleeve top that clings to her fit figure, and a pair of jeans with boots visible beneath the cuffs.

"Looks like those are the shakes," Kitty Pryde says to Stockholm as she points towards the beverage part. "Bat-vanilla and Bat-chocolate, coming in Batgirl or Batwoman-sized portions," she reads. "I thought Venti, Grande, and all of that were bad enough," Kitty says with a soft, rueful chuckle and a shake of her head.

"I'm afraid to ask what the dipping sauces are for the Robin Nuggets," Kitty adds as she glances over towards Stockholm, giving the woman in front of her a friendly, likeable smile.

Stockholm has posed:
"I suppose it would depend which of the Robins over the years..." is the quiet musing as she studies the menu. "I mean it is nice of them so say that the salad isn't poison. I think what everyone should be concerned with in here is that the fries are jokerized.. and there is no Harley items." pauses "Oh wait there is is Harley sauce for the Robin Nuggets.. that is almost inappropriate and this whole place is just asking for someone to do something absolutely awful in here."

There is a glance towards the condiments. "Also seriously no Condiment King Sauce line." okay now she is just riffing on the whole thing.

"Fine, I'll take some Robin Nuggets, Harley Hot Sauce, A Batgirl Shake.. vanilla because that is how she rolls.. and mmm yeah that will do it. Need to try this place before the Joker poisons the supply chain in a fit of pique."

Shadowcat has posed:
The young woman behind Stockholm gives a soft chuckle as she spots something else on the menu. "Dessert apparently includes Harley's Puddin' Cups," Kitty says, giving a little shake of her head. "You know, she bombed a restaurant opening just last week. Harley Quinn I mean. Something to do with the owner not taking a selfie with her friend, if I heard it right," the brunette says, giving another little shake of her head again.

Kitty looks over the place, her eyes going to the manager as he comes around a corner wearing a Batman suit. The beer belly he is sporting looks so out of place with the costume that Kitty has to cover her mouth to hide her smile. "I'm not sure it's going to catch up to Big Belly Burger anytime soon," Kitty muses.

She steps to the counter and orders a Batburger Deluxe and a Batgirl vanilla shake, paying for it and then glancing over to Stockholm. "I'm Kitty, by the way," she says, reaching over to offer her hand in a genuinely friendly way that so much of Gotham is not.

Stockholm has posed:
Jules's eyes narrow at the menu when the Harley's Pudding Cups are pointed out. "Are those a Joker item though or a Harley item." is mused and then she looks over at you.

"I heard about that, classic Harley really. By classic I mean totally unpredictable and easily driven to fits of homicidal murder just like the Joker." she continues to loiter waiting for her items to be delivered up. "Honestly some days I wonder why anyone actually lives in Gotham." musing once more. At the introduction and hand shake, well it gets a bit of an eyebrow raise from Stockholm and she offers her hand now in return. "Jules, pleased to meet you Kitty." then there is a pause and a lopsided smile "You aren't from around here originally are you?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's friendly smile grows warmer. "Jules," she repeats. "I love that name," Kitty says. She doesn't mention she's putting that name on her list of potential names towards the day Kitty might have need to be choosing a name for a girl. She breaks out in a soft laugh then. "That obvious, is it?" Kitty asks as her foot is set on the counter on a tray.

Kitty slides the tray over and then gets a few napkins to place on the tray. "Illinois originally, though been in the area for a few years. Outside of the City though," Kitty shares. She picks up her tray finally and looks for a table. "If you don't have anyone else joining you, you're welcome to sit with me, Jules," Kitty offers. "So you seem up on your Batman and... wow, there's a lot of them aren't there," Kitty says, motioning towards the menu and all the different names heroes and villains. "Is it an interest, or just from hearing about them on the news?" she asks.

Kitty glances back at the menu. No mention of Blackbird yet. Thank God.

Stockholm has posed:
Jules snags her food as well now and glances around the restaurant. Honestly there is something professional in the way she carries herself and moves, it's smooth. Maybe she is a cop or an athlete or some such.

The friendly banter continues "Gotham born and raised. There is a feel for people from Gotham that is different than the feel for people from Metropolis or anywhere else."

There is a gesture to a booth "Join me?" already walking that way and talking. "I'm good at reading people I'm told... so I'd say it isn't that obvious but it is pretty much to me." a smile as she slides into the booth now. "As for the bats, I suppose. I imagine a lot of people are pretty up on their bat and villain lore in Gotham.. it is part of every day life around here." a glance at the menu. "No Kestral Cakes Breakfast platter yet and no Red Hood Scramble."

A sip of her milkshake as she considers. "I guess it's interest and the news. I follow the Batgirls the closest probably."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances back at the menu, noting the lack of that particular pair. "Hrm, guess they get the short end of the stick. Though I have to wonder how any of them feel about it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Joker was amused, or if he got homicidal about it, from what I've heard of him. The Riddler? I bet if they have a promotion with riddles he'd probably volunteer to do a commercial," she says, chuckling and shaking her head.

Kitty takes a seat at the booth. "It's an interesting town. My boyfriend is from here and seeing the city through his eyes, I can tell why he loves it as much as he does," the young woman says.

Kitty opens up her burger, and puts a straw in her shake. "So lifelong Gothamite then. What kind of work do you do, Jules?" Kitty inquires.

Stockholm has posed:
"It's probably because they are mostly in Bludhaven. Maybe those locations have menu items or perhaps the corporate advertisers don't like endorsing guns.. which in no way explains the villain themed food." a head shake amused.

Jules dips a Robin nugget in her Harley Hot sauce and eats it experimentally now. "I think the Joker would laugh and then probably poison everyone here with Joker Toxin.. or maybe the whole chain you know timing it to be all at the same time for the most laughs." there is a rolling fluid shrug from the woman. "As for interesting... in the Chinese sense... but yeah local Gothamites do love their town and get protective of it for sure."

"As for my work, mostly freelance work." she considers "Crisis consulting really, go where the money is. It takes me out of town sometimes but the clientèle is diverse and interesting." a gesture with a Robin nugget "What about you Kitty?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smooches down her sandwich a bit so it will fit in her mouth easier. "They sure do make it tall," she says, peeking at the ingredients in it. Though it looks like the difference between the deluxe and the regular Bat Burger are a few wilted leaves of lettuce and some extra sauce.

Kitty takes a bite, chewing it thoughtfully as she listens. Once she's able to speak politely again, Kitty says, "I have a degree in computers. Work in the City doing programming and some design work and such." Kitty gives a smile and a shrug and says, "It beats digging ditches, I figure, especially in the winter here. And, I've always been a bit of a geek girl in that regard anyway. Though I totally do not have a propeller beanie," Kitty says with a grin.

"Well. Anymore."

Stockholm has posed:
Jules tilts her head a bit to the side studying Kitty, probably trying to picture a beanie on her head at this point. "Well nothing wrong with being good at something. Computers are hard in my opinion. I mean sure I can web surf, email, and do a lot of research but programming, that isn't my thing."

There is a gesture. "So why did you come in here out of all the food options on the block, you have an interest in the Bat mythos as well Kitty?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, I've been going to Big Belly Burger more often than not. Boyfriend's favorite so I just kind of got into the habit of going there for him," Kitty admits with a soft grin. "And saw the place and figured, why not give it a try."

Kitty glances around the restaurant. "I've worked with, and known, some of these sorts of people," Kitty says, motioning back towards the names on the menu. "I mean, not necessarily Gotham ones. But in New York. Worked for Janet Van Dyne. She's so amazing. And I got a personal dress design and fitting from her as part of my compensation on my contract. Just the most gorgeous thing I've ever owned," Kitty says, eyes lit warmly as she thinks of the dress. "Really amazing woman too. Really warm and friendly. And a bundle of energy," Kitty says, laughing warmly. "So have you ever run across any of these sorts?" she asks.

Stockholm has posed:
Jules drinks her shake making a slurrp noise as she listens to Kitty describe her dress and work with some of the heroes outside Gotham. "Avengers huh, that had to be interesting."

She finishes off her nuggets and fries now. "Outside Gotham so many of the Avengers and others, well they don't really do the secret thing. They just are who they are in the public eye which is fascinating. Inside Gotham though, everyone one of them has a secret identity except some of the villains. It would be pretty hard to not know if you were working for Two Face or The Joker unless it was through cut aways and shell companies I suppose. I imagine a lot of people have run across those sorts and may never even know they are working for them or running into them."

"Most of my clients are pretty eccentric or .. corporate I guess. Fairly sure none of them have been Bats in their disguise." amusement. "As for you well you may have had run ins around here and not know it either."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods and motions with her hand at what Jules said. "Yes, it's quite the difference. Gotham, from what I've gathered in my short time here, has a very different feel. I don't know that any hero's loved ones are ever fully safe. But I can just imagine them being in peril here, more than, say, Janet's family might be," Kitty says.

Kitty's phone chimes and she pulls it out to check it. "Ah, I need to run," she says. "I've really enjoyed talking with you, Jules. If you'd like, let me get your number and maybe we can meet up another time?"

If Jules is agreeable to that, Kitty gets her number and then texts so Stockholm will have Kitty's number as well. "Nice meeting you," she says, giving that friendly smile again as Kitty gathers up the remains of her burger, wrapping it to take with her. "See you!" she says before heading out.