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Latest revision as of 18:00, 13 May 2019

Artifacts in Hiding pt 1
Date of Scene: 17 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Green Lantern (Rayner)

Lara Croft has posed:
A massive ancient temple was recently unearthed in the mountains of Tibet. A mining operation had uncovered a chamber that lead into an underground complex where a huge building was found, built underground, hundreds--if not thousands--of years ago.

There had been researches pouring over it ever since, and now, two months after its discovery Lara Croft was here. The remnants of previous teams of researchers were all around the opening to the cavern system, and lights were setup throughout the tunnels leading toward it...

But as of this moment, Lara Croft is alone inside the main temple area, a single gapped space in the rocky ceiling far above allows a beam of daylight to shine through and down upon the building that--up to this point--no one has entered, or found a way to get inside of it.

Lara is standing near her own research materials setup on a table. With a winter jacket on, a scarf around her neck and a series of journals, maps and documents spread out before her she's loading images onto a laptop, her fingers clattering on the keys, the quiet noises echoing inside the chamber around her.

Outside? There are a few people at the main camp, but the bulk of the research was slowed down lately due to poor weather conditions... which never stopped Croft.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     A new voice joins Laura's quiet. There's also a faint green light. Holding the construct outside, he is trying to help the research team by providing a free dome so they can work in better conditions. Howver, that's harder to do than it sounds. Kyle is looking about the area with the utmost sense of wonder. All of it new to him, because Kyle's archeological knowledge goes past the Indiana Jones movies, but to Laura its' probably a good trot bya two-year old before suddenly falling, not leapsand bounds past. His green eyes just continue to crawl up the area. At least he's not staring at her like some new people may have done.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara finishes her typing upon the laptop and she straightens up. A desklamp is on the table beside her laptop and work materials and she keeps her eyes on the screen a little longer before finally she looks up.

Lara's eyes now fall upon the temple in the distance, inside of the massive cavern that she is inside of right now. She raises her right hand with her radio to speak back to her team outside.

"I might be here awhile." She says. "I'd suggest getting a fire going and set out the cold weather gear... A day, maybe longer. I don't know yet." Her radio clicks off then and she starts to walk toward the temple inside the cavern with her.

"I don't want to force entry through any means, it could cause the entire temple to crumble and take whatever mysteries lie inside it, with it."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "What do you want me to do, Miss Croft...err Doctor Croft?" Kyle eventually asks as he is holding the construct. Those eyes looking about as he is talking over the radio. Could he maybe get into that temple, yes, but he doesn't want to cause trouble, or the temple to be compromised. Thats his fear, destroying something absolutely necessary that doesn't look like much to him, yet it's the world to her.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara gathers up a journal and she starts forward. She activates a light from her belt and it shines brightly ahead of them both, the lumens in that light must be in the over 1000-range as its very bright.

She looks over to the man and she offers him a faint smile. "Lara. Is fine." She says with regard to her name and what he should refer to her as.

Then her eyes go forward once more toward the old stone staircase that leads up to the tamples blocked off main entrance.

"I'm not precisely sure what the measure of your abilities is, Mister Rayner. But if you could keep me protected while I investigate the door, I would appreciate it. Sometimes... things like to... fall, in these old ruins. I'd very much like to not be crushed."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "Flight. Energy constructs limited only by the power of my imagination. Works at the speed of normal human thought," he says just giving her the broad strokes. IT's a little more complicated than that, but it's a good everything in a nutshell breakdown. "Basically, I'll be the best packmule you could ever ask for." Kyle is watching her as he is trying to use the construct to help with the others research.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara starts up the wide stone staircase, its been aged and damaged over the great amount of time that its sat down here in this isolated cavern, some of the steps are even broken and crumbling apart.

Lara pauses on the steps and looks back to the man who she believes is a little younger than she is herself. "That sounds... remarkable." She says to him, showing him a faint smile before she turns back to her work. She has the air of a woman who's had a great amount of pressure on her soul, she seems weathered a bit herself... at least internally/emotionally.

Once at the top of the steps, Lara starts reading the ancient symbols on the doorway. She raises her phone up to record some of it. "Zhangzhung Kingdom." She says then, out loud, so her phone can record her words. "This is a Temple of Bon. As seen here..." She reaches her hand out in front of her recording device. "Markings of their Budhist history."

Lara shakes her head then. "I've never seen a Bon Temple sealed like this before. Or why it would be sealed in the first place."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "I've got questions about what the temple is, but typically when I deal with tombs, caves, and anything sealed off, it doesn't bode well. Typically, what is held back by these temples are ancient creatures, and similar. So, tell me this isn't going to be -that- bad," Kyle says softly. Green eyes watching behind thedoor.

     A look is given over the characters. "Is this the rarest find you've had, or just one of the better ones?" he's trying to gauge just how delicate to be.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has to release a light and short laugh to the monster part. "I don't think so." She says in a breathy voice with a shake of her head as her eyes are scanning up the doors and then over to the right. "A Budhist-inspired temple is not generally the place that a threatening creature would reside." She spares a glance back at him and smirks softly.

"And no, this is a fascinating find, because its so far away from where the Zhangzhung Kingdom was thought to have ever reached, but... I'm not sure this is going to be what one might consider a world-shattering discovery."

A second later and Croft is walking to her right and deactivating her phone. "There." She says, pointing up to a sculpture on the top corner of the archway. "Can you... manipulate that? Its out of place." She says. "It needs to be... there." She points where there are two more with a missing alcove. "Normally I'd have to deduce a way to do this myself, but..." She smiles at him. "Thats why you're here, imagination powers, yeah?"

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "Hey. Most people think Mayan temples are empty, but what did Indy teach the masses? Hell no, they're not. Between that, and all the space stuff, I'm weary," Kyle says as he is looks to her for a moment. "So, this is a 'The sun doesn't set on the Zhangzhung Kingdom thing?'" he says paraphrasing some bits of history he knows. "Tell me how to manipulate it. Whatever I make is still a tool. I need you to guide me." He floats up to the spot she picks. "And what tool do you suggest?" he asks looking down to her as he is watiing for the orders. "Visual learning. College in Art," he calls back hoping that paints an appropriate lexicon to speak.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara raises her phone up to take another series of pictures of the statues she's indicating while she listens to his words. "Indiana Jones, I assume you mean." Lara says, a name she often hears when out in the field with people who're new to it. She pauses then and looks back to him. "He's real, you know." She says with a soft smile. "A real person. Still alive too."

Lara walks back down the steps to stand beside Kyle and she points up so he can see precisely what she's pointing at. "A hand?" She asks. "Can you create a hand that can pull the statue out by its base... See? Beneath it? Its on a track of sorts. I believe the statues themselves represent the statues of the temple for when people come to pray outside it, they can tell what ceremonies are going on within based o nthe position of those constructs. If you pull it out and move it to between those two... the door should open."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
If there was a drink in his mouth, Kyle would spit it out with comedic timing, "HE'S REAL?!" Kyle just thought the man is fiction. "Wait, this world and not another universe," he says just double checking. That's a thing with heroes sometimes. Rumors of other worlds or eality that half say are real, and half say are fake. Then seeing those tracks, Kyle builds two hands andthey start to form underneath and shoot out of other parts so they a perfectly snug against the statue. Then he begins topull out the statute. A look is given to her as he is hoping she is seeing the desire affect.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara releases another light laugh at the man's reaction to the revelation that Indy was a real man. "Yes." She confirms. "I brought him back to the United States. He'd been living abraod ever since... his wife had passed. He's working with SHIELD now as a consultant, in my department no less. I see him quite regularly. He wants a peaceful life now, quiet and all. And how could one blame him, living as long as he has."

Lara watches him perform the tasks and just as she'd described the statues are moved to the right places and the doors start to part, opening inward with loud rumbling vibrations that will shake the stares that they're standing on. Funnels of dirt and small stones will fall all around the massive cavern, but nothing too alarming, as the old doors open.

Once open, Lara starts forward again, taking her light from her belt to hold it up and aim it inside the temple... What she sees changes her entire demeanor about this place.

"This is not a temple of worship." She says then, shining her light beam over rows of statues standing down the long internal chamber within the building. A set of stairs leading down into it. "This is a burial mausoleum..."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "Oh," Kyle says, "She wasn't blonde was she?" He's not a fan of the love interest that keeps calling out to Indy in every other scene. Then that one sentence comes from her, "Again. Monsters?" he asks as they're coming to a burial ground. It's not that he's a skeptic, Kyle understands this is a world he doesn't understand. Is this like a dig, orissomething going to come after them like the Indy films. Kyle doesn't know, then he shines his own light pointing it down and down, "How can youtell?" he asks trying not to get too far down, but he is trying to paint a better picture.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps further into the structure and continues to shine her light around. She aims it at the statues that surround the staircase. "Archaeologists have only been allowed to study Zhangzhung culture up close and personal like this for the past two and a half decades. So we're still learning a lot in the field... but..." She raises her free hand as she approaches one of the statues who is praying/meditating like all the others.

"This is a monk, and they're seated in their burial pattern. Look at his hands and the way his eyes are aiming toward the sky. They are praying for their fallen ruler. Thats how you can tell that this is a burial site, rather than simply a place of worship."

Lara progresses over to the stairs and she shines her light down them for a moment before she looks back over her shoulder. "Still though... this place must've been converted from a temple itself. Perhaps they abandoned this site and moved on after their leader passed."

The young Croft draws in a deep breath and she then smiles at Kyle and shakes her head. "No monsters. Not that I can see any sign of. But... there may be things for you to carry, if nothing else." She shows a light smirk to him then.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     Kyle listens as he watches her get excited about everything. "So, it's all about having the best death pose ever while calling out to the guy they worship?" he asks looking to the woman. Then his gaze looks back over everything, "Well, how is this one left behidn? A believer until the end?" he asks looking to her for a moment. Smirking, "You could at least say thank you first, maybe offer a date. Something!" Kyle winks as he mock complains.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has to lightly laugh at the man's response. "Dates." She says then, but she says them more in the way one might describe a date on a calendar more-so than the idea of a romantic outing. She tries to decide how to explain this to him and she walks to the front of the structure again and shines her light on the wall. "Here." She says. "The dates are here... This... burial chamber, existed... well before the Zhangzhung were thought to be thriving." There are ancient writings on the wall that look indeed like an old calendar. "They'd mark the days of worship during the burial ceremony at sunset every day. Likely when the sun faded from the hole in the cavern outside."

Lara then exhales heavily and she looks back to him. "As for left behind... Researchers have it that Zhangzhung consisted of three different regions. SGob-ba, the outer; Phug-pa, the inner and Bar-ba, the middle. The outer is what we call western Tibet, from Gilgit in the west to Dangs-ra khyung-rdzong in the east, next to lake Gnam-mtsho, and from Khotan in the north to Chu-mig Brgyad-cu in the south."

Lara lingers her stare on his face for a second and then turns away from him, she starts to move down the dark staircase, shining her flashlight down into it. "We're hundred kilometers outside of that... sphere of land, Mister Rayner. So we've discovered a rogue Zhangzhung site here."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     a nod comes from Kyle as he is trying to read the calendar like she can. However, he's just examining the marks rather than waht they say. "A rogue as in a rogue group of worshippers or rogue int eh sense it's gone awolf rom history books, but is not outside ofthe realm possibility?" he asks knowing that sometimes history is a subjective subject. WRitten by the winnters, and what is available toputdown in details. Green light continues to shine down from his run as he focusesit like a flashlight. "You love you work, don't you?" he asks with amusement.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara starts down the staircase, it goes down about the standard level of any building, to what appears to be a long stone-floored hallway with wood and stone walls on either sides that go forward deep into the underbelly of the burial building.

"To be honest?" Lara replies to him. "I don't know the answer to the question of why this place is out here, beyond the understood boundaries of the Zhangzhung kingdom..." She says as she progresses further down the cold and dark hallway, her light sweeping right to left and back again.

"And yes, I believe everyone should love what they do. Should be fully immersed in their life's career and choices. Aren't you?" She asks him, glancing over to him.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "I believe that, but I wanted to see the living legend at work. While I won't pretend to know half of the thingsyouspeak of, I'm here to help. I'm here to learn a little bit, too," Kyle admits as he is shinning hisown light about the various spots. "So, there's a hcance you may have discovered a nice little fact that supercedes expectation creating a new standard? Exciting time fo ryou, if you have," Kyle says as he moves further. By now he is looking at the walls.

     He's learning, in a general sense, what the symbols look like. Language has various repeating themes. Applying this tactic to the symbosl ont he walls, he's trying to find something that stands out ."Life's boring if you're not passionate about what you do, what you want to be, and all that. Everything becomes mundane otherwise." he says the light stillmoving like a falshlight as he isstills canning.

Lara Croft has posed:
As they both draw closer to the far end of the hallway beneath the main structure, they'll find that there are three more statues on the floor, kneeling in front of a doorway that is surrounded by unlit sconces where fire would traditionally be burning to provide illumination and a bit of warmth to this otherwise dark and cold tunnel now.

"You're right." Lara says. "I feel a lot of people never find the life's passion that they need to, and its a large reason why there is so much miserable people out there, treating others to samples of their own inner sadness. But..." She glances over at him and smiles lightly. "What do I know? I run from society as fast as I can, as often as I can."

And as she approaches the three kneeling statues she examines one after the other, holding her light over them. "This one, in the middle, is starring at the wall... here, between the sconces. He... shouldn't be doing that. The light that would be coming from these fires should not be looked at it by any of these monks. It is here to warm the..."

Lara pauses and then turns to the statue. "Can you... do that thing you do? And turn this statue around to face back the way we came?" She asks. And as she asks that she steps toward the sconces and pulls out a zippo cigarette lighter, striking it open with her thumb and flipping it on...

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "I escape Earth and go to different worlds, galaxies, no judgement here," he says while still exploring thewalls a little bit. A look goes to her, "Are youcold?" he asks and then he is looking to her as she is kneeling. "I can do the thing I do, but please, thank you, offers of some of the score," Kyle chuckles a little bit. "It all goes far," and then he starts to turn the statue, slowly, delicately. Liek before, the objeccts form underneath, expand like hands as theyturn the statute as she direct it to go.

Lara Croft has posed:
As Lara takes her lighter to the boxes set beneath the fire sconces, she hears the question about her cold level and it makes her smile as the light from her zippo plays across her face. "Not really." She replies to him while she can hear him turning the statue. "I've been to space." She then announces. "A year or so ago, with a man I met out on one of these... expeditions. Though that one had a lot more danger involved than this seemingly peaceful location. He was after the same thing I was, once we recovered it we bartered and he showed me his starship up upon the Alpha Flight space station. It was... quite an experience."

And with the boxes beneath the sconces lit, Lara turns around and puts her zippo away into a pocket on her jacket. Just as Kyle gets the statue turned around to face the other direction all six of the sconces suddenly SHOOT to life. The sounds of flames whooshing through the air around them!

"There. And thank you." Lara says softly to him with a light smile. "Back to how its meant to be.... But... where is the sarcophagus..." She starts to search around the walls again, eyeing the carvings upon them closely with her light.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "Did you and that person get close?" he looks to her. "You're not a space fairer. That means you're closeto that person, for a year. Just sounds like a love story," Kyle says and he is turning the statue slowly, delciately. "Fwoosh!" fires shoot up. Standing there, he is breathing out trying not to get burned.

     Looking over all of the walls for a moment, "So, what are we looking for?" the thanks comes and he smilesbig. "You're welcome," he says with a widening smile. "See? All the difference," he says just looking to everything abouttheplace. Right now, he's so very curiosu about what the walls will say.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is side-stepping, following the wall and its artwork painted/faded as well etched into the stone. She laughs softly at the first question. "Not especially." She says back to him. "I've not really got time for 'love' in the traditional sense. The irony being that my birthday is Valentine's Day. Trust me that that one is not lost on me."

The young adventurer turns and walks across the hallway to look at the other wall now. "After that trip to space, I only saw him one another time, it was a goodbye scenario. We traded the item that we had bartered for and he said he was off to space... to do... whatever it is that one does in space. Such a thing is completely out of my..." Lara pauses then.

"There." She says as she points to a part of the wall a few paces down from where she is, she moves toward it. "Theses columns have rise up out of the floor and require... some sort've of prying staves to push them down." This of course gets her to look back to Kyle and she smiles sweetly at him. "Please and thank you?" She asks, indicating she needs him to push either column down on either sides of the hallway.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     Chuckling, "You just haven't met the right person. Mister or Miss Right is out there, and they'll have similarly messed up schedule as you. But you guys we'll be perfect for each ohter somehow. Cheesy, I know. Just what I think, and I've seen it. " Kyle keeps looking at the walls, what he wouldn't give for a good pad of paper and penicl. A nod comes from him. Then he is putting a hand on her shoulder when that last sentence comes out."

     A look is given to where Lara points. Those green eyes look and she's moving. As she is looking to the columns. "What would you do without me?" he asks andthen the rings spreads out in a few different hammers. Pushing down, each press in the columns are pushed down like moles in a whack-a-mole course.

Lara Croft has posed:
"Perhaps." Lara said on the subject of meeting the right person. Its not something she really thinks about a whole lot, to be honest, she's been obsessed with her work her entire life. Obsessed with adventure and the lifestyle that her father fostered inside of her since her childhood. "One can never nkow, I will relent to that at least."

As he pushes the columns down, there is a low rumble in the walls and Lara smirks softly over at him. "Generally? I place myself in overly precarious positions to find makeshift ways to accomplish these... wild creations that I come across, all in an effort to scratch an unending itch in the back of my mind to know precisely... what comes next."

And with that said the wall with the fire-lit sconces on it starts to push forward TOWARD them and then it SPLITS down the middle and begins to pull itself open. Dust particulates rain down off of the stones between where the wall starts to open up and then, they're staring inside the burial chamber itself...

The room beyond, now revealed to them, is quite obviously the burial site because the daylight from the cavern roof outside of the tomb they're in is shining down through a series of alcolves and ending ontop of the sarcophagus in the middle of the room.

"There." Lara says, and starts to walk toward the opening to enter the burial chamber.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "More than most people give," Kyle says with some amusement as Lara is moving about. "Is that because you hate to live in the now, or you just like solving a mystery?" The consturcts rush into his ring, and he is floating toward the entryway. Suddenly fire continues, everything splits and they're looking down. "It's almostlike you're trying to run from themysteryt aht's you," he shrugs a little bit andlooks at the chamer. "If you have a camera, I'd love a picture of this," he says softly. To him this isn't a morbid question. It's something he may need to draw one way. Having a refernece poit that remember with clarity his memory couldn't, that would be helpful forhim.

Lara Croft has posed:
As Lara steps into the burial chamber with him she hears his words and they make her smile again. "Amusing." She says in a dry sort of way with a side long glance to emphasize her words. "I don't think I'm that mysterious. Everything about my life can be found on wikipedia. A year ago they put out an absolutely dreadful movie based on... something from my past. Loosely based."

She steps further into the room and she does reach for a camera device from her belt. She raises it up and starts taking a lot of pictures, one after another of the entire room around them before she starts toward the sarcophagus itself which is bathed in the light from outside and above.

"I don't need to travel the stars, to find strange and wondrous things. I simply have to look in places few else ever have." She glances over at him, and then takes a picture of him. "For the headlines. 'Mister Kyle Rayner, of space, discovers Earth tomb long forgotten.' It'll be a fetching piece for you to frame and hang on a wall somewhere."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     Chuckling, "Facts. Yes. What you have done. Where you have been. Yeah, that I can find witha google, but 'Who you are?'" he asks looking to her. Then he floats forward a bit more. "WAsn'tthere two attempts at that movie?" hea sks and picture after picture happens.

     "Hey, I like those spaces you chide," and he looks forward again floating over the various grave. The light just basking over them as he is taking ind etails." A headshaek, "No. You take this one. I'm the pack mule. And people will ask me questions about the dynasty, everything else, and I'm not goingto have a single frickin' answer. They'll think I'm a fake," e admits watching herveryintently. His gaze staying on herfor a moment. "Besides, you're more photogenic! Me, I've got a face for radio!" he says with amsuement as he moves between the buarials justlooking for differences, something that sticks out.

Lara Croft has posed:
"Photogenic." Lara repeats with a slight smirk and a light sigh. "Thats a silly thing to worry about." She replies to the man as she walks toward the sarcophagus now and snaps more pictures of it, she's muttering things about what she sees along its surface and then she puts her camera way. "No, just the one film. I signed over the rights to a book, and I guess it included a clause for a hollywood script... which someone actually picked up, and, here we are. People sending me messages 'I loved it.' and others 'That was terrible, you are terrible.'"

She laughs softly again while slightly distracted with the sarcophagsu' lid/cover. "Little do they know about what really happened..."

With that said though, Lara starts to push on the lid and then lift. "Here, lift with me. So we don't damage it." And should he help, they will open and reveal... a skeleton. Wrapped in old tattered robes. But its covered, head to toe in silver, gold, and jewel encrusted ornaments.

"And, then... that happened." Her camera comes out again to take more photos. "This is... not very monk-like."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "I'm trying to say you're prettier than me, Lara," Kyle says as he istrying hardnot totouch theartifacts, butsometimes he gets very close ot them. "I think you're putting too much sotck inpeople. Well, if the writer did a hack job, you should fire them," he says with a chuckle and then he keepsroaming over those casings, but she pulls one off afterhis assistant. A look is given down, "But this is just a king or something of theirs? Like if this is another sect, could itbe possibles there's a king not-monk poerson," he nods to the jewels as he knows the more ornate things are, the more they point to powerful, the power or the person.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has to smile at the first bit of what he says. "Well thank you, that is sweet to say." She responds to it, but her eyes are fixated on the remains of the individual inside of it. She's taking photos of it, and all its treasured belongings. "I'm not sure." She tells him, giving a glance upward. "This changes everything though. I'm going to have to go back outside and let the others know... we're going to need a team of people brought in for this. Its quickly become a lot larger than it was initially thought to be."

Lara lowers the camera then and she offers him another smile. "Thanks, for the help on all of this. If you plan to stick around for the rest of it... it might take some time, but they'll definitely need help. I suspect most..." She motions to the unknown wealthy departed in the box. "... all of this is going to be carefully taken from here, to be studied and toiled over for some time to come."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     Kyle is looking over the different remains, too. A look is given to her, "How does this chnage everything?" he aks curiously. Everything about this isn't entirely out of his depth. However, he understnads what the average person would. Kyle knows that Lara is not the average person when it comes to this information. She sees all the details he's missing, thus his questions. Kyle looks at her for a moment, "I'm here until you send me away, Lara. Consider me on loan from far far away," he grins to her.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has a journal pulled out of her jacket pocket now and she's writing an entry into it, likely regarding everything they've found up to this point. She has to grin at his words and she pauses to look over at him. "This means that the borders thought to be the extent of the old Kingdom's reach are wrong." She explain to him then. "By several hundred kilometers." She then uses her small metal pen to aim northward. "It could mean that there are more ruins between here and the original borderline, potentially. It could mean there there's an entire lost city near to this building." She then aims the pen upward.

"You see?" She asks then. "This building was served by a likely large number of individuals, which means they had to live somewhere. It could mean... an uncountable amount of things."

She smiles lightly at him. "Nerd stuff. And... how far away do you mean?" She then asks him back about himself.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "This is finding out the sun never set on the British Empire, moment? Where this civlization was thought to have barriers at X and Y points. Now, these barriers have been exceeded on one side. Questions come to life about how far does it go? Where are the other temples? Am I getting warm?" Kyle asks making sure her nerd stuff and his thinking are on the same page. "Well, are they connected to the main hub? Or is this a small splinter group?" he asks and then looks to her. "I could show you some time, but you just made these discovers. You'd be gone a few weeks. And one of the really cool places, you might not be able to get in. It's up to you on that front."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes are back on her journal as she crosses the room to the burial sarcophagus once more. "Thats a much more appropriate comparison, yes." She says in response to him then before she sets the journal down and then starts a written rundown of whats inside the old stone contaimer.

"A trip to space?" She asks, looking over him with a slight smile. "I've only ever been up as far as orbit. Though SHIELD did sign me up for zero-g training, just incase I'd ever be called upon for action in the far beyond." She closes her journal then and slips it back into her jacket pocket.

"Exploring space is... a daunting concept. Not one that I'm afraid of, mind you. But it is one I've never put a lot of thought into. I suppose I would love to see the... remains of alien cultures though, that could be quite fascinating."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     "Remains of alien cultures?" Kyle raises a brow. "You clearly need to get out more." He repeats again, "Remains of alien cultures," he chcukles again. Then thinks on it for a bit. "Tell me five things you like to do not involving dead things. Also, five things you've always wanted to do," he says just curious to figure out where to show Lara. It can be a small trip into space.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara seems mildly distracted by her work as she stands there beside the ancient tomb, she's taking more photos of it all with her tablet device and after a second she looks back over at him. A smile crosses her lips, and she huffs out a heavy sigh.

"Goodness." She says at this request. Rarely is that Lara ever delves into these kinds of things about herself. "Ah..." She has to think about it for a spell. "Horseback riding." She says first. "I like to attend classic concerts, the opera. I like old movies... black and white films. I like flying, small planes. Thats... four." She shakes her head again and glances back down to the sarcophagus. "I like to read my father's writings, and... lay down and stare at my mother's artwork. She was an amazing painter..." She looks back to him and shows a light smirk at him then.

"Good enough?" She has to ask before she starts to reach inside the open tomb and move her hand toward something within it.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     Kyle gives a few nods, "I can provide some of that. When you're ready to go to space, just ask. I'll make the arrangements. A look is given to the grave. "And how big of a change is this?" he asks. Those green eyes looking at their surroundings. Green light runs over the various surfaces, "How many of these sites do you expect to find?" he asks.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes are down on the massive amount of precious artifacts buried around the old dead king and she moves her hand toward a specific one. Not one that glints with gold or gemstones, but one that is dull and drab looking. She pulls this item out and lifts it up up of the tomb. Its an old flute.

The old flute has Lara's attention for several seconds before she looks back to Kyle. "Hmm?" She asks, she'd missed what he'd say. It makes her shake her head. "Oh, I'm sorry. This... this is completely out of place." She says to him then, holding the flute out. "This is... looks European and, not even close to the era of this deceased ruler."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
     Kyle understands that not everything precious glitters, or is gold. Green eyes run over the old flute. "I made a comment," he gives a nod to her. "My guess this is either a trap, or someone leftthis behind after not responding to this." Moving to her, he eyes the instrument. "How could this have gotten there?" he asks watching her face. Right now, he is trying to figure out what -exactly- has her attention.