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Latest revision as of 18:08, 13 May 2019

The Librarian: The Lost Motel 6
Date of Scene: 21 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sam Winchester, Willow Rosenberg
Tinyplot: The Librarian

Sam Winchester has posed:
It had been full on Snowmageddon on the way from the diner to the motel. The Cricket slipped and swerved its way there and when they finally parked in the snow dimmed glow of the motel sign, Sam let out a sigh of relief.

"Made it," he says.

"Want to grab the bags and I'll check us in?" he asks her looking towards the light coming from the little office at the end of the row of rooms. He could see a bored looking woman watching something on an old TV through the glass.

"They said they had vacancy," he adds, surveying the number of cars parked out front. It seems like they weren't the only ones to have this idea.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had to admit, she was white knuckling it by the end of the drive, and there really was no way to be breezy casual about this all when they slid into the parkinglot.

Other than, you know, a quiped, "Nice parking job. Who taught you to drive? A rhino?"

Okay, it wasn't her best work, but on the fly, she thought it was funny. Kinda.

The filled parkinglot is peered at. "I'm guessing we're not getting two rooms, are we?" /If/ they even got one. "I tried resserving, but their widget was broken." The cursor just terminally span in place instead of sending the information. She figured it was the storm. That or the motel had lousy wifi.

Likely it was both.

"Not getting out of the car until I know we have a room." There was a stubborn set to her jaw. "I could probably set us up a ward to keep the interior warm if we need to." Willow isn't counting on there being a room left, and Snowmaggedon isn't looking all that promising.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Wow," Sam says with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Just be glad we got here," he pats the dashboard. "This thing's been around awhile, we could have ended up walking."

Then when Willow mentions one room, "I'll try for two," he promises. "And sure, stay put, be right back."

Sam opens the door and wanders off into the snow in the direction of the office, the door thumping shut behind him. He strides across the lot and makes his way inside.

A few minutes later he's handed a single key by the lady at the counter and pulling up his hood he makes his way back to the car, opening the door.

"Got us a room," he says letting the key dangle from a finger, as he leans the driver seat forward to get his bag. "Won't need those wards," Sam says.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's nose crinkles, "One bed or two?" Because she knew how these places were. Still, it beat staying in the Cricket.

Then there's a saucy little grin. "And now you can help me with the bags." As if she hadn't planned that all along. Which she had, but she also had a point about not unloading the car until they knew that they had a room.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam grimaces and replies, "Sure, I can help with the bags," blowing right past the bed question, which is pretty much the same as saying one.

Hopefully one bigger than a single.

"Anyhow, c'mon," he grabs his bag and the heaviest of hers lifts both out of the car, before heading towards room ten, letting Willow follow after him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow tries not to look too distressed about the fact that it's a single bed. It's not like she's not a grown-up, right? And it's not like the two of them are lacking in self control, right? She certainly doesn't expect Sam to jump her in the middle of the night - he isn't even interested in her, after all..

It's just.. Willow is a holdover from days gone by where things like this left a girl nervous and worried about what others might think. And by others, she meant her parents. Though if she thought about it long enough, she'd come to the conclusion that as long as it didn't affect her marks, they probably wouldn't care.

That, and Willow was already all sorts of discombobulated by the fact that she was miles away from home and dependant upon someone else for her safety, her food, shelter, and various and other sundries.

Okay, safety she might not need all the help on, but overall, she was stuck in the interior with a man she's only just met not that long ago with no assurances other than his self-proclaimed jerk angel, and a shady woman who carried herself with the confidence and easy of Buffy, that Sam was on the up and up - and Willow already knew he wasn't even very much that.

She'd have to ask John more pointed questions about Hunters. In retrospect, she should have done *that* when she first met him.

Sighing, Willow grabs the rest of her gack, and his backpack, and follows. Sam's got the key to the room, after all.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam was less sure of how well Willow would take it, which is why he blew past the question and hurried to the room. For his part he was sort of glad it was Willow he was with and not Dean. Dean would be... awkward. Willow, somehow Sam figured he could deal with that.

Reaching the door he unlocks and open it, hit by the warmth inside, it was a good start, he flips on the light. There was one bed, a double, which was good, because with his six feet and five inches, a single would have been... difficult.

He steps inside putting the suitcases down on the bed.

"Not bad right?" Sam asked when Willow joins him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Not..." Willow pauses in the doorway and considers the bed. Not long, though, because it's cold and blowing snow outside, and threatening to put several inches into their hotel room. As it is, there's a distinct possibility they'll be holed up here tomorrow as well. "...Bad," Willow agrees, because at this point, really, what else can she say?

Carefully, she closes the door behind her and looks about. It's a sparse little room. The bed. A couple chairs. A desk with a phone and a lamp. The requisite Bible. One night stand.

That last one she can't fathom, as the things usually come in pairs, but then again, this is the middle of nowhere, and maybe they don't get enough foot traffic to care.

"It could be smaller," she says carefully, making that her expression of concern, and volley into the void of how were they going to divy the space up.

She puts the rest of their things down beside the bed. "I bet you're used to this, aren't you?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam nods, "Right?" glad things didn't go from zero to awkward in the few seconds it took Willow to size up the room.

When the door's shut he turns up the heat a bit, then realizing they may be a couple of days as well, "Any chance that ward you mentioned would work here as well as the car?" he asks her.

Then it's on to the big question, divvying up the bed.

"What? Used to tiny little motel rooms in the middle on nowhere? Yeah, pretty much. Usually two beds though, because, ugh, would not want to share with Dean."

Really, he'd rather sleep on the floor than beside his brother. Which brought him to the question of divvying things up again, "I asked if they had one of those beds on wheels but someone else snatched it up, plus, to get it in here now it'd have to be on skiis," he glances at the floor. At least it was carpeted. "But if you're more comfortable not sharing the bed, I could probably sleep on the floor," he offers reluctantly.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There it is: The BIG Question. How to divvy up the bed. Sam's reluctance is noted. In fact, it's hard to miss it.

"I guess it's big enough to share? I mean, we'd keep our clothes on, right?" Because she's pretty certain all the extra bedding is snapped up, too, which means the blankets on the bed are likely all the blankets that there are to use. The pair might be glad of snuggling up for warmth if the place didn't heat up some.

"It'll be okay. Besides, by the time we go to bed we'll be too tired for being silly and awkward." By which she actually means silly and awkward, and not flirty or hanky-panky.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Sure," Sam says wrinkling his nose at the bed. It was a bit small for his tastes but he could manage. It was miles better than the floor. "Sharing definitely works, and yeah, I wasn't planning on sleeping in the buff," he says with a shake of his head.

"We'll make it work," he says before quirking a brow at the tired remark. "We will be?" he asks.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"We won't be?" Willow echoes his question back at him in the reverse, trying hard not to be surprised he thinks they're just unpacking and doing the sleep thing *right* *now* (or so it seems).

"You weren't planning on just going to bed were you? I mean.. there's the map and.." It occurs to her that he very well may be thinking zzzzzzz and work in the morning.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"I thought...." Sam begins before she brings up the map. "Oh, you wanted to work first?" He rubs his eyes a bit. "Sure we can do that, just need to see if the coffee maker over there actually works, then yeah, can figure out where we are and where have to go next."

He wanders over to little table with the machine and a small basket of instant coffee packages and some styrofoam cups. Flicking it on Sam nods as the light comes on before flicking it off again. "Looks like it, so, want a cup?" he asks her as he takes the pot with him to fill up in the bathroom sink.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You thought we were going to bed, didn't you," Willow asks flatly. Watching him check out the coffee maker, and grab up the pot. "Don't you want to find out where we're supposed to go?"

Of course Willow hadn't been driving all day, the last bits of the journey in a driving snowstorm. Which gives her pause. "I guess I could do it myself?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam wanders into the bathroom and flicks on the light. "More like hoped," he says before adding. "Been a long day," he fills up the pot from the sink and heads back into the room and gets to work on getting coffee going.

"And nah, I'll stay up, at least until we figure out where we are," he promises, looking over as he gets the machine up and running. "Work for you?" he asks her.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Uh.. don't we know where we are?" They'd looked the motel up online after all. Then again, given Willow's talents, they might not have actually looked the place up quite the way other people did..

"I guess I'm worried we'll miss some window or something." As though the estate sale people were holding auctions at midnight and they were somehow missing something vital and important by not searching them out right this very second!

Willow, it could be said, was a tad persistant when she had a problem.

Sam Winchester has posed:
"What? I thought we were lost? Wasn't that what you were bugging me about when we found the diner?" Sam asks before she brings up finding the motel online. "Huh, good point. So, where are we then?" he asks. "I guess we can use that to figure out how far off course we got."

There's a beat.

"Which is still totally not my fault."

He moves to one of the the bags and digs out the map.

He glances up frowning. "How long do we have until the next auction?"