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Latest revision as of 20:47, 13 May 2019

Club Mjolnir.
Date of Scene: 04 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kingpin, Arella Despana

Kingpin has posed:
If the nightclub could fall silent, it would, but the DJ has a job to do and that is to keep people dancing and drinking. It's not every day that Wilson Fisk mingles with the general public, and even though he has been in the nightclub a few times these last few weeks, it's still an event that people take notice of. It's not just the fact that he's twice as big as the average human male, it's also the fact that he's Wilson Fisk. People make way for him when he walks through the club, and two bouncers escort him to his private table in the back of the nightclub where he takes a seat, sitting up straight with his cane resting between his feet, his hands resting comfortably atop. He watches the nightclub like a hawk surverying a farmer's field, eyes everywhere at once, focused on all the details he can see.

Kingpin has posed:
And while Fisk might not be able see the entrance and therefore has not witnessed your arrival personally, it doesn't take more than a few moments before he is aware of who just walked into his club. A whisper in his ear is all it takes, and a whisper in return is all it takes to have three bouncers following you around the club. It's highly likely that for each visible bouncer, there's two less visible agents in the vicinity as well. Fisk doesn't do things halfassed and you are someone of interest to him. The visible bouncers are obviously that, dressed in vikingesque clothes, with beards and long hair and nametags that have names like Bjorn and Nils.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella's green eyes trace the breadth of the club and eventuually settle on Wilson Fisk. She is for all appearances genuinely disconcerted at having missed the man. Her eyes should have gravitated towards him almost the instant she entered his club. Perhaps she was becoming too much of a phone centered Midgarder? But she moves toawrds Fisk with the noticable Viking guard. "My Apologies Mr Fisk - I did not cause any disruption? The guards? I wanted to slip in and observe your establishment. Sadly impossible. But you are something of a celebrity? Perhaps youu might help me?"

Kingpin has posed:
The guards allow your approach. Perhaps they have been instructed to do so, perhaps they aren't very bright. Most likely it's a combination of both. When you speak to him, he rises to his full height and says, "Good evening, ms. Despana. You flatter me. I am just a businessman, no better than anyone in this club." He gestures to the seating at his private table, at which one of his assistants pulls the chair out for you to assist you in sitting down. Fisk remains standing until you sit, as he is known to be a gentleman who is aware of the finer details of etiquette. "You seek my help? What is it that you might need help with?"

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella takes Wilson Fisk's hand. "Please call me Arella. As in PLEASE call me that. Despana is not a true equivalent of a Surname. Arella I would prefer. Despana is a House name not so much a family one. Can I as you abouut Manhatten and the people that live here - the players? I hear alot of two people with respect to you - I hate to ask but Frank Castle - this Punisher? And a Spiderman?"

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk carefully sits back down and while he remains composed to all but the most astute observers as his reaction is measured and precise, those who observe very keenly can clearly see the disgust on his features and in his tone of voice. "They are vigilantes. What else is there to say? I do not support their methods. They should let the police do their job and not interfere." He rests his cane between his feet again and resumes the same pose as before getting up to greet you. "I will not hesisate to call the police should I find either one in my vicinity."

Arella Despana has posed:
"So says Lex Luthor my 'employer'." Asserts Arella. "And as such you should meet with him there. But why are vigilantes so horrible?"

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk doesn't answer your question, instead he surveys the club for a few moments and then says, while his eyes are still turned away from you, "You said you required help. I don't think that my opinion on vigilantes is that important." And then his eyes turn back on you for a moment more, "So I ask again. What is it that you might need help with?" He seems to be growing ever so slightly impatient, but is doing his utmost best to not show it. Virtually anyone looking at him would think he's having a relaxed conversation with a guest.

Arella Despana has posed:
"My apologies I have heard much of the... disharmony certain overly altruistic sorts have brought to New York City. I was merely probing. I have business, I have been looking for alien and unusual technologies around the United States and elsewhere. Not so much to acquire them but to do an inventory so to speak of what is here for future reference. If you have any idea where I could look for such - I doubt money would act as enough of a currency but I would consider it a favor - one to be exchanged in kind?" Arella folds her arms. No point not cutting to the chase and revealing her true agenda.

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk considers your words for a while as he calmly regards you, perhaps trying to probe a little deeper than just the shallow surface of your face. "You know that what you are asking isn't a small bit of information." he says, carefully forming his words so that their intent is clear. "You work for my good friend Mr. Luthor, so that speaks in your favour. But he too would know that what you are asking goes beyond the nature of our friendship and business alliance. I know Mr. Luthor is good on his word, but I do not yet know the same of you, Arella." He leaves the rest unspoken, but surely you are smart enough to know what he means.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Well there are two courses we could take from the here out... I am close to your Mr Luthor and you can trust that he supports my agenda - which he does. And in the open we can have an accord. Or you can enter into the ssame accord but with just me. I have violated no trust of Mr Luthor - Lex. I have only been creative with our existing relationship." Arella sits down, "I need this. Do you want a meagre stipend from Lexcorp or something more? The choice is yours. Does Lex scare you all that much?"

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk tilts his head at you and says, without much thought, "My friends do not scare me, Arella. And my enemies even less." He cracks an unfeeling smile that does not spread to his eyes at all, it's akin to the smile of a hyena when he is about to steal the prey of a weakened, tired lion. "I know what you want, I know what you need. So what matters here is, are you willing and capable to give me what I need when I ask it of you. When I am convinced of this, I can and will trade freely with you, whatever information I have and be confident that I will not end up on the wrong end of the bargain."

Arella Despana has posed:
"You know of Thor Odinson who hates me?" Arella cants her head and opens her palms. "Oh and by the way I like human cocktails and spirits - Bourbon would be nice. If it is not too much trouble." Returning her hands to the table. "You do know of mighty Thor?"

Kingpin has posed:
Fisk does not respond in any way to your request for a drink. But someone from his entourage picks it up and proceeds to head to the bar, coming back moments later with a glass of bourbon, complete with a bowl of icecubes and a thong to pick them up and drop them in your drink, should you desire to do so. This club is certainly living up to its name of being high end. If the big man was unaware of the names you mentioned, it certainly does not show on his face. He lets the silence speak for itself, nods once, and allows you to continue speaking.

Arella Despana has posed:
"I was friendly with his grandfather five thousand years ago when I was a military scientist. The mighty king Bor. By then my inventions had killed trillions and he accused me of being the murderer of mere billions. A crime to be sure. An unforgivable one. Past perdition. I will not answer to brattish upstarts for it. All that I have ever done is what was necessary even if it was horrible. I name my favor. You name yours."

Kingpin has posed:
He nods again and leans back, motioning to one of the bouncers who leans in. Fisk whispers something in his ear and the bouncer looks at you, peers for a moment and then nods. All the visible bouncers leave the area and continue on with their work. Then the man in front of you leans forward again and says, "You are welcome in my establishment from now on and you will be treated as an esteemed guest." A brief glance goes to your untouched bourbon before raising his heavy gaze back to you. He might only be 40 something, nothing compared to the thousands of years of the gods, but he holds his own as well as he does among those with super powers. "Oh I don't need anything right now, Arella. But some day, I will need something. And you will surely provide me with what I need."

Arella Despana has posed:
"A compact then," Despana offers her hand and spits in it - old norse style. "A Devils one but we are both as such."

Kingpin has posed:
Wilson Fisk lets a slight grin creep over his features and does the same, spitting in his hand and shaking yours. You get a feeling he is giving you a very firm handshake, not holding back much, before he lets go and he gets up. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Arella. Feel free to enjoy the hospitality of my humble place of entertainment as long as you like."

Arella Despana has posed:
"It has been equitable. If this works out we will have many more dealings." Her handsshake is electric like a real deal in a Faustian sense. "I will enjoy it. But would be happy to do so at your leissure. I know little of what is worth experiencing. And limiting it to the outright lewd - what do you think I should see?"