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Latest revision as of 20:52, 13 May 2019

Date of Scene: 04 March 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cyclops, Souvenir, Rage

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking down to the Medlab to check on Scott. Sam has a few questions for the man, and wants to see how he is doing as well. Sam will knock on the labs door before pokeing his head in, and says "Hey, how you doing?" He asks as he walks on in with a tablet in hand.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott is laying on his bed with the school issued tablet in his hand, while his wrapped hand taps away at the screen, the sling not getting too much in the way of Scott's work. "I've been better." Scott says, his left arm wrapped in gause and a sling to keep it steady, while his stab wound isn't visible beneath the blankets and the gown he's wearing. "Are you doing okay Sam?" Scott asks, ever the leader and always concerned about his team and students.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, Ah am good, checked on Erika just a while ago. Ah think she will be right as rain with a few days rest. Ah thought Ah would bring ya this." He offers the tablet he has "After mission report, figured you would want it, and if your feeling up to it, wanted to ask ya a few things."

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott takes the tablet in hand and starts to read the debrief, slowly taking his time over each sentence, though, frowning moment after moment as he reads the words and sighs to himself. "I think I was out for most of it, I don't remember much of this." Scott notes aloud as he frowns. "We were picked apart, that was an awful op." Scott remarks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "We had a hodge-podge group might need to start some random danger room sessions, pull 4 or 5 names from a hat, and then call them in for a surprise session. Work on our improvising. Speaking of training session in the Danger room, with Brian and Doogie seeing us somewhat in action and Doogie helping, Ah want to put them on the New Mutants Roster and get them in the Danger room as well.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir comes wandering down in her bumblebees. She's scheduled to be in the Danger Room soon, which she doesn't look forward to, but maybe she can tweak the scenario for infiltration instead of..

She shivers. Going to take a few days to get that out of her head. It's not as bad as yesterday, at least.

She frowns some, then turns and wanders over toward Medical. She has someone to thank for doing things for her that she doesn't feel worthy of.

Reluctantly, she pokes her head in, like she was worried about setting off a trap, footsteps quiet. On hearing the description of the debriefing, she frowns. "..Hey. Do you need my report?"

Cyclops has posed:
    "Yeah, get them involved, but keep an eye on Brian, he's still new to all of this. We need to get him well vetted at the same time." Scott says before he rolls his head against his pillow and extends the tablet back to Sam as he looks around the boy to Erika. "I don't have anywhere to be, might as well." Scott says as he holds out his good hand to receive the report Erika sounded like she wrote. "How are you feeling? That was an ordeal you went through."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Gotta get Doogie on a healthy exercise regiment and make sure he does not push himself to hard. Ah am thinking a cross the room session for both like the Prof did for us." He tells the man, but then is qiet to let Erika talk.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir steps into the room, rubbing her arm. "My wrists hurt a lot, and people are going to think I've been cutting. It goes with the look, but still." She bites her lip a bit. "I can't think about z.. um, plastic.. strips without kind of freaking out a bit, but like, that's getting better. I'm totally torn between 'I need to learn how to get out of those better so I will feel safe' and 'If something wraps around my arms right now, I'm going to start crying'. Pretty sure the first one is gonna win in the end, but I'm not there yet. It's better this time."

"James actually complimented me on how well I tried to get away. Not that it worked, because oh em gee, he's huge, but still. I have GOT to find somebody that can help me get over this thing with my clothes and stuff somehow. And yeah, Doogie is a total badass, I want to help him out but last time I think Andrea grabbed him to help with PE."

She hmmms. "James had be tied up in front of all his monitors, so I had to watch you guys getting torn up while I was trying to get loose. That was hard. Especially after I had been watching him building land mines all day. I kind of looked away when Kamala went down, though, so I didn't catch everything."

Cyclops has posed:
    "It's a good thing you got out when you did." Scott replies and then looks back to Sam with a soft nod. "Do push, but not too hard, yes, but also not too soft, we are in a bit of a crisis right now, every bit of help we can get is vital." Scott says then transfers his attention back to Erika, "If you're going to keep going out on your own, and trying to help people and solve problems like you do, you're going to get yourself in trouble, and everyone else here in trouble too. You need to be more cautious and mindful of what you're doing." Scott says, as he's the one laying in the hospital bed but he keeps going as it's important to him, "You're going to have to face your fears head on, and waiting to do something about it isn't the way to grow. The professor wouldn't expect us to rest, he taught us to face our fears and how to deal with them head on. There are people counting on you. And people counting on you to do the right things."

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir blinks. "All I was trying to do was get a workout in and talk to my girlfriend." Okay, that was weird on her tongue, but okay. "I haven't been running around caping around. Sometimes I go looking for weird trinkets."

She takes a deep breath, because this is getting to be a pet peeve. "And I was trying to get the workout in, on top of what I'm already supposed to be doing, because I know I'm the one that everybody already figures they need to babysit and treat like Grandma's fine china. My PT results are getting pretty high up there! I have a whole bunch of combat training hours booked already. And then I am managing to work on other stuff on top of that to practice so I can get better and more effective."

By now she's kind up all the way up to towering blaze of frustration. "Do you know what I was doing yesterday in between trying to get my brain to calm down? Looking over maps of the land near Valhalla Base and recreating a map of the encounter site. Working out where the traps and turrets are. Trying to figure out what the best approaches are. Trying to run through how to get people into the site with less casualties. If you want to come up and look at the map, it's on my table in my room."

"If you want to help me do better at that, then f___ing HELP me with that instead of looking down your nose assuming I'm some little helpless flake that doesn't DO anything!" She clenches her fists, angry.

Rage has posed:
The doors to the med bay swishes open to revel Andrea as she strides inside wearing a pair of form fitting jeans, a baggy Xavier's sweater and her hair tied up behind her in a pony tail. She is carrying a pair of small fastfood bags with her. She first heads over to the newest patient, who is a translucent mutant who was bleeding heavily from an attack. Green neon blood. She talks to the nurse on duty to catch up, then slips a bag of food on the counter. Afterwards, she starts over to Scott's table with the other bag of food, pausing at the sight of Sam and Erika. Her head tilts a bit slightly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and has heard a bit of this. He has been working on training with her, looking into some more specific training for her. "Speaking of training, Erika here would like to be checked out to run te Danger room, and I was thinking of Asking Kurt or someone to do some classes on flying the blackbird." He will tell the man. "I will sa this for her." He nods to Erika "Someone sets a task for her, she throws herself into it.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott motions for Sam to step aside before the injured X-man slowly rises up out of his medical bed, and the pain on his face is apparent and he is breaking a sweat just getting to his feet, the wounds he suffered were not light by any means. His knuckles are white as he grips onto the bed as he swings his legs out and the man with the ruby red glasses literally straped onto his head rises to his full six foot three hight and stands tall, but obviously in pain. The ivy still hands from his one good arm and he stares down at Erika, "You're the student Erika. Your safety is the top priority for me, and everyone else in this school, But listen to me closely, every single time someone at this school leaves these walls, there's a chance they might never return. That's the world we live in. We're mutants, we strike fear in humanities very soul. Erika we have to be smarter than to go outside to 'get a work out' when we have the equipment for anything you could need right here. You're a New Mutant, you are one of the next in line to be an X-man, you are expected to know better." Scott says, his legs trembling from the pain and maybe more as he's talking to the young woman who demands he help her by planning how to attack a building she was just held prisoner in.

    Scott gives a soft nod to Andrea as she walks in and then to Sam he squints his eyes, but words don't come from the leader not to Sam, Summers takes a moment to take in a deep breath to give himself more physical strength which he doesn't have much of, and to center his thoughts, "Tell me, why are you going through these plans Erika?"

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir takes a deep breath. "I'm sick of feeling helpless. If something happens, I want to know how to deal with it. I KNOW I'm not like the other kids that can do all these huge heroic powerful things, I'm like, more like Kitty or something, but that doesn't mean I can't help SOMEHOW. For me, it's information. I can learn stuff. I don't want to see my friends walk into.. into.. stuff like that path into Valhalla Base, my GOD, did you have to walk in through the most obvious killing field on the map? You must have walked across like half of the monitors! It's like he knew you." Maybe exaggerating a little, but well.

"So I'm TRYING to get better instead of just sitting around hoping everything is going to turn out fine in the end, because that's NOT how the world works. There's ALWAYS that shoe over our head, I'm TRYING to be comfortable with that, but I just can't relax waiting for it. So I make maps of places that scare me, so I can feel like I am going to be better next time. And I practice, and I train, and I try to ignore it when people get in my face and accuse me of being lazy and not planning anything."

Rage has posed:
There is a furrow of Andrea's brow as she puts the bag of food on Scott's table next to his bed within reaching distance. It's full of his favorite snack items. She continues to glance between the three, then rubs her fingers along the bridge of her nose. She opens her mouth, then slowly closes it as she plucks up her mentor's drinking glass, then heads over to the water fountain to give it a refill.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will keep quiet for now himself. HE will watch the two, but he is making sure he is close enough to grab Scott if needed. He actually understands both at this point.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's eyes widen at the mention of Kitty, and he even takes in a deep breath of air before he comes out in defense of the x-man, "I would risk my life on Kitty. She is capable of far more than you give her credit for. That seems to be your biggest failing." Scott says, his hand falling back to the rail of the medical bed and he grasps it firmly, "You think you have to be better to help everyone, you're not the only one at this school Erika. Yes people count on you to act less stupid and to think things through, but you need to learn to count on others, especially your team more." Scott then turns his attention to Sam, "You have always been authorized to run scenario's in the Danger Room, why you haven't is why things like this happen. I expect you to take more care of your teammates Sam." This is as much on Sam as it is Erika. Now Scott being reprimanded by a student for her getting kidnapped is something that he will have to discuss with Jean later, but he's trying to deal with it now. "I'm not saying be comfortable, I'm telling you how it is, how we have to be better than what people expect of us. Part of that is knowing not to go on our own outside the institute when there is no need for it."

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir heaves a huge sigh. "Just.. lay down and heal, okay? That's what I'm doing, that's why I know not to try to put anything around my wrists for a couple weeks, and you know damn sure that as soon as I recover from that I am going to be dumping hours and hours into getting out of every sort of restraints I can get my hands on. Same as I've been doing with everything. Kitty is AMAZING, I want to be like her. Not like a collectible."

To Sam, "Google says it's about fifty hours of flight school for a basic pilot training, then sixty for instrument flight rating, and I can't imagine how anybody could fly the Blackbird without an instrument flight rating. I already looked it up, I just haven't worked it into my schedule yet in between stuff like, you know, sparring with Laura and stuff."

Rage has posed:
Bringing the glass of water back to Scott's table to sit it next to the food, Andrea reaches up with a hand to rub along her brow in thought. She takes in a deep breath, then lets it out slowly, as if she had something running about in her stomach, dying to crawl it's way out of her mouth. After a few seconds of mentally shifting her ideas about, she says, "So, I just wanna get something off my chest."

Turning about, she settles herself back against the counter to rest her weight. "I just don't think it's healthy to obsess over this. At all. The whole training thing. The paranoia. Learning to fly the Blackbird. Erika, you're fifteen. You're a kid. The New Mutants is not designed to go out into the field and be mutant warriors to fight The Juggernaut or The Blob or any other super bad guy. We're kids, who are thrown together to be student diplomats, to learn how to use our powers in cooperative situations, and to be seen as role models for those that are younger. When I first broached the idea of putting this team together through Miss Frost and Miss Grey, becoming an X-Man or a super hero was not in my goals. It's still not in my goals. I'm afraid that ... you, and maybe others, will see this team as something more than it really is. Will the X-Men /maybe/ draw from our group depending on how well we do? Sure. But I would suspect it would not be all of us, and those that do get picked are considered exceptional. The only one in our group I even remotely seeing that would be Laura."

Letting out a sigh, the popstar says, "I just feel that you would be happier if you focused more on your normal classes, making friends, enjoying a hobby or a club, instead of trying to turn yourself into this mutant soldier or .. I don't konw what the hell you are trying to accomplish, but it really worries me that you're going at this the wrong way and with the wrong idea. Yes, it can be scary outside as Mister Summers says and we should be prepared for what life may throw at us. But, I honestly don't think it should be marine level combat training, or flying spy jets, or picking up an AR and popping a load into a bad guy. It just feels at times that you're making this into an obsession. That you're scared to be forgotten about, or feeling useless, or always comparing yourself to someone else. You can't do that. It's not healthy."

"You need to love yourself for who you are and not worry so much about the next person. There is no person trying to take your spot, there is no ladder to climb, no pecking order. Life isn't a war zone and it shouldn't be seen as one. You went thorugh a terrible experience, so have I, so have Laura.. so has Evan... Doogie.. all of us in the team has had experiences that seperate us from normal kids, but we can't let those experiences define who we are, or turn us into something jaded either."

Giving a glance to Scott and Sam, Andrea takes in a deep breath, then lets it out. "I don't want to see anyone hurt, but I also don't want to see kids turned into soldiers. We all need a balance." She stubs her foot against the ground, then heads for the doors. "I'm going to get some food and cram for my math test. See you three later."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah am trying to make sure you guys can go out and be heroes if that is what you want, or live a civian life and just be yourself, or even somewhere in the middle of it. Ah have been pushing Erika a bit more than most, and maybe Ah shouldn't but she seems to want to be in the field. Ah don't want to see someone else die cause we thought their power is not a combat power. Yea, Ah need to get you all in the Danger Room more often, but also need to go through and ask those who have beed oked to be New Mutants, if they want hero or just power use training. Ah will admit, sometimes, ah forget some folks don't want to be a superhero, but those who do, are going to be trained hard. He looks to the ladies and says "Ah am probably the latest starting student here, and even though Ah have what would be classified as a combat power. Ah was always worried Ah was not progressing enough, that Ah would be kicked out of the school or off the team.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott wobbles as his legs start to go beneath him but he holds himself up. "You're trying to do too much at once Erika, listen to Andrea, listen to Sam, listen to me, Jean, Laura, everyone will say you're doing too much. You don't even have a driver's license and you're wanting to fly one of the most advanced aircraft known to man." Scott says, "You've had your powers for how long? a few years maybe? You have a lot to learn Erika, but you still have to develop, give and earn trust with your teammmates and friends." Scott says with a hint of finality as he turns back to his bed and almost collapses onto it.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir spins on her heel to point at Andrea's retreating form. "That's why I went out to go skating? Before going on a run in the park like ordinary people? Which /apparently/ I'm not allowed to do anymore?" She sighs loudly. "Oh my god, it's like I can't win here."

She hmphs. "Anyways, I just wanted to check in and tell you how much I appreciated you coming and rescuing me, and I am super sorry you got hurt, and I am hoping you feel better soon. And I wanted to let you know that I was working really hard on how to make it so it wouldn't happen again, because like, we all know it's going to try to happen, so I want to be ready when it does. So I can do stuff like hang out with my friends and be normal. Anyway, I'll bring some, like, I dunno, chocolate or something next time. I'm outtie."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to take Scott's arm, and says "Sit down, before Hank comes in here, and restrains you and beats me upside the head cause your busting your sutures." He tells the man. He looks over to Erika, and says "I don't know maybe Ah just don't know. Ah want her safe and sound but she has to have a life. You can't lock them down, they will just sneak out, but Ah do believe a sign in and sign out needs to be put in for the students.

Cyclops has posed:
    "There's a difference between being able and ready to do something, and outright inviting danger Erika. The fact you're willing to put not only yourself in danger but also the rest of the students, is not something I can stomach." Scott sighs as he grimaces in pain and pulls his own legs back up onto the bed so he can swing the sheets over and he can get back to his rest. Jean and Hank are both going to be pissed at him.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir just shakes her head on the way out the door. "If I can't appreciate the world, why should I care what happens to it? I thought this was a school, not a concentration camp. I swear, I thought you were trained by Xavier, not Eric." She continues out the door, not slowing. It clicks shut behind her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs a bit and says "Ah will talk to her some. Ah wager though she is going to be working herself double hard for a bit. This rocked her and Ah realy aint sure how to help. Not like having her go punch James in the face is going to help any. Speaking of him, what are we going to do with him?

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott looks up at Sam and then down at himself, with a motion that he's bedridden, "I haven't given him much thought Sam. If I get called Magneto again while I'm just trying to keep everyone safe, while there's government sanctioned kill robots out there, I'm not sure I can keep my cool."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man, and says "She is scared, hurt and ah kid. Didn't you guys ever rebel against the Prof? We rebeled against both the prof and Magneto. Looking back now, Ah will be honest Ah have respect for both of them, wish Magneto had stayed with the dream, but Ah wager you and Ah see him with different eyes. And yes if he is hurting someone or such Ah will fight him. He looks at Scott, and says "Your much more the professor than Magneto. Only thing Ah see you set the hard lines down a bit more than the professor did most of the time, but hey we were the second kid, they always have it easier than the eldest.