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Latest revision as of 20:58, 13 May 2019

War of Words
Date of Scene: 05 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel Jr., Mon-El

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy finds himself at a place most humans on Earth would not believe reaklly exists, standing outside the Temple of H'ronmeer. Well, where ELSE would he expect to wind up? It is an amazing edifice, carved from a single titanic piece of obsidian with amazingly detailed scenes carved into every surface. Behind it tises Mons Olympus, the enormous volcano. Freddy tells Proteus-1, "Go inside little one, I will see to it you are safe there as long as I remain able."

Once the little sphere has moved inside, Freddy rerects a sphere of magical energies around the temple, fire above and lightning below. The pursuer had not given his name, but he seems much like Superman, hopefully that means he will hesitate to charge though a clearly unnatural phenomenon like a dome of fire burning on a planet without free oxygen. Freddy Sets himself...if the other tries for a quick takeout he will be in for a bit of a surprise, S'ivaa could stay in one place in freefall sespite being hit by Superman, being able to anchor in place is a requirement of hi level of power...otherwise you would sink into the ground if you tried to lift a mountain or the like.

Mon-El has posed:
    Oh, just because someone has Superman's powers doesn't mean he's as uhm, wise as Superman. And just because someone is also technically older than Superman, doesn't mean he is -actually- older than Superman. Thanks to the Phantom Zone. The Phantom Zone also messes with your head a -lot-. So perhaps you can't blame Lar for not being quite as...enlightened as Kal-El.

    Thankfully though, he isn't -that- stupid. He comes flying like a bolt of lightning, the Martian atmosphere popping with the sonic boom that is created in his wake. Seeing the magical barriers around where the tracking signal is, he groans. Seriously? This situation just kept getting -better-, didn't it? Ugh.

    "Are you honestly serious with this?!" he exclaims, gesturing incredulously at the giant flaming shield. "You are really, really starting to ruin my day, you know that? So I'm gonna give you -one- last chance to stand down and hand that piece of machinery over to me so that we can get back to bringing criminals to justice before I punch you clean out of Sol."

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Pantheon says, "You asked me a question earlier, about what I would know that your intellectual friend would not. Are you willing to listen to an answer, or must I defeat you before you will listen." Not that he is quite as confident as he is trying to sound, but one does try for the non-violent solutions when possible. *Bah, this whelp is not powerful enough to move you unless you LET him.* comments S'ivaa in Freddy's head. *Let me drain his energy, there is so much we could do with his power.* says Zonuz temptingly.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar smirks at that little taunt. "Oh, 'must I defeat you'? Ha, sounds to me like you don't actually know how hard I can punch." he says, folding his arms. When there are very few beings in the entire galaxy who can actually hurt you, and you've razed entire armies single-handedly, it's hard not to be at least a bit overconfident. "But fine, speak your piece. Just -how- the hell do you think you know more than Brainiac about this stupid robot from playing -ball- with it for a few minutes?"

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Pantheon says, "The same way I know that you are hightly confident of your abilities, but have suffered greatly for a long period of loss and lonelieness. I am a Champion of Magic, endowed with power by the gods themselves. I have six powers actually, it seems to be the way the spell that empowers me works. You have seen some of my more obvious powers. The first you have seen is that I can move vast distances, but you know not the half of it, I could stride from here to the Source Barrier at the very edge of the universe in a heartbeat. This Dome you see is but a part of the fires of he whose temple lies beyond. I have unlimited strength, Superman himself can not move me from where I choose to stand. As I can with fire, Lightning is also mine to control. Those are my physical powers, easily explained and demonstrated. I also have two non physical powers. One grants me skill, intuition and the ability to act as fast as thought. The other allows me to sense the spirit within others. I can sense your spirit, and I can sense the spitit within the little one. That it HAS a spirit tells me it is more than just a robot."

Mon-El has posed:
    As Pantheon starts to monologue about his powers, Lar rolls his eyes and looks somewhat bored. He starts to interrupt Freddy before he can finish. "Okay okay, fine whatever so what if it has a spirit?! Criminals have spirits too, that doesn't mean they don't have to get apprehended for for stealing, killing, and what have you."

    "You're protecting a -criminal-." he says, pointing at the magical barrier. "That makes you an accomplice to an escaped convict. A convict who is probably going around killing whoever gets in his way and getting away with it because we can't find him because YOU are hording the map! How are you okay with that, huh?!" he challenges, starting to get up in Freddy's face.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy keeps himself calm with an effort, "It is innocent and child-like in spirit, it protects the criminal as a child would protect a parent, not understanding any wrong. Tell me, if it were a five-year old human child, would you be so quick to try to force it to speak? I may, however, be able to help you. If it is tied to it's master, I can use that tie to travel wherever he is...though I will warn you I do not know what we will find there."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar facepalms. Again with likening this thing to a child. "Um -no-. I don't know you, so how do I know you're not just trying to manipulate me into letting you help an escaped convict? And it doesn't matter what I would do if it were a human child because it's NOT a human child. Besides, how do I know you don't work for Darkseid, or the Fatal Five, or the Dominators?? Why won't you just let me handle this situation? It was the Legion's job in the first place! Can't you just stick to...whatever magic shenanigans you usually handle and mind your own damn business?" Ugh.

    "Look, this criminal...Tabantha Kant. He was locked up because he was found guilty of biological warfare on an opposing faction of his OWN people. Now, even if the warring factions hated each other enough to -be- at war with each other, they at least agreed on the fact that what he did was an intergalactic war crime, and was heinous enough to have him thrown behind bars on an -intergalactic- prison planet. Now here you are, standing here, defending his creation, while he's out there probably trying to re-synthesize whatever nasty plague he's planning on unleashing and probably murdering anyone who crosses him. Think it'd be a stretch to say their blood is on YOUR hands? You're feeling sorry for a robot, well what about all those people who died before its master could get thrown in jail?"

    He pauses, crossing his arms and glaring at Pantheon. "Now, -hand-. It. Over." he demands.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy laughs, "Darkseid would be AFRAID to work with me, if he knew whence my powers came. I do not know the Fatal Five." He does not mention the Dominators, he knows who they are though.

He considers, "Stopping this Tabantha Kant does appear to be important. Can we not find a way to do so without further harm to the lttle one? If you do not trust me to take you to Kant, would you trust me to go bring him back here?"