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Latest revision as of 21:05, 13 May 2019

Minor Malfunction
Date of Scene: 06 March 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Tony and Pepper examine Minoke's broken heart, and Tony's healthy.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Beryl, Pepper Potts

Iron Man has posed:
The Medical lab of the Avengers Mansion is crawling with little robots. Today is no different: in fact, there's more of them about: drones and helpers and so forth. The lower area of the mansion teems with Stark Tech: the labs in particular, and the medical area counts as a lab.

Tony's present, though he isn't on the 'schedule': he likes to do his own medical visits more privately without people coming to bother him about it. He did bring Pepper with him this time: he's hopped onto one of the medical beds in the back, and has casusally started to clip various leads under his shirt onto the ports of the arc reactor there. He's in just a t-shirt, which means the pulsing light is extremely apparent: it isn't usually so. He's doing so while chatting.

"But I was thinking of Vegas again," Tony's saying to Pepper, upbeat. It's just a checkup anyway, he has these a lot, though usually he doesn't bring Pepper along. She might (rightly) fear that something is up.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke arrived at the Avengers Mansion - she was suggested to go to the medical bay a bit ago by Tony. So - she is escorted there and dropped off as the red-headed android walks in. (Her skin is human-tone today). She then gazes at Tony Stark, nodding slowly as she looks at one of the beds, poking it. "Mr. Stark. Ms. Potts. Hello again. I... I am glad to see you two again." She then glances at the beds. "Can these support six hundred pounds?" she whispers softly to herself.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper shrugs. "Vegas sounds fantastic, but you know what happens every time we make plans to go /anywhere/..." she replies with a half-smile. "So if we're going anywhere, we're going to have to just decide on the spur of the moment and take off. Otherwise, you'll have the world to save." He will, anyway. Even from Vegas. Even if he has to fly back in his suit.

Pepper watches Tony carefully as he connects the leads. God forbid, she may have to remember something someday, and she would never forgive herself if she weren't prepared.

It's just then that the fembot is escorted in, and Pepper turns, tilting her head, to observe. "Hello, Minoke," she replies tentatively. Their last meeting hadn't gone so smoothly.

Iron Man has posed:
"Heya Minnie," Tony greets the young appearing android. "Six hundred? You don't look a pound over three hundred. But those beds do. On your left. You're not the heaviest entity we've ever seen," he says, gesturing to the reinforced bed towards the front with the blast panels.

Tony finishes boredly connecting the leads, and gestures across the panel, starting up his personal 'wellness' procedure program while looking with more interest over at Minoke. One of the Avenger staff entered, and looks unsure who to treat: Tony gestures the doctor towards the android, and she complies, though she gives a skeptical once-over look to Tony and a 'significant' look at Pepper.

"Is that a statement that you want to leave tonight? Because I can do that." He can do anything.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke glances over at the two of them. "I... wish to offer apology for our prior meeting." She looks down. "I did not respect the fact that I should have waited to be escorted into Ms. Potts' office." She sighs softly. "I was not very polite to the other girl there - though her nanotech was... very aggressive." She then states, "I do not regret the zap though... she was trying to hack into my interlink network." She sighs softly as she lays on the bed. "I am going to trust you all. I was ensuring that I could trust you guys." Her chest then starts to shimmer with green ooze - as a baseball-sized metal sphere sprouts from her chest, and is raised up on a pillar, which solidifes into a solid green pillar sprouting out of her. An ugly scorch mark is visible on it. "Please do not remove it from contact with me. If you do, this body will become inoperable until contact is re-established. My network works by contact."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Let's get through /this/ procedure, then we can look at something more for pleasure, hmm?" Pepper smiles, then turns her gaze toward Minoke as...something happens. Her smile fades, and her brow furrows. "See? Now aren't you glad we didn't have definite plans for a trip tonight? Because I'm not sure that isn't going to attack us all."

Iron Man has posed:
"D-12, swing that console over her," Tony says, brows lifted. D-12, the bot, does as bidden, moving to angle a scanning probe at Minoke's 'heart'. Minoke just said a whole lot of information all at once; ready or not! Tony winks some at Pepper, "Haven't we been together long enough for you to know that I can mix procedures with Pleasure?" he teases her, before unlocking his own console to feed into the data he's about to garner from scans of Minoke.

"Appreciate the trust, we're not going to touch it at all at first. We'll relax together," Tony suggests across to Minoke, and gives Pepper a brief, winning smile. He's not worried at all. He rarely is, though.

The doctor gives Tony a 'I am so out of my depth' gesture, and a sort of 'hmph': which gets a smirk from the inventor. He knew very well the doctor would not know what to do with the android; it was a light prank. And it got the doctor off of TONY for a little while.

Beryl has posed:
The core slowly spins. "I should say - that sphere - is me. It's the real me. This body - is just nanites. It can be discarded and rebuilt if necessary." Depending on how advanced the scans are - it can be seen that the core is beyond normal Earth science - there is so much data storage - and circuitry - and various nodules that seem to be made to assimialte metal into nanites.

"I am here for help, Ms. Potts. The damage to my core... is causing serious issues." Her gaze turns to Tony's chest. "What... is that?" she finally asks, pointing. "You have some kind of reactor in your chest... it's generatnig massive amounts of power and... I can't even determine some of the metal. What... is it? What are you?" she finally asks - her distraction about getting help finally subsumed by her innate curiosity. But she doesn't move a muscle other than the gesture.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper breathes a conceding laugh. "You mix everything with pleasure, Tony." She approaches with caution, watching the bot scan the...other bot. Standing just behind Tony and to his left, she observes the procedure. She's been around Tony for long enough to know at least what's going on, even if she may not understand all the data flying around. But Minoke's sudden interest in Tony's arc reactor spurs Pepper to step a little closer to him. Like she could somehow protect him. Maybe she could, maybe not. But it wouldn't stop her from trying, if the need arose.

"So it's sort of like Alien, you can just pop it out at will shed the shell..." She arches a brow, but doesn't move any closer. Yet.

Iron Man has posed:
"What am I? Genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist," Tony answers as if he were in a press conference, unconcerned with her probing, personal question about his medical status. "Let's focus on your heart right now, mine's fine, supercharged," Tony chuckles. The doctor clears her throat at him and Pepper, but doesn't intrude in a manner that would put any of Tony's private information on display in front of Minoke.

"So, let's look. Some damage. Ideally, I'm guessing, you'd like to repair it," Tony says. The talk of nanites and the rest of it gets a cool, confident nod. He's Tony Stark, he'll work with it. "I'm not sure yet if we'd need to extract it from you to fix it. Maybe," he warns her, but holds up a finger, "but not for certain. We'll need some better scans and I'll get JARVIS on layout of best approach, and then I'll fix it to what we'll actually do." Tony likes puzzles, he's perked up.

And then side-eyes Pepper. Oh, right, Vegas.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "I am an alien, yes. But... hmmmm. I did some research, and as far as I can tell, the closest analog would be the characer T-1000 from the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day. That character and I have some similarities in terms of construction." She sighs softly. "I have been noticing various mental maladies that seem to happen at random. I am aware that this will not be a quick fix. I am grateful to your time, and hope that I will come to be a valued teammate."

She is still keeping her gaze on the arc reactor - and in case it could be detected, she is scanning it herself - but mostly about the metals in its construction. "I like JARVIS. He's very nice." She glances at Pepper. Quite sure that the other redhead woman doesn't like her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"You are aware, I assume, that T-1000 is a movie prop, and not a robot, I hope. The technology to create a functional entity in such a manner is the stuff of fantasy movies." She glances at Tony, as he side-eyes her. Yes, Vegas. "But luckily you have a man here who creates the realities that fantasy movies portray." Pepper doesn't betray one way or another whether she dislikes the fembot. But the last time Minoke was that interested in something, she zapped it. Pepper isn't taking any chances.

Iron Man has posed:
"Teammate?" Tony repeats, interested. "Is this one of the malfunctions? What team are you a member of? Is it alien?" Tony questions, while watchfully looking at the scans. "Hey, you're doing better than most aliens I've met, you actually made a modern reference. Sort of, those are what, the 90's?" Tony says, looking towards Pepper as if she'd help him remember exactly when the Terminator movies were big. "80s? Let's pretend I'm not old," Tony says, raising his brows.

"No Skynet here. Yet. Ultron doesn't count." His own results finish, and he pauses to unclip a few leads distractedly, reaching under his shirt. The console near Pepper can be looked at for Tony's results if she chooses to move and peek. There's some flashing bits. The doctor will lean in to say very quietly to Pepper, somewhat still in Tony's earshot: "He needs to reduce the alcohol." It is an appeal to Pepper on a matter that she's gotten nowhere on with Tony.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke sighs softly. "I am aware that the movie is fiction, and the character is not 'real'. However, the similarities are there. The one who created said fiction seemed to understand. And... I was spcifically researching anything similiar to me and that came to my mind." She then murmurs, "I... I want to be one of the Avengers. Captain Rogers seems to think I'd be a good fit - I know our first meeting did not go well... but my skills could be valuable.

She goes quiet when the subject of alcohol is mentioned - staying out of that. It doesn't seem to matter right now. "I just want to find a place where I can be useful."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Having suddenly lost interest in the current conversation, Pepper is distracted by flashing values on the screen when his scan is finished. She ducks in closer, seemingly shielding the screen from the view of anyone else as she examines the ranges and numbers listed. Particularly the flashing ones. She nods to the doctor, who speaks softly to her, then sighs softly.

Turning to the other two, she approaches Tony's side again, tuning back into the conversation.

Iron Man has posed:
"I don't have any idea what your skills are to tell you if they're valuable; we just know there's some malfunctioning. But if Cap likes your superhero resume, hey, we'll see after you're back in shape," Tony says. "I haven't seen you doing any heroing? If there's some footage or something, include that. Like a demo reel?" Tony chuckles. He's flippant about it, but he /is/ reacting to her in the same way he'd react to anyone that wanted a job. Submit resume. Et-cetera.

"So, that's done. I've got a thing," Tony says, pointing at Pepper with a finger-gun. It's important. He's just not sure he remembers what the thing is. This is her cue to remind him what it is without appearing to remind him.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "I'll stay here and let JARVIS scan me some more..." She smiles faintly. "I have not done much yet - I'm not really sure what to do - but I'd like to try to do something useful. I can shapeshift - manipulate metal - and channel electricity." She sighs softly. "Perhaps we'll meet again with a plan for what to do? I'll try to see what I can do to be... impressive." She smiles softly.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper nods, glancing at her watch, and looking up toward the ceiling. "Jarvis, is Tony's three o'clock still waiting?"

"Yes, Miss Potts. He has been for the past forty-five minutes." Jarvis' reply is polite and courteous, as always.

"Your ...3:45... is waiting in the library. Something about repairs to the mansion. Someone went off the rails..." She turns to the doctor and touches her arm lightly. "Thank you," Pepper says in a soft and earnest tone. "I'll do everything I can."

And with that, Pepper sweeps toward the door and opens it, gesturing in an 'after you, MiLord' fashion. Hopefully, Tony will make his exit without having to be herded out, this time. "It's been a pleasure, as always, Minoke. I'll get back to you in regard to that meeting."