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Latest revision as of 21:10, 13 May 2019

From M-Town to Genosha
Date of Scene: 07 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-Man, Polaris

X-Man has posed:
There is a wing in the Mutant Town Clinic. It's a place where mutants are kept that are considered 'unstable'. Nate knows it better as the hospice ward. These are mutants who have unfortunately had their mutations go so wildly out of control that they will never be capable to have a normal life. It isn't just because they are covered in scales, or because of multiple limbs.

Having arrived earlier, Nate Grey has made this one of his usual stops on the path to helping others. He approaches a woman sitting in a chair by herself looking out of a window. She has a shaw pulled around her shoulders, and a book in her lap. She appears to be in her twilight years - at least an octogenarian. He sits down and reaches out to take her hand, old and wrinkled, in his own.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was visiting Mutant Town, taking stock of the people who were there and ensuring that the various aspects were looked after. She was a little bit of a celebrity there, Princess of Genosha, and Magneto's daughter, she was well known. Mutants all over had seen her take a hit from a Sentinel at the Purifier rally, and plenty of well wishes, presents and worried letter had swarmed her email inbox as well as the Palace doorsteps in Genosha.

Now, she was visiting around to businesses, and other locales, rallying support against the Sentinels and finding those that would support Genosha as well...

The young woman was sweeping through the area with high heels, dressed in a pant-suit of soft lavender and a teal dress shirt. She stopped every now and then to greet others as she passed, bending to shake hands with a child, or sign an autograph as needed. He gaze swept through the room, and landed on a vaguely familiar figure that she hadn't seen in quite sometime, well before her time spent in Genosha for the past year or so.

X-Man has posed:
Glancing up as he hears high-heels clicking on the floor, Nate lifts his gaze to meet Lorna's eyes. There's a smile offered to the young woman as she approaches. "Hello." he greets her, recognizing the Princess obviously, but trying not to interupt her. His attention drifts to the woman at his side.

"Her mutation activated at fifteen. That was three years ago." That should clue Lorna in to what the poor girl's power was. His hand remains settled gently with those wrinkled digits as his left air flares briefly with the use of his powers.

In her lap is a yearbook - a gift sent to her from her former classmates. She was supposed to be walking across the stage this year, and graduating. She had plans to go to college and become an architect. She now could barely keep the book in her lap, slowly turning the pages as the heavy prescription glasses sit on her nose, her eyes aging as fast as the rest of her.

He can feel her pain - her sadness. Looking up into her blue eyes, once so vibrant, still bright in color, Nate concentrates on her. It takes several minutes. But then, the girl gasps.

She's eighteen again. She's with her friends, throwing up their caps and mortars. They're celebrating, and she's joyful. She has her scholarship. She has a long and fruitful life - and that boy from her algebra class gives her that shy smile that speaks of potential. Will he finally be bold enough to ask her out before their summer begins? She wouldn't say no..

Polaris has posed:
Lorna slows her steps, glancing toward Nate with an appreciative glance as he greeted her and explained what was going on with the elderly looking woman. She exhaled a rough breath, bending toward the woman and lowering her frame toward her to inspect the yearbook. Her heart twisted and she cast a glance at Nate as the woman inhaled sharply. Her green eyes studied the woman briefly, "I'm sorry." Her lips twisted and she pushed her hair back from her face.

She was blessed in more ways than one with her powers. Beyond their strength, and ease in which she'd learned them... she had nothing debilitating to go with them. No obvious mutations beyond her green hair.. Lorna Dane had hit the genetic lottery in that way at least.

X-Man has posed:
Casting a thankful smile back to Lorna, Nate explains. "She's near the end. I can feel her fading. I thought maybe.. she could have one last good memory. One last moment without her fears, her pains. Her parents abandoned her here after her powers manifested."

In the girl's mind she is embracing her parents. They're proud of her. The love is abundant. She closes her eyes and lifts her head to the sun as she drinks in it's warmth. Just as the first few flakes of snow start to fall.

Tears come from the closed eyes of the woman as she drifts off. Her lips pull into a last smile. A thankful one. There is one last grip of her fingers in Nate's. A weak grasp, but one given as she releases and goes limp.

Nate stays with her til the end. Then he releases her hands. Reaching up to wipe at his eyes, he pulls the shaw snug around her, and then rises to his feet as he steps back, waiting for the others to arrive to tend to her. "Her name was Rebecca." he says quietly. And then he turns his attention fully back to Lorna. "May I join you?" he inquires. "I had read that you were recently injured?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stood in silence as the woman slowly passed away, her expression twisting with heart ache for the other woman and what she had gone through in such a short span of time. As Nate added on who she was, and asked after joining her as the woman passed away, Lorna nodded once. "If you want to. I'm just finishing up my rounds here before I move on." She smiled thinly, but it didn't reach her eyes. What had happened to Rebecca seemed to have shaken her some.

His question about her being injured had her flapping her hand. "It wasn't much. Just a really bad sunburn essentially.." It was from a Sentinel's plasma blast, but still. She had been unprepared to deflect it and the falling robot had taken her by surprise.

"I'm fine." She added.

X-Man has posed:
"I see." Nate says, feeling Lorna's powers - but not being intrusive. "Then we have the same goal." he says with a smile cast towards her for a moment before he nods. "I remember Sentinels." he rumbles in a thought. "They were terrible. But also a last line of defense."

He walks with Lorna down the hallway, pausing when they have to so she can handle her Princess duties. "And how have things been in Genosha these days?" he asks her curiously. "If I recall, that is why you departed?"

Polaris has posed:
A smile struggled to remain on Lorna's features as she stopped every so often to shake hands, offer thanks or greetings to those that stopped her and came up to her. It was overly frequent, but enough here in Mutant Town that her celebrity status was firmly cemented in plenty of people's perception. It was clear that she was a well loved figure, with less entanglements than her father's personage had.

The green haired woman flashed Nate a look as he mentioned Sentinels. "We've had a visitor that comes from a future where they destroyed everything. Our people in camps, or dead. Humans and mutants both." She kept her voice low as she walked, matching his pace.

"You might have run into her? I dunno, how long have you been around again?" She arched a brow, and as he asked about her departure to Genosha over a year ago, she nodded.

"I spent the last year there. Came back here for a vacation.. and now I'm full time networking." She drawled.

X-Man has posed:
"I rarely visit the school. I feel it best to keep my distance and not.. contaminate things." Nate admits. "This time and place is not my own. And their beliefs.." he shakes his head. "They coddle." he says. He doesn't name names, but Lorna knows possibly of what he speaks.

"My place is to help others. These mutants that don't have what those in the school do. That did not become so fortunate."

As he speaks, he reaches up and wipes at his nose. Noticing a spotting of blood, he takes a napkin from a table, and uses it to clean off his hand and then his nose as he continues to walk with her. "All is well in your home, then?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna nodded, shoving her hands into the pockets of her suit jacket and smiling as a few people waved her way in passing. She turned her focus back to Nate briefly, her lips pursed. "The school is very good at being a safe place for those that are lucky enough to go there. Lucky enough to have powers that mean they can learn to use them for something." She had issues with a lot of the school, not all of it.. but some. And it had been part and parcel of the issues that had driven her away.

Either way, she noted the pause and speckle of blood, a frown marring her expression as she watched him. "Are you okay?" She asked, arching a brow upward as she slowed her step briefly for him.

"Genosha is... okay. For now. I dunno if you saw the video clip of my father threatening war if people didn't stop unleashing the Sentinels on people.."

X-Man has posed:
"It has been happening more often lately." is all Nate offers to the question about his bloody nose. "They say it is something with my powers." he shrugs his shoulders. Not that anyone has offered him further information on it as he smiles towards Lorna to try to change the subject.

"I saw it. And I know he is doing what he must to protect his land and his people." he shrugs his shoulders. Where he was from - Magneto was the resistance. He was the dream. He has to have some faith that this Magneto is not much different.

"Is there someone special in your life?" That will work as a distraction, right?

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shook her head, biting back a frown. "You need to get that looked at. Either at the School or Genosha. We have hospitals there run for mutants, by mutants. If you want to get checked out, that's the place to be. We have some of the world's best mutant doctors there." She'd named and opened a Hospital after her mother just last fall. Magda might have had a square. But Suzanna had a hospital.

If Lorna was a bit smug about that, it was deeply buried in her heart.

"Anyways, Scott and my father agreed that to shut down the Sentinels isn't enough. We need to make it unprofitable for them to be made and produced.. Give people something else they'd rather. The world runs on economics after all. People don't like mutants.. the so Genosha is supported indirectly. A place to put all of them beyond the walls of Mutant Towns the world over.." She glanced side long at him as he asked if she was seeing anyone.

"Genosha is special, does that count?"

X-Man has posed:
"There's nothing here that modern medicine can do." Nate says simply. Having had pretty much resigned to this. "Though I have yet to visit Genosha." he offers in a bit of a thought. Perhaps he is weighing the idea of visiting Lorna's homeland.

"Yes. Well. The Professor seems to not be in the way at the moment." And that seems to cause Nate to feel a little better about the idea before his attention returns to her. "There will be no needs for Sentinels when humanity realizes that there must be a concensus on the matter." he responds, before smirking slightly.

"Then asking if you are free for dinner is out of the question, Princess?"

Polaris has posed:
A shrug and Lorna exhaled a breath, "Come check out Genosha, it can't hurt if there's something seriously wrong with you. You shouldn't bleed from your nose every time you use your powers, Nate." She shook her head, dragging her hands through her green hair as she made for the door, grabbing her winter coat from one of the hooks by the door with a wave of her hand. The fluffy woolen jacket floated to her grip and she slung it on over her shoulders.

"At the very least, you'll get a chance to see a tropical island for once." She offered, and made for the door, only to pause as Nate asked her out for dinner. She paused and grimaced, before shaking her head.

"I don't have time for dinner dates right now Nate. Maybe after the crisis with the Sentinels is over. I'm a bit packed trying to meet with business ties for Genosha's safety..." She offered with a slightly sheepish expression.

X-Man has posed:
"There's always time for a burger, Lorna." Nate points out, before he gives her a little smile. As she starts to make her way out, he considers her words. "Perhaps it is just the cost I have to pay to help." he offers in reference to his nose bleeds, before he shrugs his shoulders.

"We'll discuss Genosha later. I am going to go back in, and see if there's anyone else that needs help." he comments quietly, before giving a slight salute. "Until we next meet, Your Highness."