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Flowers in the Attic
Date of Scene: 11 March 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Babs and Batman talk strategy and familia.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Batman

Oracle has posed:
Babs is still at her computers because there's still work to be done on the nighly patrols. Fires to put out, police responses to send annonymous coordination and files to go through. Namely, one file. Tombstone. She's sitting with her knees pulled up in her seat with her in a pair of workout shorts and tanktop looking through the information with her glasses resting just at the bridge of her nose.

On one of several screens she's got his ugly mug with various others feeding surveylance footage captured from this attack or that. Obviously there's other image playing out on those screens, though. Silent alarms alert her to potential home invasions and she opens up a darkweb prompt to access security cameras in the home.

Because nothing on the internet is safe if someone knows where to look for it.

Batman has posed:
     Batman slips into the Clocktower. Stories about this thing are whispered among the "Bat-Family," but he had yet to see it. Today, that is changed. Moving behind her, he is quiet, but knows a screen reflection, sensor, and ten other things will give away his position. Speaking firmly, "You haven't been out in the field," he says and a black gauntlet runs over some of the area near Oracle. None of it is a directly line of interference.

Oracle has posed:
All the security in the world wouldn't be enough to prevent Batman from entering unannounced anymore than being secure in that security could prevent Babs from being startled by the stern voice from behind her. To her credit, though, she doesn't shriek. Instead she goes into fight mode, grabbing the escrema stick tucked into the side of her computer desk to defend herself until recognizes the source.. Then it's all embarassment. "I'm always in the field." She indicates the computers with the end of her fighting stick like a laser pointer. She absolutely know what he means though, "You're the second person in two days to tell me that."

Batman has posed:
     "Not what I meant, and you know it." Batman's words are firm, yet modulated. A look is given to her. "I think Batgirl should fly again, if not you, someone else. Or both. I'm not here to judge your tactical desicions. You're capable," but a hand goes to her shoulder for a moment. "Sometimes people fight differently," he recognizes that it may be too soon for Barbara to don a mask again. It may never be right. "There are those in the Birds that would be capable if that decision is made. I do want your team to be trained, there's a lot of threats in Gotham. I want them to be ready, just in case." The last thing he wants is someone to follow in Jason Todd's footsteps.

Oracle has posed:
Babs slides her fingers back into her hair, pushing it out of her face, "I know." She says quietly, glancing down under the admonishment of her mentor. "I've been giving it a lot of thought, Bruce. I don't know if I can do it." There's a quiet revulsion in her voice saying it out loud, "I want to, but everytime I think about going out there-" Her shoulders rise in a fractional shrug, "-What if I hear a gunshot and freeze? All the training in the world can't fix nerve and I'm worried mine are gone." That said, "I can try and find a suitable replacement for the mask in the Birds, though. They're all good at what they do, but I can think of a few of them that would be suitable replacements to take over as Batgirl."

Batman has posed:
     "Why do we fall?" Batman asks her. He waits for the answer. It's a question asked so many times before. All the times training didn't go -quite- right. A lot of bruises acompany this phrase.

Oracle has posed:
"To get back up." Babs doesn't even half to think about the answer, she's heard it so many times. It isn't simple regurgitation, either. Aside from Jason, she probably knows the most about falling of all the siblings, "I'll get there, but until then? Do I just leave the armor hanging in my closet staring at me waiting for me to get the nerve to put it back on?"

Batman has posed:
     Batman looks at her for a moment, "I can't decide that. Only you know when you're ready and what to do with the mantle. I will not force you into anything. I never want to see someone hurt. You have the skills, but people like Spoiler and Blue Bird could use your guidance. Whatever you decide, you can teach them in ways I can't. You have a different perspective, and methods. Both could use your aid," Batman says just trying to show her that he understands. This is not a simple bruise. The damage is mental. Only Barbara knows when she will heal from that one.

Oracle has posed:
As painful as having it pointed out might be, Babs understands why it needed to be. "I'd like them to work in closer connection with The Knights." That's always been her name for Batman's siblings, "Give them perspective as well. That's where I got it from, how I'm able to make the decisions I can." That and experiences, not all of which are that good. Her back still hurts sometimes. "I'll think about it, Bruce, I promise." On another note, "Jason got his hands on one of the Sentinels processors. I haven't cracked the security code yet, but I will. I think I can maybe find a base code and find a way to shut them off if they ever become a problem here. Unless you're not against them? It just occured to me that I don't know how you feel about them..."

Batman has posed:
     Batman appreciates that name a lot more than the Bat-Family. A nod comes from him as she talks about perspective. That's something he knowsthat cannot be taught from his point. A look is given to her, "I want every bit of data from that. Schematics, especially. Keep that between us," Batman says that very firmly. Clearly, there is a plan somewhere. If Oracle listens to Truthseekers she may have an idea of that plan.

Oracle has posed:
"It's an older model off the Friends of Humanity, but I think the base coding can't be too different than what we're seeing now. Just upgraded and expanded upon." Babs dips her head in a nod. The escrima stick is tucked back into its hiding place on the inside of her desk. "Of course. I'll have to share it with Jason, he brought me the processor, but I'll get you the data first?" She offers in counter.

Batman has posed:
     "I'm looking at the hardware, weak points. How the machine works. I know coding will take longer to replicate into something that would be for our advantage," he admits. Coding takes time, one decimal point off could create havoc. Not the kind of havoc that one hopes to generate. A nod comes from Batman about her offer. "Gotham has two new rising problems."

Oracle has posed:
"Those will have definitely be upgraded from what I've got." Babs says with a quirk of her lips to the side, tugging at them with the ends of her fingers. After a second she points, "I'll see what I can dig out of the processor, though. It'll be somewhere to start and there will definitely be sub-routines in place to opporate the machine." She turns in her chair and jots down a note in an open notebook off to the side of her otherwise spotless desk, then spins back to face Batman. "One of them is the Sentinels? What's the other?"

Batman has posed:
     "Three fronts," Batman corrects his previous figure. In his mind, Sentinels are a world threat. Right now, they're just in his stomping grounds. "There's a new player in the underworld, and someone else is running a weapons operation." The phrase is left open so she can figure out which to inquire about first. Both do have some form of a rabit hole to dive into.

Oracle has posed:
"Jason and I just got done doing digging into some weapons trade that led us to the Iceberg lounge. Cobblepot was pretty forthcoming with information... I mean, actually he wasn't, he told us a riddle, but.." Babs turns back to her computers and brings up the files she's dug up on Tombstone. "If this isn't what you mean, it's still worth taking a look at because weapons he's linked to are showing up all over Gotham. I'll transfer it over to the Batcomputer for you."

Batman has posed:
     "Good work," Batman says snagging the files as he is looking over the notes. "Look up what is called the foot clan," yes Batman does have a smile file on them. It's slowly growing, but worth a look. If she would rather he explain it to her firsthand, he can let her dissect the file later on. Maybe add some input that wasn't available.

Oracle has posed:
"Foot Clan." Babs squints, "I've heard that before, where have I heard that?" She wiggle points at her notepad thoughtfully where she's jot down the name. "Anyways, I'll dig into it, see what I can unearth. You think it's all linked?" Motioning at the file she's given him and the name on her pad while she pulls up what files are already available back on the caves computers after inputting her access codes.

Batman has posed:
     "No. I do not think. The Foot Clan is trying to prevent other gangs from forming by absorbing them. They take over the gang by force, whatever is left then joins their ranks. They have a second in command that reminds me of Talia, but younger. And they have two mutant generals, think Killer Croc, but with traits of a warthog and rhino. Croc may be associated with the group," Batman continues to explain. "They've been quiet lately, but gorups are more dangerous when they're quiet," he knows she knows that. "Red Hood has some photos available for you to dissect. They're aggressive with some degree of skill," he says knowing that their numbers could continue into a true threat to the underworld.

Oracle has posed:
"The Kingpins of Gotham?" Babs asks, still clicking away at her keys with the occational glance over her shoulder at Batman. Once she's brought up some of the intel, she reaches for her mug of cold coffee and takes a sip, "Ninja's, warthogs, and rhinos.. I can see why Killer croc might want to get on board with that." She nods again about them being more dangerous when quiet, "Do we have any idea who's leading them? Any ideas?"

Batman has posed:
     Batman tells her what he knows about the leadership, "Karai is the right hand of the operation. She's the younger version of Talia." He does not mean that literally, it's just an appropriate way to describe. "They are ninjas, but if they're recruiting straight from the streets, not all of them will be as skilled. That's an exploitable weakness," he points out. It also means that they're agressive, possibly desperate.

Oracle has posed:
"Is there any way we could get someone inside?" Babs asks thoughtfully, tugging at her bottom lip with the ends of her index and thumb, "Maybe one of the Birds. They're young enough with a low enough profile that they might could establish themselves in the Foot Clan?"

Batman has posed:
     "Maybe. Do we want to risk that?" Batman asks. He admits it's a good plan in theory. The price could be one that's too high to pay if something goes wrong. They would need to be strategic. "Not Harper. Too green," he says in case Oracle has a small list of names in her head.

Oracle has posed:
"If we go that route, I was thinking Spoiler." Babs puts out there, leaning back in her high backed chair. Her chair slowly spins in a single revolution, "Never a dull moment." She murmurs thoughtfully, still tugging at her bottom lip.

Batman has posed:
     "Spoiler thinks the world views her as third-tier. She's not, but I cannot convince her otherwise," Batman is just being honest there. There is a pause as he is not against it, "You would need to tell her about the risks. What is involved, it's a great show of trust," he admits.

Oracle has posed:
"If I decide to pass on the Batgirl mantle, it'll probably be to Spoiler." Babs says with a nod, rubbing one hand on the arm of her chair, "I'm not sure why she feels that way, she's easily one of the better trained of the Birds and has been invaluable all across Gotham since she came on the scene..." Her finger spread out from her chin where she lightly pulls at her lip. "If I send her, she'll be well aware of the risks, though."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Batman. Everything is about transparency with that mission. Everyone has to be aware of everything. "I feel she is an asset. More than she ever gives herself credit for," he admits. Both arms cross for a moment as he is thinking. "Any potential recruits?" he asks.

Oracle has posed:
Babs glances up, "Maybe. I think Jason wants me to get his friend in and." She cants her head in a side nod, "She'd fit, she's a smart one. Managed to get through some of my security, so she knows her way around a computer. Could be a strong asset with her own connections too."

Batman has posed:
     "Is she trained?" Batman asks. Jason's friend he believes to be Kitty. What Bruce doesn't know is her capablity. Is there potential? Yes. However, that's all he knows. The potential that Kitty can bring. Nothing beyond that. Does Kitty have a secret? That makes Batman wonder.

Oracle has posed:
"I don't know how well trained, but I think he's worked with her to some extent in the field." Babs reasons with a little shrug, "We didn't get into a lot of details, but I did pull up every bit of information I could find on her. Several PhDs and I'm pretty sure she has the x-gene." Her nail taps against the center of her bottom lip, "I think she's where we got the processor."

Batman has posed:
     "Why do you say that about her field training?" Batman is digesting that knowlege. Now, he is wondering about that school. If Kitty has any training in the field it comes from two places, the school, or Europe. And she has more time at the school than in Europe. Statistically speaking the training is connected to the school. This info he holds close to the chest.

Oracle has posed:
"I just don't know to what extent she's been trained in the field." Babs says with a frown, thoughtfully considering something else she's read. "Honestly I was more interested in her PhDs. She'd be invaluable as a consultant on some of my own work, but if she's got active traning?" Nodding slowly, a corner of her mouth turns up in a grin.

Batman has posed:
     "She's smart. Possibly smarter than both of us," Batman doesn't speak lightly there. "She earned those degrees within two to four years." Now, he waits for her to take int hat slow bit of information. "We've talked. She earned them in Europe, had strict schooling for her upper level of education." This is part of the reason why Batman does like her. "She is a mutant, but I do not ask about powerset. It's not my place."

Oracle has posed:
"Me either." Babs is impressed by what she found on Kitty and isn't afraid to admit it. "I'm curious about her powerset, but not enough to go digging about it. Seems kind of wrong to looking into someones genetics like that, though we'd probably do so for anyone who developed metahuman traits." She wonders aloud, then flicks her fingers away from her mouth. "Jason mentioned he brought her to meet you."

Batman has posed:
     "Yes." Batman says and unless she prods, he isn't going to pay anymore. "Robin is not to have the mantle until further notice." Before she asks, "He stabbed a teammate in an exercise to see if they were ready. He constantly disrespects Red Robin, and Nightwing. Sometimes, he confessed many transgressions. Were it anyone else, I would have cast them out." Batman is filling Oracle in on this situation. "If he asks for help, don't. What I want is for him to talk to those he has wronged. Find humility. Understand he was wrong. He is treating it like a quest." To Batman, what makes a good Robin is finding their own voice while respecting the past. The current one is finding his own voice, and screaming he's better. That's not how it works in Batman's mind.

Oracle has posed:
Babs raises both brows at this new piece of information with no small amount of curiousity, but not necessarily surprise. "You think he's going to follow through with that? I know he can and there's no reason he shouldn't, but will he?" She's not convinced and she usually sees the very best in her siblings. "I trust you and I know you know what you're doing, but he didn't have the strongest upbringing for figuring things out for himself."

Batman has posed:
     "I think he is going to make a bigger deal out of it. He spray painted the locked case making a declaration that he will earn the mantle. Various personal possessions are gone." Batman looks to Oracle, "I just wanted him to talk to his brother, and colleagues. Show empathy for them," there is a little disdain in Batman's voic.e Leave it to Robin to turn a simple task into something as complex as a Rothfuss book.

Oracle has posed:
"Both of those are noble and I agree that he needs to develope them, but wouldn't putting him in a position where he has to admit he needs his siblings be more effective teaching tool for him?" Babs wonders curiously, "He's a kid and not a very well adjusted one, but he brought a date to the ball last night.. kind of.. that's a pretty big step right? Damian isn't like Dick or Tim or even Jason. He was raised to be a monster and we're getting him at the appex of that."