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Latest revision as of 23:38, 13 May 2019

Her Favorite Spot
Date of Scene: 12 March 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's favorite spot in the whole mansion is the very first one she sought refuge in from all the 'weirdos' in this place when she first arrived at Xavier's when she was just barely 18 years old.

Its in the rafters of the roof of the garage near small windows that can be opened out to look out of. The rafters are large beams of wood, dark and polished, perfect places to sit and lounge... if one can get UP to them since they're a good distance off of the marble floors of the garage itself.

This is where Rogue is now, perched up in the rafters with one of the small windows open. Its raining outside, probably 45 degrees out. Its a soft pattering sound, and Rogue is just leaning up against the wall with her legs out across the wooden beam, she's periodically look outside, and down at her phone, then back outside to the rain.

Its Peaceful.

Gambit has posed:
The pair really hadn't had a chance to talk since Remy had gotten back from Gothem. He wasn't really upset Rogue hadn't been able to go with him to the big party, though he had been pretty disappointed. He'd rather hoped to have the chance to go to the fancy do with her on his arm. He comes into the garage, looking up and seeing the woman, a bit of a smile on his face. "Mind some company up dare chere?" he calls out.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks away from her phone and she stares down at him, showing a light smile. "If you think you can get up here!" She challenges him then, knowing that he's more than able to do it, maybe not as easily as she can, but still. She's wearing a dark grey hoodie unzipped with a tshirt on beneath it and some blue jeans / leather boots on her feet. Also up there with her is an old Folgers coffee can, she used to use it to dump cigarettes into when she smoked, but she doesn't smoke much anymore, its resting on the window sill still though.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau glances around for just a moment then steps up on the bumper of a jeep, jumps off of it, kicks off the wall, grabs the rafter, and skins the cat to get back on top of it. He then walks across the beams to sit opposite for her. He glances at the can and shakes his head a bit amused, taking out his own pack of cigarettes, sticking one between his lips and lighting it with his fingertip. "Yah get yah friend all moved in?" he asks with a grin, blowing the smoke out of the open window.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's friend from NYU asked her to help her, she was all alone and had no one else to call... so whywouldn't she call the toughest Avenger to ever grace that roster. Rogue looks up at him as he lights a cigarette. She grins and nods. "I did, yeah. For one girl, she sure owned a lotta stuff. Ya shoulda seen all the head turnin' I got at that apartment complex when the other tenants saw me carrying the sofa and such inside all on my own. All the kids came down t'meet me." She says with a grin. "Some'a the dads too. I mean... cause'a course they did."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs, a bit amused and shakes his head, he silently offers her the pack, in case she were to want to fall off the agony, but shakes his head slightly. "Ah t'ink yah'd 'ave had a good time. Lot of fancy self importan' people walking around basking in 'ow fancy an' self important dey were. Food wan' bad 'owever... and dey 'ad a live tiger dare."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins at him, she shakes her head at the cigarettes. "I got a pack on me. I haven't had one in ages though." She got sick of smelling like them, that was the number one reason she quit, it wasn't even health, it was the reaction people had to smelling cigarettes on her. It was embarrassing after awhile. "A tiger huh?" She asks, still grinning over at him. "Sorry I missed it... I did several things like that in Manhattan when I was out there. So I got a pretty good idea what it was like. I enjoy it, in moderation... at least."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, leaning back and nodding slightly. "Not sure 'ow Ah got on de list foh dis particular shindig..." He flicks some ash out the window and considers, "Got de weirdest sense of Deja vu when Ah met de 'ostess. Like somet'ing tickling de back of mah mind..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue crosses her legs at the ankles, her booted foot on the top is gently shaking/dancing back and forth as she stares at him with a sly grin. "I think that party was open t'anyone who had the money to buy-in. How much did you give'em?" She then asks before she glances at her phone and then back up at him. "She was familiar? Who was she? One'a your former lovers?" Now she's just toying with the Cajun.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Bout a quarter of a million." He admits, but shrugs. "It was foh a good cause at least." He shakes his head at her teasing tone, but the look on his face makes it clear he gave that some thought. "Ah don' t'ink so. She not de kinda woman a man likely ta forget in /dat/ context." he smirks just a little bit, Like Ah said, Ah just couldn't put mah finger on it. T'ought maybe she was a client at some point, or maybe a fence. Someone in de game... but again, I can' put mah t'umb on it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had already started to look the event up on her phone while he was talking and she just smirked at him, slightly shaking her head at the amount of money he dumped on the thing. "I hope it all goes t'where they said it was. Thats the thing about charities that make me uncomfortable, ya don't know where the cash actually ends up." After a second she finds the information. "Selina Kyle." She says then. "I think I met her once at a museum. She's beautiful... so yeah, memorable, I'm sure." She looks up to him and smirks some more. "You probably stole from her before then."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes his head a bit more definitely. "Non, Ah'd definitely remember if she was a mark." He says amused. It probibly says something about the man that he is more definite about that then he is that he didn't actually sleep with her. "Anyway, stayed foh a while, den ended up driving one of Kitty's friend's 'ome so dat she could stay at de party wit' 'er boyfriend a bit longer. Got back 'ere about t'ree Am... just in time foh Scott's 5 am training session.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just folds her hands over her phone in her lap and she grins lightly while staring at him. "You're so damn impossible t'read sometimes." She says then with a little shake of her head making her white bangs flow in a wave-like pattern against the sides of her face. "Ya missed me'n Ellie's pizza party in my room. We watched the Kill Bill movies and then Pulp Fiction. While you were driving random ladies home." She sighs dramatically at that part. "Kitty looked amazin' though, I saw the pictures."

Gambit has posed:
He grins slightly, "Well sounds like it woulda been fun, probibly a cheaper party to go to too." He says with a smirk and shakes his head. "Oui, she looked great. Had ta pass on warnings foh her boyfriend dat dare would be very un'appy people if 'e breaks 'er 'eart..

Rogue has posed:
"Totally..." Rogue said softly to that last part. "I've met him though, he seems okay. Nice lookin' for sure." She grins a little. "Kitty came up t'my room the other day and tried a few'a my dresses on, she settled on that one she was wearin'. I told her she could keep it cause she owned it after that night. I don't think I actually even ever wore that one, either anyhow." Rogue then folds her hands over her knees and she grins at him. "So, tell me about this person you stayed out till 5 am with?" She's teasing of course, sort've, she is a bit of the jealous type though, which he likely knows all too well.

Gambit has posed:
And it's why he is forthright about it. "Police commissioner's daughter apparently. Cute in dat sexy librarian sort of way. If yah go foh dat type Ah guess." He says with a bit of a grin. "Photographic memory, or at least somet'ing close ta it... She liked mah car."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins at him and that car part. "Yeah, I bet. Its a fancy ride after all." She looks down into the garage to see if she can spot it before she looks back up at him then. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I know you wanted me t'be. I just couldn't leave Sarah hangin'. She doesn't got no family left, and her boyfriend dumped her a week before the move. So I just had t'be there for her." She clears her throat then and glances to her right to the window that looks out into the front yard, its still raining lightly and there's a nip in the air still since its March.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks as she looks down at his bright yellow Ferrari with the steering wheel on wrong side. He takes the final drag off of his cigarette, flicking it out the window where it "pops" from a slight charge of his power. "Ah get it chere, Ah really do. Dare be ot'er parties Ah'm sure." He reaches out and gives her hand a light squeeze. "All dose beautiful women around, an' All Ah kept t'inking was Ah wish Rogue were 'ere.

Rogue has posed:
These words get the green eyes of the Mississippi native to just stare at him and twinkle with a bit of charmed allure behind them. After a second though she just grins and shakes her head. "You're messin' with me." She says, even though its hard for her to resist that kind of flirtatious charm from the guy. He's always been able to push her buttons like that, since the first time they met here, even if back then she spent the first few months being kind of cold and mean toward him, it took awhile for her to warm up to it and actually admit that it had been working on her the whole time. She had severe trust issues back then though.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit, Taking his finger and drawing an X over his heart. He just shakes his head slightly, "Wha' c'n Ah say chere, yah gone and made dis poo' Cajun boy fall in love wit' yah." He says with a grin and shrugs. "More den anyt'ing, dat's why Ah wanted ta get back. It jus' wasn' a party wit' out yah... well dat and de fact Ah 'ad ta be in de Danger Room at 5 am."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just stares at him and holds her grin as he does that little gesture. "You're a punk." She says then, glancing down at her phone again as it buzzes with another text. "I'm not sure why yet, but I know for a fact that you're a punk, Remy LeBeau." She looks back up at him then. "But its okay, I won't spread it around." She's just teasing him though, which is her style of course. "So what have you got on the burner cookin' up next?" She asks him. "Waitin' for Sentinel stuff like me?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes his head slightly and can't help but look out towards the sky. unconsciously scanning for the robots as though Rogue's words might have summoned them. "Yah know what scares me chere?" he asks not looking at her. "When Ah was a kid, Ah 'ad dis friend. She was black. Anyway some bullies got on us. We were maybe eight and day were per'aps 12. Anyway dey used some words Ah won' repeat, sure yah c'n guess de ones... Anyway later Ah asked mah papa, 'when Blacks an' whites gonna stop fighting. He said 'De day de first purple person is born." He shakes his head slightly. "We de purple people.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's pale green eyes just remain on him while he tells this story from his past and she just listens closely to it. She can tell what he's trying to say though when he reaches the end of it and she just gently nods her head to him and gives a glance toher right out the window as well, her gloved hands going to the top of her knee draped over the other knee. "Guess that means the Sentinels are the purple people eaters then." She comments, glancing back to him where she shows a slight smirk. "You're right though. They're afraid that we are the evolution'a mankind, and that they're gonna get left behind... or buried by us. Ya know, the scariest thing about me'n my days with the Brotherhood? I still agree with a lotta what they stood for."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly to that, "Me too," He admits to her, shaking his head. "De problem wit' de Professors dream...de way Ah see it at least? It's not de way dey look at us. It's de way we look at ourselves. Dare always gonna be people who t'ink cause we got powers we bettah. And dose people scare de Muggles. But dare so many Muggles dat dey wipe us out just by sheer numbers."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sits up then and she puts her phone into her left hoodie pocket on her hip. She then turns to drape her feet off the edge of the wooden beam they're using as furniture and she moves over to sit beside him closer, so their shoulders are touching. She looks over at him and she just grins lightly. "Well." She starts. "Thats why we gotta do everythin' in our power t'make sure that don't happen... and if it starts t'go south? We need t'have a fallout plan, a place t'get back too t'be safe, with as many people we can get t'go with us... or just us, whatever works. If things go bad. Which I sure don't want'em too, but I listen t'the podcasts and such. People say this is gonna be another world war at some point."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly at that, "Dat's one of de t'ings dat scares me too 'owever." He says seeming a bit melancholy for a moment. "Ah mean dis place 'as got to be a prime target if dose t'ings ever figure out where we are. An dey bring enough fire power dey c'n probibly turn dis place into a crater while we still sleeping."

Rogue has posed:
That whole concept seems to make Rogue's spirits go down some. She looks up to the back of the garage and there are kids in the backyard playing in the rain, running around shouting and their voices are carrying into the garage where they're at.

"I can't imagine that people this world would stand for that." Rogue says then, looking over to him. "Mutant or not, ya can't blow up a school filled with kids. People would fight back, humans would join our side... maybe not all've them. But surely some would stand up t'that kinda evil. I gotta believe they would. Otherwise, whats the point'a even tryin'."

Gambit has posed:
"Yah t'ink so?" he asks a little bit of sarcams slipping into his tone. "Remember de war in Iraq? How de insurgents were so 'ard ta root out because dey were takin' shelter in villages full of kids an' in Mosques because we wouldn' dare blow dem up? Dare were still people said blow dem up anyway. Collateral damage. Chance ta take out people like Scott? Like JEan? Like yah? Dey migh' be willin' ta sacrifice a few Mutie kids who jus' gonna grow up ta be de next generation of terrorists anyway.

Rogue has posed:
His grim words send a shiver down her spine and she visibly looks a little more distraught over the thought of it all. But she tries to hide it, tries to look tough as ever and she just sits up a little straighter and she zips her hoodie up to her chest since its still fairly cold. She looks over at him and shows him a soft smile. "Well." She starts. "I'm gonna fight till I drop, and I don't think nobody knows just how much damage I'm able t'dish out, if'n when they get me that pissed off t'find out? Its gonna be a mess. For them." She's sure of that, she knows she's got more to give than she's ever shown before... more power, deep down inside of her. Ready to pop out.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins at her, the dark cloud seeming to be pushed away. He reaches over and takes her hand and gives it a light squeeze. "And dat's de only reason we gonna win chere. Because no matter what dare gonna be people who willing to fight till dare not any breat' left in dem."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks down to his hand as he takes hers and she holds his with the glove keeping them seperated from her dangerous skin. The warmth still passes through though and they can feel each other's body heat through the material. She runs her thumb over his knuckles and just looks up to his eyes to smile at him. "Get me outta here." She says to him. "Take me for a ride in that ferrari'a yours. I may not be the daughter of some high'n mighty police Commish, but I'm still a girl who wants t'go out somewhere and have some fun."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins wickedly at that, leaning in and kissing her, that faint pink glow coming to his lips a moment before he touches her lips with his and he grins, "Alright chere, but yah don' get ta drive. Ah got a policy of not riding in cars wit' anybody who if dey hit de brick wall, de wall gonna give before dem." he says dropping off the rafter.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue still doesn't fully trust that power of his to keep him safe from the wrath of her dangerous touch, but thats bound to be an insecurity inside of her for a long time to come. Her mutation may be something she deals with pretty good these days, but it didn't start out that way... nope, its left a lot of trauma inside of this Mississippi flower. Either way though, she returns the kiss to live in this moment of safety from her touch to him and then she watches him drop off the beam. She? Well she just floats down from the rafters and silently lands on her feet upon the marble floor. She grins at him and nods her head. "Fair'a 'nough." She replies to him then. "Just so long as we go fast and furious." She snickers then over at him as she moves to the passenger side of his fancy vehicle.