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Up On the Rooftop
Date of Scene: 15 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: When aurora borealis stones become MORE than just simple gemstones, who you gonna call?! Felicia certainly wasn't expecting Strange.
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Doctor Strange

Black Cat has posed:
New York City never sleeps -- or so they say -- but inevitably, folks must put heads to pillows. Businesses must be locked up and lights must be doused in order to regain some rest for the next day in the Big Apple. None of this stops Felicia from indulging her inner adrenaline seeker and swinging about the neighborhoods via her grappling cables. It's not flying, but it's the closest thing to it, and she's barely able to contain her trill of delight at the flawless execution of the multiple flips at the end of a swing.

The grappling line detaches and seamlessly reels back up into the wrist of her catsuit even as she rotates and then lands with a careful roll on her shoulder and to her feet. The platinum-blonde's loose hair is windblown and her cheeks are pinked from the night air. Her off-green eyes twinkle from behind her domino mask even as she shrugs off the small black backpack from her shoulders.

It's set upon a nearby radiator air outlet and inside? Oh, the //sparkliest// bracelet one has ever seen! Not diamonds, no -- aurora borealis stones. So many colors in pastel hues and Felicia lets out a fond sigh as she slips it onto her own wrist. "Mmmmfff. Fee, you have //such// good taste," she murmurs to herself, pleased as pie.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Slowly behind Felicia the sounds of the city slowly fade away as a body comes between her ears and the din of the city. Even at night there is a thick ambiance of people moving or at least machinery humming and cars sooming, even far below that makes it up the concrete jungle to sound on the rooftops.

    The figure is clad in black, or at least a very dark blue and hues of red can be sean on the cape at the person's shoulders and as it furls out, holding onto the air that isn't blowing. The figure's arms are crossed and a voice calls out. "Fee, you do have wonderful taste." The familiar voice says while looking to the stones on her wrist. "Might need to take a link out to fit better."

Black Cat has posed:
As the sounds around her devolve into something muffled and almost silent, the thief pulls her hands towards her chest. Her eyes slide to the side and even as she's got her fingers curled with suit-claws at the ready, the familiar voice descends from on high. Spluttering out a short laugh, Felicia turns on the spot and immediately holds out her wrist again. The ambient light glitters through the stones.

"Oh, Copperfield, I knew you'd agree that they suit me." The charm is turned to 11 this evening. Felicia rotates her hand to see how the bracelet shifts. She affects a small pout. "You're right, though, it's too big. I don't want to accidentally flick it off when I wear it." Her eyes return to him again. She twiddly-waves at the cloak in particular before glancing back to the man's face. "And look at you! Outside of your house again. You'll have me convinced you're not a homebody yet." She grins brightly.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen drops to the gravel top of the building as the cloak slips from his shoulders and even though it was a few inches his face does show some surprise and the cloak takes the chance to coil up Felicia's arm before wrapping under her extremity and settles on her back in another fabric hug. "Some warning would have been nice." Stephen says towards Felicia, but it's in regards to the cloak.

    Stephen sighs to himself and looks to Felicia specifically as she wears his cloak and he ignores it to chide, "I didn't think you stole for pleasure, I always imagined it was to fence things. Guess we're both learning about each other tonight." Stephen says, crossing his arms before his chest again.

Black Cat has posed:
The cat-burglar's laughing is lyrical and pleased as the poor Sorcerer is literally ditched for the cloak. "Good to see you too," she greets it, and she grants the garment's collar a solid smooch. Her red-red lipstick won't show on the fabric, no fear. She then saunters over with her usual air of confidence and stops before Stephen to look up into his face.

"Are you reeeeeally going to try and chide me about this, Copperfield? You don't know if I'm going to fence it or not. And besides..." Her eyes drop to the bracelet as she lifts up her hand to spread fingers in the short distance between them. "Maybe I want things for myself sometimes, hmm? Is that such a bad thing? They're not diamonds," she adds in affected innocence as if it might allay his fears. The stones glitter. Felicia slowly drags her eyes up his chest and to his face before fluttering her lashes at him obviously.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Dazzling." Stephen says as he looks at the woman's eyes and then down to the bracelet. "Let me guess, you saw an old stuffy lady wearing them at some high class event and decided they would look better on you?" Stephen conjectures and then continues further, "You aren't wrong, they look stunning, but you couldn't ever wear them. Those stones are much more recognizeable than diamonds. Someone will recognize them if you do wear them. So you can't, meaning you'll fence them, but you wont be able to get face value for them." Strange finishes with a sad frown. "What a shame."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia gives the Sorcerer a flat look before folding her arms. The bracelet hides away and, well...other aspects of her are definitely more on display now, given her collarbones are framed in a deep vee of black catsuit and white fur lining.

"Ooooooh, you. You ruin my fun," she accuses of him before snorting and half-turning away from him. It's not an entire about-face, but enough to make a point. "Why you gotta bring in reality like that? Besides, they didn't belong to an old lady. They belonged to one of the 'queen bees' of my old high school. She had it coming."

She holds out her hand again to watch the bracelet twinkle again and sighs. "Oh, planted those flowers, by the way. They're still alive," she adds with a cheeky grin towards him.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I rarely get to work in reality any more." Stephen explains teasingly as he steps closer at the half turn from Felicia, and this time he reaches up to take her catsuite gloved hand in his and he holds it up so he can look more closely at the stones that roll down almost to her elbow, tangling in the fur slightly. "You're a jury now? You are full of surprises, Fee." He says, copying her own nickname she told herself. "You were supposed to, I'm glad you did so." Though Stephen rolls her hand slighty to look even closer at the bracelet, "Maybe you should keep it." He proclaims.

Black Cat has posed:
"Yeah, well, pot calling kettle the black, Mister 'Gee, it's a shame you're going to have to fence it for less than it's worth'," replies Felicia to the gibe about judgment. She allows her hand to be held and rotated, her eyes shifting from the light-play of the stones and to his face again. All the while, she wears a red-red smirk.

"And now you're playing devil's advocate, hmm? Maybe I should keep it, he says." The cat-burglar keeps her voice low and lyrical as she tucks her chin to give Stephen a look through her lashes yet again. "And maybe I will. You can get grumpy every time you see me wear it," she teases. Despite herself, the way he's been gentle about taking her hand is charming enough that she can't held the little hint of hips-akilter in her stance, even with her other arm still crossed beneath her chest.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "This isn't a true borealis stone Felicia." Stephen says, pulling her closer while stepping against her so he can turn her arm at the elbow to let her look closer at the gems. "These are true borealis trapped in stone." Stephen mentions with a glance to the thief, faces closer than ever before and he's holding her hand, but he doesn't seem phased in the slightest. "You have great taste and an impecible eye."

Black Cat has posed:
Up this close, Felicia hazards she can feel the heat radiating from his person. There's a specific cologne he wears and as she looks from him to the stones again, her mouth hanging open, she blinks down at them.

"Auroras...inside of the stones?" she asks breathlessly as she now gives them a very careful look. "Oh...my god!" Her voice soars up into a startled squeak. Her other hand presses to her sternum and she looks over at Stephen again. "But I -- I didn't know! At all!" Her mouth moves wordlessly for a moment and she comments a little vapidly,

"Your eyes are really blue. And kind of green in places. And even a little kind of yellow-green. But mostly blue."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Thank you for noticing, I've been growing them my whole life." Stephen explains with a cocky grin before he releases her hand, once she's begun looking at the stones more closely. "There's some interesting magic all around your life Felicia." Stephen explians as he lifts the cloak off her shoulders and spins it towards his own. "And you smell wonderful, surprised still that you wear some purfume while burglaring, Or are those the remains after your shower?"

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia splutters as he retreats, cloak and all, and pulls the bracelet carefully down her arm. No white fur is removed as she holds the stones closer to her face and squints at them.

"These are -- wait." Turning on the spot, she puts her fists on her hips and eyebrows at the Sorcerer. "My perfume? I'm not wearing any right now. It's on your cloak," replies she most deviously as she then circles a pointed finger at the garment returned to its owner. "Though thank you, kindly. I love it. It's //just// the right amount of sweetness, don't you think? Jussst enough to make people think I'm nothing but a little blonde from Broadway, too brainless to connect A to B." She steps up into his space again and draws a little design on the fall of the cloak over his chest with her fingertip. "But now I'm cold, Copperfield... I was warm wearing it." It's half a pout and half a smile aimed up at him, fond in a way.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "If your so cold." Stephen says as he turns to face her, closing the rest of the distance between them and his hands move casually, confidently to grab at the zipper on her suit and -ZIIIIIP- he pulls the zipper back up to her neck and he smiles with a wide toothy grin. "You're too much for me Felicia." Stephen teases and starts to try to turn away again.

Black Cat has posed:
His brazen move is enough to entice an honest gasp out of Felicia. She actually 'eeeps' as she puts her hands to her throat, feeling at the zipper and where it now rests tucked against the divot beneath her Adam's apple.

"Oooh! You! Copperfield!" she squeaks, turning a fetching shade of chagrined pink. "I am NOT too much for you! I'm just the right amount!"

And then she slaps her hands to her mouth and goes wide eyed, ovaloid pupils and all. "I, uh -- oh, crap, you know, just -- never mind!" Clearly mortified, she turns on the spot to skip-walk back over to the small black backpack and shove the true-aurora borealis stone bracelet away.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's footsteps fall still as the gravel doesn't crunch beneath his feet again and he turns to look back at Felicia. Slowly his hand lifts up and he motions towards her with a finger for her to come closer. Words are not needed as he knows she can feel his eyes on her back and then he notices and can't hold his tongue. "Isn't your tail uncomfortable?" The doctor's words piercing the silence of Felicia stuffing her prize away into her bag.

Black Cat has posed:
Oh yes. The sensation of being summoned is almost palpable. Wrinkling her nose as she slowly straightens in place, Felicia then appears to slip the small bag onto her back once more with uncaring ease. She turns on the spot in a near-perfect pirouette and minces back over to him, her heel click-clicking in her travels across the roof.

Standing before him, cheeks still pink and an uncertainty in her eyes, she replies quietly, "Yes. It's uncomfortable. I had to curl it upon itself and use fashion tape to get it to stick to my back."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Your back!" Stephen says with a frown, "That can not be good for your spine Felicia." The sorcerer says with a hand lifting to pat her steel like bicep. "The reason I came to you tonight was to say that I think I've made some progress on your curse, but if you're taping your tail to your back, I'd like you to come by the sanctum so I can make sure you're healthy and not at risk of spine disease." Stephen says, his hands copying themselves on both sides of her arms. "So I'll be waiting for you when you're free." Stephen smirks as he takes an unwize step backwards and falls off the side of the building.

Black Cat has posed:
"Spine...disease...?" The cat-burglar echoes quietly, now perplexed. However, she can see that there's a ledge there and she reaches out at him with a startled yelp of, "NO, WAIT!" Quivering in place, Felicia stares at the empty air beyond the edge of the roof before beginning to step towards it, hands still clutched against her sternum.

"...Copperfield?" she calls out tentatively before biting her lip. She's forgotten entirely that the cloak allows him to fly! Talk about discombobulated.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen and the cloak are both gone, instantly back at the sanctum as he can't help but smile as he knows Felicia will come barging in in about twenty seconds or in about two weeks. The wizard isn't sure how upset she was about the stunt he pulled, but he's expecting the cloak to help him out again when she gets here.