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Latest revision as of 00:51, 14 May 2019

Winter Dynamo
Date of Scene: 17 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crimson Dynamo, Winter Soldier

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    The radio didn't seem like much, hell five watts worth of transmission power isn't much to begin with but no jokes? Ten or twenty minutes after it's flicked on? <<Dynamo reads, five-Seven. Push full freq 117.350, I am available for tasking.>>In Russian no less, clear as day. <<Sortie in ten minutes, flight time to follow. How-copy, friend?>>

    Casually, Galina flicks her cigarette aside and double checks her carbine before pulling down her brain bucket. Climbing into the Dynamo, and reaching up to swing that neural port down into the dock against her spine before cranking the armor over. All dressed up and ready to party, she pauses...waiting for a locale to meet.

Winter Soldier has posed:
It's a little brain bending for him to be on the radio in Russian again. The programming may be destroyed, but memories remain of that strange era in his life. <<Good copy. Ah - turns out your request's been granted. I'm authorized to meet you where you name, hash out details face to face. Give me coordinates, I'll be there. Or....>> And there he names a site upstate, close to not much in terms of development or habitation, on the edge of one of the mountain state parks, <<If you don't have a preset rendezvous you want to use.>> ....is his voice nervous?

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    <<Message recieved and Understood, ETA twenty minutes. Will be in a change of uniform.>>And...click. Well the flight time was more than the big suit was comfortable doing, so time to wear the new gear obviously. Theres some changing, before stepping out towards the waterfront and lighting her thrusters up. Not so much as popping up on the radar until she's on final approach, just below the speed of sound. Not the big Dynamo armor, right? <<Final...>> Her radio chatter is, clean and crisp and decidedly Veteran then.

Winter Soldier has posed:
<<Roger that.>> He's not given to chatter on the mic, either. The old stoicism still holds.

There's a Quinjet landed by the edge of the mountain lake, in the back country of this particular state park. It's secluded territory, nothing but trees for miles. And in a remarkable lack of his usual stealth, Buck's just standing there. Not in a SHIELD agent's black and white livery, but in some of his old, black gear. Not that even it'd do much good if she really opened up the big guns on him, but you gotta try.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    It's a purple streak of light, and an odd throbbing hum as it races near. The brakes come on in a flash of blue and purple, before it hits the ground in a jog. It's not the Crimson Dynamo, well not the armor anyway. It's sleek and slender, designed for speed and agility in equal parts to the Dynamo's raw durability. It's armament carried in the bulged mounted below the forearms, which end in decidedly unpleasant claws. Two stacked "eyes" on the left and another far larger lens on the right all offering that dim purple glow. The suit's been painted in a sharp splinter pattern, save for the cyrillic across the breast plate. The Dynamo everyone, hold your applause.

    "Hello again, my friend."That vocal filter is still present at least, but it's immediately identifiable as Galina all the same. Faceplate sliding foreward, before swinging upwards to cast her features in a dim multicolored glow. Head bowing as she lights a cigarette between her fingertips, before tossing Bucky a fresh pack of lucky strikes. "Is good to see you, your side moved swifter than I anticipated. Not that this is bad thing."Heeeey, look she even flipped that cybernetic eye over from red to purple. See, girl can coordinate!

Winter Soldier has posed:
He plucks the packet of Luckies out of the air, grinning slowly, almost despite himself. Is this for real? "Custom paint job?" Buck asks, amused, nodding at the phrase painted on the armor. He does get the joke.

Then, a little more seriously, he all but comes to attention. "Your request for support in your defection is granted. Current intel shows no organized pursuit in the US, nor any formal applications as to your status through diplomatic channels." He flicks an old Zippo alight, lights his cigarette, and goes on. "Basically, it looks like you've got a big enough lead we can do this without hurry. That your read on the situation? Or have there been developments?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "They won't send the Winter Guard after me again on US soil, anything less would be a blood bath. The Titanium man is the only one who could have pulled it off, and I killed him in Gotham I'm quite certain."and a moment to puff at her cigarette "At the very least I can confirm I turned his spine and lower intenstines into gravel."In an ancient MK.4 to boot. "I do not believe they will come after me no, they aren't stupid. So I would agree, scott free."

    "Air strike armor, was supposed to replace the Dynamo program before the wall fell and funding went haywire. Took a few years to get it running, unfortunately. Camo was just something I threw together, because I didn't feel like wearing the old national colors."Wandering slowly closer, if only so she can offer Buck an armored gauntlet. "I will need a secure location to pull the big Dynamo armor apart, and another pair of hands to get it going. Suit hasn't been above maybe sixty percent for a few years, some secure downtime will be nice too. Have not been off active duty roster in uhh, six years?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
<<Typical>> he says, with weary scorn, dropping into Russian. <<Use it until it breaks. It's always been the way.>> He's almost a different person when he speaks Russian - even the body language changes subtly. <<A suitable location....we've got a few safe sites that might do. Are you comfortable with letting American techs work on it?>> Tone neutral - he's not trying to urge her into anything.

The gauntlet is accepted with his own hand - the metal's palpable beneath the leather of the glove he wears. A handshake on the deal, perhaps.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    And well theres a firm pump and a squeeze, before she releases. "I will allow one. I do not need some idiot telling me the Armor would be better their way, or changes made I'm not aware of. I channel enough electricity to light up new york in that armor, mistakes will result in fatalities. Also, I don't think we need the secrets of Venko generator production potentially leaking and smaller crews are more easily watched."Russian to the core then, right down to the paranoia.

    "I believe once the armor is secured, I will allow your doctor to examine me."And a pause as she ashes that smoke, ever so carefully "I trust I have not made things too uncomfortable for your people? I do not wish to be inconvient when being shown kindness."

Winter Soldier has posed:
No secret Soviet handshake....not exactly. "Fair enough," he says, before blowing a smoke ring, politely downwind. He's got some manners, after all. Then, "Here. Let me show you the two closest and most likely sites for now." He's got a little tablet, and pulls up images with flicks of his human hand. No coordinates on these maps....but the layout makes clear what they are, if not where. Airbases or Naval Air stations no longer in use. Damned budget cuts....but away from civilian sites, and with the kind of hangars one could use on a flying suit, without necessarily handing things over to Tony Stark. "Nah. You're a pro and you've been acting like one, unlike some of the clowns I used t-" To kill. She can see it stop him short for an instant, before he shakes it off. "Used to know."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "It's always nice to deal with another professional, eh?"She offers a wry little grin at that, before turning her attention to the maps. "What do you have in Gotham, I have a support network there I'd rather not abandon. Good friends are hard to find, it would be inconsiderate of me to abandon them. "And a beat as she hmmms, flicking that cigarette away and snapping down her own faceplate to crank up her own AR interface "Also I found a fairly good Russian grocery there, is only place I know to find good black bread. I never knew Americans were so, uniform in their bread. It's wild."

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's that quicksilver grin again - how it changes his face. "Gotham.....let me look," he starts paging hastily through various options, starting to frown. "Not as much," he murmurs. "Less remote, less secure, lots of crime, lots of vigilantes. The Bat needs to keep his house better swept," he says, all but under his breath. "But if you're determined, there's a dockside warehouse. I just can't promise you won't end up with one Batperson or another trying to poke a costumed nose into our business." An amused look up. "Right? It's like foam, now. It used to be more substantial...."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "It's better than my home town, and the place needs all the help it can get."Theres a shrug there "Besides, if I end up working with you people? I think perhaps maybe it won't be such a big problem, I do not fill prisons after all."And well, no she's Russian so she fills graveyards.All the same she swivels that face plate back up with a nod "It will be most acceptable, is where most of the sentinel roll out seems to be taking place thusfar. Something I intend to oppose."

    "It's not even foam, its like sugary air. I have no idea how the wheat capital of the world can't figure out bread, it's tasteless nothing. Is bad bread, honestly just bad. Gotham has good Russian community, and if I am to be paid? I can afford to eat outside of the mess hall for regular."Because no, Russian Heroes don't get paid shit it seems.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Man, where you from - Magadan?" Bucky retorts, though by the lopsided grin he's got on, it's not meant to sting. "Well, SHIELD.....we do try go nonlethal, when we can. When we're talking about things that aren't robots." Ironic, considering it's a conversation between two cyborgs.

A jerk of his chin at the mention of the bread. "It does," he agrees. "IF nothing like New York." Says the former scourge of Little Odessa. "We'll see you paid enough to buy real bread, I promise." He lifts his metal hand in the scout's honor gesture.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Norilsk, where the acid rain falls and the tap water comes out purple."and stupid cold, and even more polluted than she's letting on. No wonder she's made of sterner stuff, right? "I understand this, is one of the reasons I had this armor repaired."She flexes that left hand, and out pops a magnetic grapple attached to a sturdy cable. "I can shock, or I can pump enough current to turn their bones to charcoal. Better as a lethal combatant, never been police just soldier."

    "Money is important, but not that important. You think I join army to be rich, certainly did not become dynamo for money. You can look at the accounts I'm sure, all the merchandise went into suit repairs"and a beat "As well as suit repairs, why I lived on base after Winter citidel fell."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I know it," And it's not a fond memory, by the tone of James's voice. "IT's a change," he says, mildly. "But....well, yeah. I mean, about going from the lethal mindset to something a little milder."

A nod of his head. "Repairs are expensive, believe me, I know it. But we got you. So, you thinking of signing on fully with SHIELD?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Maybe when Tony Stark suffocates to death under the crushing weight of his own greed and Ego, I will be receptive to that."And well, the -other- biggest armored fighter would have beef right? "A man like that does not get to sell his products gleefully to combat zones, and then walk away without consequences when he has moral awakening. I fought in those prime markets, you want to guess what weapon it was that took my arm and got me shot in the head?"One finger lifting to tap that cybernetic. "No I will be contractor for time being. Tell your comrades, what frequency they can contact me at yes?"

    Theres a step back, as she swings that face plate back down. "I think I'm going to head home for time being, get good night's sleep and not think about playboy war profiteers yes?"Beef indeed.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Far be it from Barnes to defend Tony Stark's moral arc. He makes a funny little tight-lipped face at that, and nods. "Understood," he says. "Sleep well, Sergeant." Equals in rank, too, funnily enough. He offers no salute....but watches her go with that odd, wistful expression. Only when she's a vanishing spark in the evening sky does he turn back to the Quinjet.