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Latest revision as of 00:56, 14 May 2019

Who's that banging on my chamber door
Date of Scene: 17 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Doctor Strange

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia did come to the conclusion that the good Doctor had not, in fact, plummeted to his death after walking backwards from the roof and simply vanishing. Left to stare at the empty air, she then scowled and cursed up a very unlady-like storm as well as promised a visit to the Doctor about a spine injury and grumble-grumble, she might cause one herself!

As such:

The trio of knocks on the front door to the Sanctum are imperious this time. Felicia waits on the stoop in an jewel-tone emerald-green turtleneck (in honor of St. Patrick's Day) and black athletic leggings. Her ankle show bare above the black slip-on ballet flats. With ivory-hued purse hanging over her shoulder, she has her platinum-blonde hair loose today but for a black jersey-soft headband to keep it from her view. The loose curls frame her face, currently scrunched in pique.

"Come on, Copperfield, open the stupid door," grumbles she.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The door opens and for once there is a person holding onto the knob on the inside, a tall man, with a goatee and streaks of silver in his hair at his temples. "Who pounds upon my scantum? Oh. Felicia, this is a surprise." The wizard says as if he wasn't expecting her. Like he didn't tell her to come so that he could make sure she was in good health and to show off his advancement of her spell.

    "Come, come inside, it's dreadfully chilly out there." Not cold, or unpleasant, the doctor is chilly at the door and so he holds the door, allowing the theif to enter into his home. Again.

Black Cat has posed:
"Thank you kindly," Felicia replies as she recovers from her surprise. Indeed, it is the Sorcerer himself at the door and not some eerie Mystical trick or sentient mansion's laws of anti-physics in action. She swans in past him, leaving a light wisp of her caramel-sweet perfume in her wake, and once she's firmly in the entryway, she turns and folds her arms.

"Cute trick, falling off the roof." By the set of her jaw, she's not...totally amused, but the weakness is there. She's still thinking of smiling or teasing instead given the twitch at the corners of her red-tinted lips. Regardless, she eyes him with the same lofty expectancy. Tap-tap. There's even a little rhythm of her shoe on the floor. How bold of her!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen shuts the door and turns to follow Felicia in but is surprised by her standing there right when he turns. The wizard nearly bumps into her but stops and then collects himself rather quickly, looking at the blonde with those blueish hued eyes she mentioned the other night. "I will not teach you how to do that, no matter how much you beg." Stephen says, figuring she's upset that he showed off magic that she could use in her thievery life, not that he scared her.

Black Cat has posed:
Her gaze flickers between his eyes at his response and she slowly sighs, attending this with a marked tilt of her head, incredulous by note. "Really, Copperfield? I already jump off of roofs as is. The suit has grappling lines. You don't have grappling lines." She then rubs at one temple briefly and grumbles, looking to one side, "You have the cloak. And I forgot," she continues, extending her hand out from her face and into the close space between them in an exasperated gesture, " -- that you can fly with it. I was worried. Don't make me worried!"

She accompanies the demand with a point towards his sternum sans actual contact. "Hmm?" Felicia wheedles for some agreement of some sort.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's left hand slowly lands upon Felicia's pointed finger and he holds it closer to his chest, his beating heart palpable beneath his chest, "You were worried about me?" Stephen asks, sounding almost surprised by those words he paraphrased from the thief's last small outburst.

Black Cat has posed:
Her fingertips pick up the thumping of the man's heartbeat with ease. Her oddly-feline regard lingers there, rather stunned to see that his hand has indeed captured hers again, and then she looks to Stephen's face.

"Well...yeah," she replies more shyly. Felicia frets at the corner of her lip only once before catching herself. "You're...you're a good guy and you've been kind to me. You wanted a friend and...well, I mean...I consider you one...y'know...at the very least," the cat-burglar explains haltingly. Pink touches her cheeks as she glances to one side and then back, those off-green pupils striking given today's black eyeliner. "I, um...I thought the flowers meant something more -- unless they don't, which is fine." She laughs breathily and tucks her hair away behind one fur-tufted ear. Her palm presses harder against the tunic's body-warmed fabric as if to aid her in balance as she stands. "I could be wrong. I've been wrong before."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's eyes squint for a brief moment as he takes in Felicia's words, but doesn't remove his hand, or hers, standing in the doorway he lingers without a visible care except when he speaks his face grows melancholic. "Why is self doubt your initial response?" Stephen asks, he didn't answer her fears, but he inquires about them, he wants to know her deeper.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia blinks, her eyes gone wider. She then gives the Sorcerer a wary consideration with a tuck of her chin. It's not couquettish, the way her lashes half-veil her regard of him.

"Because life's not fair and when things go wrong, it tends to be my fault," she says softly. "Ever heard of 'tychokinesis'? It's controlling luck. I control bad luck. Or...I try to." It sounds like a painful revelation given how quietly it's revealed. "Sometimes, I can't, and people I like get hurt. Why do you think I chose 'Black Cat'?" Steeling herself, she meets Stephen's eyes again. "Cross my path and get on my bad side? Bad luck follows."

She smiles and tries to rally. "Anyways...didn't think you were a doctor of psychology. Or a therapist. You asked about my spine last time anyways," she points out with a half-grin. "It's fine, by the way. Still bendy."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I'm neither of those things." Stephen says, answering her last question first as it's the one most fresh on his mind. "I am, or was, a neurosurgeon, I concerned myself with the physical brain, but I've learned so much more since then." Stephen explains, still holding Felicia's hand to his breast though he does weaken his grip, allowing the thief to retreat should she desire.

    "But about life being fair, it never is, never has been, and never will be." Stephen says with a heartless kind of shrug. "I only expect it to be." The wizard remarks somberly as he looks away from Felicia's eyes, a saddness creeping into his own.

Black Cat has posed:
"It's fair sometimes...even if not //all// the time," Felicia opines quietly. "It's fair that I'm here, right? No bad luck in that." She squeezes his fingers before then making to fuss with the lapels of his tunic top, assuming as usual that she's perfectly allowed to do so. She straightens them and then pats them down gently before a final smoothing by her palms. "Gotta have faith, Copperfield. Right?"

Now she tries a charming grin, simply to see if she can get him to smirk back. "Besides, I wanted to ask you..."

A beat. "Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat?" She then bites the inner curve of her lip visibly while holding his fascinatingly-blue eyes as if bottling up a long spate of giggles threatening to burst free.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That's what you wanted to ask me? Seriously?" Stephen pauses briefly. "I can pull a hat out of a rabbit." Stephen says so flatly that it could be as if he's actually done that thousands of times. Stephen the crosses his hands over his chest and the freshly hand pressed lapels of his tunic. "You came all this way to ask such a silly question Felicia?" Stephen says with a roll of his eyes.

Black Cat has posed:
The cat-burglar looks pleased to have yanked the Sorcerer's chain. "Now, I do kind of want to see you pull a hat out of a rabbit, but that sounds uncomfortable for the rabbit, so we'll skip that for now." Turning en-pointe, Felicia then sashays off deeper into the Sanctum's foyer before turning around and holding out her hands to her sides expectantly once again.

"You said you had made progress on the curse! I wanna see it! Also, the cloak. Where's the cloak? I'd like to say hello." She gives Stephen an absolutely winsome, winning smile now that makes her eyes glitter.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Maybe I'll just pull a hat out of you on account I don't have any rabbits on hand." The sorcerer actually winks at his own words and follows Felicia in, "The cloak is recharging, been a busy week." The wizard notes softly as he steps up behind Felicia and walks beside her, "It may show up if it wants to. It does it's own thing really." Stephen explains as he offers to take Felicia's coat and be a gentleman like she claimed he was once.

Black Cat has posed:
"Let's not be pulling hats out of me," Felicia says dryly as she hands off the light black blazer to Stephen along with her purse, eyebrowing at him as she does so. "How about we pull a curse out of me instead?" Her phone pings in the side-pocket of her athletic pants and she looks at it briefly before putting it away again. "What progress have you made?" With hands clasped in front of her stomach, she looks expectantly at Stephen.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen hangs up her purse and blazer on the rack that seems more like a tenetacle of the kraken but it's coming out of the floor and holding lots and lots of coats. "Do you have somewhere you need to be?" Stephen asks, motioning towards the girl's phone that sounded. He steps back over to Felicia and nods before he continues, "I have made some progress."

    "Here, see this." Stephen says, suddenly the two are in the middle of the large circular study with the center of the room cleared out with salt chalk scribbled into the floor. He takes out a small vial and opens it up and pulls out a white hair. "This is some of the hair I mentioned to you the other day." The hair she shed. "This is off your tail I believe, now watch." He says, setting it in the middle and stepping back, his hand going before Felicia's belly to guide her out of the ring as well.

Black Cat has posed:
"No place to be right now, not with this progress you've spoke ABOUT!"

Pardon the upsweet in volume, the sudden shift in reality is astounding despite the cat-burglar keeping her feet. She 'eeps' merely once after making certain she's all in one piece and bravely sticks to the Sorcerer's side. She nods and makes a sound of agreement to the fact that the hair is likely from the tail tucked away beneath the long-waisted turtleneck. She too follows his directional gesturing and watches silently, glancing from him and back to the circle inscribed with the chalk that glitters faintly in the room's ambient light.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen then extends his hands, breaking the plane of the circle and the salt begins to glow green, as if there was a light beneath the floor and the hair begins to lift into the air, hard to see it's so faint and purely white. But it's there. Then Stephen pulls his hands away from the spell and the hair is gone. The lights fade and Stephen gestures to the center of the spell again. "Go look, but don't smudge the runes please." Stephen says.

    The hair is completely gone and there is nothing left of it, though it is just a hair it seems like it was never in existance, that is a very good sign.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia lets out a quiet sigh of awe as she watches him work, looking from his hands to the runes and to the center of the circle and back as if it were some Mystical tennis match she were hard-pressed to follow. Her hands press together before her lips and she bites at one fingertip as she watches the single pale hair...vanish.

"Oh!" A near-silent sound of surprise. Nodding to Stephen, she's very certain to watch her steps as she enters the circle. Inside of it, the air seems to tickle lightly at her skin as if misty, but indeed -- "I don't see it at all. It's gone?" she asks of him, eyes wide towards Stephen.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen slowly spreads his hands wide, as if offering Felicia a place to jump and celebrate with a hug or some silly action like that. He says, "Gone. No trace, as if the spell fully undid the hair, meaning the curse might be undone." Stephen says with a ray of hopefulness in his eyes.

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh, Copperfield!" Here she comes, watch out, world -- er, Sorcerer. Still cautious enough not to scuff the delicate and scrolling salt-chalk runes on the room's floor, Felicia then hurls herself at the man, intending to wrap him in a ridiculously firm hug despite her shorter and smaller stature.

"You're the best! The very best! God, you //clever man!//" she commends him as she even lifts one foot from the ground, risen onto her toes as she is in her hug. It smushes her face against his sternum. "I'm so happy! So glad! Oh, I could kiss you!!!" she proclaims unthinkingly, giggling all the while as she looks up into his face. Relief makes her eyes brightest yet.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen wraps his arms around Felicia's back, not as exhuberantly as she does, but he does hug her, even going so far as to bend backwards slightly and lift her entirely off her feet and spin once before setting her back onto her one foot and smiling back down at her face, his soft-other-worldly-blue eyes linger on Felicias and he holds her close for as long as he can. "Don't thank me just yet." Stephen says, he hasn't cured her yet.

Black Cat has posed:
Ducking her chin, Felicia then giggles fetchingly. "Keep it in mind that I didn't thank you anywhere in that little...ramble," she replies, gesturing to one side with a flutter of her fingers before putting her palms back to rest on his chest now. Her gaze meets his again and lingers as if searching for something -- maybe extra colors that weren't there before.

"Plus, you're right -- I still have a tail. Maybe...maybe you'll get your kiss after the curse is gone, Copperfield," she teases with color touching her cheeks deeper yet. She clears her throat, gone shy again suddenly, and riffles her fingers in a wave from pinkie of one hand to pinkie of the other across the blue of the tunic. "This was a quick errand though, so...I should probably be going. I have to get my nails re-done," she explains. "One chipped and now they don't match."