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Speed Force Consultation
Date of Scene: 18 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Barry Allen visits Director Wells at Future Solutions, and agreements are made
Cast of Characters: Professor Zoom, Flash

Professor Zoom has posed:
Ever since the Speed Force was discovered (created?) by the Flash, Harrison Wells has been specializing Future Solutions in research into it. Today, Doctor Wells and Future Solutions are world recognized experts on the subject.

He's been visibly touring the US for some University speeches, and has only gotten back to New York in the last day. He's been in and out of meetings with various people... and finally has a free moment to get updates on all the projects the various labs are working on.

Doctor Wells has been going to and fro, and is just about to walk into the main Speed Force lab in the center of the building, wearing his lab coat as his security pass is about to pass over the card reader.

Flash has posed:
No sooner is Harrison about to pass his card through the reader does the front desk announce via wall mounted intercom, "Dr Wells, there is a Barry Allen here requesting a meeting." She sounds ready to turn him away, as would probably be the norm, "Would you like me to direct him to one of your assistants?"

Barry, still in his button up shirt and slacks from work, is sipping on a styrofoam cup from a local coffee den while waiting. He's a ball of nervous energy to be sure, but he's hiding it fairly well behind a pleasant smile while craddling his courier bag against his left flank.

Professor Zoom has posed:
That's a name Harrison had been expecting. Not quite this soon... but close enough. Anyone who's been at the firm for more than a few years would know the name, and Grace doesn't know him, being a year old at the job. "Send him to my office, Ms. Pherson." Harrison replies as he sighs, replacing the card in a pocket, before he starts to head back to the Directors Office.

By the time Barry is let through to that office, he's been checked for weapons by security and given an escort back through the corridors. Seems Wells has really beefed up security since Barry was there. But then, who can blame him with all the metahuman activity in the city?

Flash has posed:
Barry complies with the checks because he has no reason not to and tries to make awkward smalltalk with his escort on the way to Dr Wells office. Upon arrival he even thanks the security and knocks lightly upon the doorframe to Harrison's office before ever slipping inside, "Mr. Wells? Doctor, Doctor Wells? It's Barry Allen. I interned here a few years ago?" Ofcourse Harrison already knows that, it's still an odd situation for Barry.

"I hope this isn't a bad time, sir. I wasn't exactly sure who I could turn to with this."

Professor Zoom has posed:
"Come in, Mr. Allen. I remember you." Eobard has a talent for manipulation, and it's showing here. There's nothing but a warm smile as Barry is let in. "He'll be fine here." Harrison gives a dismissing wave to the security guard. Then, he leans back into his chair, "I make it a point to keep tabs on promising talent." He brings up a hand, gesturing to one of the two chairs in front of his desk, "please, have a seat if you like."

"I would have been very interested in keeping you around, if you weren't so focused on your CSI work. I hear you're doing good things there these days." Harrison smiles, "What can I do for you, Mr. Allen?"

Flash has posed:
That comes as no small surprise to Barry and it shows on his face as he makes his way into the office under Eobard's guidance, "Thank you, I.. well thank you." Nodding, one hand rubs at the back of his neck as he settles into one of the seats with his bag laying up against his side in the cushion beside him. "I wonder sometimes if I made a poor decision, but you're right. Of course, yeah, I am doing some pretty good things with CCPD." It's small talk, banter to drum up the nerve.

"I saw your address on the recent Speed Force storm in New York, sir and, well, I wanted to get your opinion on it. Specifically, I wanted to know if a storm of that magnitude could create a time vortex? Where someone might slip back and forth through the time stream from varying set points surrounding the Speed Force?" He's tip toing a little, of course. Warm up to the real question, Barry.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"A storm like that tends to only happen when there's a hole in the dimensional barrier between us and the Speed Force. It's exceptionally rare for it to occur naturally, and it almost always repairs itself from the generation of energy." Harrison hits the intercom on his desk phone then, "Grace, hold my calls and visitors for the next hour." Grace replies, "Yes, Director."

Harrison looks back to Barry, "In my research, I've theorized that the Speed Force makes it possible to do time travel, but since I haven't had any Speedsters come to my lab willing to have tests run on their connection, I couldn't tell you if the Speed Force would, for lack of a better phrase, Yo-yo them back." Harrison then shrugs, "I've had a few Speed Force users come by for advice... but none of them have been willing to undertake the more invasive tests I'd need to measure in detail."

Flash has posed:
"No, I mean the two points that it creates at beginning and end would be of some significance to the Speed Force itself." Barry clarifies, glancing around for something to write on to offer up a visual reference, "If a Speedster started here in our time and somehow managed to rupture into the time stream, they would only be able to travel along a line determined by events inherently important to either that speedster or the Speed Force specifically?" Naturally, his diagram goes to the year of his mothers death.

The pen is laid down on the paper, "Uh... what do you mean by invasive?" Scratching at the base of his neck with building nervous energy trying to find some outlet to escape.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"I can measure, detect, and to an extent manipulate Speed Force energy, but I can't give you any of those answers without having a Speed Force Speedster to run tests with." Harrison then continues as he leans forward. "Blood tests, EKGs, Antenna measurement. A workup of a natural connection to the Speed Force." Harrison smiles, "Creating a baseline of the power the Speedster has, more or less. As you can imagine, something so intensely personal is not on the list of things they'd like measured."

Flash has posed:
"Okay." Barry nods slowly, rubbing at his neck first, then around to the morning worth of stubble on his jaw, "What if a speedster were willing?" He motions with a point, "How descreetly could these tests be conducted? If they didn't want their identity published or even mentioned beyond the necessary baselines necessary to determin physiological changes?"

Professor Zoom has posed:
"I've had a number of machines built for the day a Speedster was willing to try it." Harrison gives a nod to the door, before looking back to Barry, "blind studies are very much a thing in science, you should know that. If you know a Speedster willing to undergo such things, I'm willing to sign an NDA for their identity and a contract that restricts how any information gained in the process is used." His hands fold on the desk, "Future Solutions has a reputation to maintain, and I have every intention of respecting such wishes."

Flash has posed:
Barry blows out a long sigh and nods, "Well, I can't promise anything, but I do know one that would be interested given the NDA." He looks a lot more relaxed now, folding the paper he was drawing on to slip it away into his courier bag, "I know, Dr Wells, but this isn't exactly your typical blind study either." He reasons with a little grin. "Anyways, I don't want to hold you up from your studies. I was just taking a mental health day in New York and decided to stop in, but I really should get back before too long." He stands up from his seat and offers his hand to Harrison, "If my friend agrees, I suppose he'll be in touch? Probably sooner than later, knowing speedsters right?"

Professor Zoom has posed:
"I look forward to hearing from whoever it is, then." Harrison stands up, moves around the desk, and offers his hand for a handshake. "I'll be here all week probably. You have no idea how many emails we received over the storm for assurances and requests for consultation."

Flash has posed:
"I imagine so, yeah." Barry laughs quietly, humorously even as he steps towards the exit with a hand rubbing at the back of his neck. "Caught a lot of people off guard, I'm sure. It's a good thing you've been studying them, Doctor. Not a lot of experts in the field." Which is kind of amusing, even to Barry, that he knows so very little about something he very well have created, if not just rediscovered accidentally.

Professor Zoom has posed:
It would take oh so little to do it. To cut Barry off from the Speed Force, and neutralize the energy already in his system. Just a moment to channel Negative Speed Force energy into that hand, grab that natural connection, and sever it with the cancerous effect he can have.

But Eobard keeps his energy in check, not giving Barry any sort of indication of shaking hands with his opposite in this world. "Far as I know, we're the only ones actively studying it. I hope to one day allow it to be used extensively." Then, his free hand reaches for the intercom, "Security, Mr. Allen will be leaving my office shortly. Please escort him back to the entrance."

Flash has posed:
"The applications are endless, from the little I do know." Barry agrees, shaking hands ignorantly with the man who killed his mother, even sharing a grin with the man as they discuss the very force that allowed his mother to die in the first place. "Thank you again for your time, Doctor Wells. I know you're a very busy man." Nodding one last time, Allen slips from the room to be escorted back to the entrance by security. Once more he tries to strike up small talk and even shake hands before exiting out into the street.

Once out of eyeshot of the building he cracks into lines of orange and gold electricity and skids to a stop atop a building several blocks away in his Scarlet costume. Energy still runs around his arms and chest, burning in his eyes staring down over New York city with a little hope that he might be one step closer to find his mothers killer.