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Latest revision as of 01:09, 14 May 2019

The Mundane Necessity of Being Elle
Date of Scene: 20 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hela, Silver Sable

Hela has posed:
Just as she promised the Wilson Fisk when they reached an agreement, 'Miracle Elle' has made sure to be present at Club Mjolnir on a semi-regular basis to allow patrons, visitors and tourists the chance to see her, meet her, or even have a word with her. She is for the most part accessible, dressed just as she was when last Silver saw her, moving between tables and boats, and occasionally moving to linger by the bar. Her makeup every bit as vivid and jarring, as she somehow gives an eerie sense she's aware of everything and may well have an answer to every question. She humors some who seek her advise, and others she sends away when they ask for too much.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver's dressed for the office again. Grey slacks, grey jacket with a flattering cut and low-riding on her hips. The burgundy dress shirt gives her a little edge of authority. Her slacks conceal booties with a modest heel and she slips into a seat at the edge of the bar, furthest from the door.

"Elle," she says, greeting the proprietor when the woman comes over. "Nice to see you again," she tells her friend. "How've you been since the other night?"

Hela has posed:
Elle does head towards Silver when she spots her, offering a soft smile in her direction, "Silver, lovely to see you as well, I heard you've made the club feature in some unplanned promotions. I thank you for that," she moves closer and joins Silver for a moment. "Can I get you something on the house for being such a good patron?" At the question of how she's been, Elle replies in a rather detached tone, "adjusting to the shift from Norway to the United States, there are quite a lot of differences." Further coupled if one isn't accustomed to modern times, no doubt.

Silver Sable has posed:
"Something dark, old, and on tap," Silver requests. "Preferably I can stand spoon up in it."

She digs in her jacket's breast pocket and lays an envelope down on the counter. "I find exercise helps me the most with the time differentials. Work out until I'm exhausted and then straight into a hot bath," she says. Her diction is crisp and controlled, far contrast to other, more inebriated nights.

"And speaking of being a good patron--" she taps the envelope and slides it to Elle. "Gift certificates for your bouncers. No hard feelings from the other night, I hope, but I want to make sure they know that-- the Wild Pack understands where the line is." It's a bundle of gift certificates to Best Buy, of all places. Weirdly prosaic, but who doesn't like movies and new earphones?

Hela has posed:
Listening to Silver's requirements, Elle offers gingerly, "perhaps some Sahti? We do have that on tap," she merely lifts a hand, and already there's someone by her side to take the order.

The gift that Silver offers has Elle looking quite interested, "a drive to do what is right, and then do away with ill percieved? That is quality decorum, Silver, most impressive." She puts away the certificates, "I will share them with the bouncers, per your request. I hear that Thor himself approved of the little 'brawl', such as it were," Elle muses, "that is actually high praise, and will go down in the stories of Club Mjolnir."

When the waiter leaves to fetch Silver's drink, Elle turns to her and asks more directly, "is it true then...? Are you faithful to the old gods?"

Silver Sable has posed:
"In a manner, yes," Silver says, after dithering for a few moments. "Things have... become complicated since the literal Gods have returned to Earth. The traditions are old and went underground when the Church came. But," she says, uplifting a finger as her drink arrives. "We did not let them die."

She sips the beer and her eyes widen in surprise. She goes back for a longer, thirstier sip. "That... is excellent," she concludes, setting it down carefully.

"What was I saying. Oh. Yes, the gods. Especially in the highlands and the unsettled valleys, the old ways persist. Midwives give grace to Freyja, soldiers honor Thor, parents pray to Heimdall for intercession."

She grins suddenly, a sincere and amused expression that provokes a dimple in her right cheek. It looks like a rarely used expression. "I have to say, I'm unsure if Thor's presence in the world is validation or denial of our beliefs. But I find him pleasant company all the same."

Hela has posed:
"Of course not...," Elle remarks with a pleasant smile, clearly enjoying to hear in person what Silver makes of it.

"There is of course a corrosion of stories, histories and fiction over time. Some by mistake, and failing memories, some by nefarious schemes meant to take away what the gods of old have earned..." she looks pleased enough that Silver approves of her suggestion, and then notes, "when things are dire, do you pray to one god or another?" Her interest in her question seems rather genuine, as opposed to a silly question asked to pass the time.

Silver Sable has posed:
"I've always thought it polite to give due to all whom it's owed," Silver replies, truthfully. She rolls her drink aainst the the counter, looking down into the foam with a grim moment of introspection. "Thor for war, Freyja for bountiful harvest. When the dead are taken, gratitude to the Valkyrie. Then praise to Odin and Hela, to ask for mercy and fair judgement." She sighs, and sips her beer deeply. "All hope that we might meet again in Valhalla. It's the best any of us can hope for, yes?" she inquires.

"What of you?" she asks Elle, tilting the glass towards the other woman. "I don't think you'd open a club like this without having some connection to the Old Ways. And ..." she narrows her eyes thoughtfully. "I can't place your accent. Which bothers me, because I'm very good at that."

Hela has posed:
"A sensible approach," Elle seems to agree with Silver, a smile starting to form on her lips as Silver shows her knowledge by stating Asgardian Gods and their respective dominions. Her head tilts ever so slightly, in a very minute gesture at the mentions of Odin and Hela, she signals with her hand and as if by magic, a waiter comes by to leave a tankard of mead which she promptly samples.

"You spoke truth, Silver, and it fills me with joy," Elle sounds quite sincere, as she raises her tankard in cheer, "you remember, as too few do, there are gods who walk among us. Not hiding in realms unseen, but come to aid or hurt us as we deserve. One must be respectful, and appreciate all that is given. One must be understanding and solemn of all that is taken." The question of her accent catches Elle off guard, as she answers, "I hail from Norway, if I hadn't mentioned it before..." to most the difference was imperceptable, particularly in the USA. She didn't anticipate being asked such a question. "Rjukan if you need further percision," Elle happens to state one of the darkest towns in the world, a town that used to be enshrouded in darkness for half of each year.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver hoists her flagon in toast to Elle and sips heavily before sitting it back down. She brushes her lips demurely with a napkin and sets the drink down, examining the other woman with a calmly un--threatening regard.

"If you'll pardon me for saying so," she says, prefacing her words with careful enunciation. "I think its' a bit more than that. Your accent rings close to others 've heard here. Of Asgardians, not Reyjkavik." Okay, she's a *little* buzzed. "I have heard the rumors of the work of a 'Miracle Elle'. This bar, abrupt and out of nowhere in a matter of a few weeks? Thor, a regular patron? You credit me with knowing the Old Ways well, but you're the one who *follows* them Old Ways," she reminds Elle.

"So at this point, I am filled with more specualtion than suspicion. The question is to whom, precisely, am I speaking?"

Hela has posed:
Elle drinks readily some more with the toast, but as she places her tankard down, she is surprised yet again by Silver. "Is that what you think...?" Elle seems amused as she listens to Silver's reasoning, the way she phrases her doubt with such care and esteem likely helps this conversation prolong rather than end on that note. "You've quite an ear on you, don't you, Silver?" Elle muses as she alludes to the similarity with the accent of the Asgardians. "Yes, yes, 'Miracle' is how the media approached that they could not comprehend. I can't just be Elle, I must be 'Miracle Elle'," she scoffs at the very idea.

"You may recall my warning to our feline featured drinking partner the other day, the place is guarded by the gods of old, stealing is not recommened. If you've noticed Thor about, I'm sure by now you know it was no jest I spoke...I was quite serious."

Silver finally says the one thing that seems to resonate with Elle the most, as she reaches to caress the leather strap about her neck, lifting it upwards till the Valknut pendant at its end dangling before Silver's eyes. "Astute and perceptive." Elle seems to congratulate, "do you wish to follow those ways...? Or at the very least, offer genuine show of faith?"

Silver Sable has posed:
"I do not understand," Silver says, brow furrowing. "I have been among the faithful all my life. There is nothing here I wish to steal, Elle," she assures the proprietress. "If it's an over-personal question, please forgive me," she tells the woman with the necklace.

She lifts a hand and curls an index finger under the edge of the symbol. Just enough to turn it towards her gaze without tugging it from Elle's fingers. "It's beautiful," she murmurs, and her slate-grey eyes flicker back to Elle's face.

Hela has posed:
"You forget," Elle notes, "it was the so called Catwoman who inferred she'd like to steal from my club, the warning was served to her."

"It is more than beautiful, it is perfection." Elle's reply just might explain why the Valknut seem to be featured so much in the Club's design, if Silver were to pay close attention, she'll find it hidden in parts of engravings and prints, and at times presented in clear view. "I asked, if you wish to offer genuine show of faith, because I consider of gifting you one of these...but these, I do not give lightly." Elle leans towards Silver, arms leaning on the table, as she adds, "I will not offer what will be refused, I will not offer to the unworthy, and I expected those who take the offer to heed the old ways in their conduct."

There's also the matter of the question Silver asked, was it over-personal? Elle made no such claim, but she also gave no distinct answer, instead it seems she posed a question she herself deems far more important first.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver's a little buzzed, it's true. But she's also far from a fool. If ever the mercenary business should slow down, there's a sharp mind that would be well suited for legal work.

"Before my gods, I will make *my* genuine show of faith," Silver says, clarifying the verbiage very carefully. "My prayers are not made as a show of piety for the public," she remarks. "And prayers are not the way to show respect for the gods. Actions over words. The outwardly religious must be seen making offerings. The truly pious may whisper their prayers were none but tress can hear. The ways I have spent the days of my life is my prayer that I earn my afterlife in Valhalla."

Hela has posed:
"If you wish to see more of the old ways...you may follow me," Elle notes, apparently satisfied with Silver's response to her question. She doesn't linger, either, she just up and turns to walk away, heading towards the bar area it seems, only she skirts to go into a hall that seems like it would lead towards what one might guess be the kitchen area, or an otherwise employee only reserved section.

While Elle doesn't wait to see if Silver follows her or not, it is for Silver's action or inaction to decide if this is the last she sees Elle for this evening.

Elle brushes away at a tapestry, if Silver knows of the Eddas, she could perhaps recognize it as the one depicing the story of the Völuspá. Allowing the tapestry to fall into place and hide herself from view, Elle proceeds to push her Valknut pendant into a Valknut shaped hollow in the wall, before the wall slides to reveal a secret staircase, spiraling downwards. Without a word, Elle goes down those stairs, leaving it for Silver to decide whether to follow or not, assuming she followed in the first place at all.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver follows along behind Elle. Pointedly, she's two steps behind Elle and a half step to the left. It's precisely the place one wants to stand in case a person produces a knife or a gun rather unexpectedly. And while Elle's walking ahead, Silver casually brushes her wrist against the pistol concealed under her jacket. She keeps up easily enough with an authoritative *click* of her office heels as she nonchalantly trots down the steps in Elle's wake. The strange circumstance seems to provoke a feeling of bemusement rather than suspcion, though.

Hela has posed:
Once they reach all the way to the bottom of the stairs, Elle moves to the side, reaching to pick up a dark cloak from the rack and donning it on herself, in the meantime allowing Silver to take in the vastly different atmosphere of the room, and all it contains.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver eyes Elle, her amusement turning to a wary sort of suspicion as the woman dons a heavy cloak. The strange frisson of the room works against her skin. It's something primal, atavistic, a sense of oppression like the pressure before a storm front.

"It's an impressive space, Elle," Silver compliments the woman. She also makes a point of not standing near any trap doors and keeps cover within easy dodging distance. "Perhaps a little ominous, but sometimes that's desireable."

Hela has posed:
"Forgive the cloak..." Elle whispers to Silver, her tone changed to one of reverence, "but I'm sure if you're familiar with the old ways, you would know there were temples, and places for norns and oracles...those places detached from the mundane, the places that commune with the divinity," Elle no doubt fully believes in her words. In this specific room, one would be hard pressed to doubt here, seeing the ominous atmosphere Silver rightly perceived. A sense of a different frequency, holy to some, perhaps damned to others, but most definitely not mundane. "It is where I speak my praises, where I seldom make requests, there are some believers who now and then join me in rituals of offerings, or of praise and gratitude given to the gods of old." She steps inside sensing Silver's hesitance, as if to show her there are no traps adbout. "If you have any questions, to you, I will gladly answer...anything in this room that seems out of place, or inexplicable, I will explain, if you would care to hear such reasonings." It's a rare invitation to Elle's Sanctum Éljúðnir, a name of great import if one knew their Eddas.

Silver Sable has posed:
"You're no intending to harvest my organs, then?" Silver puts the question to Elle with an almost mischevious smile. "Forgive my humor," she requests. "I've been in situations such as this before. Some of the steppes outside Latveria still have many old pagan witches living free of Doom's tyranny. Most are benign, but there are stories of old brush witches and sirens who lure the unwary to their caves.

"Do answer the question, though." Her smile widens a touch, almost daring a dimple.

Hela has posed:
Elle frowns at Silver, apparently unable to discern if she was serious, or using poor humor. She seemed much more inclined towards humoar upstairs, in the party atmosphere of the club, but she seems intensely zealous of the holiness of her sanctum. "This is not a pagan place of worship where witches and satanist perform sadistic acts in the name of a perceived god or goddess, demon or demoness." Elle remarks with harsh distinctness to her tone. "I am not false prophet, I am not a cult leader, I seek nothing for myself..." Elle apparently can get offended. "You were invited here, because I perceived a true appreciation of the old ways in you." Elle frowns, and notes, "I am not often mistaken, but if I am, I apologize to you and would ask if you would kindly forget you've seen this room. We can leave now." She starts back towards the rack, intending to remove her cloak.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver uplifts a hand at Elle. "Please, there is no need for that," she assures Elle. "I am faithful but I admit to being ... not the most pious. My church is the open sky and my prayers simple but sincere. The trappings of ritual are not familiar to me. Worship of the old gods is done in quiet seclusion in Symkaria."

Her expression turns wry. "And being frank, I am extremely paranoid. I have found a little paranoia may be rude, but it's kept me alive to this point. I hope I have not offended you overly."

Hela has posed:
"Are you sure...?" Ella sounds quite skeptical, obviously not liking Silver's humor, at least not in the given setting. "It's quite alright, I am a rarity, even among my people, it is why I was gifted with the ability to channel their favor. Why I was able to restore people from the dark magic of the Black Sleep..." Elle still sounds offended, even as she explains. "I show you out of respect, my holiest place in this entire country, and you make light of it..."

Elle lets her sharing of feeling sink for a moment, to let Silver do with it as she will. Elle does listen to what Silver has to say of her ways, before nodding, "and that is a true path," Elle turns to look at Silver directly for the first time since she got offended. "That is the path all must follow, there is no authority but the gods," Elle agrees. "Therefore, the mountains, the rivers, the forests, the meadows, they all make good places of worship."

"But what do we do in dire times...when we're afflicted with curses and magics and plagues beyond mortal makings, such as the Black Sleep, where do we turn then?" Elle asks the open ended question, which is totally meant to be rhetorical, as she points to the impressive alter at the far end of the room, featuring the trunk of the ash tree, going from floor to ceiling.

When Silver admits to paranoia, Elle whispers, "that you would not put faith in my friendship, wounds me, Silver."

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver steps closer to Elle and lays a gentle hand on the back of the woman's elbow. "We do not well know each other yet, Elle," Silver murmurs. Her tone's soothing and apologetic. She meets her eyes pointedly, her expression calm and voice measured. "We seem to share a connection, and I am here in your ritual room because that connection lends me hope to overcome my fear. I am grateful for that. I do not mean to sound flippant or as if I am trivializing your faith. It is a faith I too share," Silver says, and returns her hand to rest on her own sternum. "I hope you can forgive me."

Hela has posed:
Elle listens in silence, allowing Silver to have her say, not shying away from her calming touch. When Silver is done speaking her peace, Elle nods, and motions about the realm, "then I extend my offer a second time, if you have a question about anything in this sacred sanctum, ask and I shall answer." She then adds, "if you wish to never set foot here again, it is quite alright with me, I only ask you share knowledge of this place with no one...I only bring the worthy here." She turns to look with reverence at the trunk of the ash tree at the end of the room, and then whispers, "I had hoped I had found another in you, that is why I brought you here...should you wish it, I will give you the key, and you may make use of this room whenever you have a most dire issue to bring before the gods."

After a moment's silence, she also adds, "if you wish it all the same, we can part ways here, and walk our own paths in separation."

Silver Sable has posed:
"I would be grateful for such a refuge, Ella," Silver tells the other woman, as reassuringly as she can. "You are kind to share it with me. It... reminds me of the deep forests in Symkaria. Near the Transian border, not far from Latveria. Ancient old forests and deep loam. I spent many nights camping in those woods as a young girl. I learned to hunt and survive the winters there."

Hela has posed:
"Elle, if you please," Elle corrects on the pronounciation of her name. She smiles as Silver gives her take on what the room evokes in her, and she looks momentarily at the ring, before turning to the alter, as she advances towards it, she asks, "do you wish to know what those depictions are?" Her hand sweeping over the murals on all walls.

Silver Sable has posed:
"Please, educate me. Some of them seem familiar but I would welcome a more authoritative explanation," Silver tells Elle. She stays close to the woman and walks towards the alter with her. The aristocratic point of her chin lifts upwards at the artwork spanning the walls, the impressive mural speaking to a sure hand and deep artistic talent. "I think I recognize some of the characters but the story itself is lost to me."

Hela has posed:
"These...as you may have gathered, are not depiction of a mortal realm," Elle gives the obvious input, as she moves along the murals, "that," she points at the glowing eye, the fleeting suggestion of a huge paw, a menacing fang, all barely notably amidst the mists, "would be Fenris, otherwise known as Fenrir, he is of course the Great Wolf..." her eyes shift curiously to Silver, waiting a moment to see if that hint alone would be enough, before she answers if no answer is given, "...a depiction of Niflheim, the realm where Hel itself exists...where Valhalla exists...the realm of the dead."

She then holds up the Valknut pendant hanging from her leather strap of a necklace, "this...a sign of death. And in death, rebirth, for life is bit a cycle..." she pauses, ever studying Silver while she speaks, "now do you understand this sacred sanctum?"

Silver Sable has posed:
"I remember these myths well," Silver assures Elle. "It is a strange duality. Niflheim is a realm of ice and cold, and Valhalla of warmth and comfort."

She hugs her stomache and examines the Valknut closely, eyes narrowing in thought. "I have seen this symbol before as well, but the context eludes me. I cannot remember if it's associated just with Hel or if the Fates have something involved with it," she confesses.

Hela has posed:
Elle smiles as Silver notes some facts, "precisely, the difference between the worthy, and unworthy. No matter how high and mighty we are, how much we may attain of wealth and material possessions in this world, the judgement of the gods pertain to other virtues entirely. There is no deciet, there is no blinding with titles and possessions. There is only worthy, and unworthy." Elle seems to speak with conviction, as she states what to her is an ultimate truth. "The symbol, in old times, was valued as either a symbol of the inevitability of death, or a symbol that celebrates the cycle, life, death, rebirth, ragnarok, creation..." Elle tilts her head slightly, eyes intently studying Silver, "it all focuses your attention on valuing your choices in life, are you gaining yourself worth in the eyes of the god, or the opposite..."

"That is, in essence, what this sacred temple of mine is focused on...I wish when the time comes, for the gods to value my dedication to them, my quest for knowledge, and my enriching of any disciples of the old way."

Silver Sable has posed:
"For whom is this temple dedicated then?" Silver inquires of Elle. Her brows dance upwards in curiousity. "Is it to Hela? I have been under the impression that she-- like Heimdall-- is not one to gather worshippers to her." She frowns heavily. "Admittedly, my scholarship is somewhat lax. To speak of her in prayer has been considered unlucky. Courting death, as they say," she observes. A lean shoulder rolls in a shrug. "Death comes for us all and attempting to appease or assuage it is fruitless, no?"

Hela has posed:
Elle laughs at Silver's question this time around, sounding and looking genuinely amused, "for whom?" Elle repeats with a sweet, affectionate smile, "for us. The worshippers, the followers, the brave souls who meander Midgard and all its perils and tests." Elle answers with candor, not with a leering tone, she shares with Silver rather than preaches to Silver. "What use have gods for this temple, or that shrine? To gods they all mean nothing, it is to help those who may wish to attune or otherwise find their faith."

Elle motions with a finger to her lips for silence, and quiets down herself, closing her eyes for a moment she seems in focus. Not unlike meditation, before she opens her eyes anew, "...there is so much silence here, that naught steals away attention to tempt it at the frivolous. We are focused here on ourselves, and our thoughts, a focus and reflection." She waves her hand once again all around at the murals depicting Niflheim. "Where are we headed? The cold mists of Niflheim, or the embracing warmth of Valhalla, where the brave and worthy break bread."

"I feel we've said enough, I do not wish to alienate you, Silver, I would value you as a friend, even if you wish to never set foot in my humble place of worship. The only ask I have for you is not to share this place with others...I will only have it revealed to the worthy. I hope I did not frighten you, or otherwise altered your opinion of me for the worse."

With that, Elle moves back towards the rack, where she will disrobe and hang the dark cloak in its place. "Come, let us go upstairs, and I shall buy you a drink...I've shown you here to my very core, to my heart, to the power other called a miracle and attributed to me, yet was not my own. This is where I sing praise to the true workers of miracles, and where I say my thanks for being a means to channel a change for the better."

Silver Sable has posed:
"I am very grateful for the trust you've shown me," Silver tells Elle, with a sincere sort of humility. "It's a very private thing you've shared and I am honored. I look forward to learning more about you," she tells the other woman, and flashes a brief, tight smile. "For now, though, a drink would be grand. We've spent time in contemplation of the absolute, and now I think we should raise our glasses to each other in good cheer." She takes one look around the area, eyes thoughtful, and then follows Elle oblingigly up the steps to the club above.