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Peacekeepers: Final Testing
Date of Scene: 21 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Project Peacekeeper is put up against serious competition in final testing. Lex finds a number of design issues to iron out.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Black Adam, Morbius, Domino, Deadshot, Polaris

Lex Luthor has posed:
The complex itself from the outside is as big as a football stadium, but is more of a square in comparison. The usual sleekness of LexCorp design is gone from it as well, replaced by a utilitarian protection and bleeding edge technology. This entire place screams high-security, especially with the gated, fortified checkpoint inside the western side concrete wall; a wall that runs around the entire length of the complex.

The inside is little better, with the western entry being littered with field emitters and overt security measures. Given this is where a good portion of LexCorp weapons testing is conducted, it's little surprise this is one of LexCorps most heavily forified locations.

Down the hallway entry are three grey doors, one straight ahead, and two to each side. All look like reinforced steel. The observers have been invited into the door straight through, while those participating have been instructed to go through one of the two side doors. The two side doors go into the massive test battlefield, while the door ahead leads to an elevator that goes up... then across, right into the console room in the direct center of the testing field, where the control spire is located. The control center itself is equipped with the bleeding edge of both computers and defense tech, while the battlefield proper is half urban, half open fields with the occasional hill. The urban section is a mix of modern and well kept... and decaying ruins.

In short, it has a wide variety of testing conditions, and a wide variety of armor and weapons for those who need them. Ever play a Battle Royale scenario? This is a real life version, right down to the small armory of weapons just inside the entry of the latest and greatest of LexTech

"Welcome, everyone, to Phase 4 of Project Peacekeeper. As your contract and NDA reminds you, you are not to discuss what was learned here on your end in any capacity. Failure to do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." The voice of Lex goes through the entire complex via a PA system as he looks out over the field from the glass panes of the control spire, "If you wish to have a break from the fighting, just yell Time-Out and the Peacekeepers will automatically consider you a neutral entity." He smirks, "naturally, the longer you stay in the fight, the bigger your bonus pay is."

The field itself is empty of any hostiles right now.

Black Adam has posed:
    Black Adam had gotten in contact with Lex a few days after their meeting. Once he was sure communication was established, the Pharaoh of Kahndaq left matters alone. Until he was contacted by the Corporate Mogul about a test of his abilities. Not out of doubt of what he could do, but to see if he could make something that could put up a fight if needed. Once the time and date was established, the Pharaoh made his way across the ocean to meet with the others.

    Currently Black Adam is standing near one wall of the empty battlefield, arms crossed infront of his lightning bolt emblazoned chest what light there is in the room glinting off the golden bracers and highlights on the form fitting black outfit his ankle length cloak swept back off his shoulders it's hood hanging limply down his back.

Morbius has posed:
    For his part Morbius listened to the speech in polite silence, sitting at the control center and occasionally typing commands as fast as someone would long claws on their fingers could type. Sitting where he was, hunched and watching the array of monitors, the monster in the labcoat could perform whatever command Lex wanted when he wanted.

    "Hopefully this is not too bloody an affair."

    Was that aimed at anyone? Was that sarcasm, or just very ironic? It wasn't clear at the moment.

Domino has posed:
With a sigh Domino steps out of one of the houses in the urban side of the battlefield, and streches her neck a bit looking around. She wasn't wearing the coat that hid the mulitple guns all along her arms, and legs of different calibur, and strength. She wore the same black suit she always wore with a lean backpack on that keeps some mystery things incase she needed them as she glanced up to where Luthor's voice was coming from. Ducking back inside she started to get to work as she didn't have much time. Trip wires, traps, electricity, she is setting up a death trap in her area now looking to get ready incase that blasted thing came after her. Without much time to prepair she couldn't totaly be ready for whatever this was, but she would give it a black eye that was for sure.

She went light on the explosives for now trying to bring the places down more then blow it up as she might need the big stuff later. For now she quietly listened to the rules of engagement as she prepaired to kill whatever it was that was going to be released here today. Stoping to look at the entry, and exits for this room she grined to herself.. "Looks like it is about to start.. How lucky." she adds in a low voice moving a bit faster around the buildings to finish it up.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot ran a hand across his harness, checking to make sure all of his gear was carefully secured properly. The distinctive red lens in his eye was already on and running. Throughout his usual equipment was various unusual looking items, all unpainted, silver, with distinct LexCorp logos emblazoned in view on a few of them. The mercenary certainly had been making friends, if you really wanted to label business like that. He waited on a rooftop in the more ruined area, using the unusual light to his advantage to remain inconspicious without actively hiding.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane, or rather, Princess Lorna Dane had been sent to represent Genosha officially. The young woman had consulted with Lex previously about offering an 'alternative' to the Sentinels, and she hoped that this was said alternative. Something to sell to the world at large so the scared humans in power could have a metaphorical security blanket made of solid robotics... one that didn't involve the hunting or destruction of her people.

The green haired woman had just arrived, taking a moment to enjoy the offered beverages and the alike as she strolled through the observation room with vague interest. The true focus of her attention being the arena like complex below. She arched a brow, glancing back to Lex Luthor briefly, before glancing back to those below.

"Are there any stats for those testing?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"There are only two rules for this. No killing the Peacekeepers, and no destroying the outer walls. The Peacekeepers themselves are under directive to subdue you, but will do anything just shy of killing you to do that." Lex continues over the PA from the control center.

It's around this time the base of the control spire opens, and 1... 3.... 7... 12.... 15... 20 figures start to march out of a panel that just opened. four rows of five, each row seems to be a different kind of Peacekeeper.

"The Hunter-Class Peacekeepers are the top of the line units. These cyborg units are reserved as priority targets for the Pharoah to fight. The others are fair game for everyone else." Lex continues over the PA.

Indeed, the Hunter class units are ten feet of massive design, and seem to be the most extensively augmented, being mostly machine themselves. "The Riot-Class Peacekeepers are a priority for everyone else. The rest of the units will come out as necessary."

There are five Hunters, and ten Riots. The third design is different from the others... and as Lex speaks, the Hunters and Riots both scatter into the battlefield with amazing speed and agility, disappearing within seconds into the testing scape. Meanwhile, other mercenaries and testers are coming in through the entryway.

"Let the games begin. Peacekeepers, engage containment protocols." Lex Orders. Then, off speaker, Lex looks to Morbius, "I want as much data about Black Adams capabilities as you can get from the sensors, and how the Riot-Class adapt to Domino's powers." Then, Lex looks to Lorna, "Domino and Deadshot are the humans to look out for. Black Adam-" Lex gestures down the way to Teth-Adam, "-is the high powered meta in this test. He'll be the primary target for the Hunter class units."

Black Adam has posed:
     Once the test has been started Black Adam is moving. Seeming not to care about the others around him, or the building he was leaning against, he goes from standing on the ground to super sonic within three feet of the ground sending a massive sonic boom through the building and surrounding area. Unlike The Kryptonian though, Teth-Adam was trained in combat as a child and has decades of experience with his powers before his inprisonment.

    Moving much faster than the cyborgs flight capability Black Adam doesn't Initiate melee combat right away the black and gold blur flying over one such suit a whispered 'Hazmas' has a bolt of lighting dropping out of the sky to strike one suit before he moves behind another bringing his hands together in a mighty clap sending shockwaves radiating out from their impact..

Morbius has posed:
    Morbius entered the commands immediately, and though computer science wasn't exactly his area of expertise, he was fluent enough that there were no hiccups or any delays between Lex's orders and the cyborgs' actions. The one fighting Black Adam doesn't get any special orders, other than to fight smart and not to engage in a fistfight with a demigod.

    Anything going up against Domino is armed with a non-lethal loadout, but being hit with rubber bullets, lasers, heavy metal fists or anything else are going to be a hospital trip if it happens. Anything targeting Domino is told to be quite aggressive. Morbius wasn't sure if it would succeed, but he wanted to see just how difficult it was to secure any kind of a hit. And if a frontal assault proves to be useless, then he'll change tactics.

Domino has posed:
Domino finishing her work inside walks out into the open street looking up to see which of them will pick this direction as she wasn't going anywhere. In one hand is an sub-machine gun with an extended clip that she checked to make sure it was ready to go. She would of liked a few more hours of prep time to get ready for this many she thinks as she walks across the street to get some cover as she hears the loud boom with a flash in the background. She checks the car outside and grins a bit before checking if there are any more coming. For now she is conserving her strength so to let them do whatever they will do wasting theirs. This many combatants they are going to try to encircle her after they find her so she will not have long as she got a bit of a view on them coming down.

She thought about calling the other merc she had heard was in here, but didn't want to give away too much yet. These machines could be flops so again leaves her wait and see on that one, but she did note there was a way to contact him incase it got bad. She would have to hoof it as there was nothing to really 'drive' but she could get there one would hope.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot glances up at the surrounding walls as the announcement about the Peacekeepers booms outward. No killing, again. Seriously, he was having the worst line of luck lately with jobs. What happened to the good old days of 'go over there, shoot the senator, kill anyone in the way as you attempt to escape, you might die'. Now it was all so complicated, powered people everywhere... Deadshot's thoughts are interrupted by the Peacekeepers emerging from the spire. Impressive.

  Deadshot settles down against a ruined lip of the roof with his sniper rifle. No killing. Technically you could do a lot to someone without going that far, though it was hard to believe that these things were in fact living beings. Technology really was advancing at rapid rate. He activates a zoom function by pressing a small button on his wrist. As his HUD began a slow analyzation of the cyborgs, looking for weak joints and poorly armoured areas, he almost chuckles at the near hypocrisy of using his visor against these targets.


  Deadshot glances now at the flying wonder in the facility, mask shielding the frown suddenly growing on his face. Of course depending on how quickly the un-fairly advantaged took out the big ones, he might not need to worry about things after all. He looks to the less ruined urban area nearby, within zipline distance, then back to the Peacekeepers. He had mobility right now, something he might not later, plus the distraction of the big guy. Not to mention distance. Better now than never. He leans into his rifle and lets his breath out smooth and controlled as he targets the leg of a riot Peacekeeper... And pulls the trigger. He knew it would hit, and it wasn't technically a lethal shot.


Polaris has posed:
Lorna hmmm'ed under her breath as she sipped at her wine, her high heels clicking gently against the floor as she stepped to one side to watch the engagement between Luthor's creations and those that had been hired to test them in combat. The Genoshan Princess flexed her powers briefly, feeling out the battle field below with her magnetic senses and gaining a feel for the metal assortment of weapons and the alike on those below.

She reached up a hand, shoving a stray green curl back from her face. Lex's comment on who to watch for down below against the various various builds of robotics.

"I see, and the Hunter Class is build more toward those with powers verses the Riot-class? Or is it that the Riot-Class is build more for larger crowds and less damage to the surroundings? I always thought when it comes to robotics that large ones were rather .... hmm, more for show rather than actual use in cities."

Lex Luthor has posed:
When Black Adams lightning strikes, the Peacekeepers move to duck out of the way with amazing speed, their bodies twisting and turning as they scramble to get into cover. A couple manage to dodge the strikes even... but three of them hit the shield, the energy flaring the blue field around each as they curl up and jump high using only their legs, their momentum carrying them towards the walls even as Black Adam prepared his shockwave. Once again, the shield absorbs the hits from Black Adam, but the kinetic impact unbalances them, forcing them to engage their thrusters to reorient themselves as they snap themselves onto various buildings and walls.

Almost all at once, The Hunter units bring up their right arms to reconfigure them, and all at once, plasma cannons begin to fire highly unstable and destructive pulses of high energy unstable plasma at Black Adam. More than enough to carve through buildings with ease, and they keep firing as they test what it'd take to do any serious damage to Lord Thunder.

Domino, meanwhile, can see two Riot-Class units coming in her direction, though they circle her as they jump from building to building with ease. So far, they seem to be testing her as much as she's testing them... at least for a moment, before they start to jump their way from building to building, heading for her with their right arms reconfiguring with obvious machine guns.

Deadshot, meanwhile, doesn't get much of a weakness read on the Peacekeepers. The limbs are /extremely/ well armored, and show it. The joints are fully mechanical as well, but at least there are moving parts there, so his rounds might do something...

.. and when the round hits, it bounces off a shield. A blue flare can be seen as the energy of that shield constricts for a moment, then disappears.

Deadshot seems to have it's attention, at least, even as the other mercenaries hired into this job are suddenly in a running firefight on the other side of the testing facility against other Riot-Class Peacekeepers.

"The Hunter units are meant to be the elite combatants, designed to handle the big threats." Lex confirms for Lorna. "The Riot-Class is a more general use unit for street work." Lex gestures to the Hunters going after Black Adam, "The entire point of doing it this way is to remove AI from the equation. They are still humans under all of that mechanical augmentation, which means human morality and basic reasoning is what drives the units. They're also much more versatile, with their limbs and torsos being designed to be modular."

Black Adam has posed:
     Black Adam ducks, dives, and dodges the energy blasts as they come for him, his speed increasing as he dives to the ground a loud Thoom filling the air as a small earthquake starts to hit the area, Black Adam diving into the ground forcing it to move and shift out of his way. He goes straight down it seems before once more he's coming up a few feet away earth and stone and concrete flying into the air in an explosion of dust and dirt possibly blinding the Hunter's sensors as he moves to close the distance to one of them.

    Adam aims for the weak parts of a body, the joints, the arms, what looks to pass for the eyes his arms a blur as the fists start to pummel the first Hunter in a rapid staccato of jabs.

Morbius has posed:
    Morbius kept recording the data, kept paying close attention to everybody's data as it went from the cyborgs' view screens to the monitors in the next room. Briefly, he wondered if they would be as responsive if they were half a world away...or, with the way technology was advancing, if they were worlds away. But, that wasn't his concern, whether Lex's little toys succeeded or failed, that had nothing to do with him or his interests.

Domino has posed:
Domino looks up to see them over her cover as they land infront of her. Knowing the bullets would not do too good in this particular situation she decides to move other then hold position. As soon as they are about to touch the ground is when she starts with the automatic fire in a general arc left to up and right. She has experience so can keep the line straight enough to be at generaly eye level as she hopes the shield will block their view as well as hers to give her time to dive through the door into the room.

If they turn to shoot at her as she is going in she will hit the button on the device in her other hand. The device would trigger the 'small' explosive on the other-side of the car outside. This would push the car up, and over towards the wall, and anyone between them such as two Peacekeepers as Domino is ducking into the room leaving this behind her. Technically this is neither using explosives on them, nor trying to kill him so she followed Lex's rules up to this point. Inside she stoped and waited for them as any good bait should as she looked around the inside, and the traps she had set though she still had at least three exit plans from this new spot. Paitence is the key she reminded herself, and waited for them to slip up just that little bit for her to sink the knife in.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot doesn't let himself seem fazed as his round doesn't stike as solidly as he had hoped. Shields. If they were able to stop a bullet from an unknown location they either were powered constantly, which would be a huge drain of power, they activated from high-speed projectiles and the kinetic force behind them, or some more strange third option. That meant there was going to be a time limit on the amount of time they could run effectively and he needed to wait it out, or he needed to get around the shielding. Time to see if there was a weak spot. The big guys... well, he'd deal with them later if he needed to. No use spending time worrying about future problems. He let the moron mercs run in, he planed out shots of the Peacekeeper that took note of him.

  Deadshot pulls the trigger of his rifle rapidly, landing 4 more shots on the Peacekeeper. He already tested a leg. His following shots were laid out for torso, right arm, head, left foot respectively. He hoped the rapid speed would give him a better idea of how the shield worked, and if it could cover opposing areas efficiently one after another.

Polaris has posed:
Interest remained on Lorna's expression as she watched over the chilled rim of her wine glass. Her green eyes narrowed in consideration as she played with what Lex's robotically enhanced people could or couldn't do. A nod followed as the action came to life and shields blazed against shots and attacks. The energy below hummed in her mind's eye and she tapped a manicured fingernail against the glass briefly.

"You're not worried that Tony Stark might start up legal issues over super-enhanced mechanical suits?" She mused, thoughtful as she watched the battle progress.

"I also wonder about their remote piloting capabilities. Part of the appeal, I think, of Trask's creations are that unmanned robotics mean there's a lower cost to human life. At least in terms of their marketing strategies.." She glanced back to Lex, finishing off her wine glass.

"I'm also curious about using these things in conjunction with mutant abilities..."

Lex Luthor has posed:
The bolts go wide as Black Adam focuses on dodging them. These cyborgs have /very/ good accuracy, but against the Speed of Horus, they still fall short. Buildings and the outer walls audible and visibly shatter from the sheer firepower the Hunters are outputting... and when Black Adam dives into the ground, suddenly small sensor nodes pop out of their wrists as they aim at the ground, tracking Black Adam as he goes visibly.

When he pops back up around his target, that shield is once again activated as it begins to absorb the rapid attacks. Both arms reconfigure into hydraulic mauls and the Peacekeeper starts to try fighting back, fifty tons of force pummel into Black Adam as he pummels it. The rest of the Peacekeepers? They resume firing at Black Adam, plasma fire pouring into the melee aimed mainly for Black Adams back.

Meanwhile, the Peacekeeper coming in directly at Domino apparently didn't see the trap in time, and the car and bullets both hit solid armor with a lack of reaction time for the shield. There's a sickening metallic groan as the Peacekeeper is crushed against a wall. For now.

The other Peacekeeper had just enough time to dodge the trap though, and is on the roof by the time the explosion is ended... the machine gun aimed right for the entrance as it waits for Domino.

Deadshot continues to fire... and continues to hit shielded points on the Peacekeeper. Soon, it's jumping from one building to another, heading right for Deadshot... and it's right arm reconfigures into a machine gun and starts to spray rubber rounds in his direction.

Oddly enough, there's no shield stopping those rounds. Selective field use, maybe?

"Stark has no legal standing to stop us. These cyborgs are all LexCorp patented technology, and the designs are being refined all the time." Lex offers as he moves to one of the monitors. He's very curious about the resource drain in fighting Black Adam on Unit-3. "They're mutually exclusive strategies." Lex concedes, "but anyone with any sense will realize that giving AI that much power is a terrible idea from a design perspective. It's inviting hackers to hijack your technology."

Black Adam has posed:
     With the Strenth of Amon flowing through his body 50 tons of force over something the size of a human fist might as well be a toddler punching their dad in the thigh. The blows ram into Teth Adam and he brings his hands up to catch the wrists. "Tell me Luthor, what needs be undamaged for your machines to still be concidered alive!?" he calls out loud enough to be heard across the entire battlefield the Lord of Thunder forcing the robot's arms up and away from Adam placing strain and sheering force at the shoulder joints.

    Two of the blasts from the others are dodged Adam dragging the cyborg into the path of one while the other two find purchase causing his cape to smolder and lightning to arch over the wounds a small hiss of pain coming from Adam as the magic of Hazmas heals him and repairs his uniform.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot lifts his rifle from the edge of the roof. It seems that his present location was rapidly running out positive traits. He takes off at a run, already firing his grappling hook. The dang robot-cyborgs probably had already been given data about how he fought against Morbius. He worked on evasion for the moment while he thought of a way to get behind his current opponent's shielding.

Domino has posed:
Inside the room of traps takes cover from the impact of the first Peacekeeper though she makes an "Oohh" hearing the noise. 'That wouldn't of killed one right?' she thinks hearing the crunch being so close she frowns a bit. That was experience that saved her and a bit of luck so far, but as she didn't see the other one out there anymore she knew it would not be gone long. She wasn't tagged in her mad dash, but with the car trick distracting them it would give her some time.

Using what chance she has she reloads, with a minute to think she does. The other one might be coming back very quickly so other then go for the one on the roof she went for the one pinned to the wall as she took the automatic weapon and shot through the wall at knee-level to try to injure that part of the suit enough where he would not be able to follow. She hopped this would pull the other one in, but wondered if the machine would yell for help? She smiled to herself, and emptied the clip through what wall there would be there for the moment before it would be shot away.

Polaris has posed:
A slow smile curved on Lorna's expression at Lex's words and she finished off her wine glass to set it down on a tray meant for her discards. She kept her gaze trained on the fight, even as Lex addressed her concerns. She nodded once in agreement at his mention of giving AI's that much power was a bad idea, as well as the hacking issues that came with such technology. "I happen to like what you've done with these a lot. I'll speak with my father more in depth, though I think he will want to see the demonstrations himself, or at the very least, the recordings of your findings. It might be worth looking into if these can work in conjunction with mutant powers as an extra edge. At least for us in Genosha, that would be something of interest. I doubt the rest of the world would want that just now." She shrugged with a delicate roll of her shoulder.

"I'd like to stay for the rest, but if you'll excuse me, my father wanted my thoughts immediately on what you've made here. So I'll give him a call and watch the recording on my return?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
The PA system is engaged once more, "The head and center torso are the main organic centers. Everything else is mechanical and can be replaced." Lex explains, even as Black Adam goes to work on shredding the arms. They're halfway snapped off before the Peacekeeper engages thrusters to try to pull out of Black Adams grasp, even as plasma bolts start to hit it dead center. Meanwhile, the rest of the Hunters continue to fire at Black Adam, switching positions with giant leaps here and there in order to keep from being predictable in angle.

Rubber rounds bound off the surface where Deadshot used to be, a couple dozen expended even as the unit jumps to the ground and starts to dash along as it tries to keep up with Deadshot. Once it has an idea of where he's going, it leaps, engages it's thrusters to adjust it's angles, and starts to fire that machine gun once again in his direction in an attempt to at least graze him and send him off course.

Meanwhile, a blast of some kind tears apart the rooftop above Domino, before a grenade is dropped inside dead center where Domino is. A combination flash and sleeping gas grenade for overkill disabling. Somehow, it knew exactly where Domino was.

"I look forward to his impressions, Ms. Dane." Lex offers in reply as Lorna heads out.

Black Adam has posed:
     Black Adam stays on the ground, moving with the Speed of Horus to dodge the energy blasts, when one of the Hunters leaps to aquire a new position Black Adam strikes as multiple sonic booms thunder over his portion of the battlefield he slams into the bottom of the cyborg, not caring if its shields activate or not a mighty punch coming in from below will send the several hundred, (if not thousand) pound cyborg flying up in to the air to come crashing back down if it's incapable of flight.

    Once that threat has been handled Black Adam returns to his fast paced movement dodging energy blasts, and breaking off chunks of masonry to throw back at the robots at hypersonic velocities, the rock and stone hitting shield, or metal, or buildings behind the robots hard enough to have the kinetic energy instantly heat the stone to it's melting point..

Domino has posed:
Domino laughs a bit as she empties the clip into the thing outsides leg steping away to reload as she hears the stuggle feeling the waves of energy for the first time since the fight starts. She moves to the door way to look outside, and spots the choas that is Adam out there. There are shots all around her, and she is thinking about why nothing has been happening making this really difficult for her even in this kind of situation. Right when the roof gives out she dives out of the way. She isn't fast enough for the gas though as she gets out enough to see Adam, and the numerious dead Peacekeepers... "Oh.. well that makes sense now." and out like a light as the gas kicks in.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot has to increase the level of effort he puts into getting away from the cyborg. These things were just outright unfair with all their modifications. He wasn't pleased with how easily it was able to speed up. Gritting his teeth as bullets begin flying, he disconnects himself from his grapple gun, letting himself fall a few levels to the ground. He hits fairly hard, rolling and recovering by muscle memory. Bursting into a run he heads towards where there doesn't seem to be as many explosions. He unclips a small device and tosses it against a building, a small dart-like device. It has a thin, near-invisible wire running from the wall now to Deadshot's harness. He continues sprinting around a pillar and then back towards where the Peacekeeper was. The line he just put out could be electrified, extremely high voltage, but he was waiting to activate it. He needed the high-speed Peacekeeper to run into it first. With any luck it traveling with thrusters meant it would have less agility to dodge, if it even saw the line.

Lex Luthor has posed:
As Black Adam charges Unit-03, it braces, the human inside knowing he won't be able to dodge the powerful attack in time... and once he's tossed into the air, there's a loud "I'm done." from it. A human voice.

"Unit-03 has conceded defeat." Lex announces over the PA system even as it flies back to the base of the control spire. The other Hunter Peacekeepers, meanwhile, start to coordinate, their plasma cannons forming a defensive net to start shooting the hypersonic debris. Some bolts manage to connect... but more often than not, they're getting hit by the rocks, the shield taking the hits. The plasma and rock fire continues to launch back and forth as the Hunter Peacekeepers and Black Adam attrition each other down in skirmishing.

Deadshot? He's rewarded with the sound of a loud scream of pain as the Peacekeeper that was chasing him trips the wire, the electrical jolt doing enough damage to stun the Peacekeeper briefly. So far, the other Riot-class Peacekeepers have been kept busy by the other mercenaries at least, so Deadshot only needs to handle this one.

It's not fried by any means, but it might be an opportunity to disable it for good.

Domino, being subdued, is taken by the Peacekeeper that was attacking her, and gently put in it's arms as it heads for the medical area. "Ten subjects subdued so far in testing. Twenty remain." Lex announces.

Black Adam has posed:
     Black Adam continues to pelt the various cyborgs with rocks, going from large fist sized chunks, he starts crushing the pieces of brick and mortar into pebbles in his hands, shotgun blasts of hypersonic pellets hitting the shields all while Teth Adam keeps moving at his top speed, the Stamina of Shu flowing through him. He can see the suits starting to heat up from the constant barrage of plasma they're fireing, and while the Plasma can hurt him if it strikes him, the human mind can only track things so quickly, and the assistant programming can only move their weapons at regular speeds. If there were more weapon ports placed all around the body, not requireing aiming of a weapon this might be a different story.

    "Hazmas!" he booms a mighty column of lightning flares out of the bright blue sky striking where Teth Adam had been standing the electrical blast potentially being enough to temporarily blind his opponents as he slams his shoulder into the chest of another Hunter at well over 15 times the speed of sound..

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot is half-pulled as turns hard on his heel, almost dropping to the ground as he reverses his direction again. Disconnecting his cable to avoid getting yanked by his target any further he charges at the Peacekeepers. It was well-put together cybernetics to be sure, but it wasn't perfect by any means. Pulling one of the brushed-metal LexCorp weapons from it's holster he points it directly between the cyborg's feet. Pulling the trigger he looks away. The trick is almost what he pulled on Morbius, a high-intensity flare-gun. It ricochetes upward into the face of the pained Peacekeeper. He wasn't really sure how to take this thing out, so he wanted to buy as much time overloading senses as he could. He might have to run on these.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Even the Hunter-Class Peacekeepers with their cutting edge mass produced technology can't handle Black Adam when he's using as much power as he is. A few design improvements should help to level out the playing field eventually... but that's what this test is for... and once it's clear Black Adan has stretched his Peacekeeper units to their near limits, Lex comes over the PA system again, "We have what we need. All units, stand down and return to the spire for repairs." When Lex finishes speaking, all the Peacekeepers engage their thrusters and head back where they came from.

Well, most of them anyway. The ones that Black Adam and Deadshot were fighting have had their sensory systems overloaded for the moment.

"LexCorp appreciates your work. A representative will be waiting at the lobby with your payments. Thank you for your time."