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Latest revision as of 01:23, 14 May 2019

Catching up with the Bat Fam
Date of Scene: 22 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Batman, Red Robin

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A good portion of Carrie's time lately had been spent either patroling, at college prepping for the upcoming Spring Break, or attempting to track down one missing Damian Wayne... while juggling the apparent sibling rivalry that came up from even attempting to do so. It was far past time she came to the source of the potential issue.

Entering the manor she leaves her trusty but rusty red Toyota sitting outside on the front drive to no doubt highly embarass Bruce by it's sheer existence. Though she enters with a purpose, that purpose wavers when she catches a whiff of whatever it was that Alfred had been cooking at some point this evening. Curious, and perhaps a bit peckish, she makes a slight detour toward the kitchen. Purely for scientific reasons of determining what that smell was. That's all.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Finding the kitchen currently unoccupied, the stove cold, and most things cleaned and put away Carrie was left with only one course of action: Examining the fridge. It doesn't take her long to pop it open and lean inside to investigate. One door lingers on the top of the fridge door as she leans her weight forward bending down to peruse the contents no doubt neatly stored and organized. Already, in spite of herself, she's begun humming quietly as her hand reaches inside to nudge some tupperware containers to the side looking over their contents. It puts her a bit at a disadvantage of being aware of her surroundings while she mumbles, "Okay now what is *this*? Ooh or this..."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce is in the library. Then he moves downstairs. Moving into the kitchen, he clears his throat. "Can I help you?" he calls out. Bruce is looking to see -what- Carrie is peeking into. He is standing there, dressed in a pair of dark grey slacks, and a long sleeve shirt turtleneck. In his hand is "The Art of War." He's not upset that Carrie is being all inquisitive. So, Bruce is just curious what she is trying to find. He figures there is some left over pizza from Jason or something.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley makes a small strangled noise in the back of her throat. She wasn't quite at fridge raiding levels of acceptance in this household, really, so... she slowly withdraws from the fridge looking more than a bit sheepish at being caught. "I was trying to figure out what it was I smelled when I came in. It's faint, but... Nevermind." Lightly clearing her throat she stands fully to nudge the fridge door shut behind her. "I'd actually come to talk to you if you've got a few minutes." Breifly her eyes drop to the book he holds, a single eyebrow raising at the title.

Batman has posed:
     "Probably the pizza," Bruce says with some amusement in his voice. Then he gives a nod, "I've got time," he gives her a nod. Now, something is on her mind. Right now, he is expecting it to be about school. Something about the research. That's what he is expecting. People don't surprise him, but they do bring items out of left field.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"No, I'd recognize pizza. I'm a college student. That's pretty par for the course. This smelled more like... I dunno, meat and wine or something." Maybe it was something Alfred made. Regardless she crosses her arms slightly as she leans against the counter regarding the relaxed Bruce. Relaxed as he ever would be anyway. A slow, deep breath is drawn while the edges of her lips thin in a stern look. Her mood and thoughts were shifting to more serious matters.

"What the hell happened with you and Damian? Publically calling him out at the ball about it sure as hell didn't help, but from the looks of it you'd already driven him to the point of disapearing in the first place!" She wasn't done yet, clearly, as the aggitated tapping of her fingers against her elbow indicate. At the very least she does take a small breath to calm her growing ire.

"I know I'm an outsider here, really, but... If whatever is happening is driving your son off? Maybe you need some help."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce watches Carrie for a moment. "One, did you know he stabbed a teammate to test them. Rather than simply attack in training, Damian doned a persona so he could hold nothing back. As a result, a teammate was stabbed," Bruce begins the verbal attack. Now, it's time for Carrie to see what she has stepped into. Blue eyes watching her very precisely. And she can tellhe is not done.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tightens her grip on her crossed arms, and her jaw clenches as she hears this news. No, she clearly hadn't known this. It's evident in her posture. She had asked though. She'd sought out the truth to find out *what* was going on... Because even Dick and Jason didn't seem to know. Those sharp green eyes of hers remain on Bruce unwavering in spite of the potential onslaught she had just brought out as she listens. "Go on."

Batman has posed:
          "Two. The sea of insults to his brothers, including not respecting Tim. I cannot have chaos amongst teammates," Bruce says and he is moving closer to Carrie. This is the part that does bother Bruce, no one has -asked- him. People just tend to think, or accuse. "Three. In front of the hostess, and a reporter that is like a blood hound, he publically calls out an operation that involved Batman..." he keeps moving forward. "Four. All I wanted him to do was talk to Dick, and Tim. To apologize. Talk to them how to improve. To not walk in with an air of nepotism, or overconfidence." Then he looks at her, "Five. If anyone else stabbed a teammate, they would have been cast -out- if it was intentional. Damian's action, was intentional." Bruce looks down at Carrie. "So, yes. I publically called out my son in a coded phrase no one gets. Damian used words like French Operation. In. Front. Of. A. Re. Porter."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley holds her ground. It wasn't as if she could go anywhere to begin with. He was bigger, and faster, and she was pressed up against the counter. Tipping her head up she continues to meet his gaze unwavering even as she takes in this new information. No she hadn't asked, not outright. Not politely. The issue of parents and children always did seem to make her on edge. A small 'mmm' is given when he gets to the end of his remark.

"The people who mattered to him knew what it meant." A bit of a breath is let out in a puff, and she glances to the side finally. "Yes, it sounds as if he'd pushed things way too far and does need to be dealt with. But," she adds, glancing back at him now. "He does respect Dick. I've seen him defer to him a lot. He listens to him. Even when they tease one another and argue... He listens to Dick." There's a pause before adding, "I won't say anything about Tim. That's pretty accurate." Slowly she shakes her head, "I just don't think your attempt to knock him down some, coded or not, was necessarily a good idea there because now he's gotten supplies from Jason and run off."

"We *both* know what kind of supplies Jason has."

Batman has posed:
     "He needs to respect Tim, too. I will -not- expect less. What Tim may lack in training by comparison, Damian lacks in the field. Damian doesn't know the city like Tim. He doesn't know the technological threats." Bruce looks at herfor a moment. A look is given to her, "And he nearly compromised my identity in front of someone with the ability to spread the message to the world. That's -BEYOND- sloppy. He's lucky -all- I did was chidehim. A move like that puts everyone that has ever been to this house at risk, including -you-. Again, all I wanted him to do was talk to Tim. Talk to Dick. I said, he needs to seek out the two other Robins. talk to them. His aspirations to be David Carradine is entirely on himself. Entirely self-imposed. I told him, I wanted him to seek out his brothers. Talk to them. Learn what they did to be Robin," Bruce says firmly. He is making it clear that Damian's mission is nothing Bruce asked for. Everything Damian did from that point, onward, is entirely on him.

     "Again, he -stabbed- a teammate -intentionally.- I want to know I do not need to worry about him with you. With Tim. With everyone. I don't care ifhe doesn't like them. I need to -know- he won't be a liability." Then staring at Carrie very intently. "Right now, Jason is a lower liability, and we know the tactics he uses." Bruce turns and starts to move to get a glass for a drink. "And he is not Robin. I told him, he could be. I told him he has the potential to be. All he had to do was talk to the two of them. Figure out how to make Robin work, he is too focused on being Robin. He needs to be focused on helping the city. That's why I wanted him to talk to his brothers, too." Bruce looks at her, "Damian is sorry for the stabbing. Would that bring back Dick, if he stabbed Dick and killed him? Even if it was accidental? No. It doesn't. Until I get an assurance that will not happen to anyone. He. Is. -NOT-. Robin. That doesn't mean, he can't be Robin again." Bruce says very firmly. And that's the truth of it. Bruce has no assurances that Damain won't stab, and possibly kill, Tim, Dick, or anyone else.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley uncrosses her arms to hold her hands up palms out in a 'wait' motion as her had shakes. "I didn't know anything about him not being a Robin anymore. I just thought you'd taken him off of patrols and that's what you meant by 'grounding him.'" Her hands drop again with a sigh. This was just overly complicated. Damian really did take after his father in attitude more than anyone would admit. "But does *he* know that he has the chance to be Robin again? If he gets his act together, of course. Or does he think you've just..." Her hand gestures at him a moment. "Let him go? Completely? Sometimes it's not just about what's said. Emotions are like that. They make us jump to conclusions, sometimes the worst conclusions. Especially for someone that's of the age where his hormones are starting to get out of whack and his emotions are on overload."

"So... What do YOU think he may have thought if he were told he's not Robin? That he was just on probation, or that you were writing him off completely?"

Batman has posed:
     "Yes. I told him as much. If this is anything, it's grounding from the mantle. Not necessarily stripping." Bruce looks at her for a moment. "I told him that he -could- be Robin again. Then told him to talk to his brothers. That Damain can be Robin again. That Damian has the potential to be Robin, again. All of it showing, I just wanted to see the kid learn humility. Then upon my first meeting since, he nerarly outs all of us," Bruce says firmly. He looks to the young woman.

     Bruce is silent about her perspective. It's not wrong. "Before we could talk. He nearly compromised everyone in one swing. It's not that I'm unwilling. All I wanted him to do was talk to his brothers. I didn't kick him out of the home, no language about that. Again, self-imposed," Bruce is firm in his stance. "If he is willing to compromise us after that, is he worth it? I can't answer that anymore. I wish I could," Bruce looks to her for a moment. "I want him to be Robin again, but not like he has carried the mantle. When you done a second persona to attack your teammates full tilt, that's an issue. Nearly compromising us, is another issue. Right now, I cannot trust him. He won't listen to me, and I can't give him lessons on what it takes to be a good Robin. I don't have that perspective. Again, I told him to -talk- to his brothers. He didn't. He just left," Bruce is making it clear that his instructions were clear.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her hand to run over her face, attempting to scrub away some of the irritation of this entire situation. Her weight shifts to lean back against the counter again with her free hand grasping lightly at the edge to help brace her in place. "All right. So he knows that at least." Again her head shakes, though she looks ruefully toward Bruce with a half-hearted smile. "I didn't think you would kick him out. I just knew it had to be something serious to set him off like that. Though from what you've said he's been going off on his own for awhile now."

"I'm sorry for getting upset at you. I'm just worried. Dick is worried. Jason is ... Jason. It's all been wearing on me a bit trying to figure out what's going on and how to help." For a moment her expression shifts to a faint frown. "And for the record? If it ever comes down to it, about someone being outed, I'm the least important one. I'm no one well known and it's not like I really have any family to worry about."

Batman has posed:
     "I'm worried, too. He nearly outed me. That affects -everyone-." Bruce is being honest on that front. That's the other part of the situation. Bruce nearly got outed at the party becasue Damian wanted to be a smart ass. "Do I want him to come home? Yes. But how can I contact him? No means of finding him. Again, Id id not contacthim. I didnt' give him a burner phone and say, 'Get out!'" Bruce is going to be honest. "Worst I did, I thought about destroying his sword for ten seconds. Worst I did," Bruce will admit that. To Bruce it's a symbol of all of Damian's training, and his folly. He figures the that was the weapon Damian used to stab his teammate.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Don't!" Carrie blurts out with a look of shock at the very suggestion. She's quick to recover though with a shake of her head. "Don't. That's one of the few things he came to you with, isn't it? I learned a long time ago that just because the past isn't nice, it doesn't mean you can ignore it existed. It happened. He happened. That's as much a part of him as being Robin is." Now she bites her lower lip considering. "If I can make a small suggestion? If the sword is still here... treat it with respect. In some small way. When he comes back, he'll see that. It'll be a way to show him that in spite of everything you still want him here."

"As for knowing where he is... No clue. Jason's not talking, though I did get out of him that he's not with the Titans. If I get any other leads though I'm going after him. I'm the least involved in this situation. Maybe he could use someone that he doesn't have difficult feelings wrapped up around to help offer some balance."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes walking in from the backdoor. The young man, rolls his kneck a bit, having just got in from his flight and then riding home. He will move to put his keys on a hook, and seeing folks here in the kitchen he will stop, and look between the two wondering what is going on. "Well hello, am I interupting something?" He will ask them as he looks over to the two and says "Am I interupting something?" He will ask them.

Batman has posed:
     "Carrie," Bruce says sternly. "I'm not going to. I respect him. Thus, I respecct his possessions. Like I said, I thought about it very briefly before I came to that conclusion." Bruce says softly. He looks to Tim, "I grounded Damian from being Robin. I told him he needed to talk to you, and Dick. Damian ran off on some self-imposed journey," he says to Tim just filling him in on the details.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley freezes when she hears Tim's voice only for her eyes to dart over toward him. Staring a long moment she offers a tight lipped smile. "Hello Tim, person that I am not supposed to know is a vigilante." Of course her gaze slides over to Bruce only to give a shrug. She'd kind of figured it out a few months ago, but Tim had already gone on his trip so she hadn't yet had a chance to confront him about it. "Good to see you again. And surprise?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to them, and hmms "Ah am sure that went over well, he resents us, and the time we have had with you. " He might be willing to talk t Dick, but I don't think he would be willing to talk to me. " He hmmms, and says "So, we know where he is going or what he wants from hsi journey?"

Batman has posed:
     "He -is- going to, Tim. Damian needs your perspective," Bruce says firmly. Basically, Bruce wants Damian to evolve. To be better. There's potential, but Damian would rather run from it. However, the stabbing portion, Bruce keeps private for now. Blue eyes look to Tim, "When did you get in, Tim? Carrie could show you what has hapened in the city since you left to take care of things."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can only offer Tim a small shrug in response to that. "He didn't seem keen on talking to Dick, either. Who is rather upset by that fact," she adds with a soft sigh. Right up until Bruce volunteers her to helping him catch up. A mild look of surprise flits over her face at the offer. "Yeah, sure. I can do that," she agrees with a glance and another shrug toward Tim.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Just got in, was able to catch an earlier flight than I thought I would be able to. Everythign looks good in Singapor, and everything should go along as planned." He raises a brow a bit at the last bit, and seems to want to ask something, but waits on it. "I will be honest Damien resents the face Dick and I have the name. Just being blunt here. He wants to be you, and like the rest of us he wants to be proud of him. I had to find my place when he came in, felt he was taking my place, so he and I butted heads. " He will look over and says "I take it I missed a bit of changes?"

Batman has posed:
     "There are some new faces. Some truths about Damian were revealed. As a punishment, I said he couldn't be Robin. I said he was to talk to you and Dick. I wanted him to learn humility." Bruce is going tobe honest here. "I wanted him to learn what it is like to have respect. Just to talk to you and Dick. Instead he goes on a self-imposed quest. If he were anyone else, I would have kicked him out after what I found out," Bruce sighs. Then he is just trying to fight off this feeling. It's a rock in a hard place. Does he want Damian to bounce back? Yes. He's not sure Damian can. He's not sure if Damian is even capable.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances at Bruce once again at the sigh. In spite of the earlier argument, she reaches out to touch his arm lightly with a small squeeze. "He'll come back," she assures, even if she wasn't sure on the when. A light smile is offered over to Tim. "Yeah. I've been training and patroling with Dick. It's still newish."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says "Ok, I may have a bit of a different view of this than you and Dick. " He hmms a bit and sighs "Again being blunt, Bruce ...." He sighs not seeming to want to say this perhaps "Even with all that has happened, you had a great male role model. Dick had you and your a good role model maybe a bit more harsher than Alfred was, but your still a good man. I can't believe I am defending the runt, but look at who his role modle was. He is going to have a learning curve thats totaly different than yours, Dicks or mine. When ya told him, he could not be Robin any more.." He sighs and looks ot Bruce "When else do you spend time with him?"

Batman has posed:
     Bruce is quiet for a moment. "He stabbed a teammate Dick, intentionally. He's a liability," however Tim has a point. It doesn't fall on deaf ears. "Carrie. Tim. Excuse me, I need to find my son," Bruce says firmly. Right now, Tim is right and it's a very daming point to be right on. So, Batman isn't going to go looking for Damian. Bruce Wayne is going to look for his son.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances at Bruce as he makes this apparent decision. It was along the lines of what she'd been trying to puzzle out herself, but without managing to get it right on the nose like that. She was focusing more on the situation and not the entire dynamic. "We'll be around," she assures as he heads off, and she just holds out a fist toward Tim to dap for getting it right. "Good one."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will fist bump back, and looks to Bruce. "If you need any help we are there to help, but if you want us out we understand that too. I will look and see if I can find any traces of where or how he might have headed out." He looks to Carrie, and says "So, Hello, I am Red Robin, and you?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley flashes a smile at Tim with a dip of her head. "I'm Kestrel," she offers back giving her still-new name. "I work with the Birds as well as Nightwing. The last was his doing though," she adds tipping her head the way Bruce went.