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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/03/22 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=7665,971 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:7665|Blackjack O'hare (...")
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Latest revision as of 01:25, 14 May 2019

Actual fuzz
Date of Scene: 22 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 7665, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    T-0261 had been leased for 200 years, the whole planet mind. In that time the tennants had, well frankly sort of trashed the place. So the Banking consortium who held the lease, well when time came they opted not to offer a renewal. So today, theres a "Planetary Eviction" underway. THese kinds of things don't happen very often for obvious reasons.

    Most leave peacefully, some adopt nonviolent resistance and a minority take up arms.

    It's a Mercenary feeding frenzy then, and the roster is full of perfectly reputable firms with one exception down there near the bottom. "Black Bunny Brigade", who've never been prosecuted but they had quite the reputation for violence. A firm worth sending some fuzz out to supervise, just to make sure nothing gets out of hand.

    Blackjack and his bunnies have indeed been going at it all morning, fighting a rag tag violent resistance group full of religion and narcotics. Hard fighting in the subterranian depths below the planet's surface, but obviously Bunnies aren't uncomfortable in the least deep underground. Quite the opposite in fact, it's calming. Noon finds the Rabbits filtering up to the surface, covered in mud and blood and smelling of fresh dirt and gunfire. The wounded are rushed off for care, before the Mercenaries occupy a sprawling courtyard to take a lunch break. Settling out comfortably in little groups of three and four, save for the Rabbit in charge.

    Blackjack's not terribly difficult to pick out of the crowd, he's got the most bars on his jacket and he's the only one off eating on his own. Working down the delightful leafy greens and leaning back against the courtyard wall to let his black pelt grow warm in the sun.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs softly as she shakes her head, floating in orbit of this planet. It's a mess down there. She pulls up some information about the chaos - and sees a bunch of mercenary group who are playing eviction agents. Then... a flashing warning. Not THEM again. The bunny squad. She sighs softly, groaning. She considers radioing for help but thinks she can handle this as she goes to land. Detecting the bunnykin in a courtyard, she decides to show off by making a large Lantern logo appear in the sky above htem, then flies through it to land by the head. "Blackjack O'hare," she notes drolly. "I was wondering when our paths would cross."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    As he's called, those ears swivel round but he doesn't rise immediately. Casually setting his bowl aside, before slowly rising to his full meager height. Casually he sweeps those ears back, those blaze red photoreceptors on his helmet narrowing just a touch. "Aha, well if it isn't an officer of intergalactic law. We're humbled to have you in our meager camp, might I offer you some lunch?"There's no snap, not a word uttered but bunnies are on the move. Setting out a pillow and sliding in to offer Jessica a, like ok lets be legit here. That tea cup with the little bunnies on it in gold relief, dude it is stupid sorts of cute. Nevermind the guns, they're all pretty cute right?

    "I don't normally get out this side of the galaxy, but I'm delighted to find my reputation preceeds me."a little grin, turning at the corners of his mouth. "Please, make yourself comfortable. We are nothing if not generous to our guests."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz raises an eyebrow. "Your reputation has you as a bloodthirsty savage who barely stays in the realms of decency. Glad to see that it's a bit overrated. I consider myself to have an open mind." She takes the proferred cushing and sits down, and she takes the tea. "Thank you. I was studying the situation, trying to decide if intervention was needed... when I saw your group's name on the list of mercenaries trying to expedite this distasteful business."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Oh a reputation I cultivate carefully, I assure you. Perish the thought you'd spoil all that hard work, it saves lives of course."And well he sits himself back down. Pausing to peel that chrome helmet off, before setting it carefully aside. "We're not terribly intimidating by galactic standards, so people feel an urge to pick fights with us. The reputation, means that when I tell somone they need to leave? They listen, because nice or not the alternative will be short and final for them."Which is yaknow, legal if only just. "Anywho you have me at something of a disadvantage, I'm Field Commander Blackjack O'hare. You're obviously a Lantern, but I'm afraid I didn't catch the name. From Sol, is it?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "My name is Jessica Cruz, and yes, from Sol. I guess our little backwater planet's getting some notoriety of its own?" she states. "I didn't realize your squad was here." She sighs softly. "Is it... well... going well? The mission? I was hoping to report on the chaos and say there's a minimum of bloodshed." She smiles faintly, sipping the tea.

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Oh it's far from bloodless, but the little ones are gone. Down below it's mostly criminals, who were told that they'd receive divine pardon if they killed us all."Blackjack sips his tea calmly. "The non-dusk group up north found their, organizers raiding the banks. So it looks like they drugged these poor souls up, to give them time to steal what little they had."theres a little shrug there, none of this is new territory for a hardened galactic mercenary obviously. "I've heard of Sol plenty, supposedly our genetic stock is sourced from there or so the story goes. Most of what went down on half-world is a lie to begin with though, so we've never had the time to stop by for a look. Understand Sol is not terribly welcoming of visitors?"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Yeah... I... can see that." She ponders. "You do somewhat resemble a creature we have on Earth called a rabbit. But... they are just..." She creates a construct of a rabbit. "Simple animals. While there's a superficial resemblance... well, I could do a DNA analysis if you're curious. But maybe another time, when this is done. Could I help expedite this matter so it'd go faster?"

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "A most generous offer, but one I must decline. We've been hired to do this work, and are paid in accordance with services rendered. You stepping in, would reduce the pay we're able to take home and impeach our reputation. I'm afraid the industry is full of proper thugs, reputation is of dire importance."And a sip of his tea, before reaching over to offer Jessica a cup of the same if she fancies? "Well so goes the rumor, the appearance is uncanny for certain. We'd want our own scientists to look it over of course, no slight to you obviously."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "I'll send a message to you - I'll bring a Sol rabbit to Knowhere and you can compare notes yourself. But I'll note that talking to you is a lot more interesting." She smiles. "I'll even bring some of their favorite food - a root vegetable we call carrots." She then nods. "Would you like me to stay nearby in case I'm needed, or should I just go for now?"

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "C-o-t-p-o would have me on coals if I authorized the taking of a potential genetic relative from their native environment, no matter the intent. I'm already not exactly the church's favorite rabbit, which makes all of this rather complicated to begin with. As for foods, the fleet is always happy to accept seed stock. Safer for us than raw vegetables, too many little ones who've never lived on the dirt side."Theres a little shrug there. "We won't be going back down for a spell, but I would never detain an officer of the law from her duly appointed duties of course. So come or go, your decision entirely my dear."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "I'll bring one over anyway. They're common creatures on Earth. I'll get a healthy one for your study." She smiles as she waves. "Well... I'll be in this sector for a few days doing a report on this situation. Send a frequency on channel 5618 if you find need of my presence." She smiles. "Thanks for the tea." She then waves as she begins to ascend.

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "If you insist, though they're likely to take offense."Theres a little raise of the hands at that one, before Jess rises to her feet. "And may fortune follow you wherever you find yourself."Blessings offered, Blackjack rises to see Jess off before casually kicking that lid up to his waiting hand. Turning to peer towards the gathered bunnies before silently they rise and fall into formation. "Right right, lets get paid. Get to it, you think this is a union gig?"