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Latest revision as of 01:56, 14 May 2019

A Siblings Catch Up
Date of Scene: 25 March 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Hela

Thor has posed:
    The last of the Winter Sun hangs low over Kvalvika. Spring has arrived and a fresh vibrance has swept across the grasslands, bright yellows and greens of new life have been brought forth by the warm weather and the gentle rain. But during this time of day, near the evening, the shadows are long. Though no shadow is longer than that of Fortress Asgard.
    Standing underneath the portcullis, Thor Odinson smiles to himself as he rests a hand upon some of the stonework in that clean arc over the entryway. The road leads up to it, wending its way around the tall mountain and from there the entirety of New Asgard can be seen. And for once... for now, there is at the least an echo of the Golden City in what has been created here in the passing of a year.
    "It is fine work, Bjarke." The blonde man with the eyepatch says as he turns his head to the foreman so tasked. "Much to do, but still. It feels as if it belongs here."
    "Aye, that it does, milord."

Hela has posed:
Swirling dark mists appear, and from within, out steps Hela, her hair flowing in the gust of wind in the wake of her portal as it fades to nothingness. "Brother, I had hoped you would stop by," Hela states with a rather casual tone of voice. Seems she's rather relaxed these days, perhaps?

"I have weaved us some protective spells, should those silly Xandarians choose to test their fate," a rather sinister grin spreads on her face, seems she rather takes joy in picturing the demise of her enemies. "They won't much like a visit to New Asgard."

Thor has posed:
    "My Lady," Bjarke instantly lowers his eyes and touches a fist to his chest in a precise execution of a bow. He shoots a look towards Thor even as the Thunderer turns his attention to his sister and her arcane arrival.
    "You enjoy my thanks, Bjarke. But for now that will be all, I would speak with mine sister." A nod is given by Thor as he lifts a hand to thump the aged ship's captain and foreman's shoulder.
    "As you would, my lord." And with that Bjarke turns to depart, stepping away with a few quick strides.
    To Hela Thor looks and nods once, "That is good tidings you bring, hopefully your enchantments shall not be put to the test, but we shall rest all the easier with their presence."
    For the moment he's garbed as a traditional Asgardian, what with tunic and breeks and boots. He rests his hands on his hips and looks across the full view of the settlement, then looks back to her. "What has passed for you? Are matters well in Niflheim?"

Hela has posed:
Hela acknowledges Bjarke with a glance, and going as far as to incline her head, before turning her full attention on Thor. "It has been a while since I've had the chance to massacre armies," Hela seems to have a very skewed description for combat, but then with Odin's decree, few if any would remember her glories and exploits. But to her, they always serve a sweet memory, a time she would like to see return with Asgard soaring high above all.

"Indeed, things are well and in order in Niflheim, Brynnhilde, has returned to service...and almost all of the lost souls have been retrieved to the newly found Valhalla, back to it's deserved glory." With a brief pause, Hela adds, "when things calm down a bit, I shall take you to survey it, brother."

Thor has posed:
    Eyebrows rising, Thor's good eye widens a touch as he says, "Brynnhilde?" There's a fleeting smile that dashes across his features and then he asks, "Did she, did she ask about me?" But then as quickly as it comes he chases off that overly friendly sentiment and waves a hand to the side. "But in any case, that is good news. Without her we never could have saved the people of Asgard." For, in truth, she was one to help him during his time on Sakaar.
    He takes a step to the side and starts to walk along the side of the fortress wall, into the main courtyard with the portcullis descending behind them silently on some form of mechanism or magic.
    "I would like that, sister. Though there is e'er time enough for Valhalla for all of us." His lip twitches slightly. "Matters beyond our realm proceed apace. The Avengers have been busy and the tasks numerous. Have you gone out and about the land to become acquainted with these people?"

Hela has posed:
"I haven't yet spoken to her in person, but Vintridr has, it is good to have her among the Valkyrior. Asgard could certainly use her leadership and skill." Hela grins, amused by the question, but she'll have to answer it after she's had a chance to meet the Valkyire.

As she walks along with Thor, she motions about her, "I've mostly spent my time between weaving the protective spells here, and Niflheim. I also made sure the Valkyrior are prompt in retrieval of the lost souls to Valhalla. I didn't have much time, as of yet, to walk about Midgard...but perhaps, you can bring me to meet those people you work with? Avengers I hear they are called?"

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, I could..." That word lingers there for a time as he walks, a small crease marring the flesh between his eyebrows. "Though I would warn thee, sister. They are..." He looks up for a moment as he walks, good eye distancing as he delves into his mind for the right word.
    "An eclectic group." His lip twists slightly as he looks sidelong towards her, "And used to having me amongst them as well as facing off with beings of... insurmountable power. So that might make it so some of them are rough around the edges and do not have the respect for ettiquette that one might imagine be held for such ambassadors of Midgard."
    That having been said, he pauses in their walk to lightly thump one of the stones in the wall with the underside of a fist, as if testing its strength and finding that it holds. Back to her, "But it could well have a positive outcome."

Hela has posed:
"I care not if they be eclectic or bland, if they are your friends, the people you fight alongside of, I would know them." Hela seems rather adamant in her desire to meet them. But then Thor puts it on better terms, and Hela finally understands, laughing as she does. "Fiiiine, I shall not expect decorum from that lot when I finally get to meet them."

"I'm sure no wrong can come of it..." then again, Tony Stark is just the guy to manage to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.