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Update in a Flash
Date of Scene: 25 March 2019
Location: Central City
Synopsis: Red Robin comes to speak with Flash, Killer Frost puts Alex on ice, and everyone enjoys a laugh at Zippys expense.
Cast of Characters: Flash, Red Robin, Killer Frost

Flash has posed:
It's a quiet night, even for Central City which is reknowned across the Midwest as a relatively low crime city thanks to the Flash. There's even a day of celebration named for his efforts, but that doesn't mean that the occational crime that goes unnoticed by the Fastest Man Alive otherwise there would be no need for a CCPD. One such crime in action is happening in that moment, point of fact.

The silent alarm has not yet gone off, but a group of bagmen are holding up a pawnshop nearer to the airport on the outskirts of town where they're less likely to run into the Scarlet Speedster. "I said give me the whole drawer!" One of the masked villains says, holding a sawed off shotgun while his companion is twisting a crowbar into a safe trying to pry it open. The man behind the counter is frightened, hands in the air, eyes wide but he's still trying to comply.

There are few murders here, but he certainly doesn't want to be one of them.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has flown in and as he was heading out he just happens to be in the right place at the right time. He will find a place to park his car, and into an alley to change, to head towards the Pawnshop/

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost was browsing the pawn shop actually, keeping a low profile in the corner, looking at some antique 8-track tapes. She then hears the shouting and sighs softly, shaking her head. "Let's have some fun," she cooos in her strange voice that sounds like icicles tinkling behind her words as she walks forward. She walks right up behind the man with the shotgun, grabs him, spins him around, and lays a kiss right on his lips... and... the gunman rapidly was frozen solid. "I _was_ shopping here. I like this store. Drop the crowbar... or join your friend," she growls, pointing a finger at the man with the crowbar.

Flash has posed:
The gunman finds himself face to face with Killer Frost and was just about ready to thrown down his gun when she planted a kiss on him that chilled him to the bone, literally. His companion, likewise, throws up his hands, "Holy crap lady! You just iced Alex!" Someone has been playing too much Division resently. The crowbar clangs to the ground noisely and he takes an active step back away from Frost, "You can take whatever you want!"

It isn't even his store, but the pawnshop owner isn't disagreeing with the sentiment.

He too has his hands up in the face of Frost's cold demeanor.

Outside, however, a van has pulled up from around the bend. Likely the get-away driver and backup should the Flash show up. These guys? They're wearing body armor and carrying assault rifles. "Alex! Roxxy! You guys hurry up! Speedy will be here soon and we can't be anywhere nearby when he he is!"

They've yet to notice Tim across the way donning his armor and cowl.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake calmly walks over to the van keeping to the shadows. He sees the armor, and the guns, so he takes a bit more caution than he might otherwise, and once up to the door of the van he will just lightly drop a flash bang into the van.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost simply raises her hand as a jet of freezing fog fires from her hand, slamming the would-be safecracker into the safe, probably stunning him. "Relax, he'll be fine with some medical attention," she states. "Unless I smash him with your crowbar that is." She then gets a cellphone out and dials a number. "Hey dweeb. I'm at Frank's pawn shop. Get your butt here now." She decides not to say anything else after hanging up with the Flash. She glances at the van out front. "Relax, Frank. You're one of my friends, remember? I'd never let anyone hurt you. Where else would I get 8-track tapes these days? All the best music is on them." She turns to face the van, an icicle idly forming in her hand as she wonders if she'd have to use it.

Flash has posed:
The flashbang explodes in sharp light and concussive burst that leaves the driver and passanger clutching their ears, the former huddling forward against the steering wheel has the horn blaring loud into the early evening sky. The big guy who stepped out from the back looks sharply around his shoulder with his machinegun turning in that direction, "What the h- AHHHH!" Suddenly sent flying as if hit by an unseen force until the orange and golden electricity surrounding the Scarlet Speedster. "I'm not a Dweeb... That is a gross over estimation of my inclusive social skills." He shouts towards the open door at Frost standing with Frank behind the counter.

"I'm more of a nerd... or at worst a Geek.." He points a finger at Frost, "Be right back."

The crack of lightning and Flash is tying up all three remaining criminals with interlocking twist ties and peeking around the corner of the van at Tim. "Robin? You... uh.. you're not here about the trip to Gotham are you? I legit told him it was a bad idea. If Batman sent you to send a message, consider it received!" Hands up, palms out, surrender style. "Respect."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will be moving to deal with the guys in the van once the guy goes flying but Barry gets them before he does, and he smirks at the words, and looks over towards the pawnshop not knowing who is in there "Nerds much higher up on the dork social chain, trust me, it is importat." He will smile at the flash, and says "So, Zippy, is legit?" He will ask, and then add "Came on my own after meeting him, and wanted to make sure he was telling the truth, didn't want someone claiming to be your relative, if he wasnot without you knowing.'

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost strides out of the pawnshop, stretching, and yawning. "I left you some souveniers. I name one of them Alex on Ice. Never got the name of the other - he might have a concussion." She then turns to look at Tim Drake, eyebrow raised. She studies him with interest. "Little birdie is far from his nest, isn't he?" she finally asks, giggling softly, as she idly leans against the side of the van. And... something makes a CRUNCHING noise inside the van. Around the fuel tank apparently. She decides to let Flash do the introductions.

Flash has posed:
"Zippy?" Flash says the name as if it's lead and literally falls out of his mouth haphazardly to the cement beneath his yellow boots, "That's the name he's going with? Christ, they've got no sense of flare in the future..." The last is grumbled, but it's grumbled aloud, "AND he's just going on about being my relative. I mean, sweet kid, love knowing that I'm going to have children that have children, but maybe a little disgression would be in his best interest... less we whip up some time wraiths come hunting the wayward lost soul come back to make my life a speed force nightmare." Red gloves up in the SHUTPA! sort of gesture.

"Yeah, he's legit. I don't claim any responsibility for what he does, though. I have no children, ergo, I have no grand children, so any familia responsibility are void by a few dozen decades. Hit me up in twenty four forty something, or whenever he's from."

Now Frost is leaning against the van, causing crystalization of the gas in the tank, "Don't do that! What are you trying to do, cause it to explode?" Motioning, then, between Drake and Frost, "Red Robin, this is Killer Frost.. She's sort of a frienemy. Like right now, she's... give me a second, let me make sure Alex and other guy are okay." Literally a second later, the pair are out with the other three with the icy frozen Alex slowly starting to thaw after Flash attaches some kind of device to his chest that has steam rising up into the air.

"So, I'm getting a pass on us going to Gotham?" To Tim, obviously.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yea, Batman is a bit busy and I have been doing most f the checking on things. If ya got a way for me to contact Zippy, I would appreciate it, having to basicly catch him in a man sized glue trap, it a bit of a pain, and he said he cracked some ribs with the last catch." He tels the other man. He nods over to Killer Frost and says "A pleasure" wondering if Flash is dating her, that seems to be Bruces method of making Frenemies after all. He looks back to Barry, and says "He could use a bit of training in multiple ways it would seem."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost just sighs softly. "I refuse to call him that. It's even worse than when you started going with 'The Streak'. At least my sister could restrain from making jokes about what your costume should be. I couldn't." She then sighs softly as she shrugs. "Meh. The gas is frozen solid. It'll just start dribbling out. I always wanted to do that to see what'd happen." She then stares at Tim, hmmming happily.

Flash has posed:
"God I know, I've tried." Flash waves his hands over his head, steadily shaking from side to side, "He's Impulsive, that's his problem. Young, stupid, way too fast for his own good.." See how easily Barry has named his grandson? Does he take the bait? No, he goes with Zippy. The Allan family: Brilliant Detective patriarch, clueless otherwise. "You think Batman would take him on? Kick him into shape?" He doesn't even sound like he's joking.

"Whoa... now that's not fair. I didn't call myself that, Iris did." Hands up defensively, "I wasn't sure how sounding like a college prank was going to do anything good for my image, but it all worked out in the end." The Scarlet Speedster vibrates a little, looking up and down the street as if expecting the sky to fall with him just standing around in the street waiting for the cops to come pick up these criminals. "You okay?" To Alex, who is shivering now that some of the ice is fallen away from his face. "EMTs are on the way, you'll be fine."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drakehmms and says "Batman has his hands full, but I might be able to find a place Maybe the Titans, I will see what I can do but no promises. Red Robin, will walk ober tot he guy and pull something from his belt, and wraps some kind of insulated wire around te man, and clicks a button, and the wire starts to warm the guy up "Should keep any damage from being done, what we use on Freeze's victims.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost sighs softly. "You two are _just_ no fun. I was going to keep him as a sculpture." She shrugs. "It was just a touch of Frost." She smirks softly as she walks away from the van. "So... I did my good deed for the day. Time to go kick a puppy." She then glances over at the two. "Or would you want to go out for a coffee instead?"

Flash has posed:
"It helped Kid Flash..." Barry says thoughtfully, then dips into a series of clipped nods, "Yeah, see if you can pull some strings for him?" It doesn't really require an answer, honestly, since Tim already offered. "Ah, there they are.. Last chance to beat feet, Frost." Thumbing over at the approaching sirens, "One good turn deserves another. I'll catch up with you later, I have a question for your sister anyways."