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Latest revision as of 04:05, 14 May 2019

Much ado about something
Date of Scene: 05 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Doctor Strange

Black Cat has posed:
When Felicia arrived, she arrived to chaos -- well, a form of it -- and after extricating the lord of the household from it, she swanned off to the Sanctum's kitchen on his arm -- or maybe he in hers, there's two sides to every coin.

Currently, she's filling the kettle with water at the sink and glancing over her shoulder towards the good Doctor. "Look at what I brought! I mentioned the Chai-blend earlier. The other's a lovely mint and orange. It sounded medicinal to me at first, but I smelled the leaves and..." She inhales and exhales appreciatively. Of course, the low sweep of her sweater-dress's neckline also rises and falls. "It smells like spring somehow," she explains in a softer, more fond tone with another glance over her shoulder at Stephen, her jade-green eyes twinkling.

"Speaking of which!" She sets the kettle to heat and then turns to lean against the counter in a svelte collection of curves and aplomb. "Your flowers are doing very well."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen is leaning from behind the doorway from the kitchen to the rest of the house, as if he can see down the hallway where Anna-Marie's former room is, but there's no way. "Who was he?" Stephen asks himself before he turns around and there's Felicia standing against the counter and he crosses his arms before his chest and the cloak slips off his shoulders to stand next to Stephen where it pantomimes rubbing it's chin if it had one before the cloth has a dawning and it flutters quickly to squeeze against Felicia's shoulders and it rests on her before it flicks at her ear with the tip of its collar.

    "See don't cut the flowers, grow them. They're much happier too I assure you." Stephen remarks before he drops his hands and takes a step closer to Felicia. "I was working on your cure but the ley lines were interrupted by the spells in that room." Stephen explains.

Black Cat has posed:
Poor Stephen, surrounded by shenanigans today. Charmed by the cloak's mimicry, Felicia bites her lip against amusement other than the poorly-muted smile on her lips. Then, it's snuggled about her shoulders and she outright giggles, the sound briefly rising overtop the Sorcerer's words.

"That tickles!" she squeaks and pinches the offending collar-tip between fingers for a second. Having captured it, she then presses a warm smooch to its fabric by way of returning the favor of affection. Her attention shifts back to the Sorcerer and she realizes what she heard. Her good humor does deflate a visible amount.

"Well...skittletits..." the cat-burglar mutters to herself as her eyes fall to the kitchen floor. She remains where she leans on the counter. "I don't recognize the guy back there though. I figured he was with one of the other women," she adds helpfully after forcing herself to perk back up. "Don't worry about them though! There's tea. Tea is a good thing," says she as she then sweeps up to him, stopping short of running into him again. "You've made progress on fixing it?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Some, at least your last hair didn't turn into something from the twelfth plane of the other realms." Stephen explains, stepping that last bit to press his chest against her own and he lifts his hand to pat on the top of her head almost bored like. "Careful cursing like that Felicia. It's cute, and memorable, and I thought you were trying to not be one of those things, I have trouble remembering which sometimes though." He says with the hand moving to motion to his temple and then away as if his own memories can't be trusted as they're fleeting things.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia squints at him for the patpat of her hair and then reaches up to fix any fly-aways caused by the affectionate touch.

"I'll watch my mouth then, Copperfield. I can't be distracting you, after all! I don't want any more tentacle monsters of doom and despair either." She wrinkles her nose. "There was so much blood," she says, quoting a line from a movie by the cadence counter to her standard speech. Fingers get to fussing with the lapels of his tunic as always.

"I can't help you if you find me cute and memorable though, Copperfield. That's just...how I am." She looks up at him through her lashes and slowly grins cheekily.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I'm sure you could, but I don't think you want to change people's perception of you." Stephen says, looking down at her hands at his chest. "Or am I wrong again?" Stephen asks bluntly, knowing he's rarely wrong and likely hasn't been wrong in front of Felicia since he's met her. Or as well as he can recall.

    The cloak then reaches up and past Felicia, fixing Stange's lapel also but further down the tunic, just being goffy and Stephen rolls his eyes before looking towards the kettle, "You're right though. No tenetacle monsters, but I am getting closer and closer to getting rid of your own fuzzy tentacle, soon enough." Stephen says with a playful wink afterwards and that cocky smile he mastered so many years ago.

Black Cat has posed:
"Mmmm..." Felicia purses her lips at his question and then pipes up quietly and yet certainly, "Nope." She pops the 'p' tartly. She doesn't pursue the matter further out of habit of deflecting personal inquiries; rather, she does get to giggling again as the cloak mimics her in turn.

"That's good though! I'm tired of my fuzzy tentacle. I sat on it wrong yesterday and it hurt," the cat-burglar pouts, finally smoothing down his lapels to proper lay against his chest. "I am tired of it." Turning on the spot, she then walks back to the kettle to remove it from the burner, steaming hot as it is. "Grab me two mugs? I'm going to try the mint-and-orange." The blonde thinks to direct the master of the mansion with a sweep of her hand towards the cupboard as she handles the kettle.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Weeks Fee, you've had that tail for weeks, how do you keep sitting on it?" The wizard asks with an incredulous stare as he turns away from the woman as she turns to the kettle and he finds his way to sit at the table, his hands resting on the table at the wrist and he is consciously not tapping his fingers against the tabletop because even that doesn't feel too great.

    Then Felicia asks for mugs and Stephen takes a breath to push himself off the chair he just claimed and walks to the cabinet to grab two ceramic mugs, both appear to be home made, and yet fairly well made. Something Wong does in his spare time, helps with his mental focus the man claims. "I'll drink whatever you put in my cup." Stephen admits, tiredly.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia's light-hearted air settles noticeably after she glances over at the good Doctor. She takes the mugs from his scarred hands and replies in a softer, less ebullient tone, "I think the mint-and-orange tea for you too then. You'll like it." Of this, she seems fairly confident. Taking two satchets on strings, she loops the excess twine about the mugs' handles before pouring the steaming water in. Immediately, the light crisp of mint is joined by the warm lusciousness of citrus in the mist that rises up.

"Back to the table," says the cat-burglar as she walks to it and sits, but not after placing Stephen's mug at his spot. Her sip is followed by a pleased hum. "Mmm...just what the doctor ordered." Her comment is so blithe but for the cheeky little dig of her teeth into her lower lip and twinkle of eyes from over the rim of her mug.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Always with the puns Felicia. It's like you're a dad you're so good at it." Stephen teases and takes his seat once more, opposite Felicia and his eyes remain on her face with a contented sort of stare. But it is a stare, he doesn't bother to look anywhere else in the room, something about her draws his attention and he is in a rare still moment, enjoying the company of a friend. But the thought crosses his mind, how long will this one stay before she leaves him again forever, like all the other women that have graced his life up until now.

Black Cat has posed:
"I've been told before that puns are a sign of intelligence, I'll have you know," replies the platinum-blonde in lofty amusement. "Which makes me one smart cookie." She flashes him a big and unrepentant grin before settling down once more. Shifting in her chair, she brings one foot up beneath her thigh and then appears comfortable again. A lean over against one of the collars of the cloak still rested about her shoulders and she hums to herself as she rubs her cheek on it in an admittedly feline-like moment, eyes nearly completely shut.

"Hmm?" The sound comes when Felicia realizes she's being watched. "Something on your mind, Copperfield? You look...pensive," she chooses.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Just, making sure to remember the details of this moment." Stephen says softly, lifting his cup up to his face to shut himself up. He knows he can't openly discuss his nature with someone so unlike him. She wouldn't get it, he'd scare her off like he did with Rogue, or Zelma, or Clea. He's messed up plenty of times with various women in various types of relationships throughout his life. "This tea is splended." Stephen says, lowering his cup and giving a soft sort of smile before blinking again and taking another sip of the hot leafy sauce.

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh?" Felicia tilts her head to one side, as a cat might when faced with a novelty, and frowns lightly at the Sorcerer before she reaches an inkling of a conclusion. It brings some pink to her cheeks that has nothing to do with the fragrant soft brush of steam from the tea.

"It's pretty good, yeah," she agrees as to the blend. "Not too sweet, not too bland...just right." Another little titter from her before she dares to meet Stephen's eyes again. "You seem like a man with a good memory. Are you dealing with ducks though, Copperfield? Right, let me explain. Being nibbled to death by ducks." She mimes the bite of the bills. "Like, when you have all these little problems and they become a big whole."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Not the way I would describe it." Stephen says, blinking again and finally looking away but keeping that trillion mile stare even as he finally looks away from Felicia, but down at the tabletop. "Maybe if the ducks were the size of large buildings that analogy might work, but beyond that, there's really nothing for it. I have my work and there's very few people who could even help if they wanted." Stephen says, indicating he's alone in his duties.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia's lower lip sticks out in a sympathetic pout. "I'm sorry to hear that, Copperfield. You know I'd help if I could. I mean, I'm good at retrieving things, you know that," she says with a twirling of her hand off to one side, " - so I can always go get stuff if you need it. I can...bring tea." A lift of her mug without sloshing the deeply-orange steeping. "I can make bad puns?"

She gives the man another winning grin, this one complete with a little lift and fall of her shoulders. She's very certain of herself, this one.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I do know that." Stephen says with a smirk and another sip of his tea. "Don't misunderstand me, you're certainly appreciated Felicia." Stephen says, and should stop there, but he's bound to put his foot in his mouth at least once more. "But sometimes I feel this whole sorcerer thing is the loneliest thing in the universe." Stephen says, oh woe is me.

Black Cat has posed:
The blonde nods, her lips now pursed in continued sympathy. "I mean, I don't know a lot about you, but from what I can tell, you're a very busy guy all of the time. You work with magic, which is a totally weird and...frankly, the craziest thing in existence." She reaches up to tuck hair behind her ear; on the rounding, the white-blonde turf of fur remains. "I don't know anybody else who does it like you do. Plus, this whole place?"

By the circling of her finger at the ceiling, she means the Sanctum. "It's topsy-turvy, like a fun house! I'm not surprised some people can't handle it. I remember when we first met, after all. What did you do, invert gravity?" Felicia eyes him with a smirk. Apparently, in light of all he's done for her, he's been forgiven for making her run on the walls and suddenly be seated when she should have been falling.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Secrets. Secrets he should never admit to the girl, and he's hurt enough people with secrets, so this one he again, keeps to himself. "You're too kind Felicia." He says, putting his mug down on the table, finished with his tea finally and Stephen's eyes lift up to lock onto Felicia's again. "Come by the end of the week. I should have your counter curse complete by then. I do hope you can forgive me for everything knowing me has put you through Felicia." Stephen says with a soft smile as he stands up.

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh...geez, Copperfield." A wave of her hand accompanies Felicia laughing quietly. "You make me sound like a saint with that tone of voice. I'm a big girl. I can zip up my own cat-suit and everything. I knew I was going to have to be patient. You're a good explainer and..."

She sighs. "If there's anything I've learned, it's that you don't rush magic. I mean, I saw that...thing." That's what we're calling the Chthulu-esque monstrosity now. "If I have to wait a few more days to make sure that I'm me again in the end, I can wait those few days more." The thief pauses and then gives Stephen a somnolent look. "You can make up for it by removing this tail and fluff //and// by having tea again with me after. Deal?" She holds out a well-manicured hand, her fingers holding wiry strength.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen takes her hand and doesn't shake it, he twists it slightly as he bows with a leg cast askew and he kisses her knuckle. "Come by at your liesure Felicia, I will be ready any time after friday at midnight." The wizard remarks with a coy smirk of his own as he rights his posture and then helps Felicia out of her chair so he can usher her out of the sanctum so he can get to work on finishing her spell. One way or another.

Black Cat has posed:
"Midnight. Duly noted," the cat-burglar replies a little breathlessly, enormously charmed by the archaic gesture more normally seen in the silver screen films. She shrugs off the cloak, but not without granting it a fond kiss to the collar first, and then walks alongside the Sorcerer as if she were royalty rather than a simple cat-burglar.

"Well, I'll see you at midnight after Friday then!" At the Sanctum's front doors, she claps her hands together lightly and gives him a glittering grin. "I'll knock first, don't worry." A patpat of one of his lapels and then out Felicia goes, off to worry about the rest of her day.